02x16 - What Story Does Blue Want to Play?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue's Clues". Aired: September 8, 1996 - August 6, 2006.*
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A puppy leaves clues for viewers to solve daily puzzles.
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02x16 - What Story Does Blue Want to Play?

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, out there!

It's me, steve.

Have you seen blue, my puppy?

There she is!

Come on in.

( Barking... )

Oh, hi.

Come on in.


We're putting on a play
of "the three little pigs."

Hey, do you want to be
the wolf's helper?

You do?


Come on.

This is how we be the wolf,
you know.

Little pig,
little pig,
let us in.

( Barks "not by the hair
of my chin-y, chin, chin" )

Not by the hair of your
chin-y, chin, chin?

( Barks response )

Oh, yeah?

Well, I'm
going to huff

And I'm going
to puff

And I'm going
to blow your
house in.

Can you help me
huff and puff

And blow this little
pig's house in?

You will? Great.

( Inhaling deeply )

( Blowing )

Wow, that sure is
a strong house of
bricks, little pig.

I quit.

Who needs
this brick...

Good job,
little pigs.

We can't blow
your house in.

Okay, blue, let's
do it again.

( Barking refusal )


You don't
want to play

"The three
little pigs" again?

( Barks "no, I don't" )

Oh... Okay.

Well, what story do
you want to play?

( Barking )

Oh, okay, we'll
play "blue's clues"

To figure out what story
blue wants to play.

♪ We are gonna play
blue's clues ♪

♪ 'Cause that's a really
amazing game, yeah! ♪

Okay, now remember, blue's paw
prints will be on the clues:

Blue's clues.

Oh, yeah, we better clean
this paw print up.

Let's see, um... Oh.

( Clears throat )

Once upon a time,
there was a happy...

Paw print

And that paw print was just so
happy that it just hopped away.

The end.

Thank you, thank you.

Oh, hey, you know what
we need for blue's clues--

Our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

Come on.

Blue's clues,
I'm so excited!


Here it is.

You know, I can tell I'm going
to need your help today

Figuring out what story
blue wants to play.

Will you help me?

You will?


Oh, okay.

So, we got to find a...

Paw print!

Paw print, right,
'cause that's the first...


Yeah, then we put it
in our notebook...

♪ 'Cause they're blue's clues,
blue's clues ♪

♪ Blue's clues! ♪

♪ We got to find another paw
print, that's the second clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook,
'cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ Blue's clues! ♪

♪ We got to find the last paw
print, that's the third clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook,
'cause they're blue's clues ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ You know what to do

♪ Sit down
in our thinking chair ♪

♪ And think... Think... Think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds,
take a step at a time ♪

♪ We can do anything...

( Barks )

♪ That we want to do.


Did you see which way blue went?

She went that way!

Oh, this way.

♪ We are looking
for blue's clues ♪

♪ We are looking
for blue's clues ♪

♪ We are looking
for blue's clues ♪

♪ Wonder where they are.

It's a clue!

A clue!


Oh, yeah.

I love bananas.

♪ I am going to eat bana...

No, a clue!

Oh, a clue.

You see a clue.


On the bowl!

On the bowl?

( Laughing ):

And I thought you meant...

This bowl is a clue.

That's what you've been trying
to tell me.

Hey, you know what we need,
our handy-dandy...



Okay, so, a bowl.

An oval

And a semicircle

A line here

And we have a bowl.


So what story could blue
want to play with a bowl?

Well, I think we better keep
an eye out for more blue's cl...



Do you see blue?

Right there!

Behind the books.


( Barks happily )

Oh, well, guess we better
clean this up.

Oh, look.

ah! It's a giant!

Oh, wait, no,
it's just me, steve.

Come back, i...

Hey, steve.

Oh, hello, mr. Wolf.

I'm kind of lost.

I was wondering

If you could help me
find my book.

Your book.


You live in a book?


Can you help me
find my book?


He lives in a book.

Which book do you live in?

That's the problem.

I'm not sure
which book it is.

Well, uh...

What happens in your book?

I'll show you.

( Laughs )

I pretend to be
the grandma in my story

So I can trick
that little girl.

( Laughs )


Which book do you think
the wolf belongs in?

That one!

This one?

Well, what's the name
of this book?

Little red riding hood.

Oh, of course.

He's the wolf in the story

That dresses up like little
red riding hood's grandmother

And says, "the better
to see you with."

Here you go, mr. Wolf.

Thanks, but I'm
not a wolf.

I'm a nice,
old grandmother.

Oh, yeah?

Well, those are
awful big feet

You got for
a grandmother.

Better to, uh, walk back
into my book with.

Whew, good work!

steve, steve.

Hi, steve.

I want to go back
into my book, too

But I'm not sure
which one is mine.

Can you help me?

Oh, of... Of course.

Will you help, too?


Um, so, what happens
in your book?

I'll show you.

( Humming )

He seems to be feeling...


Yeah, right.

That's why he's
all smiley.

Hey, what
are those?

They look like...


Beans, yeah.

( Chuckles )

Oh, okay, so what book
do you think he belongs in?

That one.

Oh, well, what's
the name of his book?

Jack and the beanstalk!

Oh, yeah, jack and
the beanstalk, right

Because the boy
had magic beans

That grew into a great,
big beanstalk, remember?

Okay, here's your book.


Deep voice:
fee, fie, fo, fum.

Oh, careful
up there, jack.

I will be, thanks.



Oh, no, I think I'm
a little lost, too.

Well, what happens
in your book?

Well, here,
I'll show you.

What is she doing?

Well, she's...


Sweeping, right.

( Lyrical music begins playing )

Well, first she was
sweeping, and now she's...




So, what book do you think
she belongs in?

That one.

This one?

Well, what's the name
of her book?


Oh, right, cinderella.

Do you mean
you're cinderella?



She really is cinderella,
remember, because she sweeps up

And then she goes
to the ball and dances.

But they won't let
me go to the ball.

Oh, well, don't
give up, cinderella.

You can do anything
that you want to do.


Thanks, steve.


Oh, wait.

You forgot your shoe.

♪ mail time, mail time,
mail time! ♪

♪ Mail time, mail time!

♪ Here's the mail,
it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want
to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes,
I want to wail, "mail!" ♪

Fee, fie, fo, feta.

I think that
steve's going
to get a letter.

Fee, fie, fo, fuss.

It's a letter just for us.

Thanks, mailbox.

You're welcome.

We just got a letter.

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter,
wonder who it's from. ♪

Oh, look, it's a letter
from our friends.

Hi, steve!

We're acting out a story.

It's "the three little pigs."

Little pigs,
little pigs,
let me come in.

Not by the hair
of our chin-y chin, chin.

Then I'll huff,
and I'll puff

And I'll blow
your house down.

( Blowing )

( Laughing )

You can't blow
our house down.

It's made
out of bricks.

I give up.

( Laughing )

the end.


( Barks happily )

A clue!

A clue?

Where? Where's the clue?

Behind you!

Look, the clue!

And it's a... A...


Chair, right.

A little chair.



So now you know what we need--

Our handy-dandy...



Okay, so, we have a chair.

Start with two circles...

Lines for the back.

Kind of a rectangle
for the seat and legs.

And we have a chair.

What was our first clue?

A bowl!

A bowl.

Oh, right, a bowl.

And our second clue is a chair?

A bowl and a chair?

Oh, what story could blue want
to play with a bowl and a chair?

I think we better find
our last blue's clue.



( Barks happily )

Blue just went
right into that book!

♪ Blue skiddoo, we can, too.

steve, hurry up,
hurry up.

We're putting on a play
and we need your help.

Come on!

How can we help?

You need
to be the king

And blue needs to be

The king's
little sister.

( Blue barks )

( Imitating elvis presley ):
all right, now.

I'm the king.

What do I need to do?

I'll read the story
and you can act it out.


All right now.

Hey, you will be
the king with me, right?


I'm going to need
a little help.

All right now, bunny, we're
ready for that first page.

Okay, here's
the first page.

"Once upon a time
there was a king..."

That's me.

"Who found
a green-striped cookie."

Ooh, look at that
green-striped cookie.

"The cookie..."


"Made the king..."

That's me.

"So jolly
and happy..."

Happy, happy, happy.

"That the king..."

That's me.

"Danced all around
the kingdom."

Look out, kingdom,
here I come.

I'm hopping-all-over king.


Uh, king?

What can I do
for you, bunny?

That's not the way
the story goes.


( Barking )

"The happy king danced
all around the kingdom."

( Music playing )

Now, that's how it goes.

Look at me, I'm dancing.

I'm all shook up.

"Then the happy king..."

That's me.

"Put his favorite
green cookie..."


"In his pocket
for later."

I'll tell you what,
green-striped cookie

You look so good

The king's going
to eat you up right now.



Not now, bunny.

The king's eating
his cookie.

That's not the way
the story goes.


"The happy king put
his favorite cookie

In his pocket
for later."


All right, now.

"But suddenly,
the king's..."

That's me.

"Little sister..."

Ooh, that's her.

"Came in and saw
that there were

"No more green-striped
cookies left.

"She was so sad
that she cried.

The king
stopped dancing."

( Whimpering )

Oh, darling.

Oh, I see.

King's little sister's

Because the king--
that's me--

Ate the last
green-striped cookie.

You're not really crying,
are you, blue?

Okay, just checking.


"So the king..."

That's me.

"Took out
his cookie..."


"Broke it
in two pieces

And gave half
to his sister."

This cookie's making
you so upset, darling

King's just going
to throw it away.


Uh, excuse me, king.

What can I do
for you, bunny?

That's not the way
the story goes.


"The king took
out his cookie

"Broke it
in two pieces

And gave half
to his little sister."



There you go,
little darling.

Oh! Come on now, darling,
don't be a hound dog.

"The end."

( Barking happily )

All right, now.

( Laughs )

Wow, what a great play!

And you were a great king.

Hey, you know what?

I think we should go look
for more blue's clues


♪ Blue skiddoo, we can, too.

The king has left the forest.


A clue!

A clue?


Right there!

A clue!

And it's a bear!

It's my favorite bear.

You know what we need?

Our handy-dandy...


Okay, so, we have...

A bear.

All right.


Here's the head.

A circle for the body.

Arms and legs.

The eyes.

A little triangle for the nose.

And we have a bear.

Well, we have all three clues.

We have all three clues!

You know what that means?

We're ready for our...

Thinking chair!

Thinking chair, right.

Come on.


Okay, now that we're
in our thinking chair

Let's think.

Okay, so, we need to figure out
what story blue wants to play.

And our blue's clues are:

A bowl

A chair

And a bear.

So what story could
blue want to play

That has a chair, a bear
and a bowl in it?


Ooh, could it be the story
of a bear

That put her bowl
on top of a chair?




Well, what story could blue
want to play

With a chair, a bear and a bowl?

Ooh, what if...

What if the bear
sat in the chair

And ate out of the bowl?

Or maybe somebody else
could sit in the chair

And eat out of the bowl.

Somebody like, somebody like...



And the three bears!

That's it!

That's brilliant!

The chair
for the chair she sat in

The bowl
for the bowl of porridge

And the bear
for the three bears!

We just figured out
blue's clues.

♪ We just figured out
blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out
blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out
blue's clues ♪

♪ Because we're really smart!

Blue, now that we've figured out
what story you want to play

Let's go play it!

Look, bunny's here.

Remember how we helped her
put on her play?

Hey, steve, now could
I be in blue's play?

Absolutely, bunny.

Look, tickity's here, too.

Can I be in
blue's play, too?

Of course.

We can be the three bears.

I can be papa bear.

And I could be
mama bear.

And I can be
baby bear.

( Barks )

Right, blue, you can be

been eating
my porridge.

Somebody's been eating
my porridge.

Somebody's been eating my
porridge, and it's all gone.

( Gasps )

been sitting
in my chair.

Somebody's been sitting
in my chair.

Somebody's been sitting
in m chair

And it's knocked over!

( Gasps )

been sleeping
in my bed.

And somebody's been sleeping
in my bed.

Somebody's been sleeping
in m bed

And there she is!

( Blue barking )

The end.

( Applause )

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing
just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ And hound dog, blue

♪ We can do anything

♪ That we want to do.

Thank you, thank you very much.


See you later.

♪ That we want to do. ♪

( Barking to tune )

♪ We can do anything ♪

♪ That we want to do. ♪

♪ We can do anything. ♪

( Barks "bye-bye" )
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