01x16 - Tickety's Favorite Nursery Rhyme

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue's Clues". Aired: September 8, 1996 - August 6, 2006.*
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A puppy leaves clues for viewers to solve daily puzzles.
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01x16 - Tickety's Favorite Nursery Rhyme

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, out there!

It's me, steve.

Have you seen blue, my puppy?

There she is!

Come on in.

( Barking... )

Oh, hi!

Come on in.

We're just about to read
nursery rhymes.

Do you want to read with us?

You do?


Come on.

Hey, blue!

Hey, tickety!

Look who's here to join us.

( Barking )

It's my turn.

Let's read
my favorite
nursery rhyme.

Okay, let's read tickety's
favorite nursery rhyme.

( Clears throat )

Oh, okay.

"Mary had a little lamb."

Here we go.

"Mary had a little lamb.

Her fleece was white as..."


That's not
my favorite rhyme.

No? "Mary had a little lamb"
isn't your favorite nursery
rhyme, tickety tock?

Oh. Well... Well, what is
your favorite nursery rhyme?

( Tickety
whispering... )

( Barking )

Oh, okay!

Blue knows, and we'll play
"blue's clues" to figure it out.

I love "blue's clues."

♪ We are gonna play
blue's clues ♪

♪ 'Cause that's
a really great game, yeah! ♪

Blue's clues will tell us
what tickety's favorite
nursery rhyme is.

Now, remember, blue's paw print
will be on the clues:
blue's clues.

Now, about this paw print.

Paw print, paw print,
paw print, shmaw print.

Hey... Let's rhyme it off.


Uh... Paw print, paw print,
go away.

Come again some other day.

Great job!

Hey, you know what we need for
blue's clues, our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

Come on.

Blue's clues,
I'm so excited.

Ooh, here it is.

You know, I can tell I'm really
going to need your help today

Figuring out what tickety's
favorite nursery rhyme is.

Will you help me?

You will?


Oh... Okay.

So we got to find a...

Paw print!

Paw print, right.

That's our first...


Yeah... Then we put it
in our notebook.

♪ 'Cause they're blue's clues

♪ Blue's clues

♪ Blue's clues! ♪

♪ We got to find
another paw print ♪

♪ That's the second clue

♪ We put it in our notebook,
'cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ Blue's clues! ♪

♪ We got to find
the last paw print ♪

♪ That's the third clue

♪ We put it in our notebook,
'cause they're blue's clues ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ You know what do

♪ Sit down
in our thinking chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds,
take a step at a time ♪

♪ We can do anything...

( Barks )

♪ That we want to do.


Let's rhyme for blue's clues.

Yeah! This is going to be
so much fun.

( Humming )

( Chuckles )

Guess I better tie my shoe.

( Humming )

Tie my shoe...

Hey, let's start with shoe!

Okay, uh, what rhymes with shoe?



( Barks "hello" )



Blue rhymes with shoe!

Oh, yeah.

Good job.

Our first rhyme!

Blue, shoe.

Shoe, blue.

Oh, yeah.

Did you see which way blue went?

That way.

Oh, this way, great.

Hmm... Shoe, blue...

Shoe, blue...

Shoe, blue...



Shoe, blue, clue!
Three rhymes!

You sure are excellent rhymers.

Shoe, blue, clue...

No, a clue.

Oh, did you see a clue?


Behind you!

Oh, this number " " has got
blue's paw print on it.

That means it's our first clue.

Now what do we do?



Let's draw it in our notebook.

Okay, so, a " ".

We draw a line, and another
line, and a line across here.

And we have...

A " ".

So what could tickety's favorite
nursery rhyme be with a " "?

Hmm... I think we
definitely have to look
for more blue's clues.

Mr. Salt:

Mrs. Pepper:



Bananas would be excellent.

Hi, mr. Salt
and mrs. Pepper.

Oh, hey, blue.

What's going on?

Hello, steve.

Hello, steve.

We're packing our lunch.

It's a special lunch.

Uh, what's so special
about it?

We're only packing foods
that start with the "p" sound.

Want to help us?

Do you want to help
mr. Salt and mrs. Pepper

Pack their
special "p" lunch?

You do? Great.

Then we'll go look
for more blue's clues.

First, we need to pack
a sandwich.

Which sandwich should we put
in our purple paper bag?

Hmm. Do you see
which sandwich

Starts with
the "p" sound?


Peanut butter

And a cheese sandwich.

Which one starts
with the "p" sound?

Peanut butter sandwich!

Oh, the peanut butter

On pumpernickel bread.

Peanut butter starts
with the "p" sound.

So does pumpernickel.

let's put them
in our purple paper bag!

We definitely need
to pack a snack.

A special snack,
starting with the letter "p".


Which one
of these snacks

Starts with
the "p" sound?


Oh, yeah,
pretzels, of course.

Pretzels start
with the "p" sound

Just like our
peanut butter sandwich
on pumpernickel bread.

let's pack it
in out purple paper bag!

Wait, a drink!

Yes, we definitely
need a special drink

That starts
with the "p" sound.


Do you see a drink

That starts
with the "p" sound?

Pineapple juice.

pineapple juice.

That starts
with the "p" sound.

You're pretty good.


Pineapple juice!

And a peanut butter

what a positively
perfect lunch!

Ooh, we still
have to look for
more blue's clues

So we can figure out
what tickety's favorite
nursery rhyme is.

I'll see you later,
mr. Salt and mrs...


Pepper, right.

That starts
with the "p" sound.

♪ Mail time, mail time...

the mail's here.

Oh, right, thanks.

♪ Here's the mail,
it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want
to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes,
I want to wail, "mail!" ♪


Hey, steve, I made up
a tongue twister.

Say this
three times fast.

Seven special
silver stamps.


Steven sleffin sliffin floo...

Seven sloffin slipping splam...

That's a hard one, mailbox,
but I'll keep trying.

Here's your letter.

A letter?

Thanks, mailbox.

You're welcome.

We just got a letter.

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got
a letter ♪

♪ We just got a letter

♪ I wonder who it's from?



Sounds like someone else
is tongue twisting.

hello, steve!

We're trying a tongue twister.

Peter piper picked
peter piper picked
a peck of...

A pep... Per
Peck or... Peck or...

( Laughs ) no.

Peter piper pickle,
pickle peck...

Peter piper picked a peck
of pick... Led pep...pers.

( Laughter )

bye, steve!

All right, I'm ready.

Let's try mailbox's
tongue twister.

Seven special silver stamps.

Seven special
silver stamps.

Seven special silver stamps.

All right.

Seven special silver stamps.

Seven special
silver stamps...

A clue, a clue!

A clue?

You see a clue?


Right there!

All I see
is this grandfather clock.

Oh! The grandfather clock
is a clue.

We just found
another blue's clue.

You know what to do.

Let's put this grandfather clock
in our handy-dandy...



A grandfather clock.

First we have a square...

Then two lines down...

A rectangle for the bottom...

A squiggly line here...

Circle for the face...

The hands...

A long line and a circle...

And we have...

A grandfather clock.

Hmm. So, we need to figure out
what tickety's favorite
nursery rhyme is

And our first clue
is the number " ".

And now, our second clue
is... A grandfather clock.


We really need to find
our last clue.

Beep, beep.

Honk, honk.

Beep, beep.

Beep, beep.

Looks like we
have a little
traffic jam here.

hi, steve!

I'm john.

I'm jack.

I'm joe.

can you help us?

How can we help?

Julia says we need
to solve her riddles
to go through the toll.

She tells us the beginning,
and we finish the ending.

can you help us?

Will you help?

You will? Great.

Okay, we're ready
for your riddles.

Okay, here's
my first riddle.

A duck says,
"quack, quack."

A sheep says...?

A sheep says, "chugga, chugga,
chugga, chugga, whoo, whoo"?

A sheep says,
"neigh, neigh"?

A sheep
"baa, baa"?

Which is the end
to julia's riddle?

A duck says,
"quack, quack"

And a sheep says...

"Baa, baa."

Oh, yeah, that's it.

A duck says,
"quack, quack"

And a sheep says,
"baa, baa."

You may pass through.

we want to go
through again!

Will you
help us with
another riddle?

Ready for
the next one?

Are you ready
to try again?


Okay, here's
your riddle.

When you're happy,
you smile.

When you're sad, you...?

When you're sad,
you smile?

you're sad,
you frown?

When you're sad,
you snore?
( Snores )

Hmm... How does
this one end?

When you're happy,
you smile.

When you're sad, you...


Yeah, that's it,

Happy people smile
and sad people frown.

Go on through.

thank you, steve.

Good riddling.

( Barking
"blue skiddoo" )

Steve, blue skiddoo,
you should, too.

Blue skiddoo?

( Barking... )

Blue just jumped
right into that book!

♪ Blue skiddoo, we can, too.

Hey, you know that rhymes?

Blue skiddoo, we can, too.

( Cow mooing )

( Barks )


Let's take a look...

Around this book.

with ox?

No, that's
not it.

Hi there, sheep.

What are you doing?

Hi, steve.

Hi, blue.

I'm making a poem.

You are? Great!

Is it a rhyming poem?


That's what I
need help with:

The rhyming part.

Will you help me
finish my rhymes?

Well, we've just been rhyming
all day.

Will you help, too?

I hear you're
an excellent rhymer.

Well, the first line
of my poem is

"There once was a fox
on a box playing with...

I need a word that
rhymes with fox and box.

hmm, fox, box, cars?

Fox, box, paints?

Fox, box, blocks?

Which three words

Fox, box, blocks.

Oh! Fox,
box, blocks!

They rhyme

Blocks, yes.

Thanks, steve.

So the first line
of my poem is

"There once was a fox
on a box

Playing with blocks."

Here's my second line.

"Along came a goat,
riding in a...
Dressed in a..."

I need two words
that rhyme with goat.


Do you see two words
that rhyme with goat?

Goat riding in a...


Dressed in a...



Boat and coat.

We figured out
the whole second line.

Okay, so how much of the poem
have we finished now?

"There once was a fox on a box
playing with blocks.

Then along came a goat, riding
in a boat, dressed in a coat."

We need one more line
to finish this poem.

"So the fox jumped off the box,
put on one shoe

And paddled after the goat
in a..."


Do you see what the fox
could ride in

That rhymes with shoe?

Blue canoe.

Blue canoe.

Right, blue canoe rhymes
with shoe.


Blue canoe,
that's perfect!

We're done.

Let's read our poem

"Once there was
a fox on a box
playing with..."


"Then along came a goat,
riding in a..."


"Dressed in a..."


"And the fox jumped
off the box,
put on one shoe

And paddled
after the goat in a..."

Blue canoe!

Thanks for helping me.

Hey, you're welcome.

But, uh...
Did you see

Which way
my puppy went?

Didn't she jump
in that canoe?

No, that was fox.

Ooh! Gad! You...

Mice! I...

A clue!

You see blue?

No, a clue.

Oh, that's
not blue.

just a clue.

Hey... This mouse

Has got blue's
paw print on it.

She's a clue.

A blue's clue.

Well, you know
what we need.

Our handy-dandy...



Okay, so,
we have a mouse.


All right.

Draw an oval shape
for the body...

Semi-circles for the ears,
the eyes and nose...

Lines for the whiskers...

And a long, squiggly line
for the tail. There.

A mouse.

( Chuckles )

Well, we have
all three clues.

We have all three clues!

Do you know what that means?

We're ready for our...

Thinking chair! Come on.

( Barking "blue skiddoo" )

There goes blue,
let's go, too.

A rhyme!

( Humming "blue skiddoo" )


All right.

Now that we're in our...
Thinking chair, let's think.

Okay, so, we need to figure out
what tickety's favorite
nursery rhyme is

And our blue's clues are

A number " "...

A clock...

And... A mouse.


Okay, so what rhyme is about
a mouse, a number " ",
and a clock?


Ooh, could it be the clock
that struck : and was
afraid of a mouse?



Well, what rhyme is about
a clock that strikes :

And a mouse running
up and down, or...

Is there a rhyme like that?

Hickory dickory dock.

Hickory dickory dock!

Yeah, that's it!

Of course.

A clock for a clock
in the rhyme.

The number " "
for "the clock strikes : ."

And a mouse
who runs up and down.

Hickory dickory dock.

You're so smart.

We just figured out
blue's clues.

♪ We just figured out
blue's clues ♪

♪ We just
figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out
blue's clues ♪

♪ And that's
really great news. ♪

( Barking )

Let's go read tickety's
favorite nursery rhyme.

Hey, tickety,
hey, blue.

Oh, look who's here
to hear our rhyme.

It's mr. Salt and mrs. Pepper.

Remember the special lunch
we packed

In the purple paper bag?

Oh, and look, it's the people

From the toll booth.

Remember their riddle?

A duck says, "quack, quack"

And a sheep says...

Baa, baa.

( Laughs )
and look, it's sheep.

Remember her poem?

A fox on a box
playing with blocks.

Let's read
my favorite
nursery rhyme.

Yeah, that's right,

It's time to read
your favorite nursery rhyme:

"Hickory dickory dock."

Say it with me.

"Hickory dickory dock.

"The mouse ran up the clock.

"The clock struck :
and down he run.

Hickory dickory dock."

Ooh, now it's my turn
to tell my favorite rhyme.

( Clears throat )

"There once was a puppy
whose fur was all blue.

"For whatever she wanted,
she left us a clue.

"Sometimes in the garden,
sometimes in the sink.

Once we put three together,
we sit down and think."

( Barks )

Hey, thanks so much
for all your help today.

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing
just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ And my dog, blue

♪ We can do anything

♪ That we want to do.

Bye-bye... See you later... Bye.

♪ We can do anything ♪

♪ That we want to do. ♪

♪ We can do anything! ♪
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