01x15 - Magenta Comes Over

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue's Clues". Aired: September 8, 1996 - August 6, 2006.*
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A puppy leaves clues for viewers to solve daily puzzles.
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01x15 - Magenta Comes Over

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, out there!

It's me, steve.

Have you seen blue, my puppy?

There she is!

Come on in.

[ Barking...]

Oh, hi.

Come on in.

Blue, look, it's our friends.

[ Phone rings]

What is that noise?

[ Phone rings]

The phone.

Right, it's the phone.

Oh! It's the phone!


Oh, hi.

Hold on.

Blue, magenta wants
to talk to you.

[ Barks]

Magenta's coming over today.

I can't wait.

[ Howls happily]




Uh, hold on.

Do you want to say
hi to magenta?

[ Barks]

Hi, magenta.

She says hi.

Right. Okay.

So, we'll see you soon.

Great. Bye.

[ Barks]


Magenta's coming over!

[ Slap]

♪ Magenta's coming over

♪ Magenta's coming over

♪ Magent... [ Barks]

Oh. Right, blue.

We better get ready.

So, what do you
want to do when...

Magenta comes over?

[ Barks excitedly]

Oh, okay.

We'll play "blue's clues"

To figure out
what blue wants to do

When magenta comes over.

♪ We are gonna play
blue's clues ♪

♪ And then magenta's
coming over. ♪


So remember,
blue's paw print

Will be on the clues:
blue's clues.

Oh, yeah...

Can't just leave
this paw print here.

So let's clean it up

With a little help
from our friend, blue.

[ Yaps]

Thank you.

[ Barks
"you're welcome"]

Hey, you know what we need
for "blue's clues."

Our handy-dandy...

Notebook!notebook, right.

Come on.

[ Laughs]

Look at that.

I'm already here.

I just love
blue's clues.


Here it is!

You know, I can tell

I'm really going
to need your help today

Figuring out what blue
wants to do when...

♪ Magenta comes over

♪ Magenta comes ov...

Will you help me?

You will?


Oh, okay.

So, to play blue's clues,
we got to find a...

Paw print!paw print

'Cause that's the first...


Clue, right.

Then we put it in our...

♪ 'Cause they're blue's clues

♪ Blue's clues

♪ Blue's clues!♪

♪ We got to find
another paw print ♪

♪ That's the second clue

♪ We put it in our notebook,
'cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ Blue's clues!♪

♪ We got to find
the last paw print ♪

♪ That's the third clue

♪ We put it in our notebook,
'cause they're blue's clues ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ You know what do

♪ Sit down
in our thinking chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds,
take a step at a time ♪

♪ We can do anything...

[ Barks]

♪ That we want to do.

Okay, ready?

Let's go, blue.


Did you see which way blue went?

Steve, that way.

This way. Thanks.

♪ Magenta's coming over

♪ Magenta's coming over
♪ magenta's coming over

♪ Squee-op, a-doo-op-a-doo.

A clue, a clue.

A clue?

You see a clue?


On your back!

Back here.

I don't see anything.

[ Squeaking]


Right there!



I'm a clue!

I'm our first clue!

[ Stammering]

I've waited so long
to be a clue!

You know what we need?

Our handy-dandy...


I'm a clue.

[ Chuckles]

Okay, we have a circle
for the head...

The ears and face...

My hair...

My shirt...

Lines for my legs...

My hands.

Oh, don't forget
those stripes on my shirt.

And we have me...


Steve, the first clue.

So, what could blue want to do

When magenta comes over

With a handsome guy like me...



Well, I think we need to
find more blue's clues.

[ Blue yelps]

Come on.

[ Yelping]

One, two,
three, four

Five, six,
seven, eight

Nine, ten.

Ready or not,
here we come.

I'm following

Me, too.

I'm getting

Me, too.

I've almost
found them.

Me, too.

[ Both yell]

we need some help.

[ Blue barks]

Hey, shovel.

Hey, pail.

What seems to be
the problem?

oh, hi, steve.

Hi, blue.

[ Blue barks "hello"]

We're playing

And it's
our turn

To go find
our friends...

But all we could
find is each other.

[ Laughing]

Will you help us
find our friends?

Do you want to help
shovel and pail

Find their friends?

Great. Then we
can go look for

More blue's clues,
of which I am one.

Okay, where should
we look first?

Well, I think duck
went that-a-way.

Ooh, footprints!


But which ones
are duck's?

[ Whispers]:
can you tell
which footprints

Will lead us to duck?

Those, right there.

Ooh, the prints
stop here!


But where's duck?


How'd you find me
so fast?

We had a little help.

Hey, good hiding.

Good seeking.

We still haven't
found snail.

Will you help us
find her?

Yeah. Let's go
find snail.

Ooh, more...

[ Quietly]:

Which one is snail's?

Can you tell which trail
will lead to snail?

That one!

But where's snail?

Right there!

Good hiding place.

for all your help.

[ Barks]

Ooh, come on, blue.

We better get home.

It's almost time for
magenta to come over.



Whose footprints
are these?

It's your footprints.


[ Barks yes]

Oh, yeah.

They are mine.

[ Laughs]

Just checking.

[ Yelps]





Hi, mr. Salt
and mrs. Pepper.

What's up?

Hi, blue.hi, steve.

We are making
a snack.

For when magenta
comes over.

Oh, right.

♪ Magenta's
coming over ♪

♪ Magenta's
coming over. ♪

What are you

race cars!

[ Chuckles]

For a second there

I thought you
said "race cars."

we did!

One for magenta

And one
for blue.

Race cars?

For a snack?

Not real
race cars.

Race cars
made out of food.

So you can
eat them

After you
make them.

Oh. Oh, I get it.

will you help us?

Do you want
to help mr. Salt

And mrs. Pepper
make race cars?

Great, then
we can go look

For more
blue's clues--

Of which I am one.

I want this carrot
for my race car.

It's the shortest.

Well, then I want

The opposite
for my race car.


Well, what's the
opposite of "shortest"?

[ Squeaking]


Right, longest.

So which is the
longest vegetable?



There you go, mr. Salt

The longest vegetable...


Thank you.



I want these
circle crackers

For my race car.

They're the
biggest circles.

Well, then I
want the opposite

For my race car.


So, what's the opposite
of "biggest"?


Oh, smallest.


So... Which are the
smallest size circles?

The peas.


There you go,
mrs. Pepper...

The smallest size


Thank you.

Thank you.



I want this broccoli
for my race car.

It's the bumpiest.

Well, then I
want the opposite

For my race car.

Okay. So what's the
opposite of "bumpiest"?


Smoothest, right.

So... Which is the smoothest?


Oh. There you go,
mr. Salt

The smoothest vegetable,
the mushroom.

Thank you.



Voila, for magenta!

Voila, for blue.

Wow, they really are
race cars.

Thank you.thank you.

[ Imitates race car]

You're welcome.

Hey, we'll see you
at snack time, with magenta.

[ Imitates race car]

[ Beeping]

A clue, a clue!

You see our
second clue?


Behind you, behind you.

Oh, on this, this...



Oh, oh, you mean...

Smile is our second clue.

We need our...


Draw a big circle.

Two eyes... And a curve here

And here for a great, big smile.

Okay, so our first clue

A handsome guy named steve.


Now, our second clue is a smile.

Steve, smile.

Steve, smile.

I think we need to find
our last clue.

What do you think?

I don't know.

What do you think?

Did you say something?

That's not you?

Hmm, I don't know.


What about
this one?


What about

I don't
think so.

Oh, it's the
felt friends.

We need
some help.


[ Barks "blue skiddoo" tune]

Hey, blue just skiddooed

To help the felt friends.

♪ Blue skiddoo, we can, too.

Hi, steve.

Hi, blue.

[ Barks]
oh, hi.

What are you
two doing?

We're playing
dress up.

We need
to pick out

Two costumes
that go together.

Do you want to help
the felt friends

Pick out their costumes?



Walk this way.


Look, I'm
an umpire.

Well, if you're
an umpire

Then I'm... Hmm,
I don't know.

Which one of
these costumes

Goes with an umpire?

The baseball player!


He can go as
a baseball player

And she can go
as an umpire.

I changed
my mind.

I want to dress up
as something else.

Look, I'm
a lifeguard.

If you're
a lifeguard,
then I'll be...

Hmm, I
don't know.

Which of these

Goes with
a lifeguard?

The swimmer!

Oh, right.

He can be
a lifeguard

[ Blows whistle]and she can
be a swimmer.

Okay, I want
to dress up

As something
else now.

Look, now
I'm an astronaut.

Well, if you're
an astronaut

I'll be a...
I don't know.

Hmm. Which of
these costumes

Goes with
an astronaut?

The alien!

Oh, right.

She can be
the astronaut

And he can
be the alien.

You're a
space alien.

We'll be from
outer space.

Thanks for your
help, steve.

You're welcome.


[ Barks
"blue skiddoo" tune]

♪ Mail time, mail time,
mail time ♪

♪ Mail time, mail time!

The mail's here.

♪ Here's the mail,
it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want
to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes,
I want to wail, "mail!" ♪

[ Yips]

Hey, buddy,
hey, pal.

Here's your

Oh. Well.

Thank you, chum.


Hah! We just got a letter.

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter
♪ we just got a letter

♪ Wonder who it's from?

Oh, it's a letter
from our friends.

Hi, steve.

My friend brian
is coming over to play.

We play with blocks.

[ Laughing]

Then we had a snack.


Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm!

And we played dress up
with funny hats.

What's this
kind of hat?

[ Laughing]

Say "cheese."


We had a great day.

bye, steve. Bye, blue.


I can't wait for
our friend to come over.

♪ Magenta's coming over.

It's almost time!

We still have to find
our last blue's clue.

♪ Mail time, mail time,
mail time! ♪

♪ Mail time, mail time!

The mail's here...


Hey, buddy,
hey, pal.

Wait a second.

I have something
for you.

Yeah, but, I just,
with the letter, and...

I know!

But I have a
package for you.

A package?

A brown paper package,
all tied up with strings.

This is one of
my favorite things.

Let's open it.

Oh, it's our camera.

I've been looking
all over for this.

A clue, a clue.

Nope, all I see is you.

No, it's a clue.

Oh, this camera is a clue.

You know what to do.

Let's put it in our...



Start with a curvy line on top.

A line down here.

And here.

A little rectangle.

A circle.

And another circle.

A long, bendy line
for the strap.

And that makes a camera.

Well, we have all three clues.

We have all three clues.

You know what that means?

We're ready for our...

Thinking chair.

Thinking chair, right.

Come on.

Okay, now that we're in our
thinking chair, let's think.

Okay, so.

We need to figure out
what blue wants to do

When magenta comes over

And our clues are:
me, steve...


And a camera.


So what could blue want to do

When magenta comes over

With me-- steve--
smile, and a camera?

Oh, oh, could she want me,
steve, to make the camera smile?

[ Yips]



Well, what could blue want with
me, steve, a camera and smile?

Take a picture
and say "smile!"

Yeah, that's it.

I'll take a picture
of blue and magenta

With my camera and say "smile!"

We just figured out
blue's clues!

♪ We just figured out
blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out
blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out
blue's clues... ♪

[ Doorbell rings,
blue barks]

And magenta's here!

[ Barks happily]

[ Yaps excitedly]

[ Yipping together]

Oh, hey, magenta.

Okay, it's picture time.

That's it,
stand close together.

All right.

Oh, will you help me
take this picture?

Great, thanks.

If you could just hold on
to this camera.

Okay, you two,
stand together.

Great. Ready, say...

Ooh, it's shovel and pail.

Remember how we helped them
find their friend's...

Shh, footprints?



Ooh, mr. Salt
and mrs. Pepper.

Remember their race cars?

[ Imitates race car]

Okay, all right.

Um, just a little
to the left.

Great. Say...

Steve, we finally
I'm magenta.

And I'm blue.

Oh, it's the felt
Nice costumes.

[ Barks]

Oh, right, blue.

Why don't we
take a picture

Of everyone

Okay, now we're
totally ready.

Everyone, smile!


Hey, thanks.

[ Barks]

Oh, okay, blue.

You can take
some pictures now, too.

Hey, thank you so much
for all your help today.

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing
just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ And my dog, blue

♪ We can do anything

♪ That we want to do.

Bye, bye.

See you later.


♪ We can do anything
that we want to do.♪

♪ We can do anything!♪
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