01x01 - Mom of a Croc

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x01 - Mom of a Croc

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, it's the Kratt brothers
here. I'm Chris.

I'm Martin.

And it's alligator
feeding time.


We'll start with the smallest
and move up from there.

This -year-old

will eat anything he can catch
and fit in his mouth.

And here's a favorite first food
of an alligator hatchling,



Who knew dragonflies
were so good?

This is a -year-old

She's definitely ready
for fish and mammals

and much bigger food.
You got something, Chris?

Easy, easy, girl.

There you go.
How about that?


And the biggest alligator
gets the biggest fish.


Whoa, fish juice
in the face!

Right down the hatch!

An alligator this size has
a bite force of about , lb.

The biggest crocodiles
and alligators

have a bite force
of , lb.

That is the same amount
of pressure

as a pickup truck
sitting on top of you!

That's the power
of this reptile's jaws.

But alligators
and crocodiles

are about more than just sharp
teeth and a deadly snap.

Imagine meeting a completely
different side to a crocodile,

a side that is dedicated,

and maybe even caring!

Then we'd be able
to appreciate

what these creatures
are really all about.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Oh, I think she's coming out
of the water.

As long as she doesn't see us,
we should be okay.

There she is.


Whoa, the mighty Nile crocodile
of Africa!

At over ',

one of the two largest types
of crocodile in the world.


She's picked a spot.
It shouldn't be long now!

Oh, yeah,
digging is step one.

Operation Crocodile Nest
is underway.

are they ready yet?

Almost. But, guys,

I told you this plan of yours
is not going to change my mind.

I just don't like crocs,

Oh, you'll like them
after this adventure.

Yeah, Operation
Crocodile Nest will prove

that there's more to crocs
than you think.

They're just big,
creepy reptiles.

All I've seen them do
is try to bite things.

They give me the shivers.

Yeah, that's why
they're cool.


When they're far away
from me.


See, and you guys think that
when I see her lay eggs,

it will make me like
the big meanies all of a sudden?

I don't think so.

Miniaturizer ready!

Let's do this.

and standing by.

Okay, it's done.


Delivering secret disguise

Okay. Go, go, go,
go, go!




Look at those huge scoopfuls
of sand

she grabs
with her hind feet.

We better hustle,

Whoa, now, this
an impressive face.

I'll call her

Oh, check out
those teeth!

dagger teeth!

Twice as many
as we have.

Oh, it's a good thing

we just look like
a couple of crocodile eggs.

See, you don't trust her

Just don't awaken
the beast, guys. Ugh.

I don't even think
she sees us.

She's in that special trance
that crocodiles get into

when they--

Lay... their... eggs.

The trance.

She's in step two,
egg laying.

Let's go!

I'd I crack?

No, you're good.

, .

eggs! Ooh!

One by one, she lays her eggs
in the nest chamber.

Whoo, if all these hatch,

there will be lots of
little Nile crocodiles

running around here
in about three months.


She's burying them!
Are you kidding me?

She just drops her eggs
in a hole and covers them up?

I told you guys,
that is one cold creature.

We'll see.

Let's get in there,

Get in where?

Where else?
The nest.

We're crocodile eggs!

Those are our pals
down there, Aviva.

Besides, how else
are we going to find out

the secrets
of crocodile birth?

Let's get cracking,


Guys, wait!
We're losing you!

I'll have to make
some adjustments

to the signal receiver.

Whoa, she's stomping
the sand.

Looks like
she's packing them in.

I knew
this was a bad idea.

Never trust a crocodile.

I'm getting
a signal again.

Yo there, guys,
we're fine!

The eggs have landed!

She's done.

We did it!

We're in the crocodile nest!


Now what?

Oh, she's holding
her mouth open.

It's getting pretty hot
up there.

About ° today.

But cooler down here.

Yeah, this sand
is amazing.

Down here
under a layer of sand,

the temperature
hardly changes at all.

It's been about °
day and night,

the perfect temperature
for these eggs to develop.

Oh, your mama knew
exactly what she was doing

when she put you
in here, Chomp

I thought that one
was Crunch?

No, that's Jaws.

This is Chomp, that's Munch,
Snapper and Fred!

She's gone.

Crocodilla's gone!

Where'd she go?

Uh-oh, that's not her.


Guys, don't look now,
but it's a raid!

Too late.
I'm already looking!


Oh, no,
monitor lizard attack!

She sniffed out
the nest!

Oh, no, she's hungry
for eggs,

and we're all
gonna get munched!

Oh, no! These monitors

are one of the major predators
of crocodile eggs.

No, wait.

That's Fred!


Egg thief!

I can't believe
that mother croc

just abandoned her eggs.

She should be
protecting them.

Uh-oh, I think the lizard's
gonna regret this. Look!

Incoming croc!


Now, that's
a protective mama croc.



Woo, nice rescue,

Got to get Fred.


Hurry, Martin.

She's covering the nest
back up.

I hope she doesn't see me
and think I'm taking her eggs.

Don't worry.
I've got it covered.

Nothing to see, girl.

One crocodile egg,
over easy.

Come on, Chris!

Hey, but this is cool.

I've never ridden
a crocodile before.

I'll stay out here
with Crocodilla,

find out more what
being a mama croc is all about.

Okay, keep that
creature pod on!

You got it, bro.

Look out
for those lizards.

Huh, who would have

crocodiles were
such protective moms?

Huh, or she was just hungry
for a lizard lunch.

No, it says here that lots of
predators try to get croc eggs:

monitor zards, honey badgers,
and even baboons.

Wow, I thought crocodiles
picked on everyone else.

But I guess they get picked on
sometimes too.

Only about half of her eggs
usually survive the predators.

So she guards her nest day in
and day out for months

while the eggs develop.

Want to go riding today?

Ah, that's
what I thought.

Raining hard out there.

What's up
with the croc?


Amazing, she doesn't even eat
for months!

Whoa, months?

Chris and Martin
must be starving!

P.B. and J.
coming at you, guys!


Thanks, Jimmy.

Aw, thanks, Jimmy.

I got to admit,
she does seem pretty dedicated.

Uh, guys, she's gone.

Where did she go?


Now this is the way
to cruise an African river,

croc-back riding.

What about the eggs?

Huh, I knew this dedication
thing was too good to be true.

Aw, it's a super-hot day.

Crocs are cold-blooded,

Their bodies take on whatever
temperature is around them.

So when they get too hot,
a croc has no choice

but to cool off in the water
to survive.

Well, she'd better get back
to those eggs fast.

She is.

Uh-oh, we just have to
get past those hippos.

What do you mean,
get past them?

Now, that's a cute animal,
my kind of creature.


Whoa, crocodiles and hippos
both rule these rivers.

And hippos
are just as tough.


Those jaws can bite
a -foot crocodile in half.


Let's get out of here,




Nice move, Mom.

Way to dodge those toughies.

what are you doing?

Hippos are amazing and able to
stand up to crocs like that.

I know just the invention
we need

to keep those crocs
in line.

No fair.
You're favoring the hippos.

The croc mom was just
minding her own business.

The hippos
went after her.

She's just not a fan
of these crocs.

Hey, Fred, all curled up
and cozy in there.

Looking good, little guy.

Oh, wait a second.
You're not a guy.

Fred's a girl!

Koki, come in!

Go, Martin!

What's the temperature
of this nest been?

°, same as almost everyday
you've been in there.

Oh, that's it.

What's it?

Their temperature!

That's why all the baby crocs
are girls!

Because of the temperature?

Yeah, crocs become
girls or boys

based on how hot or cold
the eggs are.

If the nest is ° to °,
they grow into boys.

If it's colder or warmer than
that, they grow into girls.

That's weird.
Cool, but weird.

Oh, I got to
rename everybody!

Okay, let's see.

Crunchina, Chompella,
Munchette, Snapifer

and Frederica.


Oh, no!

Nest to mama croc!

Come in, mama croc!
We've got another egg thief!

We're on our way,

Had a hippo delay.
Hang tight!

Uh-oh, hurry, Mama.



More eggs?

A soft-shelled turtle.

What are you doing laying your
eggs right by a crocodile nest?

You know Crocodilla doesn't like
anybody messing with her eggs.

That's it!

This turtle knows that if she
can secretly get her eggs close

to a crocodile nest, they'll be
guarded by the mama croc too!

It's brilliant!

Chris, call it off!

False alarm!
It's a turtle!


Uh-oh, crocs will eat
anybody they find

messing with their nests.

Whoa, Crocodilla!
Slow down, girl!

Hurry up!
She's coming!

How do you
speed up a turtle?

How do you slow down
a giant croc?


Whoa, take your time!


Okay, see you later.

Thanks for stopping by.
Go, go, go!



Ugh! Whoo!

That was a close one.

Yeah, you can't hold back
a mom on a mission.

Come on, Aviva, there is a
softer side to these crocs.

Well, I am pretty impressed with
how protective croc moms are.

Even the turtle mom
knows it.

But crocs
still always seem

to be snapping
their jaws at everybody.

But the hippo
snapped at her.

And the monitor lizard
tried to eat her eggs.

Still, I'd like them more

if there was a little less
jaw snapping.


We've got a hatcher here.

Which one is it?

It's little Frederica.

She's busting through!

She did it!

Welcome to the world,
little croc!


She's making a baby croc call.

And her sisters
are calling too.

Baby crocs time their hatching
so that they all do it together.

Yeah, there's Jawsana,
Crunchina, Chompella, Munchette.

Oh, come on, Snapifer,
you're doing great.

Even the little soft-shelled
turtles are hatching.

It's a hatch fest.

Yeah, just one problem.

It's getting crowded
in here.

That's because we're buried
under a whole bunch of sand.



Oh, no, the baby crocs
are all hatching

but now they're trapped
in their own nest.


I can't believe
I'm saying this,

but those baby crocs
are kind of cute.

But what's that sound
they're making?

That's it!

The baby crocs are calling
for their mom.

We got to make
more noise.

Louder, everybody!

(Imitating babies)

Aviva, check it out,

She hears them!

Guys, she hears you!

I can't believe it!

She's coming
to the rescue!

Maybe I was wrong
about her.

All right, nice croaking,

Hey, Chompella,
don't stop now.

Here's Mama.

Whoa, I never thought I'd be
so happy to see that face.

Uh, on second thought--

She's eating her babies?

I told you!
Oh, these crocodiles!

Just when I was starting
to trust them!

It's fine!
She's not eating them.

She's just picking them up.

She knows how sharp her teeth
are so she's super-careful.


It's comfy
in here too.

Her throat pouch
holds of us.

She's even taking
the baby turtles.

That's nice of her.

Okay, I think we got
a full load.

Bus is packed
and ready to go.

But where
are you guys going?

To the water!

Full croc ahead!

I can't believe it!
Now I'm totally blown away.

Croc moms are--

We know.
They freak you out.

No, they're the coolest!

What kind of mom is
more dedicated, more committed?

They're amazing!

Okay, first and only stop:
the crêche.

That's a fancy word
for the nursery pool,

a nice calm, quiet section
of the river.

Everybody out.

Whoa, hey,
everybody's looking good.

You know, baby crocs
are expert swimmers

from the minute
they're born.

And mama's off to get
the rest of the kid crocs.

We'll keep an eye
on these ones for you!

Uh, Jimmy, can you pass me
those rivets?

What are you working on,

Oh, it's a--

Oh, no,
we've got a problem.


Guys, behind you.

Look who's back!

Uh-oh, these monitor lizards
don't only like eggs.

They think baby crocs
are pretty tasty too.

You've got to fill in
for Crocodilla.

Be a mother croc
and get those meanies.

Aviva, I thought you thought
crocs were the meanies.

Are you kidding me?

She's just protecting
her babies.

Crocs are great.

Now help them,

We can't fill in
for a mama croc!

We don't have a crocodile disc
for our Creature Power suits.

Unless this will work.

Aviva made a disc
with gharial croc power

when we were adventuring
in Asia, remember?

Since they're both

it just might work.

Activate Creature Power suit!


Come on!
Come on!

Yes, it worked!

Sorry, a couple more
mama crocs just showed up.

To the baby crocodile


Back off,
Marabou Stork!

These croc kids
are under our watch!



Easy, honey badger.

No baby crocs
for lunch today.


Woo, nice croc action,

You too, but I hope Crocodilla
gets back soon.

There's a lot
of predators out here.

Okay, better do
a quick head count.

Let's see, Crunchina, Chompella,
Munchette, Snapifer.

Hang on there, Jawsana.

Wait, where's Frederica?

Oh, there you are.

Well, everybody's safe
and accounted for.

Uh-oh, the transformation's
not holding up.

here comes Crocodilla

with the last load
of baby crocs.


Uh-oh, what's Crocodilla
going to think

if she finds a couple of
Wild Kratts with her babies?

Whoa, I'm pretty sure
she's not happy to see us!

Creature Power Suits!

Uh, it's just
a misunderstanding.

We were protecting them while
you were getting the others.


A hippo sub?


Get in guys, quick!


You're the best,

After all, Nile crocs
just might be the greatest moms

in the world,
a crocodile of a mom.

mission accomplished.

We got a true insider's look

at a totally different side
of the crocodile.

And I'll admit it:
I love crocodiles now.

I shouldn't have judged them
before I got to know them.

They're so much more
than the mean, scary brutes

I thought they were.

I can't believe that they're
so caring and protective

of their babies.

Yeah, the softer side
of crocs.

Where's Martin?

Well, Mom still protects
the baby crocs,

but they need to catch
their own food from day one.

So I thought
we'd help them practice.

Okay, if you want to grow
big and strong like Mom,

you need to start small.

Minnows, water bugs,

Okay, who's first?

Come on,
take your best shot.

Whoa, that's it,

Nice snap!

And a good dodge,


Nice try, Chompella.
You almost had me.

Way to
make your mom proud.





So there's a lot more
to crocodiles and alligators

than most people think.

Who would have thought

she'd be such a devoted
and protective mom?


And baby alligators
really depend on those moms.


Do you hear
that sound?

That's her calling
for her mom.

When she's born inside the nest,
she makes that call

and also when she's out
on her own

and she needs the protection
of her mother.

We better bring her back
to her mom.

It's not just crocs
and alligators.

A lot of reptiles
put a lot of time and energy

into protecting
their eggs.

Like ball pythons.

This ball python
is an incredible mother.

She sits by her eggs,
protecting them

and controlling
the temperature and humidity,

not eating for days.

If the eggs get too cold,
the ball python mother

will shiver her muscles
to warm them up.

Come on, we got to
show you something.

These are ball python eggs.

And in order to hatch them,
we have to keep them

in a constant temperature
and humidity

just like
their mom does.

To do that we'll use
this machine, an incubator.

And just close it up,

slide them in,
and wait till they hatch.

It's time!
They're hatching!

Each snake pokes his head out
of the egg,

has a look around,

and then goes back

They'll keep doing
this for a couple of days.

Until finally,
two days later,

the baby pythons
are ready

to slither out of the eggs
for good.

They're pretty long
when they're born

and look like miniature versions
of their moms.

Unlike the little crocs
who are protected by their mom

for up to a year
after they hatch,

the little pythons
are on their own

from the moment they slide
out of that egg.

And even at this small size,
they're ready to go out

and hunt mice, birds
and other small animals.

Happy birthday,
baby pythons.

Keep on creature adventuring.

And discovering there's more
to some creatures

than you might think.

See you
on the creature trail.

To find out more
about cool animals--

And collect your own
Wild Kratts Creature Powers...

Go to the Wild Kratts website
at pbskidsgo.org.

We'll see you there!
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