01x03 - Aardvark Town

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x03 - Aardvark Town

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Hey, we're the Kratt brothers.

I'm Martin.

And I'm Chris,
and lunch is ready.

There you go, Martin.


I'm not
going to eat this.

(Sniffing and coughing)

Who would eat this?

It's not lunch for us.
It's lunch for him.

This is an aardvark.

One of the most mysterious
and secretive

of all African creatures.

And this is who loves this food.

He just sticks his face in

and then laps it up
with his tongue.

are insectivores.

They love to eat
ants and termites,

and this has a lot
of bug protein packed right in.

It's my famous aardvark
breakfast sludge.

I got to have another look
at his guy. Look at him.

Is that a cool-looking creature
or what?

Are you full?

Oh, he's done.

I love those ears.

Look at that.
They're like rabbit ears.

Oh yeah.

He's always looking.
Always looking for something.

Look at this nose.

This nose
is always working.

Sniffing and touching

And when it smells
something it likes,

then the claws come out
and they start digging.

They are huge,

and believe it or not,
a lot of African animals

depend on those claws.

Imagine if we could dig

right into the world
of an aardvark.

Then we'd be able
to understand exactly

why aardvarks are so important
to so many creatures.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

on the African savannah.


Oh, yeah.

What? Whoa!


We're not going to clear
the landing, Martin.

Sure we are.

Now we are.

Oh, come on, dude.
We could have made it.

Ha! No time for getting stuck
in mud wallows today.

How are we going to find
any creature burrows

if we have to dig ourselves
out of that?

(Both grunting)

Uh-oh. Do we have time
to fix a tire?

Well, at least you found
our first burrow.

Way to go, bro.

No problem.

So who's living in this one?

Hang on. If we're going
to make the ultimate map

of the hole-living creatures
out here,

I've got to put this home
on the map.

Okay, let's see.
Nice spot.

River view, shade trees.

Seems like one of the best
locations in town.

Let's meet
whoever's living here.

Hello? Anybody home?

CHRIS: Gritty.
MARTIN: Sandy.

Who's that digger?


An aardvark.

And her baby.

Oh, wow,
he's funny-looking cute.


Aw, isn't that sweet?

Amazing. What a way
to start our mission.

The mysterious, nobody


Let's go.

Whoa, nice claws.

They're like mini shovels
on the end of each finger.

Ha. Thanks, pal.

(Device beeping)

Hot diggity digger!
Got it!

We use the front claws
to scoop,

the back feet
to clear the earth away,

and the tail
to scrabble the dirt flat.

She's the best natural
digging machine in the world.

Tortuga, come in.

Any luck
with the burrows, guys?

Great luck.

We've just come across
an aardvark and her baby.

In fact, we've got a new home
being built right now.

Uploading its location
for the master map.

We've got it, Chris.

Okay, so this
is a hard what?

Ha! Aardvark.

It's an aardvark.

Got it. Aardvark.

Never heard of it.

Even though they're nicknamed
earth pigs,

aardvarks are actually more
closely related to elephants.

Yeah, but they're really

with claws as strong
as a pickax.

I never knew fingernails
could build a house.

She's got
beautiful fingernails.

And so thick
they don't break.

Guys, get ready to have the most
gorgeous fingernails around.

Gorgeous nails?

Don't you mean
digging power?

Yup, that's what I said.
Gorgeous nails.

I'm getting to work
adding that power digger

to the Creature Power Suits.

Zap out.

(Hyenas cackling)
(Both gasping)

Uh-oh. Did you hear
that laughing sound?

Yeah. I like laughing,
but not that kind.

Nope, nothing funny
about that.


Spotted hyena!

Uh-oh. Hyenas are serious

for lots of creatures
out here.

Including aardvarks.

She can't get back
to her burrow.

So it's Plan B:
dig an escape hole.

Aardvarks can do that
in minutes flat.

Oh, yeah. Good thing she had
a head start.

Oh, no!

It's not deep enough yet!

She's got to buy herself time.



Those claws are good for
something other than digging.

The slash defense.


The hyena didn't like that
one bit.

Yes! She did it.


Now I know why holes
are so important out here.



This backpack's a lot heavier
when I'm running from a hyena.

(Grunting and panting)

That was a close one.

Yeah, especially since my
backpack almost knocked me over.

Did you slip some of your stuff
in there when I wasn't looking?


Then why did it feel like
it was full of bricks?

You didn't put your fossil
collection in there, did you?

Uh-uh, I don't even have
a fossil collection.

You do.

Martin, I think there's a snake
on my face.

Oh, yeah.
There sure is.

Hmm, now which pink snakes
do I know?

Blind pink snakes.
No, they're from Madagascar,

so it can't be one of those.

Yeah, while we're talking,
you think you can get it off me?


It's you.

Oh, that is one long,
slurpy tongue.

I'm going
to call you Slurpy.

Hey, Slurpy.
How'd he get into my backpack?

Must've gotten confused
during that hyena attack

and thought
it was a hole.

We've got to get him back
to where he belongs.

Got to get him home.

Oh, hurry up!
I'm boiling out here.

You call that digging?

I told you, if I'm going
to survive this heat,

I need that pool dug
by midday.

Ugh, I despise
being out in nature

on these animal
collection trips.

But how else am I going to find
new animals to turn into robots?


Hold up, Martin.

Hmm. Sounds like those
animal-loving wild Kratts.

Okay, let's see.

The best digger
in the world's hole

should be right around here

Best digger?

That's the kind of animal
I need working for me.

All right, Zachbots,
stay close.


Not that close.

Zach, what are you
doing here?

Spying on us again?

No. I'm just...

I took a wrong turn
in my jet.

I was just leaving.

Well, okay, then.
Oh, hey, look at the time.

Got a head popping out--
I mean, got to head out.


Yeah, have a good trip back.

Okay, you heard them.

That's where I can get a varmint
that'll dig my pool for me.

Check some holes.

No, not ear holes.

Holes in the ground.

Bring me some diggers.

Ha-ha, well,
thanks to my map,

I know exactly
where Slurpy's home is.

Right here.

That's it, all right.


Knock, knock.

Hey, you'll never guess
what happened.

Slurpy accidentally
got in Chris's backpack and--

Ow! Warthog!

Martin, what--?

Excuse me. Warthog?

A warthog lives here?

But that doesn't make
any sense.


Oh, no.

Then, where's Slurpy's Mom?

This doesn't make any sense.

I'm sure
I marked it down right.

Well, you must have made
some kind of mistake,

because this definitely isn't
Slurpy's mom.

Unless she grew tusks
and a bunch of warts recently.

Look. Piglets.

Aw, they're so cute.


Don't worry, Slurpy.

We'll find your mom.

We'll scour
the neighborhood.

Go burrow to burrow
until we find her.

Yeah, Slurpy.
We'll get you home.

Okay, I'm re-marking
this hole as warthog.

And from now on,
no mistakes.

(Warthog snorting)

Whoa, look at that.

She's holding her tail
straight up in the air.

It's like a flag,
telling her piglets to follow.




Oh, they usually only do that
when danger's around.

Yeah, there must be...

(Lion roaring)

A lion!

To the underground!

Aviva, are those hole-digging
suits done yet?

Not yet, Chris.

You guys will have to find
a hole that's already dug.


Ugh! Where are my Zachbots?

I'm hot and I wanted to swim
in my pool.

Oh, finally.

(Pool toy squeaking)

What varmint
did you bring me?



Well, you don't
have to be pretty;

you just have to dig me
a pool.

Now, get to it.

What's wrong with you?

Come on, you live in holes,
don't you?

So dig.

Dig, warty thing!

(Air wheezing)

That's not
what I had in mind.

Whew. Lion's gone.

Hm. Claw scrapes.

And they look
about aardvark size.

It's a match.

An aardvark
dug this hole.

All right, Slurpy.
We just found your mom.

Ha! What luck.

I'll head down
the back door.

I don't believe it.

What? We found her?

Only if she has a beak
and goes--

(Duck quacking)

Huh? A duck?

A South African shelduck.

Living underground?


I never knew shelducks
laid their eggs underground.

Wait a second.

But there's no way
she could have dug this hole,

not with
those webbed feet.

Yeah, and warthogs
can't dig either,

not with those little bitty
piggy hooves they have.

So who's digging holes
for them?



That's it.

The aardvarks
dig the holes,

and then when they leave--

Other non-digging creatures
move in and make it home.

So let's keep checking
aardvark holes.

Slurpy's mom
has to be in one of them.

Built by aardvark.
Home of duck.

Ah! Python lives
in this one.

Built by aardvark.
Home of python.


African crested porcupine
over here.

Built by aardvark.
Home of porcupine.

Ow! Spotted hyenas.

Even the aardvark's worst enemy
move into aardvark dens

to have their cubs.

Oh, no, not again!

Huh? Whoa!


Built by aardvark.

Home of spotted hyena.


Aardvarks are so cool.

They're the burrow builders
of Africa.

Who knew so many creatures
depended on them?

Uh, Aviva,

I know a couple a guys
who are depending on us.

We could really use

that aardvark digging power
out here, Aviva!


Oops. Sorry, guys.

Got to get back
to those Power Suit discs.

Let me
get this straight:

You brought me another creature
that lives in a hole, right?


So a creature
that lives in holes

must be able to dig, right?


Then why won't it dig?



Oh, what?

Do you need a shovel?

Search more holes.

Find me a varmint
that digs.


Twenty-three aardvark holes,

and we still haven't found
Slurpy's mom.

We just got to find her.

Ow! Whoo-hoo!

Oh, don't beat yourself up
about it, Chris.



Whoa. These little guys can make
mounds that are taller than us?

Yeah. And sometimes as tall
as a one-story house.

She's hungry.

Slurpy hasn't eaten
hardly anything all day.

And ants and termites are
the aardvark's favorite food.

We got to help her get into
this giant termite mound.


Whoa, it's hard
as concrete.

We need aardvark claws
to get through this fortress.

Did someone say
aardvark claws?

I sure did.

One aardvark power disc
good to go.

Teleporter ready.

Can you dig it or what?

It's out of here.

Got it.
Too slow, bro.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!



Thanks, Chris.

Don't mind if I do.

Creature Power Suit.

Whoa. Nice one, Aviva.


Guys while you're
feeding Slurpy,

Koki and I will head out
and check more holes.

Okay. Now here's digging
with aardvark power.


There you go, Slurpy.

Whoa, look at
that tongue go.

" long and super sticky,

it can grab termites
in one slurp.

Stand back, Chris.

I'm giving the tongue feature
a whirl.

Ah! Whoops. Ha-ha.

Well, you definitely
gave it a whirl.



Aviva put some extra power
in that aardvark tongue! Ah!

The termites are already
rebuilding the fortress.

They pack together
pieces of dirt,

and add their special saliva
to make it harden like concrete.

A powerful fortress to guard
against a powerful digger.

Martin, look. An aardwolf.

A relative of the spotted hyena,
but much different.

Yeah, she's not a hunter.

She's an ant-and-termite eater

And without big claws,

aardwolves can't bust
into termite mounds.

That's why they like to follow
aardvarks around.

Seems like the aardvark
helps everyone out.

Does anyone
help aardvarks?

Guys, we've got a big problem.

We've just rechecked some
of the holes on our master map,

and you won't believe
what we found.

They're all empty.

Warthogs, ducks,

Everybody. Gone.

Aardvark Town is deserted.

Oh, no.



What's she following?

I don't know, but let's hope
it's the aardvark.

That's who aardwolves
like to follow, right?

Okay, now all of you creatures
live in holes around here.

So I know that one of you
must be able to dig.

Who is it? Fess up.


(Zach gasping)

You're the digger.

Put a robotic vest
on that piggy thingy.

I'll be floating in my pool
in no time.

Now dig.


Thanks, aardwolf.

Whoa, whoa, now, Zach.

Come on,
let that aardvark go.

Uh, yeah, we're busy.

You're not
doing anything.

You're making her
dig your pool.

And your point is?

She belongs in the wild.

Animals depend on her.

None of these animals would have
a safe hole to live in

and raise their young if it
weren't for the aardvark.

Oh, home schmome.

She works for me now.


(Both grunting)

(Zach laughing)

Enjoy the deep end.

I'll just move my pool
over a little bit.

Now let's get back to work.

Oh, no. Slurpy.

I hope he's okay.


Nice digging.

I knew he could do it.

And look,
the second disc is done.

Special delivery.

Activate Creature Power Suit.

To the Creature Rescue,

Saving the planet
with Creature Power.

Now that's some
of my best work yet.

Hang on, guys.
I'm on my way.

At this rate,
I'll be swimming by noon.


Not so fast, Zach.


Set these animals free.

They've got to get back
to Aardvark Town.

I'm never giving up
my new digging bot.

Zachbots, get him.


Ah! Whoa.

Now let me try this again.

Oh, yeah! Ha-ha!
I got it down!

Nice move, Martin.

Coming at you.


MARTIN: Whoo-hoo!
CHRIS: Oh, yeah!


Now where'd they go?


Hand over the remote, Zach.



Living free
and in the wild.

Okay, are you creatures
ready to go home?


All right.

All the creatures
from Aardvark Town are free.

(Lion roaring)

Everyone find a hole.

(Pool toy popping)



I don't think that's the kind
of pool Zach was looking for.

Yeah, that's for sure.

Oh, you can keep
your underground varmints.

I'm leaving.

Whew, Zach's gone
and everyone's safely in a hole.

(Lion roaring)

Except us.

And the shelduck
lives at this one.

Well, that's the last
of them.

Everyone's back home,

and the burrow-living

is back to normal.

Except there's just
one more thing to do.


We figure the aardvarks

are always doing things
for other creatures.

So it's time for us to do the
aardvarks a favor for a change.

Sit back you two.

We're going to build you
a deluxe burrow, custom built.


It'll be the best burrow
in Aardvark Town.

(All laughing)

All right.
The aardvark.

One of the greatest diggers
in the creature world.

Let's see if we can get him
to show us his digging power

up close.

Okay, well he smelled something
over here,

because he is digging in.

Those claws are so long,

they're strong and they cut
through the earth like butter.

Okay, I'm going to hide some
of these meal worms

here in the earth.

Let's see
if he can find them.

Okay, buddy. What do you think
is around here?

Can you smell anything?

He's getting close.

He found them.


Now that is nose sniffing power
for you.

Hey, I got an idea.
Come here.

You've heard of an Easter egg
hunt, right?

Well, now it's time
for an aardvark

meal worm
treasure hunt.

Okay, I'll hide one here.

Shh. I'll hide some here.

Okay, one more.

All right, aardvark. All set.

Oh, yeah.
Warmer, warmer.

You're hot.
You're boiling up.

He found one. Good job.

Keep going.

Oh, yeah!
He found another one.

Two! Ha-ha!

Yes! He got them!

Nicely done.

You've got the nose, buddy.

Oh, all right, buddy.

I think you found them all.

Good job.

Well, under logs.

That's always a great place
to find something to eat

because insects, worms,
they like the cool earth

underneath the log,

so the aardvark knows
where to go.

That nose
never stops working.

All right.
Let's get our camp set up.

You got the tent?

No, I thought
you had the tent.

No, I thought
you were bringing the tent.

Oh, no!

Hey, let's do it

Dig a burrow and move in!

Here you go.

Lots of roots here.
We need your help.

We need those aardvark claws.

There's no way
we could do this alone.

There you go.

Thanks for showing up, buddy.

How long does it take to dig
an aardvark burrow, anyway?

We'll see you
on the Creature Trail.

Keep on creature adventuring.

To find out more
about cool animals--

And collect your own
Wild Kratts Creature Powers...

Go to the Wild Kratts website
at pbskidsgo.org.

We'll see you there!
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