01x06 - Platypus Cafe

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x06 - Platypus Cafe

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Hey, it's us,
the Kratt brothers.

I'm Chris.

And I'm Martin. Ha-ha!


And river creatures
around the world are great.


crocodiles and tapirs.

But one of the most unusual
of all river creatures

is the duck-billed platypus
of Australia.

So, what do you think
this cute creature eats?


Platypus search among
the rocky bottom

looking for crayfish to eat,

then they gobble them down
with their bill-like mouths.

Race you, Chris.

First one to catch a crayfish,
platypus, wins.

Hey, no head starts!

(Muffled dialogue)

It's so dark and murky
down there.

I can't see a thing.

I know! But a platypus
can see things

in even the darkest,
murkiest water.


Ha-ha! Boots?

Oh, man.

A racket?

How does a platypus
do it?

It's amazing,
but they can.

Somehow, the platypus
can sense food underwater

without seeing it.

Imagine if we had
the mysterious

sensory powers
of the platypus.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪


Kayaking in Australia.

Chris, check out this move!

Nice one.

All right!

Now, catch this high-voltage



Where have you been
hiding that one?

Martin, cool creature,
: , low.

Duck-like bill.

Easy, it's a duck.

Webbed feet.

Still a duck.

Furry beaver tail.

Whoa, a duck-billed platypus.

You got it, bro.

One of the most unusual animals
in the world.

And she's cute too.

You got to love her incredibly
strange feature combo.

What do you think
is the weirdest thing

about them, Martin?

Hm, definitely
the egg-laying.

Sure, everyone knows
birds and reptiles do it,

but a furry mammal
that lays eggs?

Now that's rare.


Mammal eggs?

I've never heard
of such a thing.

I knew these guys
would lead me to something rare.

And delicious.

Ooh, I can taste
the recipe now.

Platypus egg omelet supreme,

made with only the rarest,

most endangered delicacy
on earth.

And I know exactly
who will pay top dollar.


Either she's saying,
"No, no, no, no, no"

or she's looking
for something.

But how do you look
with your eyes closed?

Her nostrils are shut too,

so she isn't smelling
for anything.

Even her ears are closed,

so there's no hearing
going on either.

Whoa! A huge crayfish.

Now, that
is a tasty catch.

If you're a platypus.

Yeah, but how'd
she do that?

Amazing. She definitely
didn't use

her eyes,
ears or nose.

Exactly. So how?



Oh, no, no, no, no, dude.

Not one of your

Come on, bro.

If we don't figure it out,
who will?

Do it for science.


I'll channel my inner



I'm supposed to find my way
around this river

with only senses left:
taste and touch?


I can't see anything--



I can feel
my way around,

but I'd rather do it with
something other than my face.

Martin, Martin, do you realize
what this proves?

Never let your brother
blindfold you

when you're floating
down a river?

No, I mean, yes.

But the platypus must have
some incredible sensory power.

Some kind of super sense.

Got to figure
this one out.


And by the way, next time
you can be the guinea pig

in your own experiments.


When you're talking sensory
systems, ask the engineer.

I bet I know what it is.

Some kind
of distant touch.

Maybe. But only Plato
knows for sure.


Yeah, our new platypus pal.

She could be the key
to a navigational breakthrough.

Oh, yeah. Creatures know all
the coolest secrets.

Wait a second, guys.

Creatures can do
incredible things,

but they don't have
all the answers.

They don't?

Well, can they do math


Look, guys,
I know animals are great,

but we humans
have all senses.

So I have everything
I need.

This time, I'll do it without
any help frothe animals.

Pure Aviva.


Well, we'll stick
with animals any day.

Right, Plato?



She's going back
to her home.

Okay, platypus, now maybe
a trip inside your dark borough

will help us figure out
your sensory power.

Miniaturizer initiated.

Last one through
is a rotten platypus egg.

Hang on.
Wait for me.



Whoa, flood alert.

If this river rises
any more,

the water's going to flood
right into Plato's home.

Floods are a platypus'
worst nightmare.

A flood?

Well, if eggs are inside
the platypus house,

a flood will flush them out,

and straight
to my frying pan.

Pre-soaked and tender.


I can't see anything.

Our eyes just don't work
without light.

Plato? If you're using
that super sense of yours,

now would be a good time
to let us in on how it works.

Eureka! It's a sign.

Nope, it's my head lamp.

She didn't need a light
to find those.

Platypus eggs!

Whoa, they're so tiny.

Only about the size
of a grape.

Mammals inside eggs.

I can't believe it.

Wow, they don't even
have hair yet.

There's little Platty,

and over there
her brother, Platter.

Almost ready to hatch.

Yeah, after days
inside that egg,

they'll hatch out
just like birds or reptiles do.

And they still won't even
have any hair.

Then they'll drink milk
for weeks

until they grow bigger,
hairier and more,

well, platypus-like.

supersensory power.

Now this is one
weird mammal.

Weird in a cool way.

Take good care
of those eggs, Plato.



Let the egg collection


Say hello to your
touch receptors, Jimmy.

That's what those tiny,
tiny little buttons are.

What's up,
touch buttons?

Now, don't look.

When you touch something,

those buttons get pressed
and send a signal to your brain

about the thing
you're touching,

whether it's hard
or soft or--

Definitely hard.
And smooth.

So that's how
your touch works.

But what about
the platypus sense?

Aviva, flood warning alert
on Cradle River.

What? Where?

to my satellite map,

it should be reaching
the guys' position in--

In-- Right now!

What's that sound?

Look out! Yikes!


Where's Plato?
Where are her eggs?

I can't see them.

Oh, if only we had
the platypus sensory power.

Aviva, do you have it yet?

No. I need more time.

I can't figure out
how a platypus

could feel something
without touching it.

It doesn't make sense.

I'm not giving up yet.


If we don't find Plato's
little eggs soon,

they're not going
to make it.

It's like trying to find
a flea in a washing machine.

(Both gasping)

No sign of them anywhere.

Platty? Platter?
Where are you?

Martin, you did it.

Did what?



Now that's what I call
a heads-up creature rescue.

Yeah. Luckily, the didn't get
scrambled up in that current.

Scrambled? No, no.

Gourmand has something much more
gourmet planned for them.

Hey, back off,

These are endangered
species eggs.

It's illegal to take them
and you know it.

Didn't you already lose your
gourmet chef license for this?

Ah, those people
were just jealous.

Rare talent deserves
rare ingredients,

and these eggs will make
a fantastique omelet.


Well, one side dish
of Kratt brother

is better than none.



Chris, where are you?


Get ready to pick on someone
your own size, Gourmand.



Plato! Are you okay?

Oh, that doesn't
look pretty.

I mean, you're pretty,

but we got to get
that bill taken care of.

But don't worry
about your eggs.

Chris has them safe.
I hope.

Chris! Chris!

(Horn blowing)



or barbecued.

Rare, endangered animals
make the best food.





Yes, yes, coriander would make
the perfect seasoning.

With just a hint
of pepper.


Don't you agree?

If you don't get your nose
away from those platypus eggs,

I'll pepper you
with some of this.



Oh, simmer down,
side dish.

You see, this nose can match
a seasoning to anything.


Ah, that's pretty

But I bet it doesn't work
all the time.

Ha! You don't believe me?

This nose
is never wrong.

So prove it.

What seasoning would go
with, say, me?





Pepper! Pepper!



(Gourmand sneezing)

Knew he'd take the bait.

(Sneezing continuous)


You! You tricked me.

Uh-oh. Hang tight,
little guys.

I'll be back for you.




My frying pan
is ruined.

Okay, so if touch sensors
are like buttons

that help you feel things,

(Both gasping)

I found Plato.
She's hurt.

She got banged up
in the flood.

Oh, no.
Is this all my fault?

If only I hadn't been
so full of myself.

We got to get her bill
fixed up fast, and find Chris.

Any contact with him yet?

We can't locate him at all.

Gourmand went downriver.

Got to get there
with platypus paddle power

and see if I can
find him.

But the suit doesn't have the
platypus sensory attachment yet.

I'm still stumped.

I think a little help
would have helped.

Hey, what are these little black
dots all over your bill, Plato?

Did you say dots?

What dots?

Wow. Sensors.

They look kind of like
my touch sensors.

Yes, but a little different.
That's it!

The sensory secret
is in the platypus.

Right there on the tip
of her bill.

Maybe it's not too late
for you and I to figure this out

and fix this mess.

I'll never doubt
a platypus again.

Or a Kratt brother?

Don't push it.


Martin, Tortuga,
come in.

Chris, where are you,

About a mile downriver,
I think.

I'm setting a trap
to stop Gourmand

from cooking
the platypus eggs.

But there's not much time,
and I'm teeny.


(Chris groaning)

Ow. That'll leave a mark.

Guys, I've got
his coordinates.

Great. Chris, hang tight.

I'm on my way,
with platypus power.


I'm almost there with these
platypus bill sensors.

I'll send the bill attachment
as soon as it's ready.

Great! Because I'm not coming
back without your eggs, Plato.

These will work much better
in the water.


I cannot believe

I let that wild Kratt crouton
get away.

Ah, but cooking
endangered animals

always makes me
feel better.


Uh, service?


Ah, welcome, Mr. Varmitech,

Madame Donita Donata.

My best and highest-paying


You're right on time.

Table for , yes?

Well, actually,
make that .

I bumped into a little friend
of mine just outside.

First, you'll watch me eat

your precious little
platycat egg omelet,

then I'll take care
of you.


You do make a fabulous

This rare egg-laying mammal

I will cook for you
at the table

in front of your
very eyes.

So, what is a platypus?

Some kind of cat,
I think.

Cats don't lay eggs.

Platypus are monotremes,

the only mammals in the world
that lay eggs,

and you better
leave them alone.

Oh, they are not alone.

They have you as a side dish.

(Gourmand laughing)

Okay, hold still, Plato.

This is the comfiest hat
you'll ever wear.

Probably the only hat
she'll ever wear.

The hat taps into
the bill sensors,

so we can see what kind of
information she's picking up.

Jimmy, I'm getting it.
I'm picking something up.

What is it? Come on, hearing,
smell, sight, touch or--



No, no, no and no.

It's none of the senses.

The platypus has
a th sense.

She's psychic?

An extra sense.
One we don't even have.



Plato can sense
electrical charges.

Ready for visual, Koki.

Activating platypus cam.


It works! This is the info
the platypus gets

from those sensors.

It works kind of like
our touch sensors,

but instead of being pressed
like a button,

these sensors are activated
by tiny electrical charges

given off by objects.

See? Plato's picking up
the electrical charges

from those rocks,
knows they're there

and doesn't
bump into them.

Whoa, what's that?


Right on!
Now that's a sweet video game.

And a totally cool
th sense.

The helmet recorded
the signals that I need

for the platypus
sensory power.

I'm on it.


Plato, did I mention
you're a genius?

Whoa. These webbed
platypus paddle feet

can really motor
through the water.

Swimming the platypus paddle
is a cinch.

I just wish I could see--


--see a little better.

(Cutlery rattling)

What was that?


Just in time for dinner.

As long as they don't
see me,

maybe I can--

That's it!
Aviva, come in.

Yeah, MK, go.

Is the attachment ready?

Just inputting the codes.

Okay, okay.

I've got an idea
to stall them

until it's ready,
but hurry.

The skillet is ready,
and so are the eggs.

That's it?
They're tiny.

With big flavor.

Two platypus eggs
cooked to perfection--


Who turned the lights out?

I can't see anything!

Don't worry, my friends.

We dine by candlelight.

Oh, light. Thank you.

I mean,
put me down.

And with the perfect lighting,

I will cook you the most
expensive meal of your life.


So sorry.
Platypus eggs are off the menu.

Blue boy in a platycat suit.
Get him!

Hey! Give me back
my eggs!

Martin, over here.

Thanks, bro. Hey, do you have
the platypus sensory power yet?

No, but I'll trade that

for these webbed feet
that don't run.


It's ready!

Teleport, Jimmy.

Cool. Mobile delivery.

Whoa. Jimmy's getting good.

(Utensils whooshing
through air)

Platypus sense on.

All right, lights out.

Now I got you.

Where'd he go?

Okay, now we can
finish my plan.

Do you see a meat mallet
somewhere on the counter?

Yeah. Got it.

Tie it to the string
hanging from the ceiling.

Okay, now grab the trip wire
over by the cabinet doors.

Tie that
to the lower cabinet.

Okay. All set.

Let the dinner show begin.

Ha! I got you!

Get your hands off me!

ALL: Huh?
Over here!

Eggs, anyone?

Get those wild rats!


I've got you now. Now, give me
back my $ , eggs!



VAMITECH: Get me out of here!

(All screaming)

My hair is ruined!

I will sniff you down!

I'll get you,
you wild rats!

That's Wild Kratts.

There go some bad eggs.

Tell me about it.

Now let's get these good eggs
back to mom.

Well, there's no doubt
about it:

Animals are great
inventing partners.

Thanks for showing me
your th sense, Plato.

Hey, thanks to you,

we got Plato's eggs back
safe and sound.

Hatching, free
and in the wild.

Welcome to the world,

You made it, Platty.

Hey, here's your mama.



Hey, Chris, Martin,
where are you going?

Night kayaking!

But it's dark.
You can't kayak now.

Yes, we can, with platypus
electrosensory power.

Race you, Martin.

Oh, you're on, bro.


So, animals have
amazing sensory abilities;

sometimes, senses that we
don't even have,

like the platypus'
electro sense.

senses that we do have

but that are just much stronger
in an animal

because of special organs
or features.


Like the pit vipers.

This eastern diamondback

has special powerful
heat sensors

that can detect its prey

by actually seeing
the prey's body heat

See those tiny little holes

above the rattlesnake's lip?

Those are the pit organs.
The heat sensors.

They give the rattlesnake
it's heat-sensing power.

And that comes in
really handy

when you're trying to find
warm-bodied prey

like rodents and small birds.
Right, Martin?


Where'd he go?


Shh! I'm hiding from Chris.

He's never going to find me.


Hm, where'd he go?

I'll track him using
the heat-sensing power

of the rattlesnake.

With these goggles,
I can actually see heat,


Anything warm will glow red,

sensing heat a lot like
a rattlesnake's pit organs do.


There's something warm.

It's a bobwhite!

mice and chipmunks

are all tasty meals
for a hunting rattlesnake.

Be careful, buddy.

Oh, there's a spot!

Hm, where is he?
Where are all the warm bodies?


Oh, there.

There's something hiding
behind that stump.

When the rattlesnake
gets close enough,

he strikes!


I got you.

Oh! How'd you find me?

With rattlesnake
sensory power.

My turn with the goggles.

You got it!

All right. We'll see you
on the creature trail.

To find out more
about cool animals

and collect your own
Wild Kratts creature powers,

go the Wild Kratts

We'll see you there!
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