01x08 - Build it Beaver

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x08 - Build it Beaver

Post by bunniefuu »

Wild Kratts!

Hey, I'm Chris.

And I'm Martin.

We're the Kratt Brothers.

You know, we humans
are great builders.

We use things like wood, nails,
concrete, and other materials

to build things like houses,
bridges, dams,

and even huge skyscrapers.

But there's another creature
who's a master builder too.

In fact, he is probably
the greatest builder

in the entire
creature world!

The creature
we're looking for

happens to be the largest rodent
in North America.

A giant member
of the mouse family.

He's furry--
Has a big flat tail--

And giant orange teeth.




You all right,

Yeah, where did that tree
come from?


That's who
we were looking for!

A beaver!

Hey, buddy, you cut down
that tree right in our path!


He's heavy.

And where are you going?


Ho, ho, ho, look what
this builder built:

this massive dam!

It's built tough
with pure beaver power.

And these beaver dams transform
landscapes, creating new ponds

wetlands and forests
wherever the beaver goes.

Imagine if we could
learn about and get

all the amazing building powers
of the beaver.

What if...

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna see
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Ah, nothing better than canoeing
a North American river.

Hoo hoo!

Except when we're lost.

Are you sure you know
where we're going?

Sure, I'm sure.

Because I could have sworn
we took a wrong turn

at that last bend
in the river.

Trust me,
this is a shortcut.


(Water rushing)
That's a shortcut alright.

A shortcut
to a waterfall!

A-ha, I knew it was
around here somewhere.

What do we do?

Paddle faster!


Go, go, go, go, go!



Testing emergency feature

(Martin laughing)
You could have told me

we were testing some cool
new emergency parachute!

I thought you liked

Hey, look, we're heading
for a perfect landing.


Uh-oh, maybe not quite perfect.
Hang on!



We've had softer landings.

But look
what we landed on!

A beaver lodge!

Ha! Right on the doorstep
of a beaver's home.

Ho, ho! Talk about
solid construction.

This thing is so strong,
only a bear could bust into it.

I wonder what it looks like

I wish someone was home
to show us around.


He's brought more sticks
for the lodge.

Nice work, Sticker.


What kind of a name
is Sticker?

Well, look at what he builds,
one stick at a time.

He might be going inside.

Let's follow him.

Wait up, Sticker.


What a home!

A dry, cozy fortress surrounded
by a protective moat of water

with secret underwater

Yeah, and look:
a whole family of beavers

are tucked away in here.

Mother, father, and
two beaver babies or kits.

The mom and dad stay together
for life.


Guys, what's going on?

You were supposed to call
after the canoe test.

By the way,
where are you?

It looks like you guys
are in a pile of sticks.

We are.

Meet Sticker--
Bye, Sticker--

and Timber and their two kits,
Buddy and Twig.

Guys, I love beavers, but you
got to bring that canoe back

here so I can add a stabilizing
line so it won't tip in midair.

We'll meet you

See you later, guys.

Got to paddle
out of here.


Your paddle's gone.

That's my favorite paddle!

It's got to be
around here somewhere.

Maybe it floated away.

Hey, there's Aidan.

Maybe he's seen
your paddle.

Martin, Chris,
what are you guys doing here?

We're looking
for my lost paddle.

One minute, it's there;
the next minute it's gone.

Did you see one
floating around?

No, but I just found
a beaver working on a dam. Look!

It's Timber!

You guys don't stop.

Not only did you build a lodge,
but this giant dam too.

All by yourselves!

This giant dam is the secret
to this entire pond.

Without it, the pond
wouldn't even exist.

Yeah, when I moved here,

all that was in this spot
was a little river.

Then the beavers moved in
and built the dam.

The dam blocked all the
water and made the pond.

Now there are creatures

Come on, I'll show you.

Star-nosed moles
always nose around

on the wet sides
of the pond.

That tickles.


Oh, yeah.

Bullfrogs live
and breed here too.

Wood ducks live in dead trees
around the beaver pond.



And so do his babies.

Whoa, the beaver pond
is full of fish!

Whoa, and fish predators.

This beaver pond
is a creature jackpot.

All thanks to the beavers
and their dam.

Wow, there must be tons
of sticks here.

And the beaver drag them here
stake by stake by stake by--


The beavers took my paddle.

Hey, it's very nice of you guys
to build this pond

for yourselves and all the
other creatures that use it

but I need
my favorite paddle back.

Here, trade you.



Oh no!

This can't be happening!

Oh no!

The dam!
The pond!

I destroyed them.

I'm so sorry.

Aviva, Koki,
come in.

We need help here
at the beaver pond, fast!

We have a dam to rebuild
and creatures to save.

You can count on us.

To the creature rescue!

(Animal sounds)

We did it.

Okay, next things next.

We got to fix
that beaver dam.

So the pond
fills up again.

And all these animals
can go back home.

We'll keep an eye on the animals
while you rebuild.

Hey, you guys settle down.
Leave that keyboard alone!

Wow, I can't believe
just a couple of beavers

made all this.

Yeah, and now we have to
figure out how to fix it.

We'll need a lot more sticks
than this.

where's Timber going?

Timber, wait up.

It's a beaver path.

Wherever she's going,
she's been there before.

Okay, Timber.

Three dam builders
reporting for duty.

What's the first step?


that's what I named her.

No, timber!

Timber, yeah,


Oh, that kind
of timber.

Thanks, dude.

That was the most incredible
thing I've ever seen!

Oh, you know,
I do what I can.

Wow, you're amazing,

Thanks, I--

I mean, cutting down
this huge tree

by yourself
with your teeth?

How do they do it?


Big orange teeth,
that's how.

And they're super strong.

Those teeth can cut
through a tree this thick

in just a couple hours.

No way. Slicing
right through wood,

their teeth would get
all worn down in no time.

They do.

That's why beaver teeth
never stop growing.

Imagine if they didn't get worn
down by all that chewing.

In one year, they'd grow
feet long.

That would be weird.

Was it something
I said?

Okay, so this is the first step
in beaver dam building.

Collecting the wood.

Got it.

Now what?

Back to the dam.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy, guys.

Stop messing with my computer.

Koki, while the guys
work on that damn,

I'm gonna see
if I can harness the power

of those incredible
cutting beaver teeth.

It says here that the orange
part of the teeth

is really hard
but the white part is softer.

So the white part wears away
faster as the beaver chews,

keeping the teeth
super sharp.

So that's how
they do it.

One set of beaver choppers
coming up.

You can't fix a beaver dam
without beaver teeth.


I can't believe how much
of this wood you guys move.

pounds of wood
a day?

That's like a truckload
of wood.

Then we better
get into gear.


The water level
is rising.

The dam is stopping
the water again.

All right.
Well, that was easy.



Uh-oh, double uh-oh.

I don't have any
arms and legs left.

Chris, help!


Well, somehow that didn't work
the way we planned.


Oh no!

The water
has all drained out.

A-ha, mud!

Now you tell us.

It fills in the gaps
between the sticks

and makes the damn
strong and watertight.

Using mud to build
a beaver dam

is like using concrete
to build a house.

Let's rebuild.

We'll pack in the mud.

We'll get more wood.

Okay, Jimmy.

Ready to test the teeth, the key
building feature of the beaver.

Without these teeth, all of you
wouldn't have a pond to live in.

These teeth plus hard work
and determination

make beavers the number one
creature builders in the world.

You're not kidding.

One beaver can cut down
trees a year.

That's a lot of chomping.

I'll pack some extra chomp
in these teeth.

Jimmy, can you hold this
while I tighten the springs?

That's tight enough.

I can't hold it!



Uh-oh, beaver teeth
on the loose!

Sorry, JZ.

These chompers have got
a mind of their own.


Got it.

Yeah, well, they almost had a
mind to take a piece out of me.

You should keep your teeth
on a leash.

Don't worry, Jimmy,

these were designed
for munching on trees.

Besides, I doubt a beaver
would find you very tasty.


Hey, wait a second!


Whoa! Whew!

We've been working nonstop.

How about a snack break?


You're kidding me.

You expect me to eat
a bark sandwich?

Oh, you're eating that
soft inner layer of bark,

the cambium.

Can I at least get
some jelly with that?

Bark sandwiches
are popular around here.

Wow, the habitat
the beaver makes

even helps creatures
like a moose.

Moose eat water plants
from the beaver pond

and love to eat
the bark and twigs

from new plants
that grow in here.

Do you realize
how special you are?

Wood, mud.

No other animal can do
what you do:

collect supplies
to build something

that completely
changes the environment.

Look, Timber,
it's filling up.

We're doing it, Timber.
The pond is coming back!

By the way, I get
that the pond is great

for so many creatures
around here,

but why do beavers
need a pond?


Timber, look out!


Ah, the beaver tail slap.

That's an alarm sound that
tells all the other beavers,

"To the water!"

Woo hoo!

I get it,
I get it.

The pond
is your safety zone.

When you're in the water,
you've got one up

against a wolf
or any other predator.

Some animals use quills
to defend themselves

or a hard shell.

You create a huge safety zone
of water

by using your
dam-building skills.


All clear.
Martin, come in.

Go, Chris.

We're ready for more logs
on the dam.

When we're loaded,

we'll be able to bring
all the animals home.

Oh, no problem.

We've got the last load
all set to go.

(Trees creaking)
More wood coming right up.


No, no, no, not that way!

Oh no.




I thought it was going to
land right on our dam.

(Tree creaking)


Oops. Well, you said
you needed more wood.

(Phone ringing)

Guys, tell me
that dam is done.

Well, not exactly.

Not exactly?

Well, I'll tell you
exactly why

you better have it done
and quickly.

There's a storm upriver,
a big one.

All the water from that storm
is flowing downriver,

straight toward
the beaver pond.

It'll be enough water
to wipe out the beaver dam

and the lodge.

So that dam's got to be built
super tough.

Yikes! We got to
get this beaver dam done!

And fast!

Got it. I've harnessed
the beaver chomp power.

Uploading Creature Power Suit
program to disk.

Disk ready.

Okay, guys, if this works,
it'll save your home.

We got to get this tree
out of here.


At this rate, we'll never get
this done before the flood hits.

Trouble, guys?


Can you give us
a hand?

Nope, but I can give you
some teeth.

Check it out.

Oh, our Creature Power Suits!

All right!

Now you can solve this problem

Thanks, Aviva.

We'll make this beaver dam
floodproof yet.

(Twigs snapping)

An otter!

The only predator that can
penetrate the beaver's fortress.

Sometimes they'll sneak into
the lodge and take the kits.

But Twig and Buddy
are in there!

A beaver can swim pretty fast
but not fast enough.

She'll never get there
in time.

A fish could do it.

Great idea.


I'll distract that otter
until you get there.

Hey, otter!

Wouldn't you rather eat
a nice, tasty fish?


That worked out great!



I got the otter to chase me,
but how do I get it to stop?

I bet that otter has never seen
a giant beaver before.



Martin, over here!

What do you think
of these chompers?


Thanks, dude.

No problem.

Nice teamwork, bro.
The kits are safe.

But that flood is still on its
way and we lost a lot of time.

Yeah, we still have to
fix that dam.

We broke it
and we'll fix it.

With beaver power!

To the creature rescue!

Let those beaver teeth rip.


The only teeth
in the creature world

that can slice up
a large tree.

A powerful body to carry it
to the dam...

And throw it on top.

Don't forget
to put the heavy side up

so that it weighs down
the dam.

Now the fun part:

Seal it up with mud!


Missed a spot!

Nice shot!

the water's rising!

But did we do it right?
Is it strong enough?

Let's just hope
it holds.

Well, we're gonna find out
right now

because here comes
the flash flood!

Everybody off the dam!


We did it!


Go, Chris.

The beaver dam
is repaired for good.

Let's get
those creatures home.


Mission accomplished.

Everything's back to normal
at the beaver pond.

Hey, Timber, Sticker.

Sorry again
for breaking your dam.

And then breaking it
again and again.

And again and again.

You guys really are
nature's master builders.

Thanks for showing us
your secrets.

Yeah, this sure is
an awesome pond.

Hey, guys.

Where's the other paddle?



You guys can keep
the paddle.


I'll just
make a new one.

Canoeing, anyone?


All right, we're building
a beaver home.

Just a few more sticks.

A little more mud to pack it in
and seal it up.

Takes a lot of sticks
to build a beaver lodge.

Hey, here comes another one
to help us out

A team of beavers can build
a huge lodge to live in

in just
two or three weeks.

She's bringing over
another stick.

Takes a lot of tree-cutting and
mud-gathering to build a home.

By the time they're done,

they'll use about tons
of raw material.

And the beaver lodge
is built.

So what do you think,
up to beaver standards?

Well, we learned
from the best,

the master builder
of the creature world.

Come on, we want to
show you something.

Come on, this way.

Where did she go?


Oh, yeah.

They just look like logs
in the water,

just their eyes, nose,
and ears above.

And the pond is like a huge
safety zone around their home.

She's going in!

Inside the lodge through
the secret underwater tunnel.

Hope she likes her home.

Well, a leopard frog does,

one of the thousands
of creatures

that live
in a beaver pond.

All right!

Hey, where's Woody?
Hey, there you are.

Come on, we want to
show you something.

Let's go.

So you know how all the building
you do makes homes

for so many animals like ducks
and fish and frogs and moose?

Well, since humans
are good builders too,

we can put our building skills
to use in a special way.

By building things that are
homes and habitats for animals.

We can build houses
for animals to live in

like bat-houses and birdhouses.

Yeah, check them out.
Good construction.

Come on,
we'll show you more.

And it's not just houses.

You can plant flowers and berry
bushes for animals to feed on.

Hey, where did they go?

Yeah, you've got a great lodge
here, Woody.

This is not bad at all.

I could definitely get used to
living in your neighborhood.

Hey, are you guys
inside the lodge?

Yeah, we are.

You have room in there
for one more beaver?

Yeah, come on in.


This is the life.

I'm going in!

See you
on the creature trail!

To find out more
about cool animals--

And collect your own
Wild Kratts Creature Powers...

We'll see you there!
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