01x09 - Voyage of the Butterflier XT

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x09 - Voyage of the Butterflier XT

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, it's the Kratt
brothers here.

I'm Chris.
And I'm Martin.

And we're searching for--
Over there!

The Monarch butterfly,

one of the most amazing
creatures around.

And the reason
they're so amazing?

Wait! Oh,
he's going this way!

Here's one!

Come back!



Oh, he got away.


Hey, but butterfly might
have gotten away,

but if you're looking
for monarch caterpillars,

milkweed is the place
to find them.

Martin, over here.

All right!

Oh, they're big fat ones.

Oh, yeah, look
at them munching away.

Keep on growing buddy.

We'll check on you later.

Yes, it's happening.

He's changing
into a chrysalis.

The caterpillar sheds
his outer skin.

And inside
is the chrysalis.

And this is the chrysalis

with the developing
butterfly right inside.

And over the next days,

an amazing
transformation takes place.

And they emerge as...


You're looking good, buddy.

Oh, now,
monarch butterflies

aren't just your ordinary
beautiful butterfly.

They are
long-distance voyagers.

Monarchs are the only
butterflies in the world

to take a miraculous
, -mile journey.

Imagine if we could
be a monarch.

Then we'd be
able to join

the most incredible journey
in the insect world.

What if?
What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

There's got to be one
around here somewhere.

What about this one?

Hm, that looks like
a Sulphur caterpillar.

Yup, Clouded Sulphur.

Starts as a caterpillar
that looks like this.

Turns into a butterfly
that looks like this.


So if we're going to find
a monarch caterpillar,

tell me what
they look like.

Well, they're black with white
and yellow stripes like--

Kind of like that,
just not so blue.

He's got the markings
of a monarch.

He's got the feet
of a monarch caterpillar.

And he's got the face of--


Hey, guys.

I found
a monarch caterpillar.

Meet Maxilla!

Cool, my caterpillar programming
works for monarchs too.

Oh, yeah, but these guys,
they don't have much

in the way of powers except
the power to eat milkweed.

Oh, she's a milkweed
munching machine.

Yeah, but just wait till
she becomes a butterfly.

That's when she'll
show off her power

to take the longest,
most incredible journey

of any insect
in North America,

, miles to Mexico.

, miles? No way.

How can a tiny little
butterfly make it that far?

That would be like
someone our size--

Traveling all
the way around the world

two times under
our own power,

no planes, cars, nothing.

Get out!

No way I'm going
to believe that.

Okay, we'll, prove it.

We'll follow one butterfly on
the entire voyage side by side

with one of the greatest insect
travelers in the world.

That would be
Maxilla here,

a.k.a. Captain Maxilla.

We'll go with her
when she hatches.

Okay, big talkers.

Koki, how much time
does that give me

to make a butterfly
adventure vehicle?

Let's see.

Well, Maxilla already
hatched from the egg.

And judging from her size,

has been a growing caterpillar
for about days,

which means she's about
to become a chrysalis

for about days
until she emerges

into a butterfly.

Right on, Koki.

Maxilla's changing into
chrysalis mode right now.

I better get moving.

here we come!

Hey, wait up!

Ah! Oof!

I told you I need
something really divine

for this fashion season.

What else do you have?

You like it?

No, I don't like.

What else
do you have?

No, too cold.

Oh. Hey.

A worm?

You expect me to do
something with a worm?

Donita Donata makes living
fashions, not magic.

Make it disappear!

Keep looking.

Day , monarch-o-rama!


Cool! Awesome!

here we come!

Right on time,
Maxilla, days.


Hate to burst
everybody's chrysalis,

but her wings
are all shriveled up.

Not for long, Jimmy Z.

Get those wing fluids
pumping, Maxilla!

Okay, all set.

the butterfly vehicle?

Wait, there's
a big mistake.

She's never even
flown in her life,

and she's going to fly
all the way to Mexico

on those flimsy wings?

Oh, yeah,
but don't worry.

We'll help her
if she needs it.

Martin, she knows
how to pull this off

better than we do.

Nature's got know-how.

I'm just hoping
we can keep up.

Well, this will help.

Ta-da, the Butterflier XT!

It's tiny.

It's butterfly size.

You don't want
an advantage, do you?

Uh, yeah,
I'll take an advantage.

Hey, if the butterflies
can do it, so can we!

Ready, Martin?

Oh, yeah!

Okay, tag ready.

She's # .

Don't lose her.

We won't.

All systems go.

Mission Monarch
ready for takeoff.

T minus seconds
and counting.

Three, two, one,

Got to webcast
this action.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Bon voyage!


Good luck!


Oh, days and still
no fashion breakthrough.

You need a break?
I need a break.

No, no, no, not until
I have what I'm looking for.

I didn't become the #

live-animal fashion
designer by giving up!

Pass me the sun screen.

What is that?

It's guh-guh-gorgeous

with a capital "guh"!

I can't believe--

Oh, it's a butterfly!

Oh, yes,

live hair adornments.

Butterfly barrettes!

I want you!

Come back here!

Catch it, Dabio!
Catch it!

Catch them all!

Uh, oh-oh.

Get them!

Whoa, smooth it out, Chris.

I never get carsick
but this is ridiculous.

I've got
the zig down.

Now I just have
to get the zag.


Whoa, swallow attack!

Oh, yeah, it's the erratic
flight pattern defense.

Fly all zigzaggy
and it's harder

for a predator
to catch you.

That's when zigzags
come in handy.

Well, I hope you got
it down now, dude,

because that blue bomber just
circled around on your left!

Got it!
Zigging now!



Can't catch us!

Chris, on the right!

Uh-oh, this calls
for the zag.

Not the zag.


Yes, nailed it.


Bye-bye, tree swallow.

(Both gasping)

Ow. Hello,

Where's Maxilla?

Oh, she's fine.

Us, not so good.

There's one!


Capture it.

Get me that butterfly!

I'll get you, butterfly.


Uh-oh, our wings
are pretty messed up.

Yeah, but at least
it still flies.

Let's wing it!


They're just little bugs!

Are you telling me
you can't catch bugs?

Okay, now we
know that cars

are like predators
to the migrating monarch.

They're dangerous.

And Donita, she's after
these butterflies too.

Don't worry about Donita.

We'll keep
an eye on her.

Oh, and, guys,
watch your energy.

Don't forget
to refuel.



Now she tells us!


This is going well so far.

Couldn't be better.

Day of Mission Monarch

and things are off
to a shaky start.

Hey, nice
day for flying.

Have you seen
Maxilla, # ?


Yeah, we're filling
up our t*nk too.

Wow, now,
that's a cool straw!

Built in and portable.

Just roll it out

and have a drink
of sweet nectar.

Nice touch, Aviva.

Just like
a butterfly's proboscis.

Here's some untapped nectar,
Martin. Yup, sugary sweet.

The perfect energy food
for a butterfly.

Fill her up.

I can't believe
we lost Maxilla.

Oh, we got to find her
so we can help her

if she gets into trouble.

Martin, we're just
barely surviving here.

Maxilla's got
nature's know-how.

I'm sure she's doing way better
than we are right now.

You think so?

I know so! Look!


We can't be
going that way.

Okay, we're going
that way.


of Mission Monarch.

The brothers
have just left

a Wild Kratts Teamer's
butterfly garden.

and are now
attempting to cross

the Great Lakes
with the monarchs.

They'll now be crossing
miles of water

in a single flight.

No, no, no.

They can't do it.
It's impossible.

You're freaking me out.

Jimmy, it's okay.

I put extra energy
capacity in the Butterflier.

Just like a butterfly,

they'll store fat in this part
of their body, the abdomen.

That should give them just
enough energy to make it across.

As long as
the weather holds.

(Jimmy Z moaning)

He's fainted again.

Better get the pizza.

This windstorm came
out of nowhere.

We're not going anywhere.

We're too light.

I know.

We're running out
of energy fast.

Is that--?

That's Maxilla!

Hah, # with
the curled antenna.

She's going down
and so are we.

When you're in trouble,

nature's know-how can
pull you through.

(Horn blaring)

Hey, a boat.

Whoa, everybody's waiting
out the windstorm.

Yeah, a butterfly only weighs
about as much as three tissues.

So when it's windy or rainy,
they just have to sit tight.

Hah, I wonder who
the nice people are

that are letting us all
rest on their boat.

Butterflies, get them!

No free rides today!

Catch those barrettes,

all of them!

(Dabio grunting)



Wind levels are down.
Ready for takeoff.

Hurry, dude.
Here comes Dabio!



(Both screaming)

(Both panting)

Ooh, nice day for a swim.

I will get those
butterfly barrettes

if I have to go to the end
of the earth to do it!

Mission Monarch day :

the cold weather
is on its way up here.

All the milkweed plants

that the monarch
caterpillars need

to eat are dying.

With no food and cool
weather on its way,

it's no wonder the monarchs
headed down to warmer weather.

Chris, Martin
and Maxilla have made it

, miles and counting.

We've just received
word from a Creature Teamer

that they made it to Georgia,
about / of the way to Mexico.

Hey, want
to see a loop-the-loop?


Yeah, Maxilla, we're doing
about miles a day,

pretty good pace.

I'd say it'll be
smooth sailing from here.

Maxilla, she's gone.

Where did she go?


Oh, no!

You're right, Martin!
Now she does need our help!

Hang on, Maxilla.

I'll get you out!

Martin, behind you!

Uh-oh, I'm too late.

Nice spider.

Okay, we're just
passing through.


(Metal clanging)

Got you, bro.

I can't believe it.

Why did the spider
cut her loose?

Why did he let her go?

Monarchs taste bad.

Yeah, I'll stick to hotdogs.

No, really, it says right
here that they're poisonous.

Look at this.

All it takes is for a predator
to try eating a monarch once,

and he gets so sick,

that he'll never eat another
one as long as he lives.



So that's why the spider
didn't eat Maxilla.

He knows monarchs
are poisonous.

Wow, it really helps
to have a few tricks like that

when you're on
a , mile journey

over forests, through cities,

until after , miles,

the butterflies have to pass
through this thin strip of land

to their final
destination, Mexico.

Ah, yes, Dabio,

we're going to Mexico.

(Laughing maniacally)

Where's that?

We must be getting close.

They're all going
into that forest.

Whoa, we have arrived.


The secret winter hideout

of the monarch

All the monarchs from across
eastern North America

right here
in this tiny forest.

Maxilla, I knew
you could do it.

, miles
on inch wings.

And the amazing thing is,

you've never even
been here before.

Yeah, when you
started the trip,

you just emerged
from you chrysalis.

Nobody knows how you guys find
your way here but you do.

That's what I call
nature's know-how.

Hey, the butterflies
are settling down.

Everyone's finding
a place in the trees.

Of course.
It's getting colder.

It's hibernation time!

And it's even colder
up here, Chris

We've got the first
snowstorm of the season.

This must be why they left
in the first place.

Right, guys?

They couldn't
survive up there.

But here they can huddle
together through the winter

and so are we,
butterfly style.


Butterfly blankey.


Migrators turned

Well, if they hang out with
the sleeping butterflies

for four months,
it will give me time

to work on butterfly

for the Creature
Power suits.

Sweet dreams.


This isn't Mexico!

(Bird screeching)


This isn't Mexico!



This isn't Mexico!



Finally, Mexico.

It took me four months,
but it was worth the wait.

Dabio, hurry up!

(Donita laughing maniacally)

(Donita laughing maniacally)

No, leave them alone!

Back off!

Wait, who are we
talking to?

Whoa, sorry.

I just had a nightmare.

I dreamt Donita was here taking
branch-fulls of butterflies.

Chris, I don't think
that was a dream. Look!

Oh, no.

Oh, you're just trying to get
a good four-month sleep,

and Donita snatches
you just as you're about

to wake up
and head home.

It's true. Look.

Everyone's waking up.

Oh, morning,

Glad you're here.

Come in, Tortuga HQ.

Oh, hello,
sleeping beauties.

Welcome to spring.

where's Donita?

I don't know.

I've been so busy

adding butterfly
programming to the suits.

Last report, she was
wandering around the Arctic.

She'll never find
that secret forest.

Well, this is never.

And the secret's out.

Oh, no.

You guys use your suits.

They're done.

We're on our way.

We'll find her.

Jimmy, teleport!


I got it.
I got it.



Not caterpillar mode!

Ah, that's better-fly.

I mean, butterfly!

Chris? Oh, no.

Chrysalis mode.

Butterfly power!

To the creature rescue!


Hurry up, Dabio.
I'm tired of delays.

I need to get these butterflies
back to the mansion.


Ugh, greasy.

Hey, looking good.

DONITA: Dabio!


Ah, yes,
beautiful barrettes.

Soon everyone will
be wearing them. What?

What--? What is happening
to my butterflies?

They're dying!
No, no, no, no!

Stop dying!

I order you to stop
dying right now!

Maxilla, wake up.

Are you okay? Wake up.

I'll do a medical check.


Oh, no.

I think she's--
She's dying.

No, Maxilla, don't.

You can't do that.

Martin, over here.

She laid an egg.

And look. So has she.

A new generation
of monarchs is on the way.

In just four days, these
monarch eggs will hatch

into tiny caterpillars

and start the whole
lifecycle over again.

Lay eggs and then die.

I know.

It's just how life
is for lots of insects.

Yeah, but she lived
a super-long life, bro.

Four months, , miles.

Maxilla saw more of the world
than most people do.

Yeah, all that and she
never made it back home.

Hey, what if she's not
supposed to make it home?

Yeah, maybe he's supposed
to keep the journey going!

Yes, nature's
got know-how.

They lay eggs so the babies
can continue the journey home.

Martin, Chris,
I found Donita.

I think she's k*lling
all the butterflies.

It's not Donita.

The butterflies are just doing
their natural butterfly thing.

It's their lifecycle.

But we've got
to rescue them

so they can lay eggs
and keep that lifecycle going!

And I've got a plan
that might work.

Do not die on me now.

I need living
butterfly barrettes.

Do you hear me?!


At least they're
easier to catch now.

Not as easy
as you are.


What are you doing?

Let me out of here!

You kept trying
to net these monarchs.

Now it's your turn.

But I still have
the butterflies.

How are you going
to get them?

Like this.

Milkweed, anyone?

Go lay your eggs,
beautiful butterflies!

Follow us!

We know of a great
milkweed patch!

No, no, no, get back here
with my butterflies!


(Dabio screaming)

(Donita groaning)

That hurt. Ow! Ow!

(Both groaning)

(Donita screaming)

(Both groaning)

That hurt!

Whose bad idea were
butterfly barrettes anyway?

Don't answer that.

Ah, the thing every monarch
needs to lay its eggs,

a milkweed patch.

And when they hatch,

those milkweed-eating
caterpillars of yours

will have a feast!

Wow, the lifecycle of
the migrating monarch is saved.

So let me get
this straight, guys.

The butterflies that
live during the fall

migrate , miles to Mexico
to escape the cold.

And when they get to their
secret forest, they hibernate.

Then they wake up
in the spring

just as the milkweed
is starting to grow back.

But they don't make it
all the way home.

It's their sons and daughters
who will finish the trip.

They lay eggs
before they die

that will hatch
into caterpillars.

The caterpillar
eats and eats,

forms a chrysalis and finally
becomes a butterfly.

The sons and daughters
of those original butterflies

will continue
the journey home.

That is one
incredible life story.

The new generation
of monarchs is here.

Safe and sound
and heading north.

Look at them go!


Come on, Maxilla Jr.
You're doing great.

Ah, your mom
would be proud.

With their own
creature know-how

and a little help
from friends like us,

little creatures can
do amazing things.


CHRIS: Woohoo!
(Martin laughing)

So monarch butterflies
have what it takes

to make one
of the greatest migrations

in the creature world.

Right now is
the beginning of fall.

And the monarch
migration is underway.

And we're here at
an important pit-stop place

for migrating monarchs.

Why is it so important?

That's why!

This huge body
of water

is what the monarch
butterflies have to cross,

Lake Erie,
miles across.

That group of monarchs has spent
the night roosting in the trees.

They're resting up for their
journey across the lake.

And as the sun warms
up their bodies,

they begin to move
and work their muscles.

And one by one,
they take off.

The butterflies
also fuel up here.

They drink nectar
from the flowers

to get the energy they need
to make it across the lake.

Get a good drink.

Oh, there he goes!

All right!

Before they cross,
they'll check the wind.

If it's blowing south, it will
help them across the lake.

There he goes.
He's ready.

Good luck!

With the forests
in Mexico being cut down

and more and more habitat along
the way being destroyed,

the monarchs could use
a lot of help from us.

One thing you can do
is plant a butterfly garden,

your own pit-stop place
for migrating monarchs.

Monarchs love to fuel up
on butterfly bush,

and sedum.

You can also help monarchs
by helping scientists

track their migration.

Tag a monarch.

That way scientists can track
an individual monarch's journey.

This monarch's ID

is NEC .

Then when you tag
the monarch,

hold it gently by
the leading edge of its wings

and put
the little tiny tag

right on this part
of the lower wing.

the tag is light

and won't bother
the monarch when she's flying.

And if this monarch makes
it all the way down to Mexico,

a scientist may find her,

and, because of the tag,

know exactly where she
was released and when.

You're ready to fly?

There he goes.

Have a good trip!

Bon voyage!

Monarch butterflies,

little creatures
that can do big things.

We'll see you on
the creature trail.

To find out more
about cool animals

and collect your own
Wild Kratts creature powers,

go the Wild Kratts

We'll see you there!
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