01x12 - Fireflies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x12 - Fireflies

Post by bunniefuu »



Hey, bro,
what are you doing here?

Looking for fireflies.
What are you doing here?

Looking for
lightning bugs.

You mean fireflies.

You mean lightning bugs.

Same thing.

Hey, I'm Chris.

And I'm Martin.

We're the Kratt brothers.

And you know, we're not
gonna find a glowing bug

with our lights on.

Because when
you're looking for fireflies

the darker the better
so you can see their glow.

So, lights off!

Hey, over there!

Oh, yeah.
Got it.

Hey, come back!

I almost got one!

(Both yelling)

Catching fireflies
can be tricky.

(Laughing and groaning)

You can't see the fireflies
with the lights on.

And you can't see the big rocks
with the lights off.

I can feel a lightning bug
on my nose.

Me too.

Back that looks like
a sunflower seed.

Orange-red head.

Big, black,
ball-y eyes.

And a belly that glows.

Lightning bugs
have a special power:


which means light given off
by living things.


Whenever a lightning bug glows
it's sending a message.

A secret firefly code--

To other lightning bugs.

Imagine if we could fly with the
fireflies through the night.

We could keep up
with them

and find out the secret
to their glowing power.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪



A bit lower.

Okay, a touch higher.



Everything's set for the
Wild Kratt firefly picnic.

(Mosquito humming)


Get away! Get away!


(Mosquito humming)


All right, let's do this!

We got to get into the forest
and find those fireflies.

What's the rush?

The lightning bugs
are only adult form

for a few weeks
each year.

And it's their only chance
to mate.

So give us a rundown
on these new buzz bikes.

Okay, here's what
you need to know:

To steer pull back to go up
and push forward to dive down.

(Engine starting)

Careful, the throttles are
extra sensitive so beware.

No problemo.
I got it.







Let's get you
into the miniaturizer.

Another problemo.


I forgot to include
mechanical matter.

Let's try this again.

Woo hoo!


Let's find
some fireflies.

All right, looking
for lightning bugs.

No way, dude,

They light up like fire
and they fly.

Get it?

But they're not really flies
at all.

Flies have two wings;
These guys have four.

They're actually beetles.

Then why don't you call them
lightning beetles?

Firefly at : !


Right there!
He's blinking!

Hold up, Blinker,
I'm coming!


Better than some fire name
like Torch or Flame.

Blinker: I like it.

Where are you?

Toad alert!

Near miss!


Where did Blinker go?


Where are you?




I'll give that an . .

But your landing
could have been smoother.

Now, that's a . .

Way to stick
the landing.

(Phone ringing)

You guys okay?

CK, what happened?

Um, nothing.

Just doing a little
soil sample study.

Yeah, soil study.
That's it.


Well, are the fireflies
coming out tonight?

We're on it;
don't worry.

Once we finish up
with these soil samples,

we'll get back to looking.

(Koki laughing)

Ask them to catch a rattlesnake
or a rhino: no problem.

But one little firefly?


Hey, I got him.

I found Blinker!

Wait, it's not Blinker.

It's a lightning bug egg.


And here's
what it hatches into!

A cute little glow-worm.

A glow-worm lives underground
for up to two years

then grows wings
and turns into a firefly.

Hey, you could lose
a little weight, buddy.

I think you hugged him
too tight.

He's glowing for defense.





Oh, no! Martin! Bro!

That's why he was glowing:
to warn the toad.

The glow says, "I'm poisonous.
Don't eat me."

Well, I'm sure that toad
learned his lesson.

He won't try to eat
a glow-worm ever again.

The lightning bugs
are coming out!


It's happening!

Come on, follow them!

Hey, Aviva, if you thought
syncing up our video screens

with the creature pods was cool,
check this out.

The fireflies will synchronize
their blinking

when they're in
a large group.

Whoa, that's amazing.


Whoa, it's starting.

The fireflies
are coming!

Shut off the lights!

You've got to
see this!


No, no, no.
What am I going to wear?

I need to stand out,
one-of-a-kind dress.



I'm exhausted.
I need some fresh air.

Window open now.



Yeah, Donita?

You know how bugs bug me
when they move.

Window closed now.

Oh, how beautiful.

A flash of genius!

I can work with this.



Window open now.

All right.

This is the only time
to see fireflies.

They only come out like this
for two weeks of the year.

And each lightning bug
only flies and flashes

for this one time
in their whole lives.

When they flash
they're talking to each other.

The male fireflies
fly around

and flash to get
the attention of the females.

The females are on the ground
watching the flying flashes.

If she likes what she sees
she'll flashback.

So the fireflies
are flashing

so they can pair up
and lay eggs

that turn into glow worms
that turn into fireflies.

But what are they saying
to each other?

It's like a code:
a code that we don't know.

We've got to figure out
the lightning bug code.


light created
by a living thing.

Most light creates heat,

but the firefly's glowing belly
isn't hot.

It creates cold light.

How does it work?
How do you do it?


His name's Blinker.

How do you know
it's Blinker?

Oh, I'd recognize him

Okay, so at the bug Olympics,
how does a firefly--


What are you doing?

I'm telling Blinker a joke
in firefly.

At the bug Olympics, how does
a firefly start the race?


On your mark, get set,



Look at the fireflies
I caught.

All right.

Have a good look
at them--

Then let
the fireflies go.


She's sucking up
all the lightning bugs!


She's captured all the male
lightning bugs from the meadow.

Donita's jet is headed
due east.

She's heading towards
Smoky Mountain Mansion.

Good job, Koki.
Keep tracking her.

We've got to go now
and rescue them.

The fireflies only have
this time to flash, lay eggs

and hatch glow-worms.

If they don't, there will be
no fireflies next year.

Hold on.

How are you gonna rescue
thousands of lightning bugs?

We need a plan.

We don't have time
for any plans! You know Donita.

She'll put them
into suspended animation and

try to make flashing jewelry or
sweat bands out of them

If we're too slow,
we're too late.

you're still with us!

You're the only
male firefly left.

And he's the secret
to the code.

If we can crack
the flashing code,

we should be able to communicate
with the lightning bugs

and lead them to safety.

I already know
how to talk firefly.

They call me the firefly

Firefly whisperer?
Who does?

Could you guys use
a firefly disc

for your Creature Power Suits?


I just have to
figure out

how their bioluminescence
works first.

Okay, Jimmy.

Take that luciferase
in the green tube

and pour it
in the large beaker.


Hm, that didn't work and you
should probably wash your hair.

These are going to be perfect,
simply glow-rious.




Get us back
to the mansion.

Hey, Blinker.
Dude! What's up?

You're asking him
what's up?

Just an ice breaker.

What we need to do is watch
how he flashes and copy it.

Blink, blink.

Blink, blink.

Blink, blink.

Oh! We got it!
We can speak firefly!


We have to make sure
we're precise

about the length and pattern
of the cycle.

No problem.
I've got it.

I think I'm even getting
the firefly accent.

Blink, blink.

Blink, blink.

How's the firefly disc

Just need to infuse the disc
with bioluminescence.

Wow, you figured out the formula
for bioluminescence that easily?

Well, there was one mishap
along the way.

Yeah, this mishap.

Sorry, Jimmy.

But we learned that the firefly
or lightning bug

mixes two chemicals,
luciferin and luciferase,

with oxygen inside
its belly to create a glow.

That's how they do it
and how we do it too.

let's go rescue them!

Can't rush out yet.

We may be able to mimic
Blinker's flash pattern

but we still don't know if the
lightning bugs will follow it.

Oh, it'll work.
I'll sneak in there as a firefly

and bust them out of jail
Great Escape style.


Up for grabs!

Check it out,
an ivory billed woodpecker!

What, really?

That could be
the only one left.

Looks like we're doing
the creature rescue my way.

I say we study
these lightning bugs more

and make sure we can lure them
away from Donita

by copying
their flash patterns.

Sounds good.
Meet me there when you're ready.

Activate firefly power!

I'm gonna wing it!


Martin, look out!

I'm fine, guys.

I'm gonna save the planet
with Creature Power--

Why didn't it open?

Looks like you're too small
to activate the a*t*matic door.

Thanks, dude.
I knew it.

Donita's made it back to
her mansion in the mountains.

I'll be
right behind you, bro.

How long until
the second disc is ready?

I'm gonna need
about minutes.

I have to reset the system
before I output it.

That gives me time
to test the pattern

to see if you actually
do follow it.

I've spotted a firefly
in the tall grass,

flashing irregularly.

It may be injured.

I'm going in to see
if everything's all right.

Yo, dude, give it to me
up high.


Whoa, is it something
I said?

Wait a second, you're not
the average firefly.

You're not a Photinus species.

You're a Photuris species.


You tricked me.

You make the same flashing

of the female Photinus species

to lure males in
and eat them!


Must stop her
from trying to eat me!

Okay, you two, break it up,
break it up.

Let me at her!

Martin, stay focused.

You've got thousands
of fireflies to rescue.

Now, go!

To the creature rescue!

Step two complete.

Once I add the glowy bug bugs:
voilà, vision accomplished.

Keep an eye out
for Dabio.

He's always lurking around.

Don't worry, I got this.

Buckle up, I'm going in.

Go, dudes, go!

Freedom for all fireflies!

All right, belly,
let's start flashing.

Follow me, guys.

What's going on?

I'm using the exact pattern
Blinker was.

They should be following me.

Wait a sec,
that's it.

We've been working on the wrong
flash pattern all along.

They're not responding
to your flashing

because they're all males.

We need the female
flash pattern.

How could I
have missed that?

Okay, improvise.

Hey, guys,
follow me!


Is it something I said?

Hey, how did you
get out?


Dabio, I leave you alone
for one minute

and this is what I get?

Why do bugs have to move?

Lucky for you I'm not only the
beauty but I'm also the brains.

My trusty suspended animation
control should do the trick.

I always could fly
by the seat of my pants.

Now I've got wings.

Let's try this.

Some people just don't
notice nature.

Even when it's
right in front of their nose.



Dabio, what is wrong
with this thing?

The glow bug
keeps turning it off.


This is good.


Get it!

Not me, the bug!

Chris, change of plans.

I'll keep her busy
until you get here to help out.

Blink, blink.

Blink, blink.

Blink, blink.

Got it!

The female glow pattern is:
blink, blink, pause.

Blink, blink, pause.

Blink, blink.

Okay, Koki,
can you get the lights?

Let's test it to see
if it works on Blinker.

Yes, we cracked the code!


Oh, it can't be this easy.



I'm going down!

Hm, this one's different
from the rest.

Because you're so unique,
you will be my crowning jewel.

I'm flattered
you think so.

I do try to watch what I eat
and exercise daily, and--

Hey, wait a minute.

I demand you release
all these fireflies

so they can go back to nature
flashing free and in the wild!


It's a noisy one,
but extra flashy.

Luciferin plus luciferase
plus oxygen equals...


Coming at you, Chris!

I'll stay human-sized.

The brighter the glow the more
lightning bugs I'll attract.

To the lightning bug rescue!

Who would have thought?
Exciting, enchanting,

and now eveningwear.


Not flashtabulous.



Ooh, very pretty.

we have a problem.

Donita's put
all the captured fireflies

in suspended animation,
including myself,

and built a dress
out of them.

How much time we have?

Not long. She's almost ready
to leave her mansion.


Hang in there, bro.
I'll be there as soon as I can.

Don't move.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

You've got to hurry, CK.

If she gets into that limo and
drives off, we'll lose her.

You'll never be able
to keep up.

Fireflies just don't
fly that fast.

Target located.

Plan C:
here we go.

What is that?

Somebody stole my one-of-a-kind
firefly fashion idea?

Chris Kratt?

How dare you!

turn him off, now!





Dabio, help!

Keep going, bro.
It's working.

Oh yeah,
we're reading the code.

Everybody head that way!

(Donita wailing)


My glow-rious gown!


Oh, I get it. LOL.

You don't say LOL;
you just laugh.

And this isn't funny.

I can't go to the party
looking like this.

My evening is ruined!

Oh no,
I told you bugs bug me!

Hey, nice job
on the jailbreak.

My plan worked.

Your plan?

I had to rescue you
from your plan.

That was my plan,
Plan D.

And you did
a great job, bro.

Yeah, right.
I'll race you home.

Last one back
is a slimy glow-worm.

I kind of thought
they were cute!

Aviva, I washed my hair,
like, times

and still can't get
this color out.

Hey, I got two!


How about a little
catch and release, then?

Okay. It's time
to let the fireflies go.

fireflies. Be free.

That's the Wild Kratts way.

Hey, look, the fireflies are
syncing up their blink patterns.

They are so pretty.

Look at them fly.

Okay, why do fireflies
love thunderstorms?

Because they're lightning bugs.



One of the best things
about the start of summer

are the
lightning bugs.

Oh, yeah, the weather's hot
and just when it gets dark

the fireflies
start coming out.

Come on, Wild Kratts kids,
let's get some fireflies!

(All chattering)

Let's go find some!


Oh, look, there's some.

Look for the glow.

Look at them all.

Here's one, look.
Right here.

There's a glow.
Got it!

Good job.

You have quick hands

There you go.

They like the tall grass

because the females
can wait down in the grass.

The males are hard
to catch

because they're flying.
You see one?

This is so fun.

Oh, you got it,
you got it.

Okay, hey,
come on over.

He's glowing a little bit.

He's flashing.
That's a nice one.

You want to put it
in our container?


We'll just keep him for a little
while so we can look at him

and then we'll let him go.

Come on.

I got one!

We got another one.

All right!
This is so fun.

Now we can check them out
and then let them go.

We've always got to put them
in containers

where they can breathe and
you're catching them so gently.

The thing about them:
you see them glowing, right?

And then you run up there
and they stop glowing,

and then you got to go
find them glowing again.

That's good.
Those are your fireflies.

Look at them
sending the signal.

Got him.

This is really fun,
catching fireflies.

When you catch one,
be really gentle

because they're very
delicate and fragile.

Okay, and then you can put the
firefly inside a container

that has a moist paper towel
and air holes

so it can breathe.

You can keep them in there
for about an hour

but then be sure
to let them go.

Because they're all out here

so they can
make baby fireflies.

Ready to let them go,


Let's do it!

All right.

Goodbye, firefly.

Go free.

The fireflies are disappearing
in many places,

but there are things
that we can do to help them.

Make sure that fireflies
flash every summer.

Turn off your outside lights

when lightning bugs
are flashing

so they can see
each other's codes.

Tell your parents not to use
bug K*llers or pesticides

in your lawn.

Teach people
how to catch lightning bugs

without hurting them.

And always let them go
so fireflies stay...

Living free and in the wild.

To find out more
about cool animals...

And collect your own
Wild Kratts Creature Powers...

We'll see you there!
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