01x15 - Octopus Wildkratticus

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x15 - Octopus Wildkratticus

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, we're
the Kratt Brothers.

I'm Martin.
And I'm Chris.

In almost every ocean
around the world

there lurks
an amazing creature.

And we know where there's
a real friendly one.

Come on.

There she is right down
there in the cave.

Let's see if we can
call her up.

Come on, girl.

See tentacles.

Hello, Georgia!

Here she comes.

A Giant Pacific Octopus!

All right.

Wow, what a grip.

It's amazing how strong
these suction cups are.

They really latch on.

That's a cool
Creature Power.

And the octopus has a lot
of cool Creature Powers.

One of them:
arm regeneration.

If one gets bitten off
by a predator

it can grow
back the arm.

And the Creature Powers
don't end there.

Octopus have
incredible camouflaging.

They have chromatophores
all over their body

that can change
the color of the octopus

depending on what
it's sitting on or its mood.

See, she's changing
color right now.

And don't forget
about jet propulsion.

See those slits
on the side of her head?

She takes in water through
them and then blows it out

really fast
through her siphon.

She'll do that
if she wants to move fast.

Otherwise, she just walks
along the bottom.

See you later, Georgia!

Imagine if we had the Creature
Powers of the octopus!

And could use them in the deep
sea like the Giant Pacific!

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Nothing like a nice
sunny day in the Arctic

to air out
the Creature Power Suits.

Hey, Aviva,
how many animals

have your programmed
for these anyway?

Hm, I don't know.
A lot.

(Hammering, cranking)

I'll check it out
for you, Jimmy Z.

Let's see, polar bears,
octopuses, honey badgers.


Yeah, but wait
till you see

my new invention,
the Octopod.

I'm still working on it.

But with this
creature-inspired super sub,

the bros will be able to get
some real work done.

Oh, yeah!



(Both grunting)


Whoa, that's air!



All right, check this out!



Um, guys, what are you doing
with my Manta Riders?

We just invented a new extreme
sport, Manta-boarding!

They're designed for water
travel, not flying over rails.

Well, I happen
to be an ace Manta rider,

so there's nothing
to worry about.

Famous last words.

Oh, yeah?

Watch this.

Martin, slow down.





Oh, no!
Nice landing, bro.

(Metal creaking)


Have you got
my Creature Power Suits?

Uh, no.

But I did find
a Giant Pacific Octopus.

Hey, he only
has seven arms.

Okay, so that's what I'm
going to call him, Seven.

Hey, Seven.

Not one of your
wilder names, bro.

But, hey, at least
we know you can count.

Brothers Kratt,
I'm sure Seven is very nice,

but the suits are gone!

Don't worry, Aviva,
I'll find them!

Hang on, Seven!


They got sucked out
by the current.

Oh, and I lost Seven too.
I'm so sorry, Aviva.

It took me months,
days and hours

to develop that technology!

They're prototypes.

That means they're
the only ones.

Don't worry, Aviva.

We'll just grab
our scuba gear and--

No, we can use
the Octopod.

It's not finished yet,

but it'll take us down further
and fight the water currents.

We've got to get
my suits back.


To the Creature
Power Suit rescue!


(Creature Power Suit beeping)

Okay, the suits will be carried
by the currents,

which are moving

Let's head
northeast, Aviva.

You got it, Chris.

See the suits, Martin?

Oh, I don't see
any sign of them.

I'm so sorry, Aviva.

I'll forgive you,
ace Manta rider,

when you find
my Creature Power Suits.

(Radar beeping)

It looks like we have

a Giant Pacific Octopus
coming our way.

Oh, yeah, I see him too.

Hey, I think it's Seven!

Four, five,
six, seven, eight.

Not seven.

But talk about a creature
with amazing Creature Powers.

Giant Pacifics are like
a team of superheroes

all rolled into one.

They have escape tactics.

Amazing stretching

And they're
super smart.

But does he have
the power to find my suits?

I'll ask him.

Hey, guy, what's up?

Whoa, he's thinking, "I'm out
of here using jet propulsion."

Hey, he must be trying
to escape from a predator.

I'm a big fan
of jet propulsion.

How does
an octopus use it?

Okay, water goes up into
his head and then into a tube.

The tube has muscles
at the top of it,

which quickly squeezes water
out the hole in the back.

And that sh**t
the octopus forward

at about miles
per hour.

It's like having a jet
engine right in your head.

Super cool!

Chris, take over driving.

I'm going to add
jet propulsion

into the Octopod
movement system.

If I fasten this tubing into
the intake valve over here,

it'll run water
into the auto-pump.

That will squeeze it
through this tube.

It just might work!

If anyone can do it,
you can, Aviva.

Oh, you were
right, Chris.

He was escaping your predator,
that great white shark!

Whoa, the octo just
said, "Eat this!"

and shot a cloud of ink
into the great white's face

to mask his escape.

He didn't only take
off to escape.

His ink has chemicals that
are poisonous even to him.

Oh, it did a super job
of irritating the shark's eyes

so the octopus
could get away.

Oh, add an ink defense
to the Octopod, Aviva.

Oh, yeah, we need
an ink defense!


How's that going to help us
find the suits?

The octopus has it
for a reason.

So the Octopod should too.

It worked great for him
because the shark is gone.

I spoke too soon.

(Chuckling nervously)

Shark must think
we're an octopus!

He's chewing on us!

Oh, no, he might bite
through the power line.

Then we're going down
with no way up.

No better time to test my jet
propulsion feature than now.


It worked!

Whoo! Way to go, Aviva!
Way to go, Aviva!

Thanks, guys.

Ink defense is next.

And I have just the thing to
help me add it to the Octopod.


I brought
a celery-and-seaweed shake

in case I wanted a snack.


Seaweed ink defense,
what a great idea.

Healthy not harmful.


Do you see any sign
of the suits, Martin?

Hm, I don't see them but--

(Martin gasping)

I think I see Seven.

Oh, this guy must
really like me.

Or the Octopod looks
like his mom.

I see thousands of suckers,

smart eyes
darting around--

Oh, wait.

It's not Seven.

This guy has a face full
of whiskers and giant tusks!



Wha--? Ugh!

Hah, we discovered
a new type of octopus!

It's got tusks!

And whiskers.

He's cleaning
the window.

This is unknown to science!

I got to get a picture
for my life list!

(Camera snapping)

Oh, no, all I got was an arm!

Uh-oh, he's not happy.

I guess he doesn't like
his picture taken.

Those tusks are going to rip
right through the Octopod.

(Buttons beeping)

Aviva, is that
ink defense ready?

I don't know.

But let's give it
a seaweed squirt!

Wait, no.
It'll chase him away.

We can't let this guy
out of our sights!

But my Octopod can't withstand
a blow from those tusks!

Ink defense,
don't fail me now.

But it's a new species!

Oh, amazing
ink shot, Aviva.

It's tasty too.

(Smacking lips)

And it just chased away
a new species of octopus

unknown to the world.

We've got to go after it.

I think it went that
way so we are too!

Oh, Chris is right.

We've never seen
anything like it.

So we got to find it!

Hey, Koki, we need an ID
on a strange octopus.

It's got whiskers
and tusks.

I've been checking it out

but can't find any octopus
with those bizarre features.

Sorry, guys.

Don't be sorry, Koki.

We just discovered a never
before documented octopus.

We'll call it Octopus

Ah, or Octopus

Oh, Octopus
Wildkratticus works too.

Hey, nobody believed it

when the golden bamboo lemur
was recently discovered.

But it was, living secretly
in the Madagascar rainforest.

Could be the same
with the octo-walrus.

This is our chance
to discover a type of animal

no one knows about
and prove it to the world!

Um, guys, did you forget

that the reason we are
at the bottom of the sea

is to find
the Creature Power Suits?!

Hey, I know
it's important, Aviva.

But finding a new species
is a once-in-a-lifetime chance.

The suits can sit
around for a while.

Except for one problem,

they can't last long
in seawater and high pressure.

It's sensitive technology.

They need proper care.

Martin Lost-the-suits-icus,
what do you think?

Well, I agree with--

Both of you?

(Martin chuckling

Hey, the suits
and the octo-walrus

are both headed
to the sea bottom,

so why don't we just
go down there?

I have an idea.

There are a few water
caves ahead.

We can search through
the cracks and crevices

with the Manta Riders.

Octopuses live to hide out
in places like that.

Uh, I mean
the Creature Power Suits

might be stuck
on a rock.

The suits mean as much to us as
they do to you, Aviva.

We'll find them, promise.

Okay, I'll use the suckers
on the Octopod's arms

to stick to the sea bottom
in order to stick around,

just like the octopus's
powerful suction grip.

Okay, we're attached.

Be careful, guys.

(Shark growling)


I haven't been this excited

since we almost discovered
that new tropical slug.

Turned out to be
an old piece of gum,

but it was fun
while it lasted.

Hey, this water cave
looks like a good place

for an octo-walrus
to hide.

Hm, maybe he's--

I mean, the suits
are in the cave.

I saw that wink, Chris.


(Creature growling)

(Chris and Martin screaming)


Did we just discover
another new species?

I don't know but I think he
discovered a new snack: us!

open the portal!

(Both groaning)


An octo-walrus-shark!

I'm in creature
adventure heaven! Ugh!


Hold on, guys.

I'm getting us
out of here.



I just received a signal that
you guys were in a collision!

You bet we were, trying to get
away from an octo-walrus-shark.

It chewed an arm right
off my Octopod!

Oh, you might want to design an
arm-regeneration feature, Aviva.

Arm regeneration?

You mean when a predator
bites off an octopus' arm

it grows back?

Yeah, in three months

the octopus has
a brand-new arm.

Wow, we are going
to need every arm

to find
the Creature Power Suits.

And no arm-munching
new species is going to stop me.

All right, let's go!

here we come!

Chris, you're driving
like a loony!

Hey, Aviva, you sure designed
squishy seatbelts on this thing.

They feel
like octopus arms!

Seven, eight.

I like eight
but I miss Seven.

Whoo, this guy must have
floated in through the hole

and used his camouflage
to fit right in

with the color
of the chair.

It's so cool how the color of an
octopus changes in seconds.

How does it do that?

With small stretchy colored
sacks called chromatophores

that change when it
crawls along the surface.

The tiniest piece
of skin can have

of chormatophores in them.


I can add
a camouflage feature

to the outer panels
of the Octopod.

Now, if only I could find
my suits that easily.


Uh-oh, guys,

I see a huge whale
coming towards us.

I hope it doesn't
eat Octopods.

It's a bowhead whale!

Don't worry, Aviva.

They just eat small
fish and plankton.


Did you see that?


That green and blue
blast of light!

I'd know that
glow anywhere!

It's my Creature Power
Suits activating!


I think Aviva's been
underwater too long, Chris.

No, I'm fine!
I know what I saw.

Out of the way, Chris!

We've got to head
towards that glow.

Aviva, you might think you saw
a glow of green and blue light,

but, you know, it was probably
just some underwater plankton.


(All screaming)

It's a sea monster!

It's a new species!

Unbelievable, this
underwater trench is full

of bizarre new creatures.

Move over,
Jacques Cousteau!

Chris Kratt's heading
for the record books.

Now, hang on, pal.

Just let me get
some footage.

Ah, the sea monster
has seven arms.

Oh, no, it's Seven!

But how?

I don't know, Martin,

but he just caught
an Atka mackerel!


I knew it!

That power glow
is pure Aviva!

And you guys say
I didn't see it.

So that's what happened.

Seven was tangled up in
the Power Suits all along.

First he must have
touched a walrus.

Then a shark.

Then a bowhead whale.

And finally
an Atka mackerel.

So the octo-walrus,
octo-shark and octo-whale

weren't new
species at all.

Sorry, Chris.

Now we know that Seven was
the sea monster all along,

because he kept activating every
time he touched another animal.

I have an idea that just might
get everything back to normal.

But we'll have to use
all of our octo-powers.

It could be the only chance
we have to save my suits.

Without them,
you'll never run with a cheetah,

dive with a dolphin or climb
with a koala ever again.

Aviva's right.

To the creature rescue!


Oh, no, you don't.

Arm regeneration!

I'm going to need all
my octo-strength for this.

AVIVA: Gotcha!

Okay, guys, now hurry!


Look, the deactivation button.

Oh, great.

Of course, it has to be right
between a swarm of arms!


(Both grunting)



Don't worry, guys!

Those are my arms,
not Seven's!


Octopus-ink defense!

This is tougher
than I thought.

Activating octopus

he doesn't see us.

Remember, guys,
all you got to do

is touch that
deactivation button

when you get close enough.

Easy for her to say.

Okay, Martin,
you lost the suits

so I'm sending you in
to deactivate.

I said I was sorry.

Ha-ha, good luck, bro.

And, Chris,
you'll be the decoy.

The decoy as in
"Yoohoo, come after me,

giant sea monster" decoy?

That's right, Chris

Closer, closer.


Chris, decoy!

Seven, over here, buddy!

Nice, uh, teeth!

Hurry, Martin,
while he's distracted!

Just a little closer.

Ugh! Missed.


Uh, Aviva,
anytime now.

Hold on, Chris.

Jet propulsion!

Uh-oh, I'm running out
of octopus tricks.

I've used the ink defense,
arm regeneration,

and jet propulsion.

We just can't get
close enough.

Use all
the features at once!

You can do it, Aviva!

Okay, Octopod,
don't fail me now.

So you want
to play hardball,

do you, Mr. Monster?


Check out these octo-moves.

Ink defense!


Camouflage power!

Arm power!


I got a clear shot.

Quick, closer!

I can't hold him much longer!

Get ready!

This is it!

And jet-propulsion power!

Martin, deactivate!

Got it. Got it.


Got it!

Yes, it worked!

Whoo, the suits are safe!

And Seven's back to normal.

Sorry, Seven,
but those are ours.

And you know what?

Octopus features really
are like superhero powers.

Mission accomplished!

Ah, my suits are back
where they belong.

And I officially forgive
you, ace Manta rider.

Oh, thanks, Aviva.

And Seven's back
to being his old self.

Yeah, even if I didn't
discover a new species,

it's great to have
you back, buddy.

Oh, wait a minute.

What is Seven sitting on?

It's an octopus fossil!

Do you know
how rare this is?

Probably created
before the dinosaurs.

Well, bro, looks like you didn't
discover a cool new species,

but you found
a cool old fossil.


And Aviva's Octopod now has jet
propulsion and ink cloaking.

Don't forget about camouflage
and arm regeneration!

And it can juggle
Kratt Brothers.

(Aviva laughing)

(All laughing)

Oh, no!

The octopus fossil!

Rev up the Octopod,

We're going back down!

(All laughing)

The powers of the octopus
are absolutely amazing.

From arm regeneration
to ink defense

to camouflage

to squeezing through tight
places and more!

But there's one
remarkable power

that we haven't even
talked about yet.

Octopus are smart.

Oh, yeah.

Octopus are the smartest
of all the invertebrates,

creatures without backbones.

And they're
even smarter

than a lot of creatures
with backbones.

Let's do a little experiment

to test just how smart
Giant Pacific Octopus are.

We'll put the clam
in the jar.

And then put
the lid on the jar,

and see if the octopus
can figure out

how to figure out how to get
to the clam inside.

We have holes in
so that the octopus

can smell
the clam inside.

But then she's going to have to
figure out how to get to it.

Okay, I think
she's on to it.

Oh, she's grabbing it.

She got a hold
of the jar.

She's covering the whole jar
with her arms and webbing.

I think she smells it.

The lid's off!


And in go the tentacles!

Okay, her arms are
searching for it.

Yeah, she tasted it.

Oh, yeah, she's
got it now.



She did it!

All right!

Oh, yeah, now that
tentacle's taking it

right up to her beak.

Wow, now,
that is a smart creature!

And she'll just sit
there eating that clam

until the shell is clean.

Great job, Georgia!

Nothing left but shell.


And here's a few more
treats the easy way.

There's a tasty
clam for you.

Wow, they're so powerful.

If you're a small creature,

once you get in the grip
of the octopus arm

and suction cups
you can't escape.

Oh, man, that is
a strong octopus.

And she's just a young one.


I can feel the beak.

Right in the middle
of all the tentacles,

that's where the beak is,

right in there.

That's the power
of the octopus beak.

An octopus has a beak kind
of like a bird, a hard beak,

that it uses to drill right
through clam shells and mussels.

Maybe we should give her
a little more food.

She's definitely hungry.

The octopus: an amazing
creature with super powers.

We'll see you on
the creature trail.

Keep on the creature

To find out more
about cool animals...

And collect your own
Wild Kratts Creature Powers...

We'll see you there!
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