01x17 - Elephant in the Room

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x17 - Elephant in the Room

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, it's the Kratt
Brothers here.

I'm Martin.

And I'm Chris and we're
on our way to meet up

with a creature with some
incredible Creature Power.

It's the largest land
animal on the planet,

a powerhouse
of a creature.

With probably the most
amazing nose on Earth.


(Engine revving)

Oh, no, we're stuck!

Perfect, because
there she is.

Hey, Shiva!

What are you doing?

Breaking branches again?

Oh, wow.

Whoa, this is an
African elephant.

They can get up
to tons in weight.

That's as much as
two garbage trucks.

With the strength to rip apart
branches with her nose,

also known
as her trunk.

What an amazing trunk.

She's eating
the branches like pretzels.

For an elephant
it's a snack,

a delicious snack.

Oh, she just chewed that
off like it was nothing!

An elephant can use its trunk
in over different ways,

from giving themselves
a drink on a hot, dusty day,

to communicating
with their young.

And her nose is as long
as a human is tall.

Wow, now that
is some long nose.

The nose that's
like a hand.

Now that's the power
of the elephant.

Imagine if we had the
elephant's power of strength.

And a trunk that
can do so much.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Oh, yeah.

That elephant herd should
be around here somewhere.

It sounded like a maternal
herd with moms and babies.

Speaking of girls,
Mom called this morning.

She called me too.

Isn't it nice that
she always checks in

to see how we're doing?

Yeah, reminds me of a cow.

Did you just say
what I think you said?

Not a real cow.

A elephant mom
is called a cow.

And she takes really good care
of her kid for a long time,

up to years.

(Elephant trumpeting)

Listen. Sounds like
a baby-elephant call.

Yeah, a baby
elephant in trouble!

(Elephant trumpeting)

There it is again!

We must be close
to the herd.


It was
a baby-elephant call!

And he is in trouble!


He's got a big
thorn in his foot.

That's why I'm going
to name him Thornsley.

Poor little guy.

Something else is wrong.

He's alone.
No sign of his mom.

And elephants travel in herds,
and I don't see one anywhere!

He must have gotten separated
from them, and now he's lost.

First things first.

Let's get that thorn out
of his foot, bro.

The last time
I used this tweezer

was to get a porcupine quill
out of my foot and my arm!

And your nose!


Okay. Let's see here.

Got it!

Oh, you're welcome,

Hey, maybe we should take him
back to the safety of the HQ,

while we look
for his herd.

Sounds like a plan.

You want to put him in
the back seat, or should I?

Well, baby elephants
can weigh up to pounds.

Or you could just
drive slowly,

and I could hold
out a tree branch.

Maybe he'll follow it if
he's got yummy leaves to eat.

Sounds like a plan that's
easier on our backs.

(Both laughing)

That's it, Thornsley.

Right this way.

You like acacia
leaves, don't you?

After I'm done
adjusting these codes,

the bros' Miniaturizer
will be able to shrink

them to the size of ants!

Sounds like fun, especially
when we're on a picnic.

As long as they don't
eat my sandwich.

That's it, Thornsley.
Right this way.

(Both laughing)

Aw, look how
precious he is!

Yeah, this is Thornsley.

We found him lost
with a hurt foot.

Yeah, we've
got to get him back

to his herd
as soon as we can.

Poor little guy.

I'll get you a bandage.


I'll check and see
if I can get a visual

on a herd in the area.

There you go.

All better. Oof.

You're welcome,

Oh, I bet he's hungry.

Elephant calves drink
up to gallons of milk a day.

We have lots of milk.

Elephant milk is different

than what we buy
at the store.

A little soy milk
is okay, though.

Okay, I'll feed
him a tiny bit,

then find a recipe that
matches his mom's formula.

And I'll feed on
this giant sandwich.

I forgot my water.

All right, I found a herd
of elephants not far from here.

I just sent the co-ordinates
to your Creaturepods.

Thanks, Koki.

Hopefully, it's the one
Thornsley belongs to.

Here you go, munchkin.

You were really hungry,
weren't you?


Ugh, if I wanted pancakes,
I would have made pancakes.

Aw, Jimmy,
he didn't mean it.

Oh, great.

No water, either.

Looks like Thornsley's
still thirsty.

Check out
the way he drinks.

First he sucks
the water into his trunk,

then squirts it
into his mouth!

Oh, yeah,
elephants don't have

to bend down
to get a drink.

Their trunk does
all the work.

It's like having
a built-in straw in your nose!


Thornsley's trunk is
a water blaster too!

(Electricity zapping)

and a control-panel fritzer.

Oh, he didn't
mean that either.

He's so sweet
and harmless.

We better go look for his
herd before it gets dark.

Leave him here.
We'll be fine.

As long as he stays
away from my lunch.

I mean, he can stay
as long as he wants!


Could this be Thornsley's herd?

Not likely.

This looks like
a bachelor herd.

Only guy elephants
in these herds.

Right, male elephants are way
bigger and have giant tusks.

Thornsley belongs to the other
kind of herd, matriarchal.

Just moms
and their babies.

Check out the way

the elephants spray
themselves with mud and sand!

The sand keeps
the bugs off them

and the mud keeps them cool
on hot days like today.

Ooh, sounds like
a good idea to me.

(Chris laughing)

Are you cooler now?

Yep, and muddier.
You should try it.

I think I will.


Hoo-hoo, all right,
mud cannonball, here I come!


What's going on?

The elephant's trying
to get some leaves to eat!

Does it have
to be this tree?

Wha--! Whoa!


Elephants have
the strength of a bulldozer!

Yep, if they can't reach
the branches they want to eat,

they just knock down
the whole tree!

And look how strong
their trunk is!

That's a huge branch
he just ripped off!

Hey, who needs hands
when you have a trunk?

Yeah, trunks can do way
more things than hands can.

It's getting
late, Chris.

We'll find
Thornsley's herd

first thing
in the morning.

Okay, I'll take a few branches
back for Thornsley to eat.

Oh-ho, Thornley's
bed looks great, guys.

Okay, so elephants only
sleep four hours a night,

and not four
hours in a row.

(Chris laughing)

And they need constant
physical contact

when they're away
from their moms.

Aw, he's sucking
his trunk like a baby.

He is so sweet.

We'll take turns
keeping an eye on him,

while you guys
get some rest.

What harm can
he do, Martin?

Well, he already fritzed
out Koki's computer

and squished
Jimmy's sandwich.

Baby elephants can
be pretty playful.

And that's why
we love him.

Good night, guys.

Sleep well, Thornsley.



Wha--? Oof!


(Teeth chattering)





(Teeth chattering)











Where are
they going?!

The Tortuga's out
of control!

(Both screaming)

Tortuga, come in!
What's going on up there?!

Thornsley took control
of the Tortuga!


I can't hear you!

Thornsley's driving?

Thornsley, you got to move.
I got to drive! Ar! Oh!

When Martin said

I think he meant
"mischief maker"!



Where is
the Tortuga going?

I don't know,

but they went that way.

Let's follow them!

Try and push him!

He won't let go
of the lever!

His trunk
is too strong!


He won't move!

(Laughing nervously)

How about some
soy milk, Thornsley?


What do you want?

Give me the wheel,

We're going down fast!

I don't think
I can land this!


(Jimmy Z groaning)

Without a crash landing.

The good news
is we're okay.

I hope
the guys are too.

Kratts? Come in!

Where are you?

Our communication
terminals are down.

Must have happened
when we landed.

I still can't figure out
how Thornsley got in here

without us
hearing him.

I don't know
but let's find out.

(Buttons beeping)

Hah, elephants have
thick pads on their feet

so they walk quietly.

But his trunk is like
a super-strong hand.

I couldn't budge it
off the lever.

Let's see how strong
it really is.

An elephant's trunk
has , muscles,

so they're able to break
branches off a tree,

hug their mom's neck
at night and pick up a leaf.

Or a pen.

Thanks for tossing
my favorite pen, Thornsley.

Elephants' trunks
can hold things,

lift things and grab
things, like levers.

It's like having a hand
at the end of your nose!

Amazing. What else can
their trunks do?

They also greet
each other

by wrapping their trunks
together like a handshake.

And they use them
to chase away predators.

(Stomach growling)

I've got to get a sandwich.

Emergency landings
make me hungry.


I've got to design
elephant software

for the bros'
Creature Power Suits.

I hope they found
Thornsley's herd.

You can't step on my sandwich
up here, Thornsley!


Huh? He teleported
my sandwich!


You've got to be kidding.


Is he laughing at me?

No, Jimmy.

He's just acting
like a little elephant.

Speaking of little
elephant behavior,

we need to fix
the Miniaturizer.

Jimmy can keep
an eye on Thornsley.

If I have to.

The Tortuga has to be
around here somewhere.


Check it out, Chris.

It's a small
matriarchal herd,

just moms
and a baby.

Oh, yeah.

Is Thornsley's
mom in there?

She might be.

I only see one baby
and two moms.



She's huffing
and her ears are flapping.

Okay, so something's
really upsetting her.

She's looking
for her calf.

Is that Thornsley's mom?



Ah, that's not
Thornsley's mom.

That cow has a baby.

Elephants make so many different
sounds to talk to each other.

And they're super smart.

Her baby knew Mom was
calling and came right back.

But if she ever
lost her baby,

Mom would be really worried
and stomping around.

Let's keep searching, bro.

For the Tortuga
or Thornsley's herd?


(Jimmy Z groaning)

Let me know if you guys
need any help.

If not,
I could use some.

Actually, Jimmy,
could you hold these wires

while I replace
the Miniaturizer software?


Yes, I could!
Excuse me, Thornsley. Ar!

I think he
likes you, Jimmy.

What he really likes
are my sandwiches.



Oh, no!

What's happening!?

We're miniaturized!

Watch out!

Oh! Oh, please.

Be careful!

Uh-oh. No.
Oh, no.

(All screaming)

Watch out!


JIMMY Z: Help, please.
AVIVA: Careful.

Oh, oh, no, no.

(Electricity zapping)



There it is!

We found the Tortuga!

Why'd they park there?

An elephant parks
wherever it wants to.

(Both laughing)

Oh, no!

What happened?

Where is everybody?!


Jimmy Z?


So who do you think
did this to the HQ?

Hey, are these
my lost blue jeans?

Yep, I think they are.

Hey, and how'd my green
running shoes get here?

They were up in my closet.
JIMMY Z: Guys!

Down here!
KOKI: We're down here!

I don't know
but it sounds

like you've got
mice in them.

Oh, no!

We're not mice!
We're not mice!

They're not mice.
More like loud ants.

Loud ants?

We're not ants!
We are not ants!

Ants don't talk.
It's the crew, Chris!

They've been miniaturized!

Hey, little Wild Kratts.

Glad to see you.

I bet you're glad
to see us too.

Man, are we ever glad!

Yeah, yeah!

Phew, thanks, guys.


Is he laughing
at me again?

Thornsley seems upset.


Not as upset as us. At least he
didn't knock over my station.

When I named him Thornsley,

I didn't know he'd be
such a thorn in our side.

All this stuff we've
been working on is ruined.

I'm sorry
but he can't stay here

if he's going
to destroy everything.

You guys better--

Oh, it's hard to stay
mad at you, Thornsley.


But we really have
to find your herd.

Your mom must be
so worried about you.

Guys, I'm picking up
a low rumbling sound

of our location.

(Stomach rumbling)

I don't hear any rumbling
other than my stomach.

It can't be heard
by the human ear,

but elephants use these
distress calls when in danger.

The sound can even travel
along the ground.

It's like when you listen
to a speaker with lots of bass.

It makes the
glass shake.

(Dance tune playing)


Elephants can hear each
other from miles away!

really upset!

That elephant
in trouble could be his mom!

(Thornsley bellowing)

Let's follow
those sounds!

Right behind you, bro.

And I'll complete
the elephant software

for your Creature Power Suits,
in case you need them.


Lead the way,

Check it out, Martin.

Even baby
elephants can listen

to vibrations coming
through the ground.

And their sense of smell
is better than a bloodhound's.

He definitely knows another
elephant is in trouble!


That sounded like
an adult elephant call.

That elephant's
stuck in the mud.

That must be
Thornsley's mom!

Yeah, that's the only
elephant without a baby!


It is his mom!

We've got
to help her!

We can try,
but female adult elephants

can weigh pounds!

Oh, her ears are
flapping like crazy!

Oh, she's
really upset.

And, look, the other elephants
are trying to help her.

Oh, but she's too
far in there.

They can't reach her.

Aviva, we found
Thornsley's mom!

She's stuck in
a mud wallow,

and the rest of the herd
can't get her out!

We need elephant
Creature Power Suits fast!

I'm almost done
with your discs.

Two minutes
and you'll have it!

(Trumpeting softly)

Look, Martin, even Thornsley's
trying to save her!

Uh-oh, he could get
stuck in the mud too.

Thornsley, wait!

Oh, no!

He's stuck too!

To the Thornsley rescue!

Hey, you look pretty
cool as a mud man.

You too, bro.




Aviva, we need
the elephant discs!

I've never worked so fast,
but they're ready to go.

Jimmy is teleporting
them now!

It's okay, little guy.

You'll be back with
your mom in a flash.

Hah, like I said,
"In a flash"!

Stick around, buddy.

We'll need you
to activate our suits.

To the creature rescue!

Okay, you grab her trunk
with your trunk and pull.

I'll do the
pushing, Martin!


Not bad for
a fake elephant.


Pull, Martin! Pull!

It's working, Chris.
We're moving her!

Yes, I knew
we could do it!



Oh, no, this
stuff is thick!

She's stuck again.

Guys, we're
around the corner.

We can help
push her out!

We're going to need all
the help we can get!


Don't worry,
Thornsley's mom.

We're going
to get you out.

Wait, stop, buddy!

We don't want you
stuck in the mud again.


Jimmy, keep
an eye on him.

I'm on it.


Thanks, Thornsley.

I wanted
a mud mask today.


Okay, guys,
you're hooked up.

Go, Aviva!


Ow, she stepped
on my foot. Ugh!

Oh, it's working!


Yeah, you did it!

Thornsley and his mom
are back together.

Way to go, elephant bros!



Now that sounds like one
happy herd of elephants.

(Both laughing)


Thanks, Thornsley.

This is the best
shower I've ever had!

And your mom
looks fine.


You're welcome.

I'm so glad to see
Thornsley safe and sound

and back
with his mom.

Living free
and in the wild!

Whew, what a day.

I will never say,
"What harm can he do?"

about a baby
elephant again.

Yeah, having Thornsley in
the Tortuga was a great lesson.

Don't have wild
animals in your house.

And no matter how
old an elephant is,

their trunk is like having

a whole hardware store
on their face.

It can smell,
feel and grab stuff.

Spray water, sand and mud.

Drive Tortugas.

Smash and trash them.

Miniaturize us.

And teleport
sandwiches too!


Speaking of sandwiches,
I'm starved!

And now that Thornsley's busy
drinking his mom's milk,

I can finally
eat my lunch.


please don't tell me

you're going to eat
my last sandwich!


Thanks, Thornsley.

You're the best!

(All laughing)

Elephants are
amazingly powerful.

And also very caring.

And this trunk
is amazing.

It has ,
muscles in it.

The human body only
has muscles.

All those muscles gives it
its strength and precision.



So powerful it can
lift me right in the air!

I got to try it.


The sideways lift.

Oh, wow, you are
strong, all right.

Thanks for the ride.

Hey, Shiva, can help us
with our truck.

Come on, Shiva.

Oh, she's really stuck.

Oh, man.

Hey, Shiva!

Can you lend us a trunk
to get our truck out of here?

I hope this works.

All right, one,
two, three, push!

Whoa, yeah!

A little more. Yeah!

This is easy when you have
an elephant helping you.

Thanks you, Shiva.

All right!


You're a great

Hey, Shiva,
you up for a swim?

After all that hard work,
it's time to cool off!

Oh, look at that trunk go.

The trunk brings water
up to her mouth.

You needed a drink.

Of course, she needed a drink
after pushing that truck.


Okay, yes, I can confirm

an elephant uses her trunk

to give herself a mud bath.

That's a mud-blasting trunk.

I never knew a trunk
was good for mud baths.

Let's see. Oh, yeah.

You suck up the mud
in your trunk too.

How cool.

She loves throwing it
on her sides, on her back.

This is an elephant's
idea of a day at the spa.

Oh, that feels good.

You know, it takes
the itch away,

all that nice cool
mud on her skin.

You know, if there's
an itch there anywhere,

it just cools it down.

Mud baths are fun.

Time to head out.

Hey, who's
got the keys?

Martin, you have the keys?

I don't have them.

Hey, what are you--?
Shiva had them.

Thanks again, Shiva.

Keep on creature

See you on
the creature trail.

To find out more
about cool animals...

And collect your own
Wild Kratts Creature Powers...

We'll see you there!
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