04x15 - Angelica Nose Best/Pirate Light

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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04x15 - Angelica Nose Best/Pirate Light

Post by bunniefuu »

( Snoring )

( Gasps )

( Kids laughing )

( Humming )

Pop, I thought

You were reading
the kids a story.

I am. "Books on tape."

Never been easier
to be a grandpa.

but pinocchio paid no attention
to gepetto's warning.

He told a lie.

And behold,
his nose grew larger.

Turn the page.

And when he told another lie

His nose grew larger still.

Turn the page.

( Giggling )
( giggling )

This is really a good story.

I especially like
the "turn the page" part.

That always takes me
by surprise.

( Babies giggling )

( Sighs )

What you doing,
aunt didi?

I'm just finishing up
a jigsaw puzzle

I've been working on

Since before
tommy was born.
I'm so excited.

Can I help?

No, no, no, angelica.

This isn't for you
to play with.

Conflab it,
it's time to go

To my wombat meeting
and I can't find my keys.

Oh, come on, pop, I'll give you
the keys to the van.


hey, angelica

Can you help us?

The book broke.


That's my mommy's!

You're not opposed
to play with it.


I'm just helping her
a little bit.

Now, let's see.

I think this piece
goes right here.

Stupid puzzle.

It has to go right here!

Angelica, no!

is everything
all right?

Tommy, your mom's



What did you do?

It wasn't me, it was, um, um...


( Barks )

But don't be mad,
aunt didi.

He's just a poor,
dumb doggie.

( Humming happily )

You didn't tell the truth,

You broke the rickshaw puzzle.

Not spike.

You told a lie.

Yeah, that's right.

You told a lie
and your nose

Is going to get
bigger and bigger

Just like pistachio.

Firstly of all,
it's just a baby story

That some peoples maked up
to scare babies.

And nextly

Real people's noses

Don't get bigger
when they lie.

( Mosquito buzzing )

( Gulping )

( Yawns )

( Laughing )

( Munching )

no, jonathan

I'm staying home today

Doing the mommy thing.

( Imitating airplane )

( Gasps )

Mommy, mommy!

Children are easy.

All they need
is a little attention.

Mommy, mommy, my nose!

Is my nose big?

You have a pretty nose.

No, not you, jonathan.

( Doorbell chimes )

That'll be the courier, ciao.

"Hello, sir or madam.

"I am visiting your house

or hotel

"To ask you to participate

"In my club, group
or organization.

What i..."

Pops, if
you're selling

Those chocolate bars

For the wombat lodge

I can't buy any.

I'm on the new wheat grass diet.

Another diet?

Oh, conflab it.

That's all I've been hearing
all day.

At this rate, I'll
never win that prize.

What is it this year?

Don't know. Don't care.

But I want it.

Say, anything you can do

To get me in to talk to
that french lady next door?

During the w*r

I charmed many
a mademoiselle

With bars
of chocolate.

Come on. I'll make a call.

Ah! Chocolate!

What are you doing,

Those aren't yours.

( Mocking ):
"those aren't yours."

( Grunts )

( Crying )

( Tommy crying... )

( Gasps )

( Tommy crying... )

Who's crying?

What's wrong?

Oh, my chocolates!

It wasn't me, it was...

It was, uh, fluffy!

But don't be mad.

She's just a poor,
dumb kitty.

( Meows )

( Angelica
humming )

What are you looking at?

It's, uh...

Um... Your nose.

Tommy's right.

It looks different.

Like it's bigger or something.

Just like pistachio.

My mommy said
I have a pretty nose.

Yeah, pretty big.

It is not.

I'll get you, you dumb babies!

( Gasps )


( Howling ):
oh, no!

My louis quatorze vase!

It's irreplaceable!

I didn't do it.

It was tommy.

Tommy and the babies.

They did it.

But don't be mad at them, mommy.

They're just poor, dumb babies.

Now, this doesn't seem fair.

We didn't break


( Humming happily )

Angelica, it's true.

Your nose is getting
kind of big.

It's a 'cause
of your lying.

For the lastest time,
my nose is not getting bigger.

Yeah, then your head's
getting smaller.

( All giggling )

( Gasps )

( Screaming )

well, that's all of them.

Merci beaucoup.

Thank you, madam.

Grandpa, grandpa!

Do I look any different?

Oh, yes, indeedy.

You're growing
into a lovely young lady.

No, grandpa, my face.

Is there anything different
about my face?

Oh, lookie here.

You've got quite a bump!

You haven't been lying,
now, have you

Huh, my little pinocchio?

No, I've been a good girl.

I mean, uh... Uh-oh.

My nose.

( Crying hysterically... )

This stupid nose is just
going to get bigger and bigger.

It's never going to stop.

( Crying )

Maybe you could just
push your nose in

Like a button.

Or maybe you could
let it

Get really, really big

And keep
your cookies in it.


Nose cookies.

Or maybe, just maybe

You could stop telling
those big fat lies.


( Gulps )

That's it, chuckie.

If telling lies
makes your nose big

Then telling the truth
will make it little again.

You're going to have
to tell a lots of truths

To get that nose smaller.

But... But I'm not sure

I emember how
to tell the truth.

Well, if you help us
to get out of here

We'll help you
to stop telling lies.

Let's try this.


Who broke tommy's mommy's
rickshaw puzzle?

Uh, it was spike.


Who eated your grandpa's candy?




Uh... Maybe I tasted
an eensy bit.

Okay, now we're
getting somewheres.

One more time.


Who broke that louis outdoors
guy's flower thingy?

Mmm... Me.

( Crying ):
it was me!

( All cheering )

you go!

I can do it!

I can tell the truth!

I'm going to go out there
and tell the truth

Till my nose
goes back to norman.

( Babies cheering )

( Doorbell chimes )

Hi, char.

Sorry I'm late.

Did everyone
have a good day?

We had a bit
of a problem with...

Mommy, I got stuff
to tell you.

The sky is blue, mommy!

That's nice, sweetheart.

We had a little accident...

And playgrounds
are fun!

You had an accident?

And grandpa lou is old!

Please be quiet
so I can tell didi

About how the babies broke
our louis quatorze vase.

( Gasps )

The babies broke your vase?

shattered it.

Isn't that
right, honey?


Uh... I, i...


I mean...

Yes, mommy.

That's what happened.

( Tires
screeching )

( Car honking )

I won!

Hey, I won!

What did you win?

A genuine antique

Fun house mirror.

( Crying )

Mommy, mommy!

I just got
to tell the truth.

The real truth.

I busted up aunt didi's
rickshaw puzzle

And I'm the one
who ate grandpa's candy.

Yes, it was me!

I did it!

I broke the vase!

It was all me.

( Crying )

There, there, baby.

Calm down.

( Sighing with relief )

see? She told us

She could tell the truth.

And I thought she was lying.

( Barking )

♪ yankee doodle went to town ♪

♪ Riding on a pony ♪

♪ Stuck his finger in a... ♪

( Yelps )


Deed, the pilot light's
out again!

I know, honey.

I've already called someone.

What did
your dad say, tommy?

I think he said
the pirate light is out.

What's a pirate light?


Well, it must
be a light to, um...

Keep pirates away.

I never seen any pirates
around here.


( Teeth chattering )

I don't like pirates.

They're big and scary

And they steal your treasures.

You gots a treasure, tommy?

Why else would my mommy and
daddy have a pirate light?

But if you've got
a treasure

And the pirate light is out

That means...

A pirate could come here.

Why would you call
a repairman?

We should get
a professional.

I have fixed that light
a dozen times.

I can fix it again.

When that guy's through

We won't have
a penny!

( All gasping )

Oh, no!

Somebody's going to take
your daddy's pennies.

That must be
the treasure.

A pirate.

We got to keep
him away.

But how, tommy?

Well, i...

I guess all's we got to do

Is find out which light
is the pirate light

And turn it back on.


( Doorbell rings )

You promised to let
the man do his job.

At 60 bucks an hour

I'll help move
things along.

( Ringing )

You're the repairman?

Yeah, that's me.

Little willie's plumber service.

If we can't fix it

It's time to nix it.

( All gasping )

Oh, no!

We're too late!

The pirate's here!

Don't worry, guys

He'll never get in our house.

( Gasping )

He's in.

Uh... A dog?!

I don't like dogs.

Spike won't hurt you.

That's what the old lady
with the dalmatian said.

Want to see the scars?

No, thanks.

Let me just show you where
the water heater is.

( Door closes )

We'll teach him

To sneak
into my house.

Let's block that door

So he can't get out.

Okay, tommy.

All right!

I don't know.

That should do it.

Okay, guys.

My daddy's treasure
has got to be buried

Around here somewheres.

Let's go find it.

You must have had
lousy repair guys.

This is held together
with gum and paper clips.

Some string, too.

You got a schematic
for this?

All this baby
needs is

A new electrostatic
condenser plug.

And maybe another
paper clip.

Yeah, right.

I'm going
out to my truck

For a minute.

I knew it was
the condenser plug.

Hey, sparky, your door's stuck.

Not a problem.

Stu pickles can fix anything.

( Grunting )

( Laughs nervously )

We'll just take
these hinges off

And be right
out of here.

Didi must be cleaning.


I'll be right back.

I'll be waiting.

Some professional, deed.

I don't think he knows
what a condenser plug is.

I could have
done this myself.

Yes, dear.

I couldn't find

Your daddy's pennies
anywhere, tommy.

Neither could we.

And look.

Oh, no.

He must be even bigger
and scarier than we thought.

Where do you think he went?

Maybe he got back on his boat

And went away.


He's coming back.

And now he's got a treasure map!

We got to get that map

Before the pirate finds
the treasure.

Take a map
from a pirate?

I got to protect
my daddy's treasure.

Now, who's with me?

Oh, dear, look at that.

It's 17:00.

Time for my nap.

You're going to take a nap

With a big, scary pirate
in the house?


( Gasps )

Ah, for crying out loud.

Oh, no!

He's already looking
for the treasure!

We got to get that map.



I got an idea.

Lil, give me your bow.

( Whispering )

( Yells )

Hey, where
did you come from?

( Yells )

What the heck
is going on here?

( Yells )

That's it, little guy.

This job is going to cost
your daddy a pretty penny.

( Yells )

( Laughing )

There's that crummy
little thing.

Now where's my schematic?

That's it.

We're in overtime.

Good work, guys.

We got the map.

My daddy's pennies is safe.

Here's your bow, lil.

I'm phil.

Oh, sorry.

( All gasping )

Now what's
he doing?

Uh, he's still looking
for the treasure.

He must have mesmerized the map.

Oh, we got to read this map

And get to the treasure
afore he does.

This don't look like
your house, tommy.

Sure it is.

Uh, look.

There's you and there's me.

Where are we?



Now, we just has to go this way

And then over here

And "x" marks the spot.

We're opposed to go
that way, um...

Until we get to a thing

That looks like this

Next to a thing
that looks like that.

Right there, tommy!

( All gasping )

I know I had it when I came in.

We has to hurry.

We got to find one
of these things.

It looks like a tree.

It's not a tree, phillip

It's a arrow.

Arrows gots
feathers, lillian.

I don't think
we gots any arrows.

But I know there's
a tree in the backyard.

Come on.

( Blows raspberry )

Ten minutes and he's already
on a coffee break.

( Clattering )

That schematic has got to be
around here somewhere.

( Barks )

I'm exhausted.

How much longer
till we get to the "x"?


( Sniffing )

That must be it.

Come on, let's dig.

I don't need
no stinky shovel.

What's all this stuff?



This must be
the biggest treasure

In the whole wide world.

( Barking )


Oh, no!

Hold the map, chuckie.

Come on,
grab the treasure.

Hurry up, you guys.


( Barks )

( Howling )

Okay, little fella.

All I want is the nice
piece of paper.

( Yelling ):

Somebody call off the dog!

How about spending time
on the heater?

I'm not paying you
to play.

It's all yours, sparky!

You're the expert!

You fix it!

What do I owe?

It's on the house!

( Tires screeching )

Good doggie!

You scared
the pirate away.

( All laughing )

Way to go, spike.

And chuckie was brave too.

He didn't let that pirate get
the treasure.

I didn't?

Hey, I didn't!

( All laughing )

What have you got there, kids?

Hey, that's what happened
to my car keys.

That's where
the condenser plug goes.

Next to that tree?

Or is that an arrow?

Oh, I can fix it
for sure this time.

( Babies laughing )

You know what, guys?

I think this junk
turned out

To be the bestest part
of the treasure.

And nobody can
steal it from us.

( Stu yelps )

( Thudding )

The pilot light
is out again!

( All gasping )

( Barks )

( Baby babbling )
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