05x02 - Grandpa's Bad Bug/Lady Luck

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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05x02 - Grandpa's Bad Bug/Lady Luck

Post by bunniefuu »

[Cymbals crash]

[Light percussive music]

♪ ♪

- Ooph!

♪ ♪


[Twins giggle]

♪ ♪

- [Gasps]

- [Groans]


♪ ♪

[Milk squishes]

- [Gasps]


- Hmm.

- Well, I'm off to my
pinochle tourney at the lodge.

Don't wait up.

- Whoa, hold on.

We talked about this, pop.

You promised no more
of these all-nighters.

Remember the last time?

You got so tired, we couldn't
get you out of bed for a week.

It's not healthy
for a man your age.

- A man my age?

Why, I'm as fit as I was when
I was an ensign in the corps.

And back then, we used to
stay up for 15 days in a row.

And we liked it.

- Pop.

- Aw, shucks.

You never let me play
with my friends.

- Pop, you promised.

Remember what you used to
say to me when I was a kid?

If a promise you don't keep,
it will haunt you in your sleep.

And as you lie
beneath your quilt,

You will have a
conscience full of guilt.

- Oh, all right.

I'll be back early.

I promise.

- Have fun, pop.

- [Scoffs]

[Rooster crowing]




[All gasp]

- What was that?

- Oh.

If a promise you don't keep,
it will haunt you in your sleep.

But if it's cards
you like to play,

Then sneak in and sleep all day.


- Pop, what are you doing up
at this hour?

- Oh, well, i--i

Well, I for one,
am glad you're up early, pop.

Didi and I have decided
to weed the whole yard today.

And now you can help us do it
as a family.

Come on, pop, grab a shovel,
roll up your sleeves,

And bond with us.

- It's grandpa.

- Well...

I'd love to help you, boy.

But the reason I'm up so early
is that I'm--i'm sick.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I woke up with
an upset stomach.

I think I got a bug.

It hurts right here.



- Did you guys hear that?

My grandpa's got a bug
in his tummy.

- Eww.
He ate a bug?

- Wow, he is the bestest
grownup ever.

- I've always liked him.

- Oh, pop.

I'm so sorry you're not
feeling well.

Do you need to see a doctor?

- No, no, no, no, no.

I'm just gonna get
myself up--

Back up to bed
and try sleeping this...


Thing off.

- Well, okay.

I'll bring you some ginger ale
and crackers.

You just take it easy, pop.

- I'm really sorry.

I wish I could, ow, help.

All that work for you.


And then sneak in
and sleep all day.


- There you go.

- [Burps]
I was thinking.

Your grandpa eated
a bug, right?

- Right.

- And it getted him sick?

- That's what he said.

- But me and phillip
eated a bazillion bugs,

And we never getted sick.

- Hmm, I guess it must
have been a bad bug.

- Whoa.
There's bad bugs?

- Just when I thought
there was something

I could depend on.

- Well, at least the bad bug
is all the way up there.

And we're all the way down
here where he can't get us.

- Chuckie's right.

If a bug is making
my grandpa sick,

Then we got to go up there
and get it out of him.

- I said that?

Hey, guys, I don't think
that's what I said.

- [Snoring]

- How are we gonna get
that bug out of there?

- Well, let's see.

What would make a bug go from
some place to some place else?

- How about a picnic?

- What do you mean?

- Well, our mommy
taked us to a picnic.

And all the buggies went
from wherever they was

To all over the food.

- But where are we gonna find
the picnic food?

- I still got some old cheese
from that picnic.

- That's great, phil.

What else we got?

- I got a chunk of hot dog
and some cake.

- Hey, you got
anything else in there?

- No, not right now.

- Good going, phil.

Follow me.

- [Snoring]

- [Grunts]

All's we got to do now
is make a picnic

On my grandpa's face,

And the bug will come out
to eat it.

- I don't think this is
a very good idea.

- [Coughing]

- Pop, what's wrong?

- Tastes like I just swallowed
a conflab sweat sock.

- Okay, I'll go down and get
you some fresh ginger ale.

If a promise you don't keep,
it will haunt you in your sleep.

- Aw, phooey.


- Well, I guess if that bug
isn't gonna come out,

There's nothing else we can do.

Let's go.

- Chuckie's right.
We gotta go in and get it.

- What?

What did i...

- [Snoring]

- Flashlight.




I see the bug.

It's moving around.


Both: wow.

- Come on, chuckie,
take a look.

It's not scary.

- Oh, boy.

I don't think this is
a very good idea, either.

- [Yells]

- Huh?

- [Coughing]

- What's wrong?

Are you okay?
What's wrong?

- It feels like a lobster's been
shaking hands with my tonsils.

- Your throat looks awful.

That must be one mean bug
you've got in there, pop.

- Bug?
Oh, oh, right, right, the bug.

Yeah, yeah, I guess so.

- Now,
try to get some rest.

And as you lie
beneath your quilt,

You will have a conscience
full of guilt.

- Conflamit.


- I guess that bug really
doesn't want to come out.

- Oh, I don't know, guys.

I wish I could just go into
my grandpa

And fight that bad bug.

- But you're too big, tommy.

- I know.

Maybe if we could find
something smaller to help us.

- How about another bug?

- A good bug.

- Sure, just like
the reptar movie.

The good monster
always wins.

- Yeah, but that's a movie.

Things never turn out like
they do in the movies.

- Chuckie's right.

All's we gotta do is find
a good bug

And bring it to my grandpa
to fight the bad bug.

- [Sighs]

- Look, your mom and dad
dug us a bunch

Of really good bug holes.

- Here's a good buggy.

- Wait, let's use this one.

It's even better.

- No, it isn't, phillip.

- Yes, it is, lillian.

- Okay, guys,
we'll take them both.

- [Gasps]

Oh, look at that, deed.

The kids are trying to help us.

- They're so sweet.

- Hey,
this little guy's cute.

- Well,
I guess he can go too.

- Eww.

This one's really fuzzy.

- And this one's got lots
of legs.

- Okay, guys, that's enough.

No more good bugs.

- This is ridiculous.

We gots too many.

- You can't have
too many good bugs.

- Ooh, you're coming
with me, mr. Juicy.

- [Snoring]

- [Grunts]

[All grunt]

- Mmm.

- No, lillian, not today.

These bugs gots a job to do.

- Okay, guys.

That bad bug is in my
grandpa somewheres.

And these good bugs
is gonna get it out of there.

- Put the kittypillars up here
in case that bug tries

To escape out of grandpa's ears.

- This guy's big and strong.

It can lead them
into my grandpa.

We'd better get out of the way.

This could get messy.

- [Laughs]

Now, this is a good idea.

- If a promise you don't keep,

It will haunt you
in your sleep.

And as you lie
beneath your quilt,

You will have a conscience
full of guilt.

- I think he's going in.

- Oh!


Help me!

Help me!


- We did it.

The bad bug's gone.

Grandpa's not sick anymore.

[All cheer]

- Oh, please, please.

I lied, I lied.

I'm not sick.

I was out all night
at the lodge.

I'm sorry.

Oh, that conflabbed poem.

I just want to be able
to sleep again.

Please, please.

I'll pull weeds.

I'll plant weeds.

I'll do anything.

Please, please.

- Uh...


- Well, that's it, you guys.

We saved my grandpa.

- Yeah.


Now that he's all better,
can we eat the leftovers?


- Hot diggety.

That new senior center downtown
is having a bingo night.

Yup, sprout,
your old grandpa has got a date

With lady luck tonight.

- Pop, you can't
go out tonight.

You promised to sit
for the kids.

- Oh.

Oh, right.

I forgot.

Well, that's all right.

You go and have dinner.

The sprouts and I
will be just fine.

- Thanks, pop.

See you later.

- We'll be just fine playing
bingo and the senior center.


- Come on.
Let's go.


Say, there.

How's a fella get entered
in the big bingo tournament?

- Aw, nuts.

- [Laughs]

I got you that time.

- No, no, no, mr. Dworzak.

- [Gasps]


- I've told you before,
no jumping the checkers.

I want you to stay quiet
and relaxed.

- How am I supposed to win
if I can't jump?

- Remember what the we care
senior center guidebook says.

Quiet and relaxation
are the keys to happiness.

- [Groans]

- And I want every one of my
seniors to be very happy.

- Happy.

She wants us to be asleep.

- Now, why don't you two
go on over to the pottery class.

They're making vases today.

[Both sigh]

- [Sniffs]
mmm, milk.

- All right, kids.

The room we want
is the first door on the right.

- And again, o-2.

- Guys, look at this.

- That must be all the
fiddlywinks in the world.

- Let's play.


- This is it, sprouts.

Old lady luck is about
to pay me a visit.

- Lady luck?

Hey, guys, that's the friend
my grandpa was talking about.

- Ooh, is she coming?

- Back in my army days,
the boys used to joke

That the lady and me
were dating.

I remember the time
I tripped over a bazooka

And fell right into
the u.s.o. Camp.

They handed me a plate
of cookies and milk.

And I danced the night away.


♪ Cha, cha, cha, cha,
cha, cha, cha, cha, cha ♪

- I-2, i-2.

- I-2.

Don't have that one.

But don't worry, sprouts.

Any second now,
they'll be calling our number.

Any second now.

- B-8.

And again, b-8.

- Oh, shucks.

I don't have that one,

I don't know where lady luck
is tonight, sprouts,

But she sure isn't here.


- What's the matter, tommy?

- Oh, it's my grandpa.

I think he's sad 'cause his
friend never came to visit.

- Maybe she
forgotted about him.

- Well, all's I know is,
she was supposed to bring him

Milk and cookies and
cha, cha, cha, whatever that is,

And she never came.

- Maybe she doesn't know
he's here.

- That's it, chuckie.

We got to go find her
and tell her my grandpa's here.

- [Sighs]

This place is so big, tommy.

What if we get lost?

- Phil and lil can leave
some fiddlywinks behind,

So we can follow them back.

- Okay.

- Cha, cha, cha.
Cha, cha, cha.

- [Gasps]

Hey, they got
cha, cha, cha in there.

That must be where
lady luck is.

- ♪ One, two, cha, cha, chag ♪

♪ One, two, cha, cha, cha ♪

♪ Cha, cha, cha ♪

- O-2, o-2.

- [Sighs]

- [Groans]

- ♪ One, two, cha, cha, cha ♪

- Step, together.

Left, together.

Shake that groove thing,

Shake it.

- Well, there sure are
a lot of ladies in here.

- What are they doing?

- Looks kind of like that dance
we did at daycare.

- The hokey dokey.

[Both singing]

- How are we supposed to tell
which one is lady luck, tommy?

We don't even know
what she looks like.

- I think the cha, cha, cha
is coming from over there.

[Upbeat music]

♪ ♪


- Did you find
the cha, cha, cha, tommy?

- I think it's coming
out of th--whoa.

- What in the world?

- Whoa!

- ♪ One, two, cha, cha, cha ♪

♪ Cha, cha, cha ♪

- [Gasps]

- ♪ One, two, cha, cha, cha ♪

- Okay, let's really
shake that groove thing.

- [Gasps]
oh, stop.

Oh, please, stop.




- So that's the cha, cha, cha.

- It's even better
than the hokey dokey.

Both: ♪ cha, cha, cha ♪

- Oh, lady luck
must be here somewhere.

[Both gasp]

[All yell]

- Whoa.


- Lookit.

They're playing with
big chocolate cookies.

- First cha, cha, cha,
now cookies.

We got to be getting closer.

Come on, babies.

Follow that cookie.

- Cookie!


- B-45.

- Hmm.

- B-45.

- [Sighs]

Not one single number.

I guess this old man's luck
has finally run out.

- Let me go.

Let me go.



Free seniors
in the pottery room.

Call the comm squad
and meet me there.

All of you, stop.

This activity is not approved.

Quiet and

- Eww.


- I think this cookie
is older than we are.

- G-4.


- First we mold and shape
our clay

Very carefully and slowly.

Now, isn't this fun?

- [Yawns]

- That does look like fun.

- Huh?


- [Gasps]

- Oh.

- [Gasps]

- Hey, I like it.

Let me try that.


- Please, everyone listen.

This madness must stop.

The book says--

[All gasp]

- Hey, wait.

Isn't that the lady we seen
doing cha, cha, cha?

- Yeah, and then we seen her
when we found

The big chocolate cookie.

- Yeah. And I just 'membered
I saw her bring milk

To the grandpas.

- Milk, cookies,
cha, cha, cha.

She must be...

lady luck.

[All gasp]


- Now, where in the world
did you come from?


- Aha, the bingo markers.

- O-7.

- Huh?


Hey, that's one of mine.


- Thank you.
Thank you, ms. Horkin.

I think it's fabulous
that you finally decided

To loosen things up around here.

- Yeah, we haven't had
this much fun in years.

- Fun?

But the guidebook says--

- Quiet and relaxation
are the keys to happiness.

Having a little fun
is the key to happiness.

[All cheer]

- I suppose if that's
what makes you happy.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I think I'd better return
these babies.

[All speaking at once]

- B-12.

- B-12.
That's four in a row.

All's I need now is n-16 to win.

Looks like lady luck is--
- excuse me.

By any chance do these babies
belong to you?

- Why, yes, they do.

I hope they haven't been
making a nuisance of themselves.

- Not at all.

As a matter of fact,
they've been fun.

- Really?

Then maybe you'd like
to come out

For a little ice cream with us.

And you could tell me
all about it.

- Ice cream.

- N-16.

- My goodness.
Wasn't that lucky?

Why, I believe
you've just won.

- I believe I have.

[Upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- There's no party.

There can't be a party.
There's no dip.
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