02x09 - Know When to Fold

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Private Practice". Aired: September 26, 2007, to January 22, 2013.*
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Spin-off series from Grey's Anatomy; Neonatal surgeon Addison Montgomery leaves her friends and foes at Seattle Grace Hospital behind for a fresh start in Los Angeles, where she joins a trendy public clinic.
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02x09 - Know When to Fold

Post by bunniefuu »

I am sexless. I am without sex,
which can be healthy.

Celibacy in some cultures
is seen as a sign of strength.

So I am strong.
I am a strong healthy woman.

- Mm. I miss sex.
NAOMl: What are you talking about?

You got a man sleeping in your bed.

Yeah, that's all he is doing in my bed.
Doctor's orders.

You have sex on the horizon.

Which is better than having had
amazing sex in your recent past

with no visible sign
of it happening ever again.


- My brother.
- He's not coming back, is he?

- Hey, don't attach.
- What?

Celibacy is a sign of strength.

Really, Violet?

I mean, really? Is it?

- No, I'm dying. I got nothing.
- Ha-ha-ha.

Worse, I got Cooper
who's angry about Charlotte

that all he can do is talk about her.

- I need a man. I need a non-Cooper man.
- You know what I need?

I need a cup of coffee that you
don't have to walk two blocks to get.

- I cannot believe the coffee cart is gone.
- I know, I'm at my limit.

No sex, no coffee,
Charlotte's practice opening.

It's all too much to take.


"The premier physicians cooperative
in Los Angeles"?

Not afraid of a little competition,
are you?

Of course, the source of all evil.

Free breakfast?
That's a little desperate, don't you think?

We like to treat patients well.

We treat our patients with medicine,
not breakfast.

What patients? Last I looked,
they were all on the fourth floor.

Well, I own the building.
You're taking the sign down.

I'll move it outside.

Don't let her get to you.

I mean, really, who would be so stupid
to fall for a free breakfast?

- We should've done this.
- Breakfast?

No, the floor. Expanded the practice.

- We didn't have the money.
- I hate money.

That's a novel attitude.

And very healthy,
therapeutically speaking.

Sheldon Wallace, psychiatry.

- Sam Bennett.
- I recognize you from your book.

Great read.

I met one your colleagues, Violet Turner.
We shared a few elevator rides.

Ha, ha. She's, um...

Would it be okay if I inquired
if she were single?

- Why do you wanna know?
- She's single.

Well, that's good. Really.

Good. Well...

You shouldn't have told him
she was single.

- Are you jealous?
- Sam, Violet's one of our women.

They took our floor,
they are not taking our women too.

You're jealous.

Sorry, my hotel just finished
a $30-million remodel.

Ugh, super busy. Okay.

So it's just a cyst, right?

The pathology report,

uh, showed that you have...

...cancer cells.

- On your left ovary.
- Cancer?

And the cells we biopsied
from your right ovary are cancerous too.

- I came in to get a cyst removed.
- I'm sorry.

But you have stage two ovarian cancer.

Okay, we treat it.

- We get aggressive, right?
- Exactly.

Now, what I'd like to do
is schedule immediate surgery

and remove both your ovaries
and your uterus.

No. No.

No, I did everything right.

I waited until I made VP,
I got child care written into my contract.

- I have a nursery right off my office.
- I'm sorry.

But there are other ways
to make a family.

I want to have a baby.

- Myself.
- I know that.

But with ovarian cancer at this stage,
surgery is the only viable option.

You're a surgeon.

You think cutting
is the answer to everything.

- I want to save your life.
- And I want a second opinion.

Is that Ray Daniels?

Who's Ray Daniels?

Come on, Sam. Rocket Ray?

The Tour de France,
Olympic gold medalist.

- You follow sports.
- Yeah, football, basketball.

- Riding a bike is not a sport.
- Rocket's, like, the greatest ever.

He retired about five years ago.
He's making a big comeback.

The SoCal 100 is this week.

- No way he's riding on that knee.
- That must be why he's here.

Great, they have the best breakfast
and the best patients.

Well, maybe we should, uh,
introduce ourselves.

You mean, try and poach him?

Not po... I wouldn't poach.
Poaching is unethical.

However, if something were to come up
in conversation about alternatives...

- What's in the box, Cooper?
- I'm getting rid of her... It.

Stuff. Can't talk.

- Don't wanna forget my speech.
- Cooper, rage is not a healthy option.

Your nun's habit, the suede flogger,

your pink Wartenberg wheel,
the corn stalk.

Get out.

- She means you.
- Ha-ha-ha.

Thank you for returning my things.

- Please leave.
- I would like my things back.

Not gonna happen. Spoils of w*r.

- Leave now.
- Looks like I've upset you.

- Which I think is...
- Ugh!


- You all right?
- It's a 24-hour bug.

Thank you for your sympathy. Get out.


- You're pregnant.
- Don't be ridiculous.

Are your boobs tender? Are you...?

Go away, Cooper.

You've gotten rid
of everything about me, now go.

You need to take a pregnancy test.

I am not pregnant. Get out.



Okay. There's the, uh, heartbeat, Judy.

Heartbeat looks strong, that's good.

And I think...

It's a boy.

A boy? Really?

- Yeah.
- Congratulations.

You're supposed to be supervising,
not hovering.

- I can do this on my own.
- Okay, all right, if you need...

- I got it.
- Okay, okay.

- What's wrong?
- Nothing, nothing, it's just...

I can't believe it, a boy.

Makes the whole thing more real.
Like I could give him a name and...

Relax. Everything's looking good.

I'm falling behind in all of my classes.

I had to quit my job at the
Admissions office because I'm too tired.

All I have is the financial aid.

How am I supposed to do this
after the baby's born?

I wanna go to law school.
You know, I wanna have a life.

You will. I'm not saying it won't be hard.

I'm not good at hard, Dell.

I've been thinking
a lot about adoption lately.

More than thinking, actually.

Dr. Lockhart from Pacific Wellcare

would like the medical records
for a Leah Hudley.

- Why would he need her files?
- She's his patient.

You really think you can have me
race-ready in two days?

We'll see.

- There we go.
- Why don't you get up on that bike?

We'll see how the pain is,
make a game plan,

see where we go from here.

Ray, you're riding?

- That was the idea.
- That was your idea.

I didn't think they would
be able to help you.

- He can't do this.
- Monica, we've had this conversation.

Yeah, we think the pain
is manageable.

- See, his knee seems...
- It's not his knee.

It's his heart.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
It's why he retired.

Wait. Ray, you've been training
for this comeback for months.

- Because he thinks we need the money.
- We're broke.

We lost our house. I can't find a job.

I have to race.
I don't know how to do anything else.

- Oh, Ray.
- You have to make him stop.

Because if you fix his knee,
he's gonna push himself to win.

And I'm afraid he's gonna die.

I'm in the best shape of my life.

Except for the fact that the walls
of your heart are thickened,

and when you exercise intensely,
you compromise the blood flow.

And if your heart doesn't get oxygen...

This could have been there
my whole life.

We admire
what you're trying to do here,

but Monica's right,
the risk is too big for what might happen.

You came to me.
You wanted my business.

You told me you could fix my knee.

That's what I'm asking you to do,

to be good doctors
and let me decide how to live my life.

Isn't that the way it works?

If you wanna ply our patients
with free coffee and breakfast, that's fine.

But selling them false hope is off-limits.

Montgomery, nice to see you.

Leah Hudley has stage two ovarian cancer
and she wants a baby so badly

she can't understand
the gravity of her diagnosis.

And you've got Wyatt Lockhart
promising her her life and a baby,

but without surgery or divine intervention,
she is going to die.

Not divine intervention.

- My intervention.
- Montgomery, Dr. Lockhart.

You know what's exciting, Monty?

My protocol may single-handedly change
the way that we treat ovarian cancer.

With a drug that's never been used
on ovarian cancer? I read your protocol.

There are serious side effects.

Blood clots,
heart failure, immune system...

Each of which have occurred
in a small percentage.

You don't know if this works.

So let's just cut out her entire
reproductive system just to be safe.

Look, Monty, it's the patient's choice.

Your way, no kids.
My way, she's got a chance.

There is a proven treatment
to halt cancer completely.

- It's called surgery.
- What you think is moot, Montgomery.

Leah Hudley no longer wants you
as her doctor.

She wants in on his trial.


Seems you make her sick.


You wanna leave those files?

If Leah Hudley wants her files,
she can come to me and get them.

WYATT: You know,
Charlotte said you were brilliant.

She didn't say you were this hot.

I don't care who he is,
you have to talk him off the ledge.

- Well, he wants what he wants.
- Well, that's the athlete's mentality.

Their entire self-worth
is wrapped up in winning.

It's why you have boxers who come out
of retirement end up with brain damage.

They don't know when to stop.

Since when do you care about cycling?

You don't even know how to ride a bike.

- Naomi.
- Don't know how to ride a bike?

That's not the point.

The point is, he's gonna race.

And if we don't fix his knee,
he's gonna find somebody else who will.

Yeah, at least with us, we know.

We can give him his best sh*t
at winning and surviving.

- Arrogant, insufferable...
- Charlotte?

Wyatt Lockhart.
He's working downstairs now.

And he tried to poach
one of my patients.

Yeah, I mean, what kind of a doctor
does that? Steals patients?

I mean, it's like he's some
ambulance-chasing lawyer.

Can I see everyone
in the conference room?

I have an idea to help the practice.


Adoption agencies
are non-profit organizations, Dell.

I'm not talking
about an adoption agency.

I'm talking about a fee-based service
matching up mothers

who already wanna give their babies
up for adoption with prospective parents.

We can help our patients
already failing at fertility,

offer them an in-house alternative
to start a family.

Adoption isn't something you just offer
when fertility fails.

If they haven't given up
on wanting a biological child,

then they should not do it.

Which is why we have
a protocol for that.

Violet's already licensed to screen
birth mothers and prospective parents.

Once the child is born,
Cooper has a new patient.

Where do we find the birth mothers?
I don't want us all out recruiting.

We won't recruit.
All we need is one test case.

- Where will we find this test case?
- Actually, my patient...

My patient Judy wants to give her baby
up for adoption and has asked for help.

You've got a couple
desperate to adopt, the Sinclairs.

Yes, I have screened the Sinclairs,
but I haven't met your patient.

I'll bring her in. You'll love her.

If we don't do this, someone else will.

Maybe down on the fourth floor.


- Is Meg still out of town?
- Yeah, why?

A friend offered me
two tickets to the symphony.

Any interest in going?

- You're not taking Coop?
- Uh, listen to him moan about Charlotte?

You know what?
I would love to, but I shouldn't.

I gotta study Ray's condition.

Maybe I can do something
to help his heart.

Alone again.

Hey, I know who you could ask.


You have a secret admirer.

- Someone liking me is funny?
- No, just the guy...

- This weird shrink from downstairs...
- Sheldon?

- Sheldon's interested in me?
- You wouldn't go out with him.

He's from the fourth floor. The enemy.

Do you know how long it's been
since I've had a date, Pete?

- Charlotte?
- Aah.

You almost gave me a heart att*ck.

- How you feeling?
- I'm on the pill.

You're a doctor.
You know it's not 100 percent.

Cooper, I would know if I was pregnant.
I am not pregnant.

- You're cranky.
- I'm always.

- You're glowing.
- I'm always glowing.

Now, please,
stop stalking me and my womb.

Receive not one, but two...

If I have to watch
another episode of Cops,

I'm gonna sh**t your TV
and my brains out.

Yeah, well, we wouldn't wanna do that.
You'd ruin my thousand-count sheets.

Can't you write me a doctor's note?
Get me out?

You are on bed rest.
That means bed and rest.

Come on, I have enough trouble
with my patients not listening to me.

You are going to listen to me.

- That will get me through another day.
- Heh.


I'm suddenly nervous.

Naomi's just checking
with the Sinclairs and our lawyers.

- I'm sure it will all be good.
- But what about Violet?

- I mean, if she doesn't like me...
- You'll be great, okay?

She just needs to know
you understand what you're doing.

You're comfortable with it.

Yeah, well, what do I say?

Uh, just tell her about your feelings
and about the baby and your future.

Like what?
I mean, if I tell her the wrong thing...

Tell her you've thought about this a lot,

that you know
this is what you wanna do,

that it will be hard, but what's best for
the baby is what's most important for you.

Okay, that's great. What else?

Well, she'll ask if you've thought about
how you might feel in a few years

if your situation improves
and someone else is raising your child.

Well, how do I answer that?

Just, you know,
say that it would be hard,

but you want this baby to have parents
that can give it everything.

And you love him so much
you would never take that away.

It's a mother's sacrifice.

- Hi.
- Hi, ahem.

- You ready, Judy?
- Um. Yeah.

- I'm ready.
- Okay.

You should've given them my file.

I was worried about you.
You didn't return my calls.

I'm choosing to go elsewhere,
Dr. Montgomery.

- That's my right.
- I just want to be sure...

I didn't plan for the perfect dress,
the perfect ring, the perfect wedding.

I planned for this.
This is all I've wanted.

I set up my career for this.

To be able to be a single mom
who can provide for a baby.

It may not be conventional
and it may not be the easy way,

but it's the way I wanted.

It's what I planned for.

And with Dr. Lockhart, I have a sh*t.

- Can you offer me that?
- I can get rid of the cancer.

So can he, and I need both.

I hope it works for you, Leah.

- I really do.
- Thank you.


- Hey, Sheldon. Oh!
- Uh...

- Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, l...
- No, no, no, that was me.


I'm glad to see you, Violet.

Our little breakfast buffet seems to be
quite popular with the fifth floor.

Clinically speaking,
do you think that's envy or the lobster?

My diagnosis is more curiosity.
And the smoked salmon.

Would you go out with me?


I'm sorry, that was meant to have charm
and buildup and a clever turn of phrase.

- I'd love to.
- Really?

I'm not sure
we can go through this again.

We've found two birth mothers
last time.

I'd even picked out
birth announcements.

They had these stupid
little turtles on them.

We spent months getting our hopes up
and we never even got to meet the baby.

The father has already
signed off on the adoption

and Violet has interviewed
the birth mother.

I'm very impressed by her maturity.

She really thinks adoption
is the best thing for her baby.

I think this time will be different.


Uh, Matt, Carrie.

This is Judy.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Um, Dell says that you're both lawyers?

- Yes, but don't hold that against us.
- Ha, ha.

Why don't we give you
a chance to talk?

- Thanks.
- Thanks.

I think this might work. Nice job, Dell.

CARRIE: So are you in school?
JUDY: Yes.

Um, yes, I'm in my third year right now.

Oh, that's great. Congratulations.

JUDY: Thanks.
MATT: You're welcome.


Sorry, I was grabbing some for Ray.

- Hey, are you okay?
- Yeah.


Leah Hudley wouldn't listen.
She's sticking with Lockhart.

I don't mind losing a patient to a doctor,

but when someone steals a patient
by giving them false hope,

that's despicable.

Hey, man.
Ten miles on the bike, no pain.

- Heart's looking good.
- Wish me luck tomorrow.

- Don't race, Ray.
- I'm gonna win.

I'm gonna get Monica the money we need
and I'm gonna be fine.

You fixed me.

Look, I'm not the enemy.
The patient chose me, that happens.

Let me buy you dinner.
Anywhere you wanna go, my treat.

Or we could just skip dinner
and go to my place.



What? I'm trying to be nice, Monty.

It's Montgomery.

Offer stands. Dinner on me, anytime.

Oh, good. I'm glad you're still here.

I just wanted to say thank you so much
for all that you've done.

I'm, uh... I'm pretty sure they're the ones.

I'm so happy for all of you.

Oh, and, um, we met
with the adoption lawyer today.

They've offered to pick up all of
my living expenses until the baby's born.

Wow, that's amazing.

I mean, that should make
things easier, right?

Like I told you, I am not good at hard.

I just feel like I can breathe again,
you know?

Like I can do this.

I can do school, I can have this baby.
And then after that, who knows?

- What do you mean?
- I don't know. I don't know.

I just know that the weight of all this
freaked me out.

I really thought I couldn't have this baby,
but now...


Well, Violet says I can change my mind,
legally, right up until the end.

Yeah, I know,
but you said you were sure.

Stop worrying, Dell.
I'm not saying I won't.

I just...


I can't stop thinking of baby names.

- What are you doing?
- I'm going to work.

- Now?
- I'm a cop.

- We're open all night.
- Kevin, Kevin, you can't.

Your wounds need time to heal.

Come on. Let's go back to bed.

You're not my doctor, Addison.

Do you think that I like
keeping you here, Kevin?

I mean, do you think
that I like playing doctor to you

when you won't listen, when you
behave the way all my other patients

who think they know better than I do
about what's best for them?

I am a doctor.

I know what's best for you.
I know better than you.

And I'm not gonna stand here

and watch you be stupid
and hurt yourself because you're bored.

I'm going for a walk.

The patient says, "I understand
the psychology behind the joke.

I just don't think it's funny."


I had a great time tonight, Violet.
We'll have to do it again soon.

- Wow.
- Yeah.

It's okay.

- Really, it happens.
- Heh. Ha.

If anybody knows that it could happen,
we know.

We know.

It's not because I don't want to.
Because I want to, I do.

It's just...

It didn't happen.

Would you like to talk about it?

I mean, would you...?

How does it make you feel?

I think I should probably go, Violet.

Your paranoia's contagious.
Let's get this done.

I have sticks
and I intend to pee on them.

And if your boys swam through my weeds
and got me pregnant,

I'm gonna make you suffer
every step of the way.

What do you have
to help with erections?

Okay, now I'm humiliated.

Are we talking about Sheldon?
Bad date?

Worse. It was a great date.

Followed by foreplay,
followed by a distinct lack of movement.

Maybe the guy
just doesn't find me attractive.

Violet, any guy would be lucky
to have you.

Thanks, Pete.

That was, uh, nice.

Weird to be talking about
my sex life with you, but, uh, nice.


Give him this.

Secret recipe.

See, that's what I like about you.
It's a concrete answer to a question.

Somebody asks for something
and you just give it to them.

Didn't you yell at me
about that yesterday?

Rocket Ray?
Giving him what he wants?

You actually listened?


I didn't sleep last night
thinking about Ray and the race.

Why are they being monitored like that?

It's telemetry to help the coaches during
the race. It clocks the use of energy.

They'll know when to push,
when to pull back.

Since the Tour de France,
they put it on the Web.

VIOLET: He looks okay.
- Yeah, now.

But the race just started.
I'm afraid he'll be pushing too hard.

You know, stealing patients,
promising them the world.

Wait, you...? You stole Ray Daniels?
From downstairs?

Yeah. It's lousy, isn't it?

Yeah. And kind of great. Ha-ha-ha.

All right, okay. I get your point.

When people want what they want...

Hope it works out.

Think of waterfalls.
It always worked for me.

Stop talking.
I can't pee while you're talking.

This is how it all begins.

- Parenthood.

Stop it.

Us with a little kid? That's insane.

Not that insane. I'm a pediatrician.

We're broken up.

Mission accomplished.

Now, all we have to do is wait.

Come on.

Little Walter.

Are you trying to be funny?

No, that was my grandfather.
He was a piano tuner.

Maybe he'll play an instrument.
Maybe the trumpet.


It'll be a girl. Marjorie.

- Your grandmother?
- Heh.

My horse.

Last animal I ever had. I was 15.

She broke her ankle, had to sh**t her.

We're not talking about a pet.
We're talking about a child.

If it's a girl, Marjorie's great.

Maybe this is a really good thing,

Babies bring good luck, happiness.

Fate intervenes
and pulls us back together.


- Oh.
- All right, ahem. Walter.




That's that.


When you talked to Judy yesterday,
did anything?

- Everything checked out?
- Is there a problem?

Do you think I rushed things?

Like, maybe
we should have looked a little harder

to find a better candidate
for the adoption program.

- This is important to you.
- I just wanna prove to everyone...

To Naomi,
that I can pull my own weight around here.

You're doing a great job, Dell.

You were right about Judy.
She's thought a lot about this.

She knows what she wants.
She knows what she's doing.

What's best for the baby
is what's most important for her.

And down the line,
even if she has regrets,

she knows she can never take away
from this baby what she's given it.

She knows it's a sacrifice.

She said those things?

She did.

Look, I know you're nervous,
but don't second-guess yourself.

She's great.

The anti-angiogenesis agent caused
a perforation in Leah's descending colon.

She needs surgery now.

- What about Lockhart?
- He's not a surgeon, Addison.

She needs you.

- You are not allowed in my OR.
- This is my cancer case.

If I wanna observe, I'll observe.

Your cancer case is Leah Hudley.

You should know the name
of your guinea pigs before you k*ll them.

You're a fetal surgeon.
It's not like you don't take risks.

I take risks
when there are no other options.

I take risks
when it's for the good of my patients.

And Leah Hudley wanted to take a risk.

She gambled, but she gambled
so she could have children.

She is so desperate to have a child

and you used that as a carrot
to get her to enlist in your clinical trial.

A clinical trial that could save her.

I'm sorry.
I just wanted to have a baby so badly.

Please help me.

We will.

Hang another unit of blood now.

We can't infuse as fast as she's bleeding.
You need to control it.

I'm trying to find the source.
The bleeding is obscuring the field.

- What are you doing?
- Making sure you don't k*ll her.

- You're scared you screwed up.
WYATT: There.

The bleeding is coming from the IMA.

I know. I need...

All right, almost.


Run your finger on the uterine wall.

- Why?
- The tumor, I think it's gone.

I don't feel anything.
We'll do a tissue biopsy.

And it'll show my protocol is working.


Ever feel
like you're in way over your head?

Have you met me?

I'm the king of "in over my head."

Is it the adoption thing?

What happens
if she changes her mind?

You know I was adopted, right?

My birth mother, she never wanted kids.

And then the day I was born,
she wavered.

She held me in her arms
and she couldn't give me up.

What changed her mind?

You know, as cute as I was...
And I was cute, you know?

- She realized what was best for me.

Sometimes you have
to let people waver

so they can figure out
what's real and what's not.

Your parents were lucky
she made the right choice.

Hate to think where I'd be if she hadn't.

How's Ray doing?

Hey, it's the last mile.
His heart's doing okay.

He's in second place,
but he's closing the gap.

- He could actually win.
- I know.

Cycling's exciting.

Well, maybe you should turn over
a new leaf, learn how to ride.

You really never learned?
What, were you locked in a cage?

My mama didn't want me
to get hurt, okay?

And then I got older and l...

You better stop looking at me like that.

A lot of people don't know how to ride.

- Oh.
PETE: He...

- He took the lead.
- Yeah, just like that.

- Ha! Biking, man.
NAOMl: He is winning this.

SAM: He is.
NAOMl: He... He's gonna do this.

Oh...! Ah, ha, ha!

He won.

- We won. Ha-ha-ha.
PETE: We won. We did it.

He did it.

All right.

- Sam, Sam.
- Yes?

Oh, crap. He's in fib.

Vitals are normal.
Everything's right on track.

Thank you for helping me
after what I did.

You made a choice.

Doctors disagree. It's not your fault.

Dr. Lockhart said the biopsy
showed the tumor is shrinking.


So when you get better,
will you continue?

I know I wanted a baby.

But I don't wanna die.

Can you still do the surgery?

We are going to kick this cancer
in the ass.

We'll b*at it, Leah.

And then we'll figure out a way
for you to have your family.

Trauma team to the ER.

How's she doing?

She's stable. Still in a lot of pain.

- I hear the cancer's shrinking.
- I still think he's a reckless son of a bitch.

And what rock did you find him under?

He's good for business, Montgomery.
I don't have to like him.

- Oh, you don't like him?
- He's out for glory.

He's arrogant and I don't trust him.

Sounds like someone who might use
insider information from their boyfriend

to start their own practice.

Guess you two
are made for each other.

Charlotte, what...?

Ahem. I'm fine.

I'm fine.

It's just a long day.

Did you want to, um, talk?


No, I don't wanna talk.

- Okay.
- Okay.


Ray Daniels. Where is he?

Rocket Ray, the cyclist.
We need to see him.

He's in the morgue.

Did we k*ll him?

He was gonna race
with us or without us.

But we helped make that happen.
We stole a patient.

We helped him push too hard,
and he's dead.

Ray pushed himself, Pete.

Now, maybe we got caught up
in this Charlotte thing,

but he begged us for our help.

I know.
I'm just afraid we didn't do it for Ray.

We did it for us, for the practice.

To prove that we're better
than a catered breakfast.

Uh, Naomi, I need to talk to you.

What? About my hovering?

Because I'm going to try
and give you some space

now that you are our adoption guru.

Look, I wanted to prove to you
that I could do things on my own.

And you have, I get it. I get it.

All I have to do is look in that room
and see what you've done.

You made a family, Dell.

You took these people
who had gone through so much,

and now they have hope again.

They're gonna have a baby.

I'm proud of you.

Thank you.

Turns out it was the lobster

in the breakfast buffet
that made me sick.

And a whole host of patients
who won't be coming back.

It was nice spending time
with you this morning.

This morning,
I thought you were pregnant.

You know,
don't make that something it wasn't.

I should have told you
about the fourth floor. I know...

I got caught up this morning
in something that makes no sense at all

with someone who doesn't want
what I want

or behave the way I think
normal human beings should behave.

Don't mistake that for forgiveness.


I guess it worked out well all around.


Was today as good for you
as it was for me?

Which part,
when you almost k*lled my patient

or when you got in my way
while I operated?

We have different agendas.

You're trying to save one,
I'm working to save thousands.

And I just kept your funding alive

by keeping a fatality
from screwing up your trial data.

And you saved her life. I like you, Monty.

Let me take you out to dinner
to show you I'm grateful.

- And I'm not as bad as you think.
- I'll take your word for it.

Oh, and if you call me Monty again,

I'm going to plunge a scalpel
through your hand.


You, uh, left me a message?

Come in, Sheldon.

I won't bite.


I was surprised you called.
You know, after...

I wanna go out again.

I'm not, um... I'm not big into potions,

but, um, someone I know swears

that, um... That this will do the trick.

Violet, I'm astounded that you called,
and flattered.

But that's not gonna help.

I'm a good shrink.
I know what the problem is.

- I pushed too hard?
- No, no, it's not you at all.

Or it is.

But it's...


you're out of my league.

- Sheldon.
- No, no.

I've never been with someone
so smart or funny or beautiful before.

I mean, you're gorgeous.

And it makes me feel inadequate,
which leads to my problem,

which makes me feel
even more inadequate

and leads to even more difficulty.

And whatever's in that little bottle
is not gonna make you less beautiful.

I like you, Violet.

You think maybe we could be friends?

How was work?

This is as far as I got.

You've been sitting here all day?

Yeah, yeah.

My ass fell asleep two hours ago.

- Ha, ha.
- It's not funny.

Okay, maybe it's a little funny.

- And stupid.
- Mm.

You can say, "I told you so"
and whatever else you want.

I deserve it. I should've listened to you.

No. Why listen to me?

I'm not your doctor.

No, you're my girlfriend

who's gone way past the limit
of what anyone would do.

And I'm not sure
that I've said thank you.

Why do patients always
have to figure out things the hard way?


Okay. Okay, I'm ready.

Okay. Go.

Okay, you won't let go until I say, right?

I am holding on, Sam. Pedal, go.

- You won't let go until I say?
- Go, Sam.

- Go, go, go.
- Okay, here I go.

Go on.

- All right. Okay. Heh.
- Whoa. Whoa.

There you go. Go, go, go.

You got it. You got it.

- Go, go, go.
- Hey.

You're doing it. You're doing it.



Oh, God.

Okay. It's okay.

I heard about what happened
at the race.

I'm so sorry.

Yeah, me too.

How come you're not on your date,
using the potion?

He didn't wanna go out again.

Oh, it's his loss.

No, it's my loss.

You know,
celibacy is a sign of strength.

But I'm so lonely, Pete.

So am I.


Like bottom-of-my-soul lonely.

So am I.
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