05x08 - Uneasy Rider/Where's Grandpa?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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05x08 - Uneasy Rider/Where's Grandpa?

Post by bunniefuu »

( Snoring )

( Gasps )

( Kids laughing )

( All laughing )

ain't she a beaut?

Caught my eye
at the olsons' yard sale.

Phil's a tad too young
for a bike

So I thought, "why not chuckie?"

He can ride it today
in the park.

What do you think?

Oh, gee, betty,
that was nice of you, but...

I don't think
chuckie's quite ready.

Oh, a bike would do wonders

For chuckie's
coordination skills.

Chuckie's very

( All laughing )


Well... Maybe he could use
a little practice

But he's got to be safe.

Yeah, yeah, just
get him a helmet or something.

Gee, my little fella's
first bike.

I guess this means
you're a big boy now.

I'm going to find a nice,
soft spot for us to practice.

I'll be right back.

Wow, chuckie.

When did you turn
into a big boy?

I don't know.

Everything's happening so fast.

I'm not sure I even want a bike

If I'm going to be different
than I was before.

sure you do, chuckie.

Bikes are for cool, big kids.

Little babies have to play
in the sandbox

But now that you got some wheels

You can kiss those dumb babies

Okay, my little big boy.

( Grunting )

Here we go.

( Gasping )

There you go, pups.

Have fun.

Oh, you're doing great, chuckie.

Now, when you want to stop

You just use the brakes.

Okay, see, you move this foot.

Move... Okay, this...

Okay, you move this foot forward

And this one back.

That's it, got it?

( Sniffs )

Now, I'm going to let go

And you just keep pedaling
nice and slow, okay?

( Whimpering )

( Sighs )

Super, chuckie.

Hey, betty,
look at him riding!

Aw, for...

That ain't riding!

No offense, chaz

But somebody has to teach him

How to get down and dirty

And put the pedal to the metal.

Whee! ( Laughing )

Hey, angelica!

( Wheels squealing )

You're quite a whiz
on the wheels, kiddo.

Thank you,
mrs. Phil and lil's mom.

You're the big kid in this crowd

So I thought you could show
little chuckie around.

What riding a bike's all about,

Oh, gee, betty,
I don't know.

Don't worry your pretty
little head, chaz.

Angelica's smart,
she can handle it.

Well, okay.

But stay real close, angelica.

Bye, chuckie.

Have... Fun.

Maybe I am
overprotective, betty

Being accident-prone and all.

I think it started
in nursery school

When I mistook
the finger paints

For a fruit salad.

( Wheels squealing )

( Sighing )

Okay, finster.

Seeing as I am the bestest
big bike kid ever

I've been asked
to take you around.

I'm already going around.

Once you get the hang of it

Bike riding's fun!

You call riding around
in circles fun?

When there's a whole wild world
out there

Just waiting to be deplored?

Look out there,
what do you see?

Well, I see...

Some big kids on bikes

And my dad and mrs. Deville

And tommy and phil and lil

Mm, and the big kids again.

Oh! Unh!


I'll tell you
what you see.


And the amazing secrets
only big bike kids know.

( Horn tooting )


That was a secret wave.

You can learn it,

As soon as you're
a big bike kid.

Come on, let's go.

Mm, I don't know, angelica.

( All laughing )


It does look kind of neat.

But just for
a little while, okay?

( Wheels squealing )

Hey! Wait up!

( Gasping )

Look, chuckie's riding
with angelica.

Poor chuckie.

I guess he really doesn't
get to be a baby anymore.

( Wheels squealing )

Okay, first

We ride through the woods.

Come on.

The woods?

It sounds kind of scary.

( Laughing )

( Screaming )

( Still screaming... )

( Blithering )

( Whimpering )

How do I stop?!

This one foot...

No, no, this one.

( Screaming )

( Panting )

I thought you'd never get here.

I'm pretty sure I got here
as fast as I could.

Angelica, I think I've had
enough adventures for one day.

So, you want to quit, huh?

Well, just answer me
one little question.

Did you get any boo-boos

Fall off, crash into a tree,
smash up the bike?

No, but...

But what?!

That was...

More than one question.

That's not the point!

Don't you get it?

You got through the woods
in one piece.

You got guts, chuckie.

I do?


And now that you're
a big bike kid

I'm going to take you
to the coolest

Most specialist
big bike kid place for a drink.

Let's go!

There it is, chuckie.

( Gasping )

( All laughing and chattering )


( Whimpering )

Ooh, yuck.

Helmet hair.

Hmm, let's see.

( Chuckie whimpering )

Oh, well,
we'll have to give you

A cool name
to make up for it.

What's wrong with chuckie?

That's your dumb old baby name.

From now on,
you're the chucker.


The chucker.

Hi, guys.

Hello, pinkie.

How's it going?

( Clearing throat )

Huh? Oh, oh.

Um, my name is chucker

And I'm a big bike kid.

hi, chucker.

Welcome to the fountains,

Looks more like upchucker
to me.

That's spokes,
the big bike kid meanie.

So, you're the new kid, huh?

How about a drink?

( Gulping )

Well... Okay.


( Gasping )

( Chuckie spluttering )

( Laughing )

Hey, what'd you do that for?

Why? You going to do
something about it?


Uh, I think you
should say you're sorry.

Me? Apologize to you?

You're not even a big bike kid.

Am too!

Aren't i?

Not yet, upchucker.

Not till you play...

The hill game.

( Kids gasping )

Well, I guess...

I-i-i guess I can play that.

Yeah? Then get your bike
and meet me at the hill.

Um, angelica,
where's the hill

And how exactly
do you play on it?

I'll show you, chucker.

Come on.

( Yelling happily )

Well, firstest of all,
that's the hill.

( Gasps )

All you got to do
is go to the tippy-top

Race down and try to stop

Just before
you get to the yucky mud.

And the kid who goes the longest
without stopping... Wins.

But what if you don't stop?

Don't worry.
Everybody always stops.

Oh, thank goodness.

Sure, what kind of dummy

Doesn't know how
to use the brakes?

( Whimpering )

Ready, upchucker?

( Moans )

( Chuckie yelping )

( Screaming ):


This one foot,
no back, no front

( Blithering )

( Screaming )
( gasps )

Blah! Oh!

chucker! Chucker! Chucker!

( Kids chanting ):
chucker! Chucker!

( Kids cheering )

I got to hand it to you,

You've got guts.

Sorry I squirted you.

( Coughing )

( Burps )

Isn't chuckie great,


You guys thought that was great?

Well, maybe I didn't
think it was so great!

I've never been so scared
in my whole entire life.

Yeah, yeah, okay.

Anyway, let's all go
to the fountains.

No, angelica.

If I got to do
scary stuff like that

For you guys to like me

Then, then... I'm going back
to my real friends.

( Birds singing )

But how come you're not going to
stay with the big kids, chuckie?

Well, it was kind of fun

But kind of scary, too.

I, I don't think I'm ready yet.

Plus, you have to eat
a lot of mud.

Oh, that's okay, chuckie.

We're just glad you're back.

Me too, guys.

( Laughs )

( Wind whistling )

( Snoring )

( Gurgling, giggling )

( Grunting )

( Snoring )

( Yawning )

Well, that was the most
uncomfortable ride

I ever slept through.

Huh, guess that explains it.

Hang on to this for me,
will you, sprouts?

Grandpa is going to go
get washed up.

( Giggling )
( slurping )

( Stu yelps )

( Groans )

The man at
the nursery said

We have three hours

To replant
our dwarf banana tree

Before it wilts.

We spent
three hours driving

Through the desert

To the world's most
secluded nursery.

If that thing wilts
before we get home

I'll make
banana tree pie.

I don't... I don't know
where your grandpa is, tommy

But he better hurry up.

Don't worry, chuckie.

My daddy won't leave
without him.

All right, deed,
let's hit the road.

( Gasps )
oh, no.

We're leaving!

We got to tell them
about your grandpa, tommy.

( Both shouting )

he's in the potty!

( Shouting )

What do you think
they're saying, stu?

I don't know.

It's a long drive.

Maybe they're
trying to sing

"99 Bottles of milk
on the wall."

♪ 99 bottles of milk
on the wall ♪

♪ 99 Bottles of milk ♪

♪ Take one down
and pass it around ♪

♪ 98 Bottles of milk
on the wall. ♪

Look, deed!

North of the border.

We should stop there

When we don't have

A dying banana tree
in the car.

Now what, tommy?

I got it!

What you doing?

That was your grandpa's hat.

I know. I figured
if my daddy sees the stuff

In the near view mirror

He's got to go back and get it.

Then grandpa can catch up.

( Gasps )

Oh, I got you.

( Squeaking )

( Engine revving )

( Slurping )

This is the last thing we got.

Here goes.

( Rumbling )

( Gasps )

What was that?

I don't know.

I think I better
pull off here

And check it out.

we did it, chuckie.

We're stopping.


( Shutter clicking )

Wow, this place is neat.

( Slurping )

( Shutter clicking )

( Flies buzzing )

Wow, this place is neat.

( Sucking teeth )

( Brakes squealing )

( Grunting )

Can't an old man get
a little shuteye?

( Both gasping )

( Gasping )

( Screaming )

( Brakes screeching )

( Door slamming )

( Motor racing )

North of the border?

Great caesar's ghost!

I'm in canada!

I must have been sleeping
back there

For pert-near two days.

I better find me a phone
and call the family.

They must be worried about me.

I'm going to see
if they have

Anything edible
to feed the kids.

Should I wake pop?

( Clanking )

No, just bring something back.

You know how cranky he gets
when we wake him.


It's awfully warm in here
for an igloo.

Hmm, let's see.

There's the pecan maple
lunch log

And there's the fish fillet--

Deep fried in maple syrup.

See, chuckie?

All we have to do now
is wait here

And my grandpa will catch up.

( Slurping )

Where in tarnation is my wallet?

( Truck horn honking )

Look, chuckie.

My grandpa catched
up to us.


He must walk really fast.

Oh, here's something.

Maple, maple, maple...

Eggs and maple.

That sounds...

Well, deed, I fixed
the muffler on the van.

Want to play tourists
for a while?

We can ice skate,
ride the little train

Visit niagara falls...

Oh, stu

It sounds, uh, lovely

But we do have to
think of the tree.

All right.

But let's at least

Get some food to go.

Oh, no, chuckie!

My mommy and daddy don't know
grandpa's here.

They're going to leave
without him again!

We got to go get him.

the kids can't eat
anything here.

are you kidding?

The kids will love a slice
of that maple upside-down cake.

Oh, no, the kids!

Okay, let's not panic.

You look in the rest rooms,
I'll check the kitchen!

I don't see him
no more, tommy.

He's got to be
around here someplace.

say, buddy, you heading
back to the states

By any chance?

You know, the united states?


There he is!

( Gasping )

There they are!

( Thwacking )

( Gasps )

Hang on, kids,
I'm coming!


( Panting )



( Kids shouting )

Oh, no, grandpa is
not here no more.

There he is!

I don't know what's happened
to this country.

Why, I went over these falls
in a barrel in 1946.

And I'd swear it was
15 times taller back then.

Oh, how are we going
to get up to him?

We can take
the choo-choo!

Sorry, ma'am,
train ride is closed

For maintenance today.

Doing some test runs.

( Engine chugging )

( Tooting )

See, chuckie.

This will take us
right up to grandpa.

( Sighs )

We're sitting
in little baby seats

In a little baby ride

And nothing bad
can happen.

Anyway, like I was saying

You think I could hitch
a ride back home with you?

( Grandpa shrieks )

Uh-oh, mounties.

And me with no i.d.

They'll think I snuck
into the country

Put me in the hoosegow.

Uh-oh, got to go.

( Panting )





( Gasps )

Kids! Kids!

( Gasps )


( Hooting )

( Panting )

( Giggling )

Oh, one of these must be
the brake.

( Whistle blowing )


Hold on, kids!

I'm coming!

Oh, my gosh.

Hurry, stu!

( Chuckling, jabbering )

( Chugging )

( Panting )

( Chugging )

( Brakes squealing )

( Hissing )

Come on, chuckie.

( Whistle tooting )

( Chugging )

( Panting )

( Screaming )

Don't worry, honey!

I'll get them!

Grandpa's not here.

Where did he go?

( Knocking )

hey! Hello?

( Spluttering )

Tommy, chuckie?

What the...

( Sloshing )


Look at this.

My family came all the way

To canada to get me.

Oh, I'm so glad
you kids are safe.

Pop, I thought
you were asleep.

( Screaming )

( Whistle tooting )

Hurry, stu, I don't think

The tree will make it.

I don't know, dee.

It could take awhile.

After all, I am driving
all the way back from canada.

Ha, ha, very funny.

( Horn honks )

that's funny.

( All laughing )

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