01x01 - Slumber Party Panic

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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01x01 - Slumber Party Panic

Post by bunniefuu »

Yeah, you think you're pretty
way up there but I can get you!

나 잡아봐봐~
("Catch me if you can.")


Let me just add three more drops
of expl*sive diarrhea...

Hey Princess Bubblegum

when we bring the dead back to life

will it be filled with worms?!?

No. If my decorpsinator
serum works

then all the dead Candy People will look
as young and healthy as you do.

Pick up that platter, tough guy.

Old Mr. Cream Puff?

We used to date

Something's happening!

Come on, come on...


Wait, something's wrong.


Hey look, the decorpsinator serum
is working!

No, this is wrong.

They're not coming back to
life--they're still dead!

My decorpsinator serum--it's incomplete!


You're grounded, Mister.

Oh, this is really bad.

They're going to be attracted
to the Candy Kingdom!


Because the Candy People

are made of sugar, ya ding dong!

Give me some sugar, baby.

Chew on this!

Good one, Finn.

Quickly, to the kingdom!

Get a life!

All citizens of the Candy Kingdom!
Report to the palace...


Hurry, sweet citizens...

you heard the princess...

Everyone in!

Alright no pushing, come on!

Dude, what's up?

The princess will explain everything.

Tree Trunks,
get those hot buns in here, girl.

Oh, I hope it's not bad news.

Did we get everyone?

All present and accounted for.

Thanks, Manfried.

You're welcome.


we are assembled here in the candy foyer

for a momentous announcement.

Tonight we are all going to have...

...a slumber party!


Wait! What about the zom--

Go ahead and start partying.

But, Princess, the undead--

We'll be right back everyone.

Finn, the Candy People can't know
about the zombies.


If they knew, they would flip out.

What do you mean, "flip out"?

I mean...

...they would flip...



It's me, Starchy the gravedigger.

I brought you a larger corpse shovel.

Oh, Princess?

Well, I'll just wait
for you here, then...

...by the mausoleum...

...with my back turned...

...and my defenses lowered.


Candy People explode
when they get scared?!?

Not telling the Candy People
about the zombies

is so important that you need to promise

Royal Promise

not to let anyone find out
about the zombies...


Okay, sure.

No, Finn. You have to Royal Promise!

Yes, I Royal Promise.

Now I must cloister myself in the lab

and finish the equation to my
decorpsinator serum.

You keep the candy folk
distracted and ignorant.

Can you do that?

Yes, Your Highness.

Good. Don't tell anyone about the zombies.

Never ever.

No, wait...

...can I at least tell Jake?

Tell me about what, dude?

You know, about the outbreak of zom--

Alright, what's going on?

Uhh, nothing at all, buddy!

Hey, dude. I think you and Bubblegum
are up to something.

Ahha ah, what? No, no way.

Whoa, you guys are up to something.

Is it some sort of prank?

Can I get in on it?

Who wants to play "Truth or Dare"?

Ok, Chocoberry,

you may choose someone to ask
a deep truth or a saucy dare.

Mr. Cupcake

truth or dare?


I dare you to take off your wrapper.

Hey seriously, man.
I'm your bro.

Bros are supposed to tell bros
everything all the time.

What are you and Bubblegum up to?

Is everything alright?

Yep! Fine!

Everything is great! Heh, heh.

Except for that...


I didn't know he was chocolate.

Jake, truth or dare?


Do you prefer chocolate or fudge?

I can't eat chocolate or fudge
'cause I'm a dog

and they'd probably k*ll me, but...



Finn! Truth or dare?


I dare you...

...to tell me the truth about
what's going on in your mind.

What were you and Bubblegum talking
about when you were alone together?

The truth is...

You promised you wouldn't
freakin' tell anyone!

Oh, you're so cute, Finn!

The truth is...

...that I'd rather play Dodge Socks!

I'm not playing dodge socks 'til you
stop dodging my questions.


Old Mr. Cream Puff?

Isn't he dead?

Hey, give me my sock back!
Dodge Socks was a bad idea!


Look dude, just tell me what's up,

'cause you are crazier than
a cannonball tonight.

Oh, my goodness!

Princess hasn't finished the equation
and the zombies are here!


...she wants this slumber party
to be super fun!

And if I did have something to tell you

then I would

in a second

and it would make my life easier

unless there was something stopping me

like a promise,

but there isn't!

So I won't, so it's cool.


What? You lost me.

Hey, you know what time it is?

Adventure Time?

No, time for Seven Minutes in Heaven!

You're first.


Lady Rainicorn! In the closet with Jake!

뭐? 나?
("What? Me?")

웃겨 정말.
("You gotta be kidding me.")

그래, 좋아. 하자.
("Okay, then. I'll play.")

Okay, okay, alright.

But in seven minutes, I'm gonna come out
there and make you spill your beans, Finn.

I can't hear you all the way in heaven!


Umm, does anyone else hear that?

What? Hear what?

I, I don't hear anything.

I hear something I don't understand...

And it makes me scared!


No, Chet. Everybody, wait.

What noise?

You mean this noise?

Yeah! Dance it! Bust it up!

What is this game
you are playing right now, Finn?

Uhh, it's... Blockado.

Haha, the game of barricades.

Come on, let's block all the
entrances and windows!

Alright, this is not
a permanent solution.

Think Finn, how can you keep
everyone from finding out?

Find out about what, Finn?


The talking piñata!

Your convinient appearance
gives me a great idea.

Everybody, grab a stick!

New game!

We're gonna smash some piñatas!


Except for you, Manfried.

Oh, thank goodness.

Now everybody don these blindfolds.

Thanks, Taffy Girl.

Alright, everybody, get together.

I'm hanging the piñatas...

They're all around you.

Smash the piñatas!!!

Yeah! You guys are on fire!

Hmmm, it's so delicious.

We did it!

My improbable plan worked!


Seven minutes up yet?

What the nuts happened here?!?

Oh, we k*lled all the zombies that Princess
Bubblegum and I raised from the dead.



What's going on?


Finn! Did you break your
Royal Promise?

Yeah, but...

...I mean, all the zombies are dead.

The Candy People won't freak out.

What's the big deal?

This is really, really bad, Finn.

You can't break Royal Promises.

Never, ever, never.
No matter what, forever.

The Guardians of the Royal Promise
are coming for us.

Finn the Human.

You have broken a Royal Promise

for which the penalty is...

...trial by fire.

That's stupid.


He's my friend!
Isn't there another option?!

Yes. Because you care for
the promise-breaker,

we will give him a less hot trial.

You must now answer...

...Math questions!


Finn, you're terrible at math.


...solve this!

Oh Wait, wait,

I thought of a better one.

2 + 2

Solve it or die.


4, right?

Oh, correct.

What's happening, Princess?

You've defeated the
broken royal promise!

The Gumball Guardians
are resetting!


That was tops!

Who's not good at math?

I was all "Four!"!

Four... Four, four, four...

That's it!

The answer was so simple...

...I was too smart to see it!

You're welcome!

'4' is the last figure I need

to perfect my decorpsinator serum!


This is messed up, but sweet.

("Truly it is.")

Uncle Chewy!


All of my dead relatives!



Man, you broke a Royal Promise?!?

You're nuts.

All you had to do is say that
it was a royal secret.

I know what's up.

I hope you grasp the full consequences
of breaking promises.

Heck yeah!

If I break a Royal Promise,

I get to fight zombies,

throw slumber parties,

awake Gumball Guardians and...and...

Alright, alright.

...and reverse Death itself!

Oh, you are adorable.

But keep your promises, okay?

I will, Princess.

Starchy, you're not a zombie.

I can't help it. Flesh is delicious!

You're delicious!

Don't squeeze me! I'll fart!
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