01x06 - The Jiggler

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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01x06 - The Jiggler

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Baby! ♪


♪ I know what you need. ♪

What's that?

♪ You want your little baby socks ♪

♪ for your little baby feet. ♪


♪ Baby! ♪


♪ I know what you crave. ♪

Oh, yeah? What's that?

♪ You want to poop your pants ♪
♪ all day long. ♪

♪ Well, baby behave! ♪

Hey, how can you sing like that, dude?

Remember when I swallowed
that little computer?

Oh, yeah.

Alright, Stanley.

You and your family are safe...


Seriously, Stanley.

For a watermelon you get into trouble
way more often than you should.

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What the...


Look at that!

That is the most adorable
thing I have ever seen.

And he loves your baby song.

Sing some more of it, dude.


♪ Baby! ♪

♪ You lookin' so good. ♪

♪ You lookin' like you might... ♪

♪ want some baby food. ♪

Keep it going, man!

♪ Baby! ♪

♪ You lookin' so fine. ♪

♪ You lookin' like you might... ♪

♪ just start cryin'. ♪

Dude! This guy is a pal for life!

It looks like he's got two
jiggly bellies stuck together.

I've got that on my back.

I call it my butt.

He's the Jiggler.

You are the best thing ever.

Let's take the Jiggler back to the house

and just stick him by our bed
so we can wake up...

Next to a little dancing guy every morning!

♪ I gotta tuck you in, girl. ♪

♪ I gotta sing you sweet melodies ♪
♪ about babies. Yeah! ♪

Little baby feet!

Welcome to your new home.

Feast your eyes on...


Nice, huh?

What are you doing?

Splitting my toothbrush in half,
so he can use half.

Here you go. It's for your teeth.

Like this.

Yeah! You got it.

Enough hygiene. Let's get to it!

Yeah! Toothbrush dance.

This is cool!




I'm not tired!

How about you, Jake?

Maybe we should go upstairs.

You can have the comfiest spot on the bed.


Mornin', Jake!


Are you ready to get down?

♪ Let's get this party started! ♪

Yeah, ok.

Where's the little guy?

Over there.

Hey, pal.

You ready to cut loose?

Wake and shake, buddy.

Let's do this thing!

Slam-a-cow! That fool looks rumped.

What do you mean?

Well, look at him.

He's all limp... and weird.

I bet he just needs some breakfast
after a night of extraordinary jiggling.

Hey! Let's combine everything
we can find in the kitchen...

and have the Jiggler drink it!

That'll wake him up!

And then we can...

Get ♪ down! ♪

He doesn't want to drink that goop, man.

Then let's just give him some, uh...
purple whatevers.

You mean the grapes?

Yeah. Whatever.

Hey! I think he's diggin' it!

That doesn't sound good.

Uh, you think we...

...fed the wrong hole?

Nah. He just doesn't like purple whatevers.

What we need to do is figure out
what he does like to eat.

Here, Jiggler.
What kind of food do you like?


Some banana?

This looks like corn...

...I think...

Uh... hot dog.

Stanley the watermelon.

Look! Jake! He likes it!

No way!

His favorite food is drawings!


Holy fig, that's awesome!

What food are you drawing now?

I'm drawing a picture of you.

Well, don't feed it me!

Come on. Eat him up, Jiggler!


Keep it away! Shoo! Shoo!


Alright. Alright. I got it.

Calm down...

I'll eat it.

Dude! You eating me is just as bad
as the Jiggler eating me.

Well... You gonna eat yourself, tough guy?

Yes. If that is what must be done.

I taste awesome.

Ok. Alright.

Now, let's get back to some jiggling!

I'll get the tunes!

Like this. Yeah!

Come on Jiggler! Wiggle and whistle!

Yeah, Jiggler. Go nuts!

Go nuts like there's bugs on your butts!


What the heck? What's wrong with him?

Uh... There's nothing wrong with him.

We just gotta plug up his holes.

See? That worked.

Ready to jiggle again, little guy?

Oh, man...


We gotta plug those holes!

Jake, hurry!

All I could find was your
glass eye collection!

What about your eyepatch collection?

Aw, man. They're in mint condition.


Alright! Coming!

One... more... patch!


He looks terrible.

Finn, I know you don't want to hear this,

but I think we should cut our losses

and bring this fella back
to where we found him.

We can't just abandon him.

Look at him, Jake.
He needs us now more than ever.

Just need to take better care of you
from now on, right little guy?


Finn. Ok...

Our pet exploded.

Maybe we can... scrape him up!



Oh, holy moly!

Don't worry, Jiggler. We'll fix you.

Let's gather him up, Jake.

He's all over the place...

even between the floorboards!

And the cupboards!

And the galoshes!

I wonder... Where's his hiney?

Found it! Come here, you!


Come on. Let's put him back together.


Squeeze real hard.

He's slipping!

Got him!

Well, at least he's all in one piece.

You think he's dead?

No way!

I won't let you die, guy! Not this time.

Finn. Stop it, man. What are you doing?

I'm kissing him! What do you think?

It's all I could think to do.

Just put him down.

He's kissing colors with his dying breath.

I think he's trying to tell us something.

Finn, this looks like it could be his mom.

We took this child away from
its mama, Jake.

We're kidnappers and murderers!

I just wanted to have fun and jiggle!

Look... Chill out, ok?

We can fix this.

Check it out.

His mom looks like she's out
by Stanley's house...

where we found the Jiggler.

If we get him back to her,
she'll be able to fix him up!

Then there's no time to spare.

Just hold on a little longer, buddy.

Did you hear that?


Perpendicular! It's the mama!

Look! The little guy wants to go home!

Well. This is it, buddy.

Be well.

Hey! Stop that!

I don't understand.

That crazy mama almost k*lled him.

He feels cold.

What are we supposed to do now, man?

We can't bring him home, or he'll...

or he'll...

Dang it! Why doesn't she love him?

I love him!

You love him!

It's not fair!

Finn, wait!

Mama's supposed to love baby!

She's supposed to love baby!


Oh, man!

It's yours, idiot!

Don't you recognize your own baby?


I figured it out, dude.

It's the juice.

The Jiggler needs to smell like
its mama's juice.

That's how wild animals know
what’s going on...

and this guy right here is all drained out.

We gotta toss it in the soup, brother.

Alright. Ok.

I loved you, baby. I hope you know that.

Word to your motheeeerrrrr!

I'll never kidnap again.

You said it!

...That was a nightmare.
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