01x07 - Ricardio the Heart Guy

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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01x07 - Ricardio the Heart Guy

Post by bunniefuu »

You're totally slow dude! Speed up them gams!

I'm not used to running on all fours.

Ready to admit it's harder than it looks?

I'll never admit anything to you.

Hey, where'd you go?

Ok, I admit. It's...it's harder than I thought.

Actually you did pretty good.

Hey, check it out!


Looks like a giant dead turtle.

I think it's some kind of city of...


It's the city of thieves!

Be warned, boy!

All who enter the city are destined to become thieves themselves.

Even you.

I wouldn't become a thief lady.

I'm a pretty good guy.

Yeah, get your glasses on grandma.

This kid is pure.

In fact, he's about to help that little crying kid.

Oh whoa.

Be warned!

Enough lady!

Hey little girl, are you ok?

Please, don't steal anything from me.

Whoa! We wouldn't do that.

We're heroes.

We want to turn your frown...

all the way around!


I'll face the other way, but I'm gonna keep doing it.

So, what's wrong?

I was trying to sell my flowers out here in the desert

when these two theives came and stole my whole basket

then ran into the city.

The city?

Of thieves!

Oh boy...

Heed my warning boy

enter the city, and you'll come out a thief.


I'll get this girl's flowers back!

My name's Penny.

I'll get Penny's flowers back

and come out of that city as pure as the driven snow.

Let's go Jake!

Yeah! We're gonna purify that city!

Oh, it was terrible!


My ring!

Stop thief!


My ruby!

Stop baby!

Don't steal!

Don't steal Mr. Turtle.

Finn, it's hopeless to try stopping a thief here.

Everyone steals from each other.

It's re-do-do-diculous.


Never say that.


No, the whole thing you said

about hopelessness.

Cause I'm going to get your basket back from whoever took it.

And then, I'm going to beat my purity into them!

And then, I'm going to beat your purity out of them.

And then, beat a sandwich into them.

And then, beat them to the punch!

And then, punch 'em.

We can beat these thieves while we search for Penny's flower basket.


Hey turd-ol!

I'm gonna kick your butt

Also, have you seen this little girl's flower basket?

You're going down turtle.

I want jets.

Come back crossbow guy!

My crossbow!

Hey, my basket! That's my basket!

Don't worry Penny.

We'll get it right after I deal with this guy.

Stealing's wrong, doofus!

-My bro!
-My body!

I'm gonna steal your flower basket, wizard!

Pancake, pancake, pancake...

Whoa brother!

My glasses!

My jammies!

My glasses!

There it goes!

I will smite thee! Goblin thief.

You stole that basket from me.

No I didn't!

Hey, give me that!

I stole it first!

I'll use my sword on you!


You there!

It's time to step inside the purification chamber son!

How are we supposed to get that basket back if it keeps being stolen?

Hey! We could steal a new one from that guy.

He's got lots of flower baskets

and boots!


I'd like to steal me one of them pairs of boots especially.

No Jake

We can't steal.

We have to stay pure!


I have an idea.

My mom used to tell me that there's a king of thieves

who lives in the center of the city

and everything that gets stolen from little girls

ends up at his tower

Maybe we'd find my basket in his treasure chest!

That's a great idea Penny!

There's one thing though.

The tower that he lives in is surrounded by a magical barrier

Which magically keeps thieves out.

Have you forgotten?

We three ain't thieves.

We're pure!

Right Jake? Jake?

Just gotta steal these boots...


Hey! Go away!

What are you doing man?

It's the city.

It's getting to me.

Help me Finn!

I'm here for you buddy!

Thank you, Finn

Thank you


I won't...let you...become...a thief!

Uh...What are these?


That way, I'll hear if you try to steal again.

Oh. Mm.

The king of thieves tower is right up here.


You ready to pass through Penny?

I'm too afraid.

Is it OK if I wait out here?


C'mon! Let's go Jake!


Jake..Where'd you get those boots?

Huh? What? What boots?

Oh no! I stole! The city! It took advantage of me!

Ah Jake. You're a thief now. You won't be able to get in anymore.

Yes, I can.

Oh. Huh.

It's up to me now.

Legend says, you'll find the loot in the king of thieves chest.

Good luck Finn! Oh yeah, and that high window is the only entrance.

Hmm. Alright, wish me luck.

She already did, man.

Oh. Yeah. Right.

Whoo! Yeah, Finn!

Great. Now I gotta climb down?

Whoa! The king of thieves...

Uh..sorry to trespass...I just...


The chest! It's in his chest!


You see, if you have too much earwax, you won't be able to hear anymore.

I got it guys!

The chest! Give me that.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy kid...

What? Is your basket under all that gold?

Of course it's not.

I set you up to steal this chest of gold.

I couldn't get past the barrier 'cause I'm a thief.

But you're just a cute little girl.

And I'm a thief!

We'll if this isn't yours, I'm going to return it right now!


Why can't I...

You stole something in the city.

Now you're a thief!

No. Noooo!

What have I done? What have I become?

You've become a thief, stupid.

My hands. They're all dirty.

Covered in the dust of a criminal act.

I'm a thief...

Ohhh. What did I tell you boy?

This city will get you, no matter how pure you think you are.

I was right.

Hey. That's enough from you, hag!

Agh. Hey!


Don't touch me!

I'm impure man!

Unfit to be a hero. Unfit to be your friend.

C'mon Finn. Keep it together.

No, Jake. This is a one-way path down a jacked up road.

And I gotta walk it...


I'm not gonna leave you alone in the city.

You're my buddy.

Besides, I stole these boots.

These super, big style boots.

So I'm just as dirty as you are Finn.

We gotta walk this filthy path together.

Then we shall embrace the darkness of this wicked city

and use the methods of the criminal to seek vengence on Penny.


Cowabunga indeed.


Mmm. Yes. Yeah.

Wha? Is someone there?

Hmm. Heh.



It's me, Penny.

The hero whose purity you stole.

And I'm here to enact my revenge upon you!

Hi Penny!

Finn, please don't punch my lights out.

I'm just a poor, homeless, baby girl.

I trusted you Penny.

You made me steal.

And you took my purity.

You ruined me!

I'm sorry Finn. Let me give you some gems or some gold

Or uh..have some knife in your neck!

Watch out Finn!

Thanks dude!

Yeah dude!

You may have soiled my purity, but I think you can still come out clean.

Come on Jake!

Nooo! No!

Nice work dude!

She's purified.

I feel clean!

Like all the filth of the city and wrong doings are gone!

Thank you F and J.

I haven't felt like this since I was young.

You're welcome.

Whoa dude!

The soap got on us too!

We're clean!


This good deed we did has purified us once again.

We're virgin islands!

Finn, thank you for the second chance to live a purer life.

And you know what that means Penny.

No. More. Stealing.

Well. I think it's time for us to get the math out of here.

Never again.

I'm going to miss you Finn!

I'll miss you too.


Whoa dude. Why are you naked?

Ah! Pennnny!
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