01x25 - His Hero

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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01x25 - His Hero

Post by bunniefuu »

[ mouse squeaks ]

[ penguins wenk ]

[ all cheering ]

[ screeches ]

♪ Adventure time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very distant lands ♪

♪ with Jake the dog and Finn the human ♪

♪ the fun will never end ♪

♪ lt's Adventure Time ♪

[ growls ]

Last chance, Swamp Giant.

Tell us where you hid the Miniqueen.


[ screaming ]

[ squealing ]


[ squealing ]

Hi, Miniqueen.

Jake, l've got her!

Then hold my hand, dude.

[ groans ]

My inflatable Angel.

[ chuckles ]

How's the Miniqueen?

[ squeals ]

l don't know.

Can't understand a word she says.

Aww. My pleasure, ma'am.

l just like beating up evil.

[ squeals ]
- Okay.

Didn't catch any of that either.

[ squeals ]

[ sniffs ]

Miniqueen must have
stepped in something funky.

[ sniffs ]

No, it's not tiny feet l'm smelling.

This way!

[ sniffing ]

[ snorts ]


Do you know whose sword this is?

This is the sword of Billy!


♪ Billy ♪


♪ Who's the greatest warrior ever ♪

♪ A hero of renown ♪

♪ Who slayed an evil ocean ♪

♪ Who cast the Lich King down? ♪

♪ Billy! ♪

♪ And that time the evil firecount ♪

♪ Captured a damsel fair ♪

♪ Who saved her with such bravery ♪

♪ That she offered him her hair? ♪

♪ Billy! ♪

♪ Also, he fought a bear ♪

Oh, yeah, that was the most
mathematical thing ever!

Yeah, he fought a bear.

This is so cool.


lt's Billy's legendary crack.

[ both gasp ]

Uh, hello.

lt's him, it's him!

l know, I know. Be cool.

Yeah, it's me.

Man, l'm such a huge nerd for you.

Please take us on as hero apprentices.

What for?

So that we can learn to
kick evil's butt, just like you.

l want to be the dog version of you.

Aw, that would be a waste of time.

[ chuckles ]

l'm a little paunchy.

But l could do some sit-ups.

No, I was talking about
beating up monsters.

lt's as pointless as a
dog chasing his own tail.

[ scoffs ]

See, that's where you're wrong,
'cause watch.

Ah, ah, ah.

What do you mean, pointless?

We just saved the
Miniqueen from a monster.

Do you know where she is right now?

She's probably being eaten
by a different monster.

She's probably dead.

[ gasps ]

ln my youth, l was much like you --

motivated, headstrong,
wore a silly little outfit.

Even had a magic dog.

l'm gonna pass out.

All my life,
l've beaten on evil creatures.

[ sighs ]

But new evil keeps popping up.

Kicking their butts
was a hopeless effort.

What other way is there?


Help people by being
active in your community.


[ sighs ]

l got to try being nonviolent.

The Billy way!

Me, too!

Billy, l won't let you down.

l love you, Billy!

l got a secret crush on you, Billy!

[ both screaming ]


This is gonna be tough, Jake.

l'll have to suppress my
every warrior instinct.


lt'll be easy not to beat up on
monsters and still help people.

[ in distance ]
Help! Help! A monster!

[ breathing heavily ]

Ohh! Aah!

Oh, thank goodness -- heroes.

l'm being chased by a horrible dragon!

Please, please, help!

Oh, uh...


Act quickly!

He's almost upon us!

Sorry, we don't beat
stuff up anymore.

No, but, please!

[ sputtering ]

Dude, we got to do
something to help him.

l could teach him how
to not be such a spaz.

Hey, Mister, besides being chased
by a monster, what else is wrong?

Well, l've been running all day.

l guess l'm pretty hungry.

Say no more!

Come on, Finn.

Where are you going?!

To make you something to eat!

Aah! No! Help!

l still feel weird about not
fighting off that dragon.

Trust me, this is a way
better way to help him.

Get your free gruel!

What's this all about?

Free gruel, ma'am.

l can't beat monster butts,
but l can beat your hungry guts.

That's for sure.

[ laughs ]

[ slurps ]

l didn't throw up.

This gruel is very adequate.


[ all slurping ]

This is great, Jake!

Yeah, we're really helping people.

Whoa, look who it is.

Dude, you're alive!

No thanks to you two!

That dragon chased
me for two days!

And then l was lost for, uh,
three days, and then l fell

under a spell of a beautiful
enchantress for, uh, a week?

So that's two plus three...

plus a week --

Shh. Dude, gruel.

Oh, thank you.

[ slurps ]

[ laughs ]

[ slurping continues ]

[ laughs ]

Aah! What's happening?!


Oh, that's probably the stone-skin
potion l added to the recipe.

lt gives your body the
power to grow armor.

What? Uh?
[ gasps ]

[ grunts ]
Oh! Aah!

Dude, how much of that potion did you use?

[ indistinct shouting ]


My tummy is breathing fire!

Geez, l thought people would like that.


Why would anyonewant that?!

So you can defend against evil monsters!

You're supposed to beat up monsters
so we don't haveto defend ourselves!

No, see, I'm helping you nonviolently.


l can't even move my hands!

l'm a Cobbler!

How am l supposed to cobble
with these useless chunk mitts?!

So, the village needs the help
of a newcobbler, eh?


What?! No!

All right, we're cobblers!

No, you're not!

You're just watching my shop
while I go to the dermatologist!

And don't try to cobble anything!

What does "Cobble" mean, anyway?

l think it has something to do with shoes.

Excuse me. Can you help me?

l need a broken heel fixed.

l'm going to a fancy funeral.

Of course l'll help!

There! Hwah!



[ shing! ]
[ gasps ]

Now you can fight off evil if
it shows up at the funeral.

You fix that shoe with a magic nail?


- Whoa!
- Cool!

l cannot go to the funeral in these!

Hey, everyone!

l'm back from the doctor!

Uh, why?!

And I'm not supposed to bring a guest!

Get out!

Apparently, I suck at being nonviolent.

Dude, sucking at something is the first step

towards being sort of good at something.

You and l are like little
baby Billys right now,

and we're "sucking" on our
first bottle of nonviolent milk.

[ sighs ]

l'll stop "Pooping my diaper."

Whoa, what?!

Help! l need medical help!

Medical help? Hmm.

How can we help?

l want surgery to make my body hot.


Yeah, l know l'm already pretty smokin',

but l bought this swimsuit,

so l need a swimsuit body.

[ whistles ]

You up for some serious plastic surgery?

Oh, yeah, this bod is hot and powerful!

Huh? Oh, what.

Whoa! Aah!

Dude, did you use a magic nail again?

l've got three left!

[ moans ]

What did you do to me?!

We transformed you
into a cyborg fighter!

That's hot, right?

No one thinks this look is hot!

Oh, my laces, you're
the most beautiful -- aah!

[ tire squealing ]

[ screams ]

[ screaming ]

- Jake?
- Yeah?

l think us not being
violent is hurting people.

Man, Billy is gonna be so bummed out.

Not if we run away, Finn.

We'll have to live in halfway homes
and be cannibals, but we'll survive.

l just want to sit here and moan.

Then l'll moan with you, buddy.

[ moaning ]
Thanks, buddy.

[ moaning ]
You're welcome.

[ in distance ]
Aah! Aah! Help me!

[ laughs evilly ]

[ laughs evilly ]

l'm just gonna grindyou up!

[ screaming ]

Oh, man, this grass bag again?!

Hey, evil-doer, um,
can you keep your evil-doing quiet?

Finn is dealing with
some heavy stuff over here.

lt's not evil!

When they get this old,
they wantto be ground up!

[ chuckles evilly ]

Right, you old bat?

- Help!
- Right?!

[ gasps ]

[ groans ]

[ screams ]

A fist raised in righteous anger?

Oh, no, it's myfist!

l've got to think of a way
to save this old lady without

punching this guy in the face!


Yeah, you want to get ground up, right?!

- Wrong!
- Ow!

[ grunts ]

[ moans ]

l couldn't think of anything.

[ gasps ]

l saved her with v*olence!

What's your huff, son?

The greatest hero in the world told me
to help people without being violent,

and I promised I would do
that and not let him down.

But l did let him down.

Stuff and nonsense!

You sure helped this old gal out,
and you did it withviolence.

Like a true hero, you were
born to punch evil creatures.


Just like I was born to be an old lady.

Don't deny your rowdy nature, Paladins.

[ beat boxing ]

And don't take advice from old people.


Yeah. Yeah!

That old lady has a point!

Wait, didn't she say not
to take advice from old p--

lt's all so clear to me!

Back to the cave of Billy!


lt's us again!

And we've got exciting news!

l don't --
l don't want to buy anything!

Billy, an old lady told me
that I shouldn't listen to you

because you're old -- also,

that I should do what l was born to do,
which is kicking buns.

Don't you see
how pointless it is?

You know what's probably happening
to that old lady right now?

She's probably dead!

She's right here.

[ gasps ]

We saved her, Billy.

You saved her.

l saved her, Billy.

l saved her using v*olence,
and that's not a bad thing, Billy.

This old lady is alive
because of these!

And look how
happy she is, man.

She's elated!

Hmm, perhaps you're right.

Oh! Oh! Ugh!

lt's -- it's as if your words are
filling a void in my very being.

You want to watch?

[ gasps ]

[ tendons squishing ]

[ heart beating ]


Finn and Jake, truly,
you are myheroes.

[ both giggling ]

Now you're freaking me out.

[ both laughing ]

We're his heroes!

[ beat boxing ]

Huh. Hello.

[ laughs ]

l love you, Billy!

Get out of here!

[ both laughing ]

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ and the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander through the forest ♪

♪ and do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ to a cliff under a tree ♪
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