01x07 - Polar Bears Don't Dance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x07 - Polar Bears Don't Dance

Post by bunniefuu »

Wild Kratts!

That a boy, Smoke!

Hey, it's us,
the Kratt brothers.

Out here in the Arctic,
where temperatures fall

lower than ° below zero,

there are two very different
creatures who rule:

the walrus, with tusks
longer than baseball bats...

And the polar bear,
standing at over feet,

the tallest in the world.

What happens when these two
natural enemies meet?

When each is powerful enough
to turn the other into mush.



Did you say "mush"?
Yeah, mush.

Uh-oh. I didn't mean
that kind of mush!

I said it again!

Hang on!




I shouldn't have
said "mush."

My face feels like mush.


How do Arctic animals
do it?

Move so easily
through ice and snow.

What if we could move
like a polar bear and a walrus?

Then maybe we'd find out

how these two natural enemies
face off.

What if...

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna see
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

(Camera clicking)

Whoa! Did you catch
that trick or what?

Nice move!

Just keep your eye out
for hungry polar bears.

They're ready to munch
on anything

after eight months
of hibernation.

I'm not worried.

You will be
if you come face-to-face

with the most carnivorous bear
on the planet.

Nothing personal, bro,

but you are boarding
like a total newbie.


Okay, maybe
I'm a little worried.


Kick it, bro!

A polar bear can hit a charge
of mph.

Yeah, I see that.

And they've got the longest legs
in the bear world.

And gaining!

Whoa, we've got a monster drop
coming up, bro.

Check out this big air!

Right behind you,

That's no newbie move.


Nice face plant,



Nice dance moves.

Don't worry,
I'll get you back.

What, me worry?

Whoa, she's hunting.

She knows her prey
needs to surface to breathe

so she lies in wait,

for what's swimming below
to pop up.

Could be a beluga whale
or a seal.

Or maybe...

I think the crew
might want to see this.

Deploy fly cam.


A walrus!



(Aviva laughing)
Martin usually wears blue, but
he looks pretty good in green.

If the Kratt bros had a comedy
show, I'd totally watch it.

I think we just did.


Oh, do we have a lock
on their coordinates, Koki?

Yeah, ° north, ° west.

Now, it looks like there's
a hectic blizzard to the west,

but the bros
are all clear.

Ready for liftoff,
Jimmy Z.?

Not yet.
The joystick is stuck!

So that's where it went.


Teleportation delivery
is out of here.

Polar bears need to be patient
and focused.

Unlike you, Martin.

But they could wait for hours
for their prey to pop up.

What do you think?

Wait's over.

What's that?

Hey, guys, did you get
the package?

Yeah, but your delivery
was a little off.


Nice reaction time,

Are we quick
or what?

Oh, yeah!


Whenever you're ready,

I've modified your Creature
Power Suits for Arctic survival.

You know the drill.

Touch the animal,
hit the button,

and listo, you've got
Creature Power!


I was almost chewed
by a polar bear.

Now I have to touch one
to activate my suit?


Ah, she's parking her cub,

telling him to stay behind
while she hunts.

Better listen, Poby.


Yeah, Poby.
Polar bear, Poby.

They don't see me.

My iceberg disguise
is working.

Somebody pinch me.

Ow, I didn't mean literally!

Well, it looks like
the brainless brothers

have a dancing bear.

Not for long.

Look at that. She blends
right into the ice and snow.

With that Arctic camouflage,
the walrus don't even see her.

It just gets better.

The more dancing varmints,
the merrier.

The crowd's gonna love it
and I, Zach Varmitech,

will be so rich
it'll make your head spin.

Hey, I didn't mean

Now, go catch those puppies.

Whoa, she's attacking!

The walrus can hardly move
up here.

They're like big,
blubbery caterpillars.

Made it!


The bear is in control on land
and the walrus rules the water.

Two natural enemies.

But what would happen
if one caught the other

on its own turf?

(Babies crying)


Well, say bye-bye
to your mommies!

A Zach attack.

He snatched them
right from under our noses.

You don't steal baby animals
from their moms.

What's he gonna do
to them?


Never gonna see you again!

Zach's nastier
than an arctic blizzard.

How are we supposed to catch
that turbo-boosted speedboat?


By moving
the way the creatures move.

Yes. Running
like a polar bear.

Swimming like a walrus.

We've got to activate
our Creature Power Suits!

That's one way
to do it.

Walrus power.

What a rip!

How am I supposed to touch
a bear who wants to eat me?

Your problem
not mine, bro. Got to go.

Hang on, bear.
I'm on my way!

Okay, it's a double

This will put our inventions
to the test.

Keep your eyes on those animals
and get ready to invent.

This is walrus world.

Guys, I could use
a little help

figuring out
how to move down here.



Now I get it.

Power comes from
the back flippers.

The back flipper action
propels the walrus.



Note to self:

learn to steer.


That's face plant
numero dos, MK.

I know.

For this crazy terrain,

I need some long legs and claws
like she's got.



Of course,
side flippers steer.

Flippers are fingers
with webbing between them.

That's the inside scoop
on flipper power.

Have flippers,
will travel.

Okay, walrus, let's go
save your calf.

If I could just touch her,
it would activate my suit,

and I'd have
polar bear power too.

Great idea.

With that nose your cub
could be km away

and you'd still be able
to smell her.

Smell your cub?

Oh no, you don't,

My cologne
will do the trick.

That should mess up
your mommy's smeller.

Here's my chance
to be the bear.


Just kidding.

Just kidding.


Now, you two,
let me see you dance.

Come on.

Chris, if we shortcut
across the ice,

we can head to Zach off
at the pass.

Flippers for water.

Legs for land.

To the creature rescue!


I need claws!

I programmed claws.

And, just like the bottom
of the bear's footpads,

I put in these incredible
tiny traction bumps.

These features give extra grip
on slippery ice.

If you'd just
touch the bear, MK,

you'd have
no-slip soles too.

Easier said than done.


Oh no, Zach's almost
in the clear.

If he gets to the open sea,
we'll never catch them.

If you two don't start
practicing your dance routines

for the show tonight, I'll make
a few biogenetic adjustments

and force you.

Come on,
shake those flippers!

Come on.


Put them on ice!



Got to slow him down
with walrus power.

don't fail me now.

Tusk time!

Flipper power
to the max!

You're not going anywhere
with those cubs, Zach.

Way to go,
walrus man!


Oh no, they think their kids
are in danger from each other.


Whoa, it's a rarely-seen battle
of Arctic titans.

Forget dancing babies,
a big battle is much better.

All right, the polar bear
has the advantage here.

Moving really well
like she's dancing on ice.

But the walrus is clumsy on land
like a giant blubber balloon.

With no legs, she's got to drag
herself back to the water.

Can she make it
before the polar bear--


Whoa, now the tables
are turned.

Even though the polar bear
is a good swimmer,

the walrus is built
for underwater.

Down here, the walrus
is pure, fluid swimming power.

With the tusks,
she's pulling the bear under!

(Babies crying)

I'll grab the cub!

I've got the calf.


Get the mothers.
I'll distract them.

It's all over,

Stealing little wild animals!

And you think you're
the world's greatest mind?

More like the world's greatest
pain in a bear's behind.

What? No, I found
these tender little ones

and wanted to return them
to their families.

I was looking all over
for you two.

What are you talking about?

We saw you waving bye-bye
with the walrus flipper.

No, no,
it was holding my hand.

It must have thought
I was its mommy.

Can somebody get frostbite
of the brain?

But I am so worried now.

You've got to find
their mothers.

I'll just go look
over there.

See you.

Hey, where are
the moms?

where are they?

Those wild rats can have
your stinky kittens.

You're the bigger prize
and I've got plans for you.

But first, I'm gonna trick
Chris and Martin

and get rid of them


Chris, I found them!

Go on to your ma, Poby.
I'll hang with you later.

Back to where you belong,
living free and in the wild.

We did it!


(Zach laughing)

What's going on?

You're so easily fooled.

I've got
the fighting mommies now.

I almost feel bad
beating you like this.


Hey, have an "ice" time.

I lured you
into an arctic storm!


What? Tell me
this is a joke.

If it is, I think
we're the punchline.

Prepare to get soaked!

I can't believe the storm
moved in so fast.

Where are the Kratt bros?

I don't have any visuals.

What about the mother bear
and walrus?

We got to
save them too.


That's the spirit, Sasquatch,
but save it for each other.

Now, I'll equip you two
with titanium battle wear

and tonight, you'll fight
for me at the opening

of my arctic ice hotel.

I'll be king
of the ice world!

Take me there!



Don't worry, Poby.

We're gonna make it
through this and find your mom.

I promise.

A few snowflakes
can't stop me.


Aviva, I've got contact
with Chris.

I'm on my last flipper.

I can't tread water
much longer.

Floating like bobbers?
How are they doing that?

Pharyngeal throat sacs.

Blow them up and you've got
a built-in life preserver.


I need something that can
inflate like a balloon

in the water.
If it's full of air,

it'll rise
when it's underwater.

If I can just integrate this
into the walrus power suit

programming, it just might
keep Chris afloat.


Why do you have to be
so white?

Darn camouflage!

(Poby bleating)


Got you!


I need
your polar bear power.


The strength of a polar bear
with mighty claws, to boot!

For no-slip power.

It worked!



I can't stay afloat

Okay, it's ready
to go.


Zap it!

Keep breathing,


A built-in
life preserver!

Riding out the storm


We just lost all communication
with them.

Let's hope their Creature Powers
see them through.

But Zach still has the moms.

Send the alert
to the Wild Kratts kids!

Our eyes and ears
around the world.

Hey, we got something
from Nua.

Hey, Koki, Zach's
just passing my village.

He must be heading
to the big glacier.

° North, ° West.

I got to get out there!

It worked!

Storm's over
and I'm still floating.

That was a wild ride!

I hope Martin's okay.

Martin, where are you,

Love the polar bear fur,

Kept us warm and toasty
down to ° below zero.



Snow camo!

Look, I got
polar bear powers.



Hey, we've still got some
creatures to rescue.

And now, I bring you
the spectacle of the century.

There will be
a bloodcurdling cage battle

between the scary Sasquatch

and the man-eating
seal thingy.

(Crowd exclaiming)

Try polar bear
and walrus.

Not gonna happen.

Kratt bros, Zach's got the moms
and he's making them fight.

I'm sending
the GPS points. Hurry.

Let's go.
Flippers for water.

Legs for land.

Saving the planet
with Creature Power!

This place
is an icy maze.


I can't!

They're great for underwater,
but flippers don't run.

I need to deactivate.

Oh no,
it's jammed!

Crush! Smash!

Crush! Smash!

Geez, bro, talk about
pulling your weight!

Take a right!

I mean, a left.


Faster, faster!

I'm going
as fast as I can!



Crush! Smash!

Crush! Smash!

Crush! Smash!

Hey, Chris.
Wanna go bowling?

It'll be a ball.



They don't call me
"bowler" bear for nothing.

Bowler bear, bowler bear.

Oh no!

Are you ready
to battle?

We're too late.

Not if
you're riding this.

All right, Aviva!

I've got an idea.

And right after
the fight,

I'll be signing autographs
at the frozen yogurt stand.

Let the fight begin!

Ooh... Ahh...

Bite the walrus!
Tusk the bear!

Fight, fight, fight!

Why are you dancing?

You're supposed to
be enemies!

(Crowd laughing)

Hey, Zach,
didn't you know?

Polar bears don't dance.

And walrus
don't rock 'n roll.

But we do.

(Crowd cheering)

Ha ha,
the switcheroo worked.

The real polar bear
and walrus

should be living free
and in the wild.


So you want to be
part of my show?





Guys, heads up!


Going up.


See ya!

You animal-loving

Get back here!


Sit, doggie.

Nice sealy.





Ruined my chance to be
king of the ice world!

You'll pay for this,
you wild rats!

Now, that's a show
we'll never forget.

Swim back
to where you belong, buddy:

the walrus's water world.

I told you I'd get you back
to mom, Poby.

Patrolling the land
of ice and snow.

Mission accomplished.

There's one little problem.
My suit, it's still jammed.

Oh, I can fix that.

Hang on.
Allow me.

Cold! Cold!

Got you again!

And the winner is...


No, I didn't.


Told you
I'd get you back.





We've got walrus!

(Imitating walrus)


Those flippers!

The key to swimming.

Hey, girl.

Let me see
that flipper.


I know flippers
are for swimming,

but for slapping me



Hey, what was that
all about?

Oh, thanks, that's nice.

Come on, please let me
see your flipper?


Every creature
has special features

that help it survive
where it lives.

Oh, yeah.

And flippers
are the key

for moving for lots
of water creatures.

They help them swim smoothly
through the water.

Manatees sometimes use their
flippers more like arms,

dragging themselves
along the sea bottom

in search of food
like water plants and algae.

Fur seals use their flippers
to twist and turn

and help them escape from the
jaws of their deadliest enemy,

the great white shark.

But flippers
aren't much good on land

so creatures
like the cheetah

have developed a different way
of getting around.

With a lean body and long legs,
they're perfectly adapted

for life in the wide-open
African savannah.

Their amazing legs help make
them the fastest running animal

in the world.

So, legs are for land,
flippers are for water.

And you're made to live
in the water, right, boy?



Okay, I'm soaked.

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