01x23 - Cheetah Racer

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x23 - Cheetah Racer

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪


Oh, you like
Wild Kratts, huh?

Hey, I'm Martin.
And I'm Chris.

We're the
Kratt brothers.

This amazing cheetah cub
is only six months old.

But he's already
faster than us

or any human.

His name is Chico

and like all cheetahs,
he loves to run.

He's into any
running game.

But, first, he's
got to get fuelled up.

When cheetahs eat,
they eat fast.

Because out
on the savannah,

there are lions,
leopards, wild dogs,

everybody wants to get a piece
of the cheetah's prey.

All right,
all fuelled up?

Let's see if this cheetah cub
is ready for action!

Let's play ball!

Chico, ready?



Light and lean!

And cheetahs are built
for speed.

And because they are
so light and lean,

each push of
a cheetah's back legs

sends them flying
through the air.

All right, Chico,
here goes!

Oh, oh, look at those
long legs!

The cheetah has
incredibly long legs,

some of the longest
in the cat world.

And those legs help them reach
speeds of miles per hour,

making them the fastest
land animal in the world!

How would it feel
to run like a cheetah?

Imagine if we had the
racing power of the cheetah

and could run as fast
as a cheetah can.

What if!?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Here she is.

The fastest runner on
the planet, the cheetah.

Isn't she amazing, Martin?



Hey, Chris.

You lookin'
for speed?

Check out my new sneakers!


Those are some
rockin' running shoes.

Yeah, I can
feel it already.

I'm gonna run so much
faster in these.

Well, I hope so.

Because according to
historical data,

your top speed is
miles per hour.

To out-race a cheetah,
you've gotta go

miles per hour faster
to hit a--

Top cheetah speed
of miles per hour!

Sorry, you're not gonna be
top cat for long.

Hey, she's eaten
and her belly's full.


Heh, but she still
doesn't look too worried.

Well, she should.

These shoes have
what it takes:

Spring-hair soles,

surface coating,

and rocket boosting
racing stripes.

I'll be able to run faster
than a speeding cheetah.

Leap over tall rhinos
in a single bound.

I'll be the fastest
living land animal!

When's race time?

As soon as we can
get her on her feet.

And I know just the trick.

What happens if I run
our footage

of a speeding gazelle
through a holographic projector?

All right!

On your marks...

Get set...


Go, Martin!

Go cheetah!


Aren't you gonna
cheer for your brother?

Hey, somebody's gotta
root for the cheetah.


A running cheetah is
a beautiful sight to see.

Martin's trying
really hard!

(Chris grunting)

Ooh, ah!




Oh! Oof!

(Engine hissing)




The cheetah wins!


That was close.

Oh, not so close.

Oh, so you were the blur
I saw going by, heh heh.

You win that one, Blur.


And the Createrra
took a beating!

It's a great off-road vehicle,
but no human-made vehicle

can handle this rough terrain.

At cheetah speed.


We'll see about that.

Let's see, Cheetah Sneaks?



What invention could match
cheetah speed racing

across the rough and tumble
African savannah?

Don't waste
your time, Aviva.

The cheetah is the fastest land
animal on earth for a reason.

It's the perfect design
for running across rough ground.

You can't outrun a cheetah
on the African savannah.

No way!

Uh, yes way.

No way.

Yes way!

I'm going to invent an invention
that can run faster out here.

Faster than a cheetah,
faster than anything!

No way!

Will you stop saying that!?

That wasn't me.

Yes it was.

Wait a minute.

I recognize
that voice.

Of course you do!

It's the voice of the inventor
you wish you could be.

Spying on you from within
my spy cloud.

You didn't even know
I was here, ha ha!

I should've
rained on you.


Oh, you're just jealous
because I have always been

a better inventor than you.

Oh, really?

What about at science camp
when my potato clock

kept better time than your moldy
bread clock?

Or the time--
Oh, forget
about that!

You're only as great
as your last invention.

I want in on this
racing contest,

and this time,
you're all gonna eat my dust.

Oh yeah?

Okay, this is
getting very interesting.

Two inventions, duking it out
in a cheetah race.

Well, I'm sticking with
the natural speedster.

Nothing can beat the fastest
runner on the savannah.

Oh, big surprise!



What's wrong with it!?


She just thinks
you look like a vulture.

Ha. Ha.

What's with the spots,
it looks sick.


Cheetahs have spots.

That's what makes 'em


Ha! You know what's
gonna be beautiful?

When I beat
that sick kitty and...

You, in a race!

You're on!

Let's have a race.

My cheetah racer
against your...


That's a Zach-terrain


What if the cheetah wins?

Oh yeah, ha ha,

that scrawny thing
wins a race, right.

Well, you'll have to
beat her fair and square.

This is a ground race,

so no flying vehicles.

Here he goes
with the rules again.

And, no using animals
to power your machine.

That's not only mean,
it's cheating.

No cheating.

Only cheetah-ing.

Ha ha, that's okay.

Me, cheat?

Okay, we have three hours
to complete our inventions.

And then we race
at sundown.

Winner is the world's
best inventor.

Okay, let me have a look
at you, Blur.

What design features
give you your speed?

Well, for starters,
the four Ls.

The four Ls?

Light, long,
lean and lanky.

Yeah, she is skinny.

That makes sense!

The lighter she is,
the easier it is

to push herself
forward quickly.

So my invention
has to be light.

This is gonna be easy.

I want a heavy titanium frame
that can handle anything

big bad Mother Nature
throws against me.

Zach-bots, assemble!

Ugh! Not you!

Assemble the frame
for my ZTV racer!

So, I have a cheetah-inspired
frame for the racer.

Most of her is skinny,
but check it out:

She has a really
huge chest.

That's because she has
extra large lungs.

And a huge heart.

Yeah, for
its body weight,

the cheetah has one of the
largest hearts and lungs

of any animal.

Large lungs to bring oxygen
to the blood,

which is pumped by the heart
to power the muscles.

Okay, so I need a system
that delivers maximum oxygen

to power the cheetah
racer's engine.

Let's see her in action again.

Guys, can you
get her running?

Sure, not a problem.

The cheetah has
excellent eyesight.

Up there with the best
long distance vision

of all mammals!

Even in bright,
glaring sunlight,

a cheetah can spot prey.

Those beautiful black markings
absorb light,

cutting down on the glare.

So she can always spot prey
and spring into action.

Except when she
can see it's

the same trick gazelle
from last time.


Just learned something else
about cheetahs:

They're smarter than your
average wildcat.

And Wild Kratt.


Let's see, falcon,



Need this?

Oh yeah.

Powering up
as cheetah prey?

Now that's what I call...

Creature crazy!

It's been good knowing you,

Creature Powers!

Of course!

I'll use the invention
of my great, great, great,

great, great, great, great,
great, great, great-grandfather:

The wheel!

With this high-tech racing tire,
I will zoom to the finish!



Oh, man!

All set!


So, Blur,

ready to have some fun?

She has you
in her sights, Chris.

How's this looking
for gazelle behavior?

Blur likes what she's seein'.

A cheetah looks for a gazelle
who isn't paying attention.

So I'll just focus on looking
for some nice gazelle grass.


Too green, nah,
too dry, too spiky.

The cheetah st*lks as
closely as she can.

A cheetah can run super fast,
but only for a short time.

The gazelle can't run as fast,
but can run for longer.

So, before she makes her move,
a cheetah tries to get close.

She's getting
pretty close!

She's getting really close!

Pan Am dropseed grass,
nutritious, high in fibre.



Oh, ahh...!

Whoo hoo!

(Panting, laughing)


A cheetah runs with
long strides!

At top speed, each stride
carries feet,

the length of
a small school bus.

It's the backbone!

Look at that,
it's bending!

When it bends down, it
stretches the legs out further,

so each stride is longer.

So the cheetah covers more
ground with each step.

Uh oh!
She's catching up.

Too fast, must engage
evasive maneuvers.

The ga-zig-zag.

He's going with
the ga-zig-zag.

The ga-zig-zag?

Yeah, the gazelle zig-zag,
the ga-zig-zag!

Trying to throw
the cheetah off!

But the cheetah
can ga-zig-zag, too.

She's staying
on Chris' tail.

Speaking of tails,
look at the cheetah's,

it's whipping right, left,
up, down, right, left,

keeping the cheetah
on balance.

Oh, she's catching up!

Whoo hoo!

I can't shake her!

Ahh-- Whoa...!


The bendable backbone feature
is exactly what I need.


(Blur snarling)

Oh, oh, don't look at me
like that.


How 'bout that
tail balancer?

Can you put in
one of those?

Aviva, you'll need one
for turning through

the rough terrain.

(Chris screaming)

Uh, I could use
a little help, here.

Chris, will you quit
playing around?

I'm not playing!

The cheetah's playing!

With me.





Hey, but I did discover
something interesting

on this last take-down.

Except for that sharp dew claw
for hooking and tripping,

a cheetah has nails
like a dog.

Oh yeah!

Almost every cat, lions,
housecats, leopards,

have retractable claws.

These claws stay in the paw

when the cat is walking
or running,

to protect their sharpness,
and only come out

when the cat grabs something.

Oh yeah,
look at that!

In and out.

But in the cheetah,
the claws are always out,

because the cheetah's a runner
and runners need traction.

The claws dig into the dirt
so the cheetahs can push off

to top speed.

I'm on it.

We'll add traction claws
to every foot.

Well, uh, Blur,
that was fun, great game.

And Il earned a lot about
cheetah running.

But we've got a race
and I really need to

get back to the Tortuga
to help out.

So, if you wouldn't mind
letting me go, that would be--


Ready for testing.

Let's run it.

Powering up treadmill.

Hit the
spot thruster, MK.

Spot on!

Hey, this is feeling
pretty smooth.

miles per hour.

All systems

The backbone
is really bending!

miles per hour.

Bending too much!

miles per hour!

Is this a cheetah racer
or a bucking bronco...!



Might wanna take down that
backbone bendability a little.

I smell mud!


Ahh, nice mud in this puddle,
huh, guys?

My Zach-terrain vehicle
is complete!

Right on time to defeat
a very annoying Aviva.

Roll me out.

Hey, ugh!

Not me, me!

Me in my ZTV!


ZTV, safari edition.

The cheetah racer.

Race time!

Hmm, where's Blur?

Yeah, I saw him
run away.

Like a scaredy cat.


And you should, too.

The only place
I'm running to...

Is the finish line.

When's the last time
you saw Blur?

Well, let's see...

When she tackled me
for the third time.

Then what?

I don't know.

She probably got tired
of toying with me

and went for a nap
in the shade.

But she's supposed to
win this race.

I've gotta find her.

The race is starting
in two minutes!


Here it is!

Peregrine falcon.


peregrine falcon powers.

Oh yeah.

I've gotta get a bird's eye
view on this.

Find Blur.

Cat lover.



On your marks...

I can see her whole territory,
but no sign of Blur.

Get set...


Whoo hoo!


All right!
All right!

Go, guys, go!


What is that?

My extra-sensitive
falcon eyesight,

capable of spotting a duck
from one mile away,

is spotting...


Spots from inside
Zach's machine?

Time to stoop.

Also known as
a falcon dive!

In a stoop, a falcon flies
miles per hour.

What's going on
in there?

Oh, I knew it!

He's using a cheetah to power
his machine.

Ha ha, but not anymore.


Whoa, Blur!

Chris, Zach's using
a cheetah.

Blur's afraid to jump.

Do the ga-zig-zag!

I'm on it.

You can still
win this race!


I knew I couldn't rely
on wild cats.

Or not be bothered by
Wild Ratts.

How many times do I
have to tell ya?

It's Wild Kratts!


Rocket boosters!


Uh oh!

I've still got the power

to make it to
the finish line with...

Maximum cheetah velocity!

Zach, you're still cheating;
you're flying.

No I'm not.

See that polymer string?

It's touching the ground.

So technically,
I'm on the ground,

not flying!


Oh, are you kidding me?

But hey, if you wanna keep

then we Wild Kratts will
just keep cheetah-ing!

Go Aviva, Go!

To the finish line
with Creature Power!

Cheetahs love to tackle
any kind of gazelle!

Uh oh!

Obstacles ahead.

Engage cheetah
tail balance.



Where's he going?

Old Zach is out
of this one.

But we still
have a race.


Oh no!
I'm outta here!


Wha-hoo, yeah!

Blur by a whisker.

Great racing, Aviva.

Yeah, way to
whoop Zach.

I always knew you were
the greatest inventor.

Just a whisker behind
Mother Nature.


Hey, where's Chris?

Not again!





Does anybody want a gazelle
Creature Power disc?


The cheetah is still the fastest
land animal on the planet.

Even with technology,
humans still can't outrun him

in a rough terrain
full of obstacles.

I want a rematch!

Even the cheaters
can't beat the cheetah.



The speed of the cheetah
is so incredible.

But there are so many
other cool things

that nobody even talks about.

Cheetahs have so many
different sounds.

They chirp like a bird!

When the mother cheetahs
call their young,

they make a sound that sounds
exactly like a bird chirp.

A cheetah has incredible

I mean, they can see miles
across the savannah,

in the glaring sun,
picking up prey

or predators.

And check out those
cool black stripes

on the cheetah's face.

Those are there to cut down
on the glare of the sun,

because cheetahs hunt
during the day

when it's really
bright out.

The black stripe is
kinda like the ones

football and baseball
players wear.

And they love to sit up high
on termite mounds or rocks

to really get a good scan
of their surroundings.

That way they can tell
if any lions are coming,

or other dangers,

and they can see
where prey is.

One time, when we were
filming in Africa,

there weren't any
rocks around,

and the cheetahs decided to use
our jeep as a lookout!

They weren't afraid at all,
crawling all over

and hopping inside
for a quick visit!

It was awesome being so close
to such amazing creatures.

Nose to nose

with a cheetah.

But it didn't last long,
and when a passing gazelle

caught their attention,

they were off on the hunt.

So there are so many
cool things about cheetah,

but somehow,
it always comes back

to their biggest Creature Power:
their awesome speed.

Cheetahs are the ultimate

And to give you a better idea
of how fast cheetahs really are,

let's compare ourselves
to other animals.

We can walk as fast

as a porcupine waddles,
at two miles per hour.

Our bikes can get as close to
the speed of a hopping kangaroo,

at miles per hour.

In a speed boat,

we can go as fast as a zebra
at miles per hour.

But there's only one thing

that can get as close
to the cheetah's speed:

Our Createrra.

Cheetahs are awesome.

Keep on creature adventuring.

We'll see ya
on the Creature Trail.

We'll see you there!
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