01x28 - A Bat in the Brownies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x28 - A Bat in the Brownies

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Hey, I'm Chris.
And I'm Martin.

we're the Kratt Brothers.

But tonight
we're the Bat Brothers.

Because we're out
looking for bats.

Maybe we can find one
sleeping in its day roost.

Chris, how about this?

An abandoned mine.

MARTIN: Come on.

Let's gear up
for a bat cave expedition.

Oh, yeah.

Never enter a cave
or abandoned mine

unless you have years
of caving experience.


What an awesome cave.

(Bats squeaking)

Shh, Chris. Listen.


Ah, little brown bats.

Oh, this bat's starting
to wake up.

You can tell because he's doing
the wake-up shiver

where he gets his muscles going,
warms up his body

and then he'll fly.

Little brown bats
are so tiny.

They're less than half the size
of a mouse.

Where are you going,

Getting ready to fly?

There he goes.

Oh, imagine if we could

hang out with these
little brown bats

wherever they go

and do whatever they do.

Imagine if we could
fly like bats

and had all their awesome
bat powers.

What if?
What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

These Buzz Bikes are the best
for creature adventuring.

Yeah, we flew right by
a peregrine falcon.

And we saw that cute,
fuzzy family of raccoons

and kept up with a coyote.

Yeah, but we lost
the Tortuga.

Which way is home?

Oh, that's easy.

Yeah, no problem.

It's that way.
It's that way.

Just give me a sec.

Accessing Buzz Bike
homing map.

Hurry up, Koki.

Jimmy's baking his famous
brownies and I'm hungry.

(Insects buzzing)

Are you almost done, Koki?

I'm not the only one
who's hungry.

The mosquitoes are too.

Oh, yeah.
Just like clockwork.

As soon as it gets dark, out
come the little bloodsuckers.

Okay, got it.

Tortuga is that way.

And not a second
too soon.

Let's head back.

Buzz Bikes away!


What was that?

Are you okay, Koki?

Yeah. I thought I saw
something creepy,

but I guess it was
just my imagination.

Let's head back
to the Tortuga.


That's better.

Brownies are ready!


Jimmy, where are
the brownies?

Yo, crewbies,
brownies are served.

Mm, delicioso.



Mm, I want this one.


Jimmy, your brownies rule!

My Grandma Jimmina's

Hey, Martin, aren't you going
to have one?

Oh, stop me at .



Guys, come on.
Chew with your mouths closed.

Uh, bro?

There's a bat
in the brownies.

What? Cool.


A bite-sized
little brown bat.

And that's what
I'm going to call you:


Am I in a nightmare?

You're holding a blood-drinking,

vicious little monster.
CHRIS: What?

Not true.
Who told you that about bats?

My Grandma Jimmina told me.

Well, Jimmy,
your grandma sure knows a lot

about great brownie recipes,

but she knows nothing
about little brown bats.

Or any other kind
of bats.

There are about , species
of bat in the world.

About are insectivores,

meaning they eat bugs
and moths.

Like the bent-wing bats

that go high into the sky

eating millions of moths
each night.

Another kind of bat
are fruit bats.

They're also called
flying foxes.

And they eat fruit.

Some, like the ghost bat,

eat frogs, birds
and other bats.

Only one drinks blood:

the vampire bat.

And usually from sheep
and cows.

Yeah. They really are harmless
and helpful fellow mammals.

Plus wings.

Well, I guess it's not
attacking anybody.



Bat attack! Bat attack!

Yes, it is!
Yes, it is!

(Shouting in Spanish)

Ah! Bat attack!
Bat attack!

(Mosquito buzzing)

Well, you were kind of right,

It was a bat attack.

But the bat wasn't
attacking you.

It was attacking
something else.

Something you want it
to attack.

Where? Who?

What'd I miss?

I don't get it.

Check out your arms,


My mosquito bites?


They've been attacking us
for days.


Now check out Bite-Size

in full bat attack!


So that means that when the bat
was flying around my head,

he wasn't trying
to suck my blood?

He was trying
to catch a bug

that was trying
to suck your blood.


You're right, MK.

Bats are helpful.

(Koki grunting)

(Mosquitoes whining)





Ten! Ha!

This little brown bat

caught mosquitoes
in a minute.

That means this little brown bat
can catch...


in just hour.

That means...


that in hours,
little brown bats

can catch
million mosquitoes.

Oh, bats make the world
a less itchy place.

Goodbye, bug spray.

Hello, bats.

Okay, that does it.

Any creature that is so good
at catching mosquitoes

is a friend of mine.

Hola, little Bite-Size.

You are so delicious.

His rear claws
are like hooks

so he can hang upside down
and rest.

Hanging hook claws.
What a cool feature.

If you like that
then check this out.

A bat wing

is made of long,
thin fingers

with skin stretched
between them.

So a bat wing
is really a big, flying hand.

Ha! I'm making
a Bat Creature Power Suit.

Got to go.

How come bats are so good
at catching mosquitoes?

And how can bats
catch mosquitoes in the dark?

Because they have
an awesome power:


First a bat gives off
a little squeak.

I don't hear anything.

That's because the squeak
of a little brown bat

is too high-pitched
to be heard by human ears.

But with the animal

(Bat squeaking)

He's making high,
squeaky sounds.

Yeah, about squeaks
per second.

the sound travels
through the air in waves.

And when it hits
a mosquito,

a tiny wave of sound
bounces back

and travels to the bat's
big ears.

That's why bats
have big ears:

to hear those tiny sounds.

And the bat keeps
squeaking and squeaking

and hearing the tiny
pieces of squeak.

And in his brain,
he gets a picture

of where the mosquito is.
And he follows him.

No matter how dark it is or
what loops the mosquito makes.

He can follow him,
tracking him down until...

crunch time.

It's like a video game
in fuzzy -D.

Bats are completely cool.

And I can make
the best game out of this.

Call it "Bat Attack."

Yeah. You get to be a bat
and have to eat millions

of bloodthirsty mosquitoes

that are trying
to take over the world.

Who cares?

All I want to do is get
my zucchini plants growing

so you can make that yummy

chocolate zucchini bread
of yours.

I love bats.


All right!
Two bat fans down.

One to go.

Forget it.

There is no way you will ever
talk me into liking bats.



Perfect timing, Bite-Size.

The Creature Power Suits
and the bat power discs

are ready to go.

I can hardly wait
to see the guys try them out.

Me neither.

With you there, bro.

Here you go.

Thanks, Aviva.

Oh, yeah.
This is going to be great.

Don't thank me.
Thank Bite-Size.

He showed me just how
amazing and resourceful

little brown bats
really are.

If it weren't for him,
I might still think bats

are just little,
creepy animals.

Well, bro?

Let's do this.
Let's do this.

Activate Creature Powers.

Hey, we're
the Bat Brothers now.

And we're flying
to the creature rescue.

We are?

What creature rescue?

Don't know, but there's always
a creature rescue.

(Both laughing)

I think you two should take a
trip through the Miniaturizer.

Not enough room in here
for those bat wings.

Besides, little Bite-Size
brownie boy

or whatever you've called him
this time

is waving bye-bye now.


Bite-Size! Come back!

Hurry, Aviva,
before we lose him.

Miniaturizers powered up.

We're good to go.


Hey, Bite-Size, wait up!

Goodbye, and don't come back
anytime soon.

Come on, Koki.

I used to think bats
were icky creepy.

But now that I've got
to know them, I like them.

Yeah. Bats are cool.

What would be cool is my
zucchini plants growing better.

It's summer,
and what's summer

without chocolate
zucchini bread?


There he goes.

Follow that bat.

While the kids are snoozing,
the bats are cruising.

(Both laughing)

MARTIN: Oh, yeah.
CHRIS: Whoo!

I love Bat Power!

Good one.

Hey, did you notice something
about Bite-Size, Martin?

He's not catching mosquitoes

Hey, he must be full.

Because if insects
are abundant,

a little brown bat can fill his
belly in the first hours

after the sun goes down.

Right you are, bro.

A brown bat can eat as many
as , mosquitoes each night.

And almost all that happens
right after the sun goes down.

Hm, speaking of going down,

Bite-Size is heading
straight for that pond.

He's drinking on the fly.

Got to try it.
Got to try it.


Not that thirsty.

(Chris laughing)

It's more like this, bro.

Little sips. Like that.




Uh, you were saying, bro?

Bite-Size is a perfect name.

It's a dangerous world
out here for little brown bats.

Hm. Maybe we should
watch our backs

with a little echolocation

Good idea.
I'll give it a try.


Something's bouncing back.

Rhododendron bush
down low.

Awesome! My turn.




Oops. Sorry, dude.
Let me try that this way.


It's working!

There's a tree trunk
and a branch and--


An owl!

A screech owl!
Fly, fly, fly, fly!



Follow Bite-Size.


(Panting and moaning)

Another close one.

Tell me about it.

Hey, what's this?

A bat roost.

Hm, so the little brown bats
go out as soon as it's dark,

they fill their bellies
and return to the safety

of their roost as quickly
as they can.

Hurry up, Chris.

I want to see!



Hey, Martin. Over here.

Next to Bite-Size.

Ooh, it sure is cozy in here.

And warm and dry.

And safe.


I could go for a bat nap.

Good one, Martin.



Boy, does my brother
fall asleep fast.

A bat nap.


A bat nap.


(Chris snoring)

Uh, Koki?

Don't you think you should
check in on the Kratt Bros?

Oh, you mean the Bat Brothers?

No. I've seen enough bats
for one day.

One lifetime.
They freak me out.

I know, but why don't we just
check in on them real quick.

No watching bats?


All right, then.

Tortuga to Wild Kratts.

Come in, Wild Kratts.

Told you bats were trouble.

Wait a sec.
There's a thunderstorm.

Modifying fly cam transponder
for storm interference.

(Thunder crashing)
Huh? What?

How long have we
been asleep?

Sounds like a storm
is passing over.

Directly over.

Uh, if this tree's tall
out in the open,

I hope it doesn't
get hit by--

(Thunder crashing)

Oh, no.

The storm knocked out
our signal.

I'll try to re-establish
the connection.

(All gasping)

Oh, no.
The bats' home.

It's completely destroyed.

Chris, Martin,
are you guys okay?

(Chris and Martin panting)

Yeah, we're okay.

But Bite-Size and the rest of
the bats are really shaken up.

And their shelter,

their protection,

their home has been
totally destroyed.

Poor little things.

Why was I so mean
to them?

They're just cute little
fuzz balls who need a home.

Oh, no.
Where are they going to go?

Don't look now, Chris,

but I think we got
another problem.

The sun is rising.

If you thought that owl
was scary, it's almost morning.

In the daytime,
bats are much more vulnerable

to falcons, cats,
crows, foxes.

Bite-Size and his buddies
are going to get devoured

unless they find
a place to hide.

But good roost sites
are special.

They have to be just right
for the bats.

With a small entrance chamber
and certain specifications.


Bat box.
Bat box.

Nice one, dude.

If we build a bat box
for them to hide in,

that would-- Oh, no.

Too late.

They're already taking off.

And in different directions.

Oh, no.

You know what's in
all directions?

Uh, no. What?

Wild Kratts kids.
Of course.

They're everywhere.

Good one, bro.


In my back pack.

Center pocket, left side
in the mesh zip

I have instructions
on how to make a bat box.

Got it.

Time for me to help out

some helpful and harmless
little bats.

I've got a much better
attitude now.

Make that a much better

Input the geographical range
of little brown bats

with Wild Kratts
kid addresses.

Wow. They are practically
everywhere in North America.

Wild Kratts emergency.

All Wild Kratts kids,

especially at longitude
degrees north

and latitude degrees west.

Code creature rescue.

Build bat boxes and hang them
outside immediately.

A bat rescue?

In our neighborhood?


When our bat box is done,
they can live here.

Okay, we'd better keep an eye
on Bite-Size and his bat buddies

until the bat boxes
are ready.


Peregrine falcon!

She spotted the bats!

We have to help them.

To the creature rescue.
To the creature rescue.

I'll distract
the peregrine falcon.

You stay with the bats.

Got it.

Hey, falcon. Over here.

Catch me if you can.

Uh-oh. He probably can.


But not this time.

Don't worry, Bite-Size.
We're not going to let

any hungry predators eat you
for breakfast.

(Raccoon chirping)

A raccoon.

He can grab them
right out of the air.

I've got to get there

Hey, raccoon.
Looking for bat snack?

Well, breakfast is served.

Come and get it.

(Grunting and gasping)

That's it. Eyes on me
just a little bit longer.

Sorry, raccoon. Little brown
bats are off the menu.

And me too.

These kids are incredibly cool.

They love animals.

Including bats.

Oh, wow!


(Both laughing)

(All laughing)

It's working.
Kids in the target zone

and kids from all over
North America

are reporting bats
are moving into the bat boxes.


But what about mine?

Which I'm going to put up
for a special little bat

who might want to live
right close to a real bat lover

with a super "battitude."

Hey, guys, you're not going
to believe this.


You know where Bite-Size
is headed?

AVIVA: Where?
CHRIS: The Tortuga!

Welcome to your new home,

And I want you to know
I really, really,

really like you now.

And you know what else, Koki?

You put your zucchini plants
in the right spot.

Because every time Bite-Size
goes to the bathroom,

it'll drop into your soil.

And bat guano is the best
fertilizer in the world.


Because of bats, it's going
to be a great year for zucchini.

And less mosquito bites.

And for discovering
even more secrets about bats.

And for awesome
creature powers.

And incredible
creature rescues.

I've always loved
hanging with bats.

(Chris laughing)

Now that's a great "battitude."

Little brown bats are so great.

They hang upside down
throughout the day, sleeping.

I know what you're thinking.

How can they hang there
when they're sound asleep?

Because a bat has claws
that hook backwards.

So all the little brown bat
has to do

is hook his claws
into a crevice and hang.

Sound asleep.

And check out these wings.

A bat wing is skin
stretched out

between long, skinny fingers.

Yeah, and those wings,
they give this little brown bat

the power to fly
through the night

and catch bugs
right out of the air.

You can see his tail
right there.

And the skin stretching between
the hind leg and the tail

forms a net that he can use
to scoop up insects.

But there's one problem.

Healthy little brown bats
like this guy

are becoming more
and more rare

because they're being att*cked
by a fungus

which causes a disease
called white nose syndrome.

White nose syndrome
is spreading so fast

that little brown bats
like this guy

are in serious trouble.

They could become

We have to do everything we can
to help them.

You thinking
what I'm thinking, bro?

Oh, yeah. Let's gather up
some Wild Kratts kids.

Who wants to build
a bat house?

ALL: We do!
All right, come on.

This is going to be great!

A little brown bat
can eat mosquitoes a night.

So they're really good friends
to humans.

And in our bat boxes, they can
put their back feet and hang.

Just like the way they do
in the cave.

You guys are helping creatures.


Who wants to put
the next nail in?

GIRL: I will.
CHRIS: You're doing great.

They're going to love it,
aren't they?

We are done! We got a bat box!

Now we just have
to find a place to hang it.

It has to be near the woods,
it has to be near the water

and it needs to be
about feet off the ground

and facing towards the sun.

So let's go find a place.

Let's find a good spot
for these guys.

Good job!

It's a great house
for bats to live in.

They're safe in here,

and it keeps them warm
during the day when they sleep

or throughout the entire winter
when they hibernate.

You can build bat houses too

and help our friends,
the bats.

Keep on creature adventuring.

We'll see you
on the creature trail.

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