06x02 - Chuckerfly/Angelica's Twin

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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06x02 - Chuckerfly/Angelica's Twin

Post by bunniefuu »

( Snoring )

( Gasps )

( Kids laughing )


Here's the kitty-pillar

I was telling you about.

oh, no!

He's getting all tangled up
in that string.

Shouldn't we
do something?

It's okay, chuckie.

He's making a cancun.

Like this one.


Is the kitty-pillar going
to take a nap in there?

My daddy says
the kitty-pillar

Stays in there
for a long, long time

And then,
he turns into a butler-fly!

( All gasping )

( Yelps )
tommy, it moved!


How come kitty-pillars work
so hard to end up so ugly?

I think it's the most
beautifullest thing

I ever seen.


Now, ain't that
a pretty sight.

Yep, nothing like a double iced
mocha latte on a hot day

Eh, deeders?

( Kids giggling... )

Bye, bye, butterfly.

( Grunting in surprise )


You almost did
a somersault.

I did?

Do it again, chuckie.

Do it again!

Well, I'll try.

( Baby hiccuping )


Did my sweet baby
just wake up?

I managed to catch
a few winks.

( Laughs )

Yeah, uh, dill's awake.

( Giggling )


( Babbling )

( Grunting )

( Cheering )
for chuckie!

Aw, thanks, guys.

Did the grownups see
my somersault?

Naw, they was too busy
looking at dill.


Hey, I'll do another one.

( Cooing )

( Grownups cooing )

( Brief clapping )

( Baby giggling )

Maybe the grownups can't see me.

( Stu talking baby talk )

( Humming )

Isn't that the cutest face
you ever saw?

( Sighs )

( Humming )

Hey, watch it, finster.

You messed up my spirouettes.

You can see me.

At least I know
I'm not invisible.

Of course not.

Who can miss that big clump
of red hair?

The grownups haven't paid
attention to me all day.

What are you talking about?

All any of you dumb babies
got to do is walk

And everyone thinks
it's so cute.

Now, stand still.

I got to practice.

( Humming )

They used to say I was cute.

Now they
just say it
about dill.

Gee, chuckie.

I wonder if...

Nah, couldn't be.

What, angelica?

Maybe no one's
looking at you

'Cause you stopped being cute.

What do you mean?

It's like when your clothes
don't fit anymore

'Cause you growed out of 'em.

I growed out of being cute?


And face it.

You weren't all that cute
to begin with.

But how can that happen?

Nobody knows.

That's how it is
with some kids.

Other kids, like me--

I get more beautifuller
the more I grow.

What's going to
happen to me?

Nothing. Except you'll
live alone in a shack

Eating moldy crackers
and icky juice

'Cause only the beautiful
peoples get good food.

But that's not right!

I know.

But the beautiful peoples

Get lots more attention
than you.

Watch, I'll show you.

( Humming )

( Gasping )


Oh, my gosh.

Angelica was right.

Something wrong,

Oh, nothing.

Except I'm going to have
to eat moldy crackers

And yicky juice
the rest of my life.

What are you talking about,

I'm not cute no more.

I growed out of it

Just like when I growed out
of my favorite reptar jammies.

Poor chuckie.

He's not cute
and he gots no jammies.

Gosh, it happens so slow.

I never even noticed
you weren't cute no more.

'Course, now I really see it.

Who wants some dummy pops?

( Giggling... )

( Babies slurping
and chuckling )

Didn't you want your
pop-stickle, chuckie?

If I eat a pot-sickle

I'll get stuff all over my face

And I'll be even more not cute
than I am now.

No more pot-sickles.

Oh, what am I going to do?

( Gasps )

That's it!

Why are you taking
all our blankies?

Are you cold?


You gots to wipe up
a big mess?


I'm going to cancun myself
just like the kitty-pillar.


'Cause when I'm all done

I'll be really, really cute.

Don't you have
to be a bug

To turn into a butterfly?

No, I'm not going
to be a butterfly

I'm going to be
a bland-new chuckie.

Well, I kind of
like you

The way you are, chuckie.

But if this is
what you want to do

Then that's good enough for me.

You changed yet, chuckie?

How could I be changed?

I just got started.

So what do we do now?

We wait, phil.

Mother neighbor takes time.

( Gasping )

I heard it on the tv.

( Ticking )

You changed yet?


Why don't we get chuckie some
nummies while we're waiting?

What do butterflies eat?

I'm not going to be a butterfly!

How do we know he isn't going to
turn into a dog or something?

Babies don't turn
into dogs, phillip.

How do you know, lillian?

will you guys be quiet?

How am I 'posed
to change

With all this talking?

We're sorry, chuckie.


We won't talk no more.

Yeah. We'll just sit here.


Got to be cute again.

Got to be cute again.

Got to be cute again.

Got to be cute again.

Look! It's a chuckerfly!

It's the most beautiful
chuckerfly I ever sawed!

How could a little green
chuckie end up so pretty?

Hi, guys!

( Gasps )
are they real?

Sure. All of me is real!

chuckie, over here!

Oops, got to fly.

That's my dad!

( Shouting joyfully... )

That's my boy!

( Shouts )

Gosh, chuckerfly.

You have to tell me
how you got so beautiful.

You... You think I'm beautiful?

Of course, I do.

I mean, look
at your wings

Your feelers,
all those furry legs.

I wish I had those.

Wow! Thanks, angelica.

( Giggling )

You babies are so dumb.

This can-cone thing
won't work.

I did it!

I turned cute.

Chuckie, chuckie, chuckie.

You're just going to have
to accept

That you're not cute no more.

It's sad, but like my mom says:

"Only some of us
stay beautiful."

Unless, of course,
you get elastic perjury.

( Giggling )

( Gasps )

I thought to myself

"There it is!

The perfect children's toy!"

I'm working
on the prototype.

Hello, chuckie.

Oh, look at what
a nice smile you have.

Hey, little fellow,
come here.

( Chuckling )

( Kissing )

Hey, buddy, you ready
for your dessert now?


The grownups
are giving him attentions.

Oh, please.

You call that attention?

Wah! Whoa! Ah! Oh! Oh! Ee! Ah!

( Giggling )

( Gasps )

I guess it's like

Your mommy said:

"Only some peoples
stay beautiful."

( Huffs )

chuckie does look different

But I can't really
figure out why.

He gots the same messed-up hair.

And the same number
of freckers...

I think.


Seven, three...

Hmm, I guess it must be
something we can't see.

( Slurping )

Hi, angelica.

How you doing?

( Growling )

Don't you dumb babies
disturb me.

I got 'portant stuff to do.

And it better work fast!

( Humming and muttering... )

Mm... Mmm!

( Sighing )

I forget how beautiful
and wonderful I am.

Aren't I just the greatest?

Don't you just
love me?



( Humming )


Come on, kids.

( All gasping ):
wow.... Oh... Ooh.

Well, I guess we better
start teaching you

Who the boss is
around here.

Can you say "angelica?"

( Babbling )





( Laughing )

( Growling )

I should have knowed.

Just another dumb baby.

♪ Aunt didi? ♪

I've been such a very, very,
very good girl watching dill.

Can't I please just get
one little itty bitty

Teensy weensy present?

Hmm, I suppose we could
let each of the kids pick out

One little present.

Look out, coming through!

( Grunting ) ( grunting )

( Grunting )

( Gasps )

( Babies giggling )

Well, deeders, now you'll know
what it's like

To have two of 'em.

Always buying two of everything.

Two ice cream cones,
two snappy meals

Two toys every blessed time
you go into a toy store.
( Angelica gasps )


Um, aunt didi...

If I get this amazing
cynthia cruise ship

That I have wanted
for almost forever

We'll have to get something
for... My sister.

( All gasping )

Your sister?

Oh, silly aunt didi,
you know-- my sister...

( Ball bouncing )



And I know just the thing.

The cynthia space station.

She's had her eye on it
for a long time.

Hey! I think I see her.

Angelica has
a sister?

Mm, I hope she's not as scary
as angelica.

Wait a second, guys.

If angelica has a sister

How come we never met her afore?

Maybe she doesn't
live around here.

( Sighing )

( In a high voice ):
hello, aunt didi.

I'm balleena,
angelica's sister.

( Smothering laughter )

Uh, nice to meet you,

Boy, she sure looks
a lot like angelica.

They must be twins.

I think we should be nice
and innerduce ourselves.


Hi, balleena,
I'm chuckie.

And this is phil.


And this is lil.


They're twins, too.

( Sighing )

Uh, yeah, nice to meet you,

Uh, it's... Chuckie.

Yeah, well, see you 'round.

Aw, stop pretending, angelica.

That's just you.

I'm sorry, little boy.

Have we met?

It's me, angelica-- tommy.

Oh, yes, my sister has told me
so much about you.

You're much cuter
than she said.

Well, got to go.

( Giggling )
see, tommy?

She's being nice.

She can't be angelica.

Oh... I can't believe
the whole time

Angelica had a sister
and we never knowed it.

( Cash register ringing )

( Chuckling ):
oh, come on, deed.

You aren't really
buying her

Both of those
big, honking things?

Well, lipschitz says

We shouldn't squelch
a child's creativity.

Where'd your sister go,

Um... She walked home.

Boy, all by herself?

She's used to it.

She's from, uh... Milwaukee.

Everybody walks there.


Wow, it sure is
taking balleena

A long time to get here.

Maybe she stopped
to buy us a present.

She better,
because now

For angelica's

We'll have to buy her
two presents.

One for angelica,
one for balleena.

Did you say you'd all
have to get a present

For me and balleena?

Lillian and I both get
presents on our birthday.

Hey, I think
I see her now.

( Door opens and closes )

I... I don't see nothing.

( Breathing and spitting )

( Door opens )

( Sweetly ):
hello, anyone home?

It is her.

( Door creaking )

Hi, balleena.

Remember us?

Of course I do.

You're tommy...

And that very handsome boy
is chuckie.

( Chuckling )

She 'membered my name.

And who's this lovely baby?

Um, that's dill.


No, dill.

This is balleena.



( Laughing )

Oh, my.

That must be the cynthia space
station aunt didi got for me.

Can we play with your new toy?

Play with my toy?!

( Growling )

Uh... Well...

I guess... You babies can play

For, like, a minute.

Boy, balleena, you're a lot
nicer than angelica.

She wouldn't let us
play with her toys.

( Sweetly ):
well... I'm sure
there's lots of things

You babies like
about angelica, too.



Not really.


Well, there was a...


But, what about the time
she helped you tie your shoes?

Yeah, she tied them all together

So we couldn't walk.

Well, how about the time

She gave chuckie
her ice cream cone?

Yeah, after it fell in the dirt

And had icky bugs all over it.

( Groans )

It doesn't matter,

The 'portant thing now
is we gots you to play with.

Oh, I think I hear
my sister calling me.

Got to go.

How dare they like balleena
better than me!

I'm supposed to be
their favoritest.

I was here first.

Hi, babies!

Oh. Hi, angelica.

( Chucking ):

( Laughing )

Put a lid on it, shorty.

So, do you babies want to play
with your favoritest person?

Sure, but we can wait
till she comes back.

( Groans )


They think balleena is so nice,

Well, we'll just see
how nice she is.

Uh, 'scuse me

But who said you could
play with that stuff?

You did, balleena.

Yes, well, I've changed my mind.

I've decided I really don't like
little stinky babies anymore.

What happened, tommy?

Yeah, how come
she's so mean now?

I'm not sure.

Maybe it's 'cause she's spending
too much time with angelica.

That must be it, tommy.

Angelica inflicted her
with the meany-ness.

Oh, no.

We gots to save her.

( Gasping )

( Babies grunting )

What are you babies doing?!

Come on, balleena

We gots to hide you
from angelica

Before you're all filled
with meany-ness.

( Grunting )

All right!
I'll hide myself.

( Growling )

This is what I get
for trying to be nice.

Well, that's it!
She's finished.

No one's going to
make me look bad.

Not even... Me.

( Sweetly ):
bye, balleena.

Sorry you had to leave so soon.

See you again
in a bajillion years!

She's leaving?

Oh... Oh, where's she going?

She's going back home.

( Sniffling ):

She didn't even say good-bye.

( All blubbering and crying )

See? I would at least
say good-bye to you dumb babies.

That's the problem
with those nice ones.

You never know
what they really think of you.

Not like me.

That's why you babies
are so lucky to have me--



( Sniffling ):
you're not angelica.

You're balleena.

Wh-what are you talking about,
shrimp face?

I'm not that dumb balleena.

She's got her hair
up in a...


( Gasps )

No... It can't be true!

I knew it!

You was just pretending.

Can I help it if you babies
were dumb enough to believe it?

Who wants ice cream?

I even brought
an extra scoop

For balleena.


Mm, aunt didi, balleena
went back to milwaukee.

She decided she didn't
like it here very much.

Well, that's okay.

I kind of like
just having one niece.

you know...

Even though balleena
wasn't real

I kind of miss her.

Maybe we can write to her.

We don't know how to write.

You can't write to her--
I made her up.

And when I get older
I'm going to go visit her.

I might even marry her someday.

No, I'm going to marry her.

No, she's going to marry me
'cause we're both so pretty.

no, no, I'm her favorite.

Yucky, yucky,
yucky, yucky...

( Growling )

no one's going to make me
look bad. Not even... Me.
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