02x02 - Race for the Hippo Disc

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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02x02 - Race for the Hippo Disc

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

We're here in eastern Africa

on the Savannah

Hey, it's the
Kratt brothers! I'm Chris!

I'm Martin!
This place is teeming

with hundreds of different
kinds of creatures,

like lions, warthogs,

And while it might seem like
there's a lot of space out here,

the animals around us are
working hard to carve out

their own territories,
their own home turf.

And if territorial creatures
have to fight,

the battles can get
pretty intense.

Like the

who use their big horns to
battle over territory.

But without a doubt

the rivers, lakes and waterways
of Africa are home to

one of the most aggressive and
territorial creatures of all.

And there they are,
the hippopotamus!

A group of
about twenty.

It's amazing. When you're look
at a hippo in the water,

you're only seeing
a tiny part of the animal.

Most of the , pound
creature is under the water,

and a lot of
the hippo's behavior

and life happens

A group of hippos
is called a pod,

and there is always one
big bull amongst them.

He is...
over there!

And his main job is
protecting the pod's home turf.

These pools and waterways are so
important to hippo survival

that every hippo,
especially the bull,

will protect their part
of the pool at all costs

from anybody and anyone
who trespasses.

Even that hyena
over there!

And believe me, with that
huge mouth full of tusks,

you don't want to
get in his way!

Imagine if we
had hippo power,

and could find out what
it was like to be

one of the most territorial
creatures in the world!

Then we'd understand what these
giant creatures are all about!

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready,
it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Ok, how 'bout this?

I'll make you an offer
you can't refuse.

I'll trade you this
one for that one.

No way.

The Great White Shark
Torpedo Swimming Power

is like my
favorite one!

You'd have to give me about
five Creature Power Discs

for this baby.

It wasn't easy getting that
Bite Force Jaw Power, either.

Yeah. Two tons
of pressure!

That guy can bite
through a steel chain!

Okay, look, you
like to swim right?

Well, check it out.

I'll give you
this Hippo Power for...

Grass Power?

Not what
I was thinking.

Worth a try.

I'll do it for...

your Platypus
Electrosensory Power.

Ooh! That hurts.

I love being able to see
in muddy water.



What? I always eat
when I'm nervous.

(Bell dinging)

Hold it right

Jimmy Z!
How many of those

Chocolate-Chiperoo Cookies
are you going to eat?

and three quarters
is my record.

Well, they are his
Grandma Z's famous recipe.


Okay, ready.

Oh, I sure would like to walk
underwater with Hippo Power...


What's that?

That sound, I know

'cause it's one of
my favorites.



I think that's
their territorial call.

Oh, they're defending
their home.

From who? Why?


what do you say?

This is the only
Hippo Disc we have,

so it's a
valuable one.

And we haven't
used it much yet!

I'll do it!

Nice doin' business
with you, bro.

I'll put my new
Platypus Power Disc

right here with my Bat Power
in the senses section.

Hey, wait a second.
That's my Bat Power Disc!

No, this one's mine.

Yours is probably
somewhere in your pile.

No, I put it right there,
and now it's gone.

Hand it over.

Look, I don't know where your
disc went, but this isn't it.

It is too!

It is not!

Is too!

Is not.

Is too!


Aviva! Hippo Disc
on the loose!

Save it!





I'll get that
runaway disc!

With Peregrine Falcon



Woo-hoo! A mile
per hour falcon dive.

I've got it, pal.
You just be my wingman.

Got it!

Saving Creature Powers
with Creature Powers!



Oh, no. Gotta catch up
to that disc!


Okay, let's find a stinky
varmint to exploit

in my next

and get out of this
yucky "nature" fast.


A giraffe elevator?


Oh, oh!
A zebra newspaper! A-ha!


Don't worry, Zachbot.

You never know when
genius will strike

this brilliant
mind of mine!

Ow! Oh!


See, I told you a good idea
would hit me.



Zach Varmitech, inventor who
makes robots out of animals.

He's got the
Creature Power Disc.

Now I can analyze this silly
little disc and then

the secret to that Creature
Power technology will be mine!


Uh oh.


Nice giant
piggy thingy...




Oh, no! The disc!





Got you!

Whew! Close one.

You okay, Zach?

Uh, yeah.

Wow, now that right there
is a territorial creature!

Those hippopotamus
are amazing.

No, that hippo-platter-mouth
or whatever is nuts!

He's protecting his part of the
river. That's what they do.

They don't like anyone on their
turf-- and I mean anyone.

Hey, did you
get the disc?

Well, Zach
had it, but--

Yeah, I mean I was going to
give it to you guys,

but then that hippo-crazy-thing
att*cked me.

It's in the river.

Oh no! It could
be anywhere!

We've gotta find it!

Well, I wish I could help,
but I, uh, have to, uh...

call my mother.
You know how it is.

Well, thanks for
the rescue!

You guys are great.

Bad news, g*ng.
The Power Disc is lost!

In the river!

We know. We saw
the whole thing.

We've got to
get it back!

Yeah, but that's
not going to be easy.

They don't even like
sharing their river

with a
crossing zebra.

And all the zebra's trying to do
is get to the other side.

Why in the world are hippos so
defensive of their river?

Why are they
so territorial?

Hello! I'm territorial, too.
About my inventions!

And now there's one of my
Power Discs out there. Lost!

If that disc gets
into the wrong hands--

Like Zach!

Who knows what bad things
he'll use the discs for?

Don't worry
about that.

We just saved him from the jaws
of an angry hippo.

Yeah, seems like Zach's had a
change of heart this time.

I'm not taking any chances.

I'm sending
in the Hippo Sub.

Get ready for a search
and rescue mission!

Did you see
my acting?

I deserve an
award for that!


They think I'm just going to
let them have their disc back?

No siree, bot.
I'm not.

When I get my hands
on that disc,

the secret to the Power Suit
technology will be mine.

Yes, it's a race for
the Power Disc.

And I'm going to win!

(Laughing evilly)

Okay, now go easy. Easy!

Oh, we're just
an ordinary hippo.

Don't worry, Martin.

I built this
Hippo Sub pretty tough.

It's basically

Even for a
, pound creature

with two-foot
razor-sharp tusks?


So let's just find
that disc quickly then.

Okay, we've got to ease
right into the herd.

It's mostly females
and their calves.

But then there's
the bull.

He's the most
aggressive of all.

Making sure everyone knows that
this is his stretch of river.

Well, you just tell him that his
stretch of river has my disc.

You can
tell him that.

I'm just going to
make sure he's not around.

Chris, come in.

Any sign of Tusker?

Yeah, you're

He's right here
on the beach.

He's busy making sure
that even the crocodiles know

that he rules this
part of the river.

But hurry, he can't stay out of
the water long. He'll overheat.

They need that river to
keep cool during the day.

Okay, Aviva,
let's make our move.

Before Tusker gets back.

Hip-hippo hooray,
we're going in!

They just hip-hop along
the bottom of the river,

like astronauts
walking on the moon.

Aww. That's why I love hippos!

That little guy
is so cute.

I'll name him
Hipster Opotamus.

First name, Hipster.
Last name, Opotamus.

Look at him go!

Hippity hop,
hippity hop.

Oh, hi, little

Hipster, look out!

I thought hippos
ruled the river.

Yeah, but crocs will grab a calf
if they get a chance!

Momma Opotamus
to the rescue!

Whew, that was close!

Where's Hipster?


What's he doing?

The disc!
Hipster found the disc!

Oh yeah! Let's go!

Oh no!
He's heading back!

Mayday! Mayday!

Mayday! Mayday!


Yuck. What's with
this slimy rock?

Hey, you're
not a rock.


You're a hippo.

So that means this is not slime,
it's natural hippo sunscreen.

Thanks, bud!

I wish our skin made a natural
sunscreen like yours does.

Whoa! Ugh!

Got to go. Got to keep
my eye on Tusker.

If he finds that Hippo Sub
in his river,

there could
be trouble!


And there's
the trouble.

Martin! Aviva!
Come in!

That's it, try to get past
that big beasty varmint.

Oh, and we may just be too busy
to help if they get in a jam!


Whoa! Ugh!

Follow that hippo!

Alright, he's
going up for air.

Now's our

Okay. Hold on tight,
we're going in!


It's Tusker. He's back!

And he's taking on
a challenger

who wants to take over
his part of the river.


We've got to
get out of here!

I think we can slip around
and get the disc.

What?! We can't
get between these two.

We have to try!


Wow! Those tusks are
like massive swords

jabbing at
each other.

It's like two sumo wrestlers
in a swordfight.

Are you guys getting
out of there?

I'm working on it, dude.

Aviva, we've
got to retreat!


Not until we get the disc.
That's the point!

Gah! No,
that's the point.



Now are you ready
to get out of here?

Yeah, now's good.

emergency exit.

Whoa, and
Tusker wins!

Defending his

Okay, okay, I get it.

Hippos fiercely protect
their part of the river.


So now can
somebody tell me

why hippos defend
that river so much?

Well, partly because
they'd overheat and die

if they didn't have a cool place
to be during the hot days.


(Zach laughing)

Aw, what's wrong?

Your invention couldn't
stand up to the


Too bad.

Well, thanks for showing me
where the Power Disc is.

I've got it now!


Zach, you're going to steal our
disc right after we saved you?

Finders keepers!

And with this Creature Power

my varmint robots will be
even more powerful!

Look out varmints
of the world,

Varmint Robots .
is about to begin!


Told you--
he'll never change.

We've got to get
that disc back.

Not just for us, but for all
the creatures of the world!

We need all
hands on deck.

Koki, Jimmy, bring
in the Tortuga.

We've got a problem.

He flew off in
that direction.

I'm not picking up
any sign of him.

Maybe he doubled back.
I'll do another radar sweep.

Any luck, guys?

No sign of Zach, but I found
Hipster and Momma O.

The hippos are
coming ashore.

Hit the deck!

Hippos first.

Pardon me.

Guys! Over here.

A clue!

Zach tracks.

Somehow little Hipster always
leads us in the right direction.

Zach went this way.
Let's follow the hippo path.

Yeah, I'll just, uh,
wait at the Tortuga.


here I come.


There's no
time to lose.

The sooner I unlock the secret
to the disc technology,

the better.


I see she's using
a gyrotonic chip

that stores
transformation data.

Very interesting. Now if I can
just get deeper...

Pass code required.

Pass code?! Ugh!
Here's my pass code!


Open up!

Entry denied.
Is that you, Zach?

What? Aviva!

She thinks her security measures
will stop me, well I'll--


I recognize
that breath.


And that sound.




Hey, get me
down from here!

Uh, could you
pass me that disc?


Okay, fine. Fine!

Uh-oh. I'm losing
Zach's tracks.

Too many hippos have
passed through here.

Yeah, to get
right over there. Look!

They came here for

What? I thought hippos ate fish.

Nope. They eat grass.

Huge mouthfuls of it!

They'll eat pounds
of grass in one sitting.

But they can only come to eat it
at night when it's cool out.

And they like to be back
at their precious river

before the
hot sun rises.

(Zach groaning,

Hey, you! See that
disc right there?

Okay, that's a good
little hippo-potty-mus.

Now give it to me.

No, no, no-no-no-no-no!
Come, piggy!

Heel. Heel!

Jimmy, can you give me a hand
with this spotlight?

I'll help with
the search.

One secundo, Koki.

Another batch of cookies.
Really? Now?

What? I told you.

I always eat
when I'm nervous.


hand me a cookie.

There's trouble
in Hippoville.

Oh, no! Lions!

Whoa! Lions don't mess
with a hippo very often.

But when they do,
the hippos know what to do.

Head to the river!

You mean their
safety zone?

Yeah, lions hate water.

So it's another reason the river
is so important to the hippos.

And she'll get there,
no problem.

Not again!

Whoa! Whoa!


Yes! She made it
to home base!

You found the disc!

Way to go!



Yes! I've still got
the Hippo Disc.

Yes. But I've got
your whole collection.

Perfect timing.
Back to the ship!



That's my life's work!

If he gets back to his ship,
we're in trouble, guys.

Don't worry, Aviva.

We're on it.

With Hippo Power.

Now I'm tough
and territorial--

the two T's
of the hippo.

Those discs belong to
the Wild Kratts,

and we'll defend them
hippo style!

Now are you glad
you made that trade?

Oh yeah!

Zach to
Zachbot security.

Bring in my jet.

And send in

Zach, you want to
play keep-away?

Game on!

Hippo Hip Bump!



(Both gasping)

My bots are tougher
than a team of lions!

Your Hippo Power won't
be tough enough.


Come on!

Gotta eat!

They're catching up!

Pour on the
Hippo Power, Martin!

Go, Chris, go!

I'll use my Hippo Tusk Defense
to block for you.

Never mess with a hippo
defending his turf.







The discs are back!
Back at home base!



Yoo-hoo, brothers!

Uh, you forgot


I'll give your stinky
hippoto-baby-thing back

if the Wild Rats
give up those discs.

First of all,
it's Wild Kratts.

And second, there's no way
we're giving you my discs.

Okay, fine, Zach.

You can have my

Just let little
Hipster go.

What? But you--

We can't give
Zach the secret

to my Creature Power

He'll jump into
his ship, fly off,

and we'll
never catch him.

That's true.

But if we don't, he'll take
poor little Hipster away.

That's true, too.

Aviva, we don't
have a choice.

Nice trade!

See ya!

How could you
do that, Chris?


We had to
save Hipster.

Yeah, but you just
gave him the discs!

No, I didn't.

Yes, you did! You gave him
the whole disc holder!

But not the discs.


I'm a genius!

Now let's see
which ones I got.




Nice of you to send him off
with a care package, bro.

Yeah, I just hope he likes

Doesn't everybody?


Well, I know
one thing,

my Power Discs are safe
and back where they belong.

And I finally know why hippos
are so territorial.

The river's a key
to their survival.

It's their refuge from the hot
sun and from tough predators.

So they defend it.

Right, so never
mess with a hippo.

One of the most territorial
creatures on the planet.

Ok, so Chris,
how about you give me

your Tasmanian Devil Power Disc
for my Squid Disc?

Hmm. Well, I would like to
try out those tentacles.

What else do you
have in there?

Goodnight, guys.

Hey, we can't see our
Creature Power Discs!

So, hippos are tough
and territorial.

They depend on the water and
they make sure to protect it.


you hear that?


That's the pod making their
honking sounds

telling any other hippos in the
area that this spot is theirs.

The bull!
He's coming out!

It's a pretty
cool day,

so the bull doesn't mind coming
out of the river for a while.

Whoa, look at him move,
slow and steady.

That is a big creature,

and it's really special
getting to see him

out of the water
for a change.

He's like a , pound
watermelon on legs.

And you can see
why a single lion

would not want to mess with
an animal this massive.

What's he doing?

Ugh, gross!

That might look
kind of gross,

but it's actually a really
important hippo behavior.

That bull hippo is spraying the
dung around with his tail

to tell any other hippos
that come around

that this
spot is his.

Lots of animals
use scent marking.

Leopards have scent glands
on their cheeks

that they
rub on vegetation.

And they
spray scent, too.

All to send the message:
"This is my space. Back off!"

African wild dogs
also scent mark,

and if another pack smells that
scent, they know to keep out.

Ah, now he's eating!

We're so lucky to see this
during the day.

They usually
do it at night.

Grass! That's what
a hippo eats.

Check him out taking big

swinging his head
side to side!

Hippos eat about pounds
of grass every night.

And sometimes
hippos will warm up

and rest on the
banks for a while.

But before too long, it's back
to the refuge of the river.

This is the
hippo's safety zone

from the hot sun,
dehydration and predators.

And that's worth

for the good of the pod and the
next generation of hippos.

And if you know how
to keep your distance

and give the
hippo its space,

you can always check out this
really cool creature.

We'll see you
on the creature trail.

Keep on creature

We'll see you there!
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