02x13 - Rainforest Stew

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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02x13 - Rainforest Stew

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

We're here in Central America,

and this is the lowland
tropical rainforest.

Hey, it's the
Kratt Brothers here.

I'm Chris.

I'm Martin,
and the rainforest

is a great place
to creature adventure.

Why? Because it's
full of creatures.

About % of the world's
plants and animals

live in tropical rainforests.

So of all the habitats
on the planet,

rainforests have
the highest diversity.


That means that there are many
different kinds of creatures:

plants, animals, insects,
birds, reptiles, and more.

And a canoe trip down
a jungle river

is a great way
to see lots of them.

Up ahead: coatis!

Ah, wow!

Coatis are a rainforest relative
of the raccoon.

They have super long noses

that are great for sniffing out
insects, bird eggs,

small mammals... basically
anything they can find.

Coatis are really good diggers,

and when their nose has found
something in a rotten log

or under the ground,
they can start digging it up,

like these guys are do--

Hey! Where are they going?


Harpy eagle!

From one amazing creature
to another!

Harpy eagles are one of the most
powerful birds of prey on earth.

So powerful, they can catch
deer, coatis, and sloths.

Harpy eagles probably have
the strongest grip

of any bird of prey
in the world.

Plus, those short powerful wings

are great at maneuvering through
the rainforest canopy.

In the rainforest one creature
leads to another,

and there are all kinds of
strange and amazing connections

between them.

Imagine if we could get into
these Creature Links

and experience some of
the Creature Powers

of the rainforest animals.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

So, how many
do we have by now?

Let's see.

we've met , creatures
so far.

So we still have at least
, , to go.

Whoa! We've got lots to do.

Yeah, but this place...

this is where we can find

some of the most tucked-away,
weird creatures of all.

Yeah. Talk about remote.


Martin! Chris! We're trying
to touch down near you,

but there's one little

we have no idea where you are!

What is that crazy place?

Yeah, by the looks of it,

that forest isn't
matching anything

in my database of
habitats of the world...

Well, this is a
pretty secret habitat.

Not many people know about it
or the creatures who live here.

It's like a different planet.


Wow! A rare uroxys!

Whoa, lots of uroxys!

Wait a second, how big
are you guys right now?

What do you mean?

I knew it! You're beetle-sized.

And that's a creature's fur,
not a habitat.

Ha ha, you're right!

It is a creature's fur
and we are miniaturized...

But it is a habitat too.

A microhabitat that hundreds
of bugs call home.

See, a lot of them can munch
on the algae

that grows right here
on the fur.

That's the ultimate
Creature Link.

One creature leads
to another creature.

Okay, okay, okay, we got to
know: what creature is that?!

Who are you on?!

Here he is.
Welcome to Planet...

Three Toed Sloth!

Now that looks
like an alien.

Heh heh! Yeah, but a cute one.

Yes! Sloths!

Today's going
to be pretty easy,

because that's a creature who
knows how to "chillax."


Yeah, chill out and relax.

See, this is how
you chillax.


Chillax! Yeah, that'll work.

That's what we'll name him.



Slow and steady,
that's the sloth's way.

Oh yeah. We're about
to reach top speed.

He's in high gear now!

He's heading for that leaf!

Go, Chillax, go!


Time! Nice work.

Less than one-tenth of a mile
per hour.

That's record time for the
world's slowest mammal!

That was awesome!

Aviva you have to make
a suit of this guy!

What? Why? What's the power?
I mean, they're not fast.

Less than one mile per hour

compared to the cheetah's
miles per hour...

I think all of us can climb
faster than that... even me!

The suit would actually
slow us down.

Exactly. They know how to
hang out.

That's good enough for me.

My kind of creature.

Come on, please?

Okay, JZ. I'll do it for you.

Just stop looking
at me like that.

Hey, we'll help out
with that suit!

Back to normal size.

Here's what you need to know.

One of the reasons sloths
are so slow

is they've taken a strategy
of conserving energy.

Leaves don't have
a lot of energy

and other animals that eat them

have to spend most
of their time eating.

So instead of eating a lot,

sloths just slow down their pace
so they can use less energy.

And hey, it works for them.

Spider monkeys!


And these guys are
totally different.

They eat fruit. It's high in
energy, so these guys can move!

And look, another Creature Link!

They're both dependent
on these trees for food.

They just eat different parts.

Hey Chris, it's Grabsy!

Hey, Grabsy!

You know that spider monkey
hairstyle you gave me last time?

Could you do that again?

Wait! You're not done.
Hey Grabsy, wait for me!

While Martin's getting
his hair done,

there's one more creature
in here I'd like to see.


So many different creatures
packed into the rainforest.

Sloths and monkeys
eating from the same tree.

Creatures living
on other creatures.

It really is all
linked together.

No wonder rainforests
have more animals

than any other land habitat
on Earth!

Yeah, rainforests only take up
this little bit of the planet,

but they have more than half the
animals and plants on Earth.

Now that's an
important habitat.

Yeah, especially because my
soul twin, Chillax, lives there.

Grabsy! Grabsy!



Hmm... nothing.


Oh, the Kratt brothers!?

Here!? Now!?

Every time I come up with
a new recipe

for rare, endangered animals,
they try to mess it up,

like flies in my soup!

Well, not this time.

I'll just secretly use them

to help me find all the
ingredients on my shopping list.

Ah, Rainforest Stew,

my greatest recipe so far.

Ow, ow, ow, ow...

Hmm, looks like
a bathroom break.

See, the monkey droppings
are full of seeds

from that Inga tree the monkeys
were eating at with the sloth.

And so you monkeys are actually
helping spread the seeds

of the same trees
that you eat from.

Ha! Now new Inga trees
can grow here,

in a different part
of the forest.

(Evil laughter)

Well that's one ingredient

(Evil laughter)

You rainforest creatures

do really depend on each other,
don't you?

Hey, spider monkeys? Grabsy?

Where'd everybody go?

Was it something I said?

Hmm. I guess when
they move, they move.


Martin, come quick. Something
weird's happening here.

On my way!

Chillax, this is
dangerous stuff. Are you sure?

There are jaguars down here.

And trust me, you can't
outrun one of those.

Come on, let's get out of
here... to the trees!

Oh, sorry. Didn't realize
you were going potty.

Well, hurry up.

You know, it's kind of
a mystery to people

why you sloths come
to the ground to go potty.

Scientists think it's to
fertilize your home tree,

that you're actually helping to
grow the tree that feeds you.

Pretty cool.


Oh no! Jaguar?

Oh, it's you.

Hey Chris, what's going on? Hm?

Oh, sorry Chillax.

Martin, do you see
any jaguars?

No, but jaguars are one
of the sloth's worst enemies.

Yeah, another Creature Link.

This one dangerous
for the sloth.

Ha ha! Ingredient # !

One bushel wild cat croquettes.


What was that?

I don't know,
but I'll check it out.

All right already.
You gotta--

Aha! A famous sloth moth!

That's where you were hiding!

On the left shoulder.
You're who I was looking for.

Another one for the Life List.

And one crazy Creature Link.

What is that link?

Well, the sloth moth lives in
the sloth's fur, eating algae.

Then she lays her eggs on the
sloth droppings.

When the eggs hatch,
the young moth larvae will--

I know it's gross--
but they'll eat the sloth dung.

Okay, now this is
just getting weird.

That's one of the strangest
creature relationships

I've ever heard of.

Sloths may be slow,
but they're not boring.

And Chris, if you're ready to
relax, I've got just the disc.

It needs a quick test.

Oh, right...
now you're moving.

Zap it!



Rainforest Stew!


Rainforest Stew!

Made with you, and you, and you!





Ow! Stop that!



Oh, I am so cooking you.


Fine, I'll get you
up there later.

I've got more
ingredients to collect.

Now's my chance.

I'm coming for you guys.


Do not handle
the ingredients.

Second helping of
sticky dough? Okay.

I smelled you hidin'
over there.

You forget the power of this
nose to sniff out any smell.



Gourmand, you can't poach
animals for a rainforest stew.

This place is so interconnected.

Everyone depends on
someone else for survival.

And I depend on these animals
for my recipes.

There's no animal
too important for my pot.

Now, you wait here.
I have more animals to find.

Oh no.

Don't worry, Grabsy.
We'll get out of this somehow.

Okay, so you're gonna hang here
for a while?

As good a place as any to
test the suit. Ready, Tortuga?

All set.

Okay, Chillax, let's do this.

Activate Sloth Power!

(Slow laughter)

(Speaking slowly)

this is sloth speed...

The suit works...

It's slow all right...

Very funny, Chris.
Talk normally, please?

I can't.

But could hang forever...

with these arms and claws.



Oh, no!

Maybe being a sloth's
not as relaxing as I thought.

Koki, what is that bird?

Harpy eagle!

One of the most powerful eagles
in the world.

It says here they hunt monkeys
and... mainly sloths!

(Chris speaking slowly)
I'm not...

a real sloth...

Chris is getting carried off
by an eagle.

Martin's still missing.

We're in trouble guys.



See, told you!
Not a real sloth.


Cool, you've got eggs.

Chicks on the way,
and they'll need to eat.

Your Creature Link with the
sloth is predator/prey.

No more sloths, and harpy eagles
have nothing to eat.

Huh? Sloth broth? Eagle egg?


Oh no, the eggs!

No! Chillax!

Gourmand will
be after him next.

I better get back there
before he does.

No more time for
relaxing, Jimmy.

We've got a crisis here.

The whole forest
could be in trouble.


If Gourmand gets his sloth,

he'll be ready to cook,

and we've got to save
all those creatures.

We need a Creature Power
that's fast, powerful,

and able to tangle
with Gourmand.

And that harpy eagle
is just the thing!

Aha! I knew I smelled sloth
up here.

And no Kratt brother in sight.



The final ingredient!
Now, I cook.

To the secret kitchen. Ha ha ha.

I knew I'd find you before
that Wild Kratt Crouton did.


Oh, no you didn't.

I got there before he did, with
plenty of time to miniaturize.

Shh! Now he's going to lead me
to his secret kitchen

without even knowing it.

Hang on buddy!
It's going to be a bumpy ride.

Whoa! Whoa! Sorry...

♪ Oh, Rainforest Stew ♪

♪ Just slurp it up and chew ♪

♪ Rare animals: lots! ♪

♪ Ready for my pots ♪

I'll let you taste it
when it's done.

It'll be delicious.

I'll end up selling it
round the world.


No way, Gourmand.
Are you kidding?

No Rainforest Stew for me.

Listen, you poach
all these creatures,

and you have no idea
how that's going to affect

all the other rainforest

See that spider monkey?

He helps grow those peas,
by spreading their seeds.

Without them, the Inga tree
would be in trouble.

And the sloth,
he fertilizes those same trees.

And he has hundreds
of insects that live on him.

They depend on him.
If the sloths go, they all go.

Don't forget
the jaguars and eagles.

Huh? Oh, yeah!

And don't forget that without
sloths and monkeys,

the awesome eagles and jaguars
won't have anything

to feed their babies.

And that is just a small piece

of what's going on
in the rainforest.

Creature Links.

Oh, yeah. You mess with all
these Creature Links

and not only will
you lose the creatures,

you'll lose the rainforest
as we know it!

The rainforest as I know it
is a stew.

A Rainforest Stew.
Now, where's my recipe?

Nice try.

Huh? Did you say--

Oh, wait a second... Chris?

Hey Martin. Is he gone?

Ha! Yeah.
Nice hiding spot, bro.

I had to hide in here,
sloth-moth style,

just to find Gourmand's hideout.

Thanks, Chillax.

Chris, we got to figure out

how to get these guys
out of here, and fast.

Gourmand will be back soon.

Aviva, come in;
we need your help.

They're not over here...


The recipe!

Now I'll start with my nice base

of slow-cooked sloth broth,

then build from there.

Hey, where'd my sloth go?


Hm... How far could that lazy
creature have gone?

Oh no, Chillax is gone!

But, he's part
of our escape plan...

Yeah, we need everybody
to do this. Together.

Look! A newly hatched
sloth moth,

searching for a sloth
to live on.

That's my ticket
to Planet Sloth!

If anyone can find a sloth,
a sloth moth can!


Oh hey, Gourmand!
Um... your shoelace is untied.


They're boots.
There are no shoelaces.

Oh. Sorry.

There you are.

Thanks for the lift, pal.

Hm, now, let's see...

Oh, yeah, that's perfect!

It just might work.

Oh, yes, you're right
where we need to be, Chillax.

Here are some tasty leaves
buddy, right over here.

That's it. Pull!

Huh? Ow!



Ow! Ooh! Ow! Oh!

Hey, you monkey meat!
Get off me!

And now's my chance.

Okay... asleep there...

There. I hope that's right.

(Imitating Gourmand)
Hey, jaguar!
Gimme your best shot!

Whew, it worked!

Easy pal, it's me, Martin.

Thanks for the rescue.

And now I'll--

Simmer down!

Hey, you ready
to give up, Gourmand?


Come here.

I'll have my Rainforest Stew...


Oh no!

Need this?

Harpy Eagle!
You're just in time.


Don't mind if I do.
Activate Harpy Eagle Power!

Let's fly!

These wings are awesome.

Quick turning. Awesome!

(Chris speaking slowly)

Hey, what was that?

Chris? Hey, what are you doing?

(Speaking slowly)
Hanging out...

with sloth power...

Ha ha! Yes, the power
of the sloth:

hanging out and hanging on!

Get ready, bro!

Catch this!


Bombs away!

Safe... and sound.

Last one, Chris. The jaguar,
and I'm ready for him.



You're no jaguar.

Got him, Chris!

Put me down!




Oh... I, uh...

I was just leaving.

(Nervous laughter)



Oh, yeah!

Now that's a rainforest-sized
creature rescue.

Okay, okay! I'm leaving!
I'm leaving!

Oh, yeah. Mission accomplished.

All the creatures are safe.

And the balance of the
rainforest is restored.

Those Creature Links
blew me away.

Oh, yeah, and that's only
a small part of it.

This rainforest is chock full
of amazing creatures,

all connected, all depending
on each other for survival.

We even got a bunch of cool new
ones for the Life List.

Sloth moths... sloth beetles...

Speaking of cool creatures,
where's Chillax?

Chillin' with Jimmy.
Where else?


Now we can all chillax!


So not only do rainforests

have millions of different
plants and animals,

the Creature Links
among them are fascinating.

Creature Links that help to
spread seeds,

like monkeys do
for many trees...

Or that provide shelter
and a home,

like the sloth does
for the sloth moth.

Or that warn of predators.

The list goes on and on.

Hey, look over there!
There he is!

A tapir!


Tapirs are awesome.

You usually find them living
near rivers in rainforests.

Now check out how
this tapir feeds.

See that long, mini-trunk?

Kind of that pendulous nose

Well, he uses that mini-trunk
to pick up leaves,

and pushes them into his mouth.

A tapir eats a lot of leaves.

It's the biggest herbivore
in this rainforest.

Tapirs are also
really important

for spreading seeds
in the rainforest,

just like spider monkeys do.

When they eat a fruit,
they pass the seed out,

along with a mound
of fertilizer,

and new plants can grow.

Now that's an
important Creature Link.

Tapirs also have another
creature link

with a predator: the jaguar.

Jaguars are the main enemy
of the tapir,

and they will hunt these tapir
any chance they get.

But tapirs have a good defense,
they're pretty big and strong,

and will head to the water at
the first sign of danger.

Jaguars are good swimmers,
but tapirs are even better.

In fact, they can stay
underwater for over a minute.

A jaguar would love to come
across a big tapir,

and make him his next meal.

However, a jaguar has a long
list of Creature Links

with other prey species...

like peccary, the wild pig
of the rainforest.

White-tailed deer,

even howler monkeys.

And that's just to name a few.

Let's go!

Connections among plants and
animals are everywhere you look.

So next time you're out on a
creature adventure,

be sure to keep a look out
for Creature Links.

We'll see you on
the creature trail!

Keep on creature adventuring!

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