02x22 - Aqua Frog

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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02x22 - Aqua Frog

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

We're here in North America.

Out in the eastern woodlands.

In an aquatic habitat that's
home to all sorts of creatures.

It's us,
the Kratt brothers.

I'm Martin.
I'm Chris.

And somewhere in this
underwater world--

amongst the algae,
the lily pads, the reeds

and the mud-- is the creature
we're searching for.

Hey, we've got something
over here.

A bullfrog!

That's who we
were looking for.

He's so green--
as green as the lily pads!

Let's get a nice,
underwater shot.

Look at that webbing
on the hind feet.

That's what helps with
that swimming power!

Check out the way
a bullfrog sits.

He's got those long, muscular
legs folded up under him

so he's always ready to push off
into an expl*sive leap

that sends him flying
through the air.

Check it out.


He really scoots across
those lily pads.

Now that's
a creature power.

If you could jump
like a bullfrog,

you could leap clear across
a soccer field,

from one end
to the other.

And the bullfrog can really fly
through the water.

He's such a good swimmer,

he even has a special style of
swimming named after him--

the frog kick.

If you had bullfrog powers,

you could swim clear across
the swimming pool

with just one kick.

You know another incredible
thing about bullfrogs?

Their legs are so important
to their lifestyle

but they start out
with no legs at all!

As tadpoles!

Most frogs hatch out
of their eggs as tadpoles

and then transform.

Growing back legs,
then front legs,

then absorbing their tail
and becoming frogs!

Wow, bullfrog powers
are awesome!

Imagine if we had the swimming
and leaping powers--

And transformation

Of the bullfrog.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Ha ha! It happens every time.

Every time
I take a step.

(Both chuckling)

Try it again.

We'll get him this time--
or not.


A bullfrog can jump times
the length of his own body!

That is some ultimate
leaping ability.

And this pond is loaded
with bullfrogs.



Ugh! Yuck!

I think I licked him.


Frogs are such better
jumpers than humans.


If we could jump like a frog,
we could jump feet!

Then we could jump
clear across this pond.

Now that
is creature power!

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

Oh, I think I'm thinking
what you're thinking.

I think, I think--

I know what both of you
are thinking.

You're thinking that we need a
frog Power Suit and I agree.

Let's collect some wow facts
on these frogs.

Be right there!

Hi, guys!


That was fast.

So, where are the frogs?

Well, everywhere.

But here's the thing:
every time we take a step,

a frog launches
into the water.

They're a little tricky
to get a hold of.

That's because bullfrogs have
a highly sophisticated,

highly developed anti-predator
evasion system--

legs that leap.

And if you can't catch them--
join them!


Well, from first observation,
one thing is obvious.

The secret is in the length
of those legs.

Check it out!

A frog's hind legs are twice
as long as its entire body!

This creature is designed
for jumping.

Hey, where'd he go?

I was just behind him
and then he was gone!

If I take another step,
this bullfrog will jump

and then you can find
the answer to your question.

Okay. One, two, three--



Wow, he doubled back.

And I think
I know why.

It's those bass!

The frog jumps into
the water for safety

but he can't go deep because
big fish will eat him,

so he cuts back
and heads to the shallows.

That's how he stays away
from land predators

and fish predators
at the same time.

Hey, you two got to get in
here and check this out!





We've still got some things
to learn about frog powers!

Tell me about it.


(All laughing)


It's ready!

Whoa, cool boat.

Okay, let's race!

Look at it sail!



I want this plane






You got black goop all over
my black sweater!

Clean this mess up
and get it off my plane!

And that same leg motion that
the frog uses for leaping

is also used
for swimming.

Recoil and push.

Never thought about it
that way before.

Recoil and push.

The Frog Stroke!

I've got what I need to get
started on programming

the bullfrog powers.

Now this will be a simple
Creature Power Suit

because frog power
is all in the legs.

Finally, a nice relaxing day
of invention.

No complications.

in distance)

Did you hear that?


Over there.

Whoa! This is
one monster bullfrog.

As big as they get.


And if you're a mile away

you can hear a big frog
like him ribbit.

I'd call it more
of a "baroop."

It's a "ribbit."


Oh, he's not
going anywhere

because this is
the best spot in the pond.

Yeah, the water
is warmest here.

And warm water
makes a bullfrog ribbit.


(In low voice):
A deeper sounding ribbit

is more attractive
to female bullfrogs.

And that's why he's barooping
in the first place--

to attract females.


Wait I know what
that sounds like--

not really a ribbit
or a baroop.

It sound like
a tuba!

(Playing low note)

And that's what I'm going to
name you-- Tuba!


Hey, it worked.

Here comes
a female frog.


That's not a female frog,
that's another male bullfrog.

He wants to claim
Tuba's spot.

Oh, Tuba doesn't want
to give it up.

We're heading for
a bullfrog bash!

Whoa, way to go, Tuba!



And now he's blowing up
his throat pouch.


It's a resonating chamber.

The sound bounces around
in that bubble

and comes out
even louder.

Now his call
is super attractive to females.

And it's working.

Here comes one now.


Are you sure that's
a female bullfrog?

Yeah, look.

The key difference is the male
has a large tympanic membrane--

that large circle
behind his eye--

and the female's
is much smaller.

Oh yeah,
and this is the beginning

of the frog's
life cycle!

Life cycle?

Oh no, I forgot about
the life cycle.

Life cycle!

I thought frogs
were going to be easy,

but this might be
my most difficult

Creature Power Suit
programming yet.

They change shape and have
different forms

at different times of their

I have to account for
all the genetic changes

triggered by DNA codes at
different times and--

Wait, wait,
slow down.

Aviva, you can
totally do this.

Okay, yeah, yeah.
I can do this.

Let's just get
a closer look.


One word of warning
to everybody.

Frogs might not
seem like

your good old harmless
green friend anymore.

Remember, bullfrogs eat anything
that fits in their mouths.

And guys like Tuba,
they have big mouths!

Got it.

Let's get a closer look
at this.

Woo hoo!

This way!

Hey, another
female bullfrog.

She laid eggs.

Yeah, about
, of them!

The eggs are protected

in a clear gooey,
slime-like substance.

Predators find this stuff
tastes disgusting

and so the jelly protects
the developing eggs.

Ooh, jelly!




Ew! The predators
are right.

It tastes awful.

But the good thing that can get
past the slime is water.

Fresh water can move easily
in and out of the slime

to freshen
the developing eggs.

And nothing is more important
to frog eggs

than being in healthy,
clean water.

If there's pollution in the
water, it can get into the eggs.

The slime can't
protect them from that.

Eggs that develop
in polluted water

develop into frogs with strange
and sad deformities--

five legs, three eyes
and more.

Hey, there's something black and
wriggling in the eggs over here.


This is the beginning of stage
two of the frog's life cycle.

The eggs are about
to hatch!

Let's wait and watch
while it happens.

This will work.

No nosy people around
to complain.

Alright, Zachbots,
time to clean out my workshop.

Roll out the barrels
and let's pump this goo out.

Let's see, right in--

That's better.

One thing I can't stand
is a messy laboratory.

They're hatching!

Yeah, we've got

Stage two of the frog's
life cycle has begun.

It's amazing that tadpoles
are baby frogs.

They just look like heads
with tails.

Yeah, they don't look anything
like frogs yet.



Does my hair
look green to you?

Sorry, buddy!

The algae's
over there!

These tadpoles
hatch hungry.

And within a week,
their transformation begins.

Next they grow hind legs
like this guy.

Then the tail begins to be
reabsorbed into the body

and tiny front legs
sprout out.

And then the tail is absorbed

The front legs grow,
the body shape changes--

And ta-da!
A froglet!

And now this little frog
is truly amphibious--

living in the water and on land.

He'll stay in this shape,

but every year get bigger
and bigger and bigger--

And believe it or not, a
bullfrog can live for years!

Pretty cool,
huh, Aviva?


Oh, no.

There are so many changes
in frog development.

Such precision timing
and programming

to integrate with
DNA coding.

Wait, Aviva, don't wor--



Oh, I love frogs.

Wow, it's still

Go! Yeah, go!
Mine is winning!

No way-- mine is!

Ew, what is
that stuff?

Whatever it is,
it's not good.

And it's heading
to Frogwater Pond!


We've got
to do something!

Oh, no!

There's so much

What are we
going to do?

It's going to ruin
the pond!

How about we call
the Wild Kratts?

Hey, guys!

Wild Kratts here!


How'd you get here
so fast?

Wait, we didn't even
call you.

Can you
read our minds?

Oh no, we were just hanging out
frog size.


What's going on?

There's some kind of pollution
or something in the stream

and it's heading
this way.


That's the biggest danger
to frog survival.

For all the frogs! At every
stage of their life cycle.

all the little tadpoles

growing inside
the eggs!

Okay, I've calibrated
for all the stages

of the frog's
life cycle--

but I should probably
run through my program

once more so--

Lil-Tadpole here,
calling Frog-Force.

Come in, Frog-Force.

We need those frog powers
big time!


I think it's ready--

Hurry! It's a
creature emergency!

I'm on my way!

It was some pretty
complicated programming

with the life cycle
and all,

but I think
I've got it

to where it'll activate directly
to adult frog powers.

It'll be great.

We'll use our frog legs
to head upstream

to find the source
of the ooze and stop it!

While you guys try
to contain the ooze

and prevent it from
entering the pond

and reaching
the frog eggs.

Got it.

We can do that.

Activate Frog Powers!

Tadpole powers?!

Oh no, I was
afraid of that!

It activated to the tadpole
stage of a frog's life cycle.

Come on, bro.

We've got
no time to lose!

All I can do with tadpole
powers is wiggle.

Chris, try to touch another
frog and reactivate!

How am I going to touch a frog
and my disk without any hands?

Heads up, we've got creatures
fleeing from the goo.



Oh, and here's
a bullfrog!

Oh, I know!

Activate frog

Oh no, I just made it to
stage two with hind legs!

And I still
have to wiggle.

Oh, you're going to have to
activate through every stage

of a frog's life cycle
to get frog powers!


Hurry, Chris!
Find another frog.

Activate frog

Okay, now I just made it
to stage three

with hind legs
and tiny front legs!

I've still got to
lose this tail!


Come on, finish
the life cycle, bro.

I see the ooze.



This is
my last chance!

Activate frog

Finally! Frog powers!


Let's get these
frog powers jumping.

To the creature rescue!



We've got to stop him.

What are you doing?

Well, one thing
I'm not doing

is dressing up in tiny,
weird animal suits.


You're polluting the

Who cares?
It's already dirty!



Uh, that dirt's
called earth.

It's natural, and animals need a
clean environment to live.


Yeah, you created these
poisonous chemicals,

so you've got to find a way
to clean them up

and dispose of them in a way
that doesn't make

the water dirty
and hurt frog habitat.


Oh yeah?
Who's going to make me?


Open the fish and water
creature escape valve!

All the animals
are through!

Close the valve!
Brace for filtration.

Filtration on!




Sorry, Zach, but you
leave us no choice.


You might need this!


Lift with your
legs, bro.


This is your

You've got to
deal with it!

Oh, I'll deal with it
all right.

Zachbots, stop them!

Hey Zachbots, over here!

Heads-up, Martin!

You've got--


This is disgusting!

Exactly. Now you know
how nature feels.

How dare you mess up my
sparkling clean plane.

I had it so shiny,
shiny, shiny--

the shiniest
I ever had it--

Mayday! Mayday!

(Buzzing, sizzling)

The pollution
has breached our barrier.

It's heading down river,

to Frogwater Pond!

We've got to save Tuba--
he's right at the entrance.

And all the frogs, eggs,
tadpoles and other wildlife.

We're on our way!

Okay, second barricade
is in place,

but it's not going to hold back
the ooze for long.

We have to get as many creatures
out of the pond as we can.

Unless I can


That's it!

I think this is
a counteractive agent

that can break down
and neutralize

the pollution

Hurry, Aviva-- the ooze is
overloading the filter again!

It's going to
breach again!

I can't hold it
much more!

Hang on!

It's working!

It worked!

Frogwater Pond
is saved!

the creatures.


Oh, this looks like
a nice place for a plane wash!

Bring it down!

Zach, stop!

If you land here, you'll ruin
the bullfrogs' habitat.

The only habitat
that Zach cares about

is Zach's
nice shiny plane!

A pond full of wildlife is no
place to dump your mess.

Yes, it is.

We can't let you
do this, Zach.

Just get out of
the way

so I can get to my controls and
bring her-- waah!

Come on,
think about the frogs.

You like clean water
to drink.

They do, too.

Plus, they need clean water
to live in.


Yes. F-f-frog.

B-b-big frog--

Yeah, they can get big,

but they're not really
called big frogs.

They're called bullfrogs
and, you know,

just let them go on living
free and in the wild--

in clean water.

Fine, fine,
whatever you say.

Just please let me
get out of here now.

It's a deal.


How do we know that you're
actually going to do it?

Here, take my
master remote control!

And my invention


Creature Mission

Frogwater Pond
is saved!

Uh, you guys-- look!

Oh, hi, Tuba. You've grown.

Uh, I'm pretty sure this is not
part of the life cycle.

Did we get into
how bullfrogs

will eat anything they can
fit into their mouths?

Even other frogs!




That's much better.


Frogs have such an amazing
life cycle!

From eggs, through developing

to froglets,
to adult frogs.

And it all takes place in, and
depends on, clean water.

Can you give us
bullfrog power rides?

(Grunting like frogs)

Does that mean yes?

Nope, that means--

Hop on!

Yeah! Wahoo!

Frog power!

Frogs are an incredible animal
that you can find

just about anywhere in the world
that has warm weather

for part of the year
and has water.

There are over different
species of frogs in the world,

and they all have the
same basic body shape.

Whether you're talking about the
lowland leopard frog,

the agile frog, and of course,
the bullfrog.

And they all depend on clean
water to live in

and to transform through
their lifecycle.

And one of the great things
about frogs

is that kids can
find them anywhere,

check them out and have great
creature adventures with frogs.

How's it going, guys?


You catching any?

Hey, who caught a frog?


There are so many frogs
in this swamp.

Whoa, he's so green.

Hey, you know one thing
I love about their feet?

don't have nails.

See, there's no nails.

And the webbing
between the toes

is what makes them
a powerful swimmer.

Always make sure you
let them go gently, okay?

I like to put them down on a
lily pad, just nice and gently--

there you go.
He's back in his habitat.

Yeah see, right away he gets
into leap position,

in case he has to
escape a predator.

Those legs, folded up,
ready to explode off

into a powerful leap.

One of the incredible things
about frogs

is when you
get down to their level,

you realize what super predators
these amphibians are.

Bullfrogs will eat all kinds
of insects, minnows,

even other frogs.

Basically, if it fits into a
bullfrog's mouth, he'll eat it.

And he even
swallows it whole!

And on the other hand,

many creatures think a bullfrog
is so delicious,

and is a favorite prey of
raccoons, otters, snakes,

big fish
and even birds of prey.

A bullfrog has to use his
incredible leaping power

both to catch food--

And to not be caught
and become somebody's food.

So bullfrogs are always ready
to leap into action.

And we've got to get jumping
on another adventure.

Oh, yeah.

See you guys!

Keep on
creature adventuring.

We'll see you on
the creature trail.

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