02x10 - Snow Runners

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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02x10 - Snow Runners

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

We're here in North America.

In the Northern Woodlands.

Hey it's us, the Kratt brothers!

I'm Chris.

I'm Martin.

Up here in the great north,

winter is a real
challenge for creatures.

The snow can get so deep

that even walking through it
is a challenge.

And takes a lot
of energy.

Time for some
adventure gear!


Ah, much better.

The snowshoes keep us from
sinking down in the snow.

Just like that guy!
A snowshoe hare.

A snowshoe hare's huge feet

spread his weight out
over more snow

so he doesn't
sink down.

That way he can walk and even
run right on top of the snow.

One of the truly amazing
creature powers

of the snowshoe hare
is their ability

to change color
with the changing seasons.

In the winter, the snowshoe hare
is white to match the snow.

As the snow melts
and brown patches appear,

the snowshoe hare starts growing
brown patches of fur.

And then, he becomes completely
brown for the spring and summer

to match the mud,
dirt, and grass--

that is the amazing
color changing power

of the snowshoe hare.

Along with that amazing

snowshoe hares love to hide
tucked away under logs,

in thickets,
and lie motionless for hours.

That way, another snow running
creature with huge paws,

the lynx,
can't find you.

But when they do venture out,

those big snowshoe feet
sure come in handy.

Imagine if we had that

snow running
creature power!

Then we could really keep up
and discover what life is like

for a snowshoe hare.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

One final check of that foot,
cutey patooty.

Let me see--
yep, all better.

Oh, I'm going to
miss you guys.

I love Hispid hares.

I know, now that their feet
are all healed up

from that forest fire,
we've got to take them back

to those warm,
sunny Asian foothills.

Living free and in the wild!

Set a course for the Asian
foothills, Jimmy.

All mapped in--
from North America to Nepal.


Steady driving, Jimmy.

Remember, we've got
precious cargo.

She's not kidding.

These Hispid hares are
one of the world's

most endangered mammals.

There are only of them
left-- if that.

That's why we have to get them
home safe and sound.

No problem.

Just one stop to pick up
Chris and Martin

and we're out of here.

Pick up
Chris and Martin?

Where are they now?

They said something about
testing an "improvement"

to their adventure sleds.


Oh brothers,
I wonder what that means.


Ha ha!

Told you these rocket jets would
take sledding to a new level.

Woo hoo!

Oh yeah,
way to lash on the jets, bro.

This is awesome!



Jet blast!



The Tortuga has landed.

They're supposed to be
somewhere around here.

Well, I don't see them.


Now do you see them?!


Cut the jets!


No, no!


We can't! Whoa!



(All groaning)

How's that for a stop?


Uh, so,
you guys ready to go?



Let's tell Jimmy we've got
the brothers.


Jimmy, let's go!

Heading out!

Hmmm, it says these
Hispid hares

have short, kind of
stubby feet for a hare.

Yeah, hares and rabbits usually
have long, springy legs.

So they can move fast--

some hares can jump ten feet
in a single bound!

Guys, what are you doing?

What's with
the springs?

Oh, we're going to get one
last play session in

with those Hispid hares
before they go.

Yeah, if you're going to play
with hares,

might as well
have some boing!

Hey, where'd they go?


The Hispids?

they were right here!

Well, unless you made them

they're not here now.

Look at this--
skid mark.

That's the cage--
it slid towards the door.


Uh-oh what?

Uh-oh, the Hispid hares
are gone.

They must've slid out the door
when we stopped.

And now they're out there
in the snow.

But they're not
winter hares!

Yeah, they're built
for warm weather,

not cold,
snowy weather!

They can't survive
a North American winter.

We've got to find them!

Turn this ship
around, JZ.

We're on a search and rescue
mission now.

Presto course change-o.

Uh, did our crash landing
knock them outside?

I think so.

Oh, this is
our fault, bro.

You had to go adventure sledding
this morning, right?

Well, you guys landed
in the middle of our track.

Could have
called first.

Could have been on time
and ready.

Oh, let's just hope
they're okay.


I see tracks.

They slid down
the hill.

Let's go!

We'll be right back
with those rabbits.

There's the cage!





Whew, it's okay!

Oh, or not.

Well, that sled was good
while it lasted.

At least we found
the Hispids!

Hey guys, sorry about
the mix-up.

Yeah, we didn't mean to
leave you behind. We--

Martin, it's empty!


The cage wasn't locked!


Tortuga HQ, come in.

Chris, please tell us
you found the hares.

The cage
wasn't locked.

The rabbits
are gone.

Oh, I think
that's my fault!

Things aren't really going
our way today, are they?


They went this way!

Don't worry!
We're still on their trail.

Quick, let's go!

Look, you can tell they're
struggling out here

in the deep snow.

Ah, they're sinking down in the
snow just as badly as we are.

Whoa, now that's a creature
built to handle the winter.

A snowshoe hare!

He just walks right on top
of the snow.

He's a snow walker.

Look at those huge feet!

That's what keeps him
from sinking in.

(Wind rushing)

Oh no, the fresh snow
is burying the Hispid tracks!

Come on, we've got to hurry or
we'll never find those Hispids!


Hispids, where are you?


Where are you?

Hispids, are you out there?

Do you see the tracks?

I can't see anything
except white!


If we're having this much
trouble in the deep stuff,

imagine the little

Hey, buddy!

Wow, if we could get around
like that,

it'd be so much easier
to find those hares.

Even though he's
a different kind,

he'll help us figure out where
his cousin, the Hispid hare,

might go!

I've got the Miniaturizer!

Hey, let's see if he'll
give us a ride.


Hey, where'd he go?

He disappeared.

Here snowshoe hare!

Where are you?

Oh, we keep
losing hares today.

Whoa, avalanche!

(Muffled shouting)

There you are!

Oh, that was a pretty good
tumble you gave me,

so I'll give you
a good name--


Hey, do you think you could
help us out?

We're looking for three
lost hares and we need a ride.

Whoa, these big feet
sure would help--

the way they spread out
your weight

so you don't sink
in the snow.

If people had feet
like this,

our feet would be about times
bigger than they are.


And not only that,
they're covered with fur,

even on the bottom.

That makes their feet
even bigger,

keeps them warm
in the snow,

and gives them traction
when they're running.

So, thanks for the ride,

Just go where hares go,

and we just might be able to
track down the Hispids.

We're hare-back riding!



Guys, are you sure
that's a good idea?

I mean, riding a snowshoe hare--
no one's ever done that before.

We're fine.

It's a little jostley,
but at least

we're on top
of the snow!


I think a snowshoe hare suit
might speed up this search.


Where are we going?

Oh, that's deep.

It's all a balance of weight
and foot size.

Snowshoe hares are light
with giant feet.

Jimmy's feet
are too small.


I mean for
snow walking.

If your feet are bigger like
the size of these pizza boxes

there's more snow underneath you
to hold you up.

You don't sink.

Unless you were
really heavy.


Then you'd need even bigger feet
to hold up the extra weight.

So in order to walk
on the snow,

you need big enough feet
for your weight.

Get it?

Got it.

Now can we
get out of the snow?


Let's get inventing.

Snowshoe hare feet
coming up!


Aw, my pizza's frozen!

Whew! That ride really
rattles the brain.


Now let's see...

Wow, this is
nice hair.

It is a nice hare alright,
but do you see any others?

Oh yeah, I definitely see
more than one hair.

You do?

How many hares
do you see?

Millions-- millions
and millions of hairs.

Hmm? What?

Oh, we're talking about
different hares!

Oh, you're talking about
the Hispids--

the hoppy kind of hare.

And you're talking about
the fur kind of hair.

Yeah, I mean this special winter
coat is so dense and warm.

Right, totally different than
the summer coat, which is brown

and much cooler
for hot summers.

Then as winter comes,
the brown fur falls out--

And the white fur
grows in.

It's great camouflage
against the snow.

And these hairs
are extra warm

because they're hollow and they
trap warm air inside each hair!

But those Hispid hares
don't live in a place

that has snowy

so a Hispid hare's hairs aren't
like a snowshoe hare's hairs.

And we're running out of time
to find them.

What's up, Avalanche?

That's what's up!


Go Avalanche, go!

Those are some
powerful legs!

Zero to miles per hour in
just a few seconds,

and they still stay on top of
the snow without sinking in.

It's like a bucking
bronco ride!

A hip-hopping hare ride!
Woo hoo!

Look out!

Nice zig, Avalanche.

hawks in general--

they're one of the snowshoe
hare's worst nightmares.

Not exactly a sweet dream for a
mini-Kratt brother, either!


Got you!


Go, go, go, go!

He's gaining,
he's gaining!


Yes! We're heading
to the safety zone!

Hang on, Chris!



You know, maybe this wasn't
a great idea after all.


or maybe it was.

Look-- a Hispid hare!

Ha! Like I said,
it was a great idea.

All hares seek shelter from
weather and predators

in dense thickets
like this.

Aviva, we're got a Hispid,

but we need those rabbit suits
to get him back.

A Hispid?
That's great!

But I'm not done
with the suit yet.

Uh, but we need it to walk him
through all this snow.

Hey, I've got it!
We've got Basilisk Power.

Basilisk lizards have big feet
to walk on squishy water.

It's the same idea
as the hares,

who have big feet
to walk on fluffy snow!

Only one problem-- there are no
basilisk lizards around

to activate
your suits.


Wait! I got it!



Uh, I mean, a-ha!
Here we go.

I saved this shed basilisk skin
just for a time like this.


Basilisk Power!

Hop on, Hispid.
Time to go.

Hang on, pal!

To the Creature Rescue!

Ha ha!
This is working great!

But it's cold!

Hoo hoo! Whoo! Cold!
Cold, cold! Hoo hoo!

Hoo hoo! Cold! Aah!

Was that a basilisk lizard
pulling a sled

with a hare in it?


Cold! Hoo! Aah!

Cold, cold, cold!

Hispid delivery.


You did it!
Hello, Hispid.

Aww, we're so sorry!

I'm heading back out!

Do you have a snowshoe hare suit
ready yet?

Furry feet would be
much warmer.

Uh, not quite,
but soon.


Okay, I got to
head back out.

Got you covered, CK.

This'll warm you up.

Oh great, but better
than nothing.

Okay, I'm gone!

Good luck!

Go basilisk dude!

Oh, that's it--
you're hungry.

Hey, and this willow thicket is
full of prime winter hare food--

buds, bark...

It's grasses, plants
and roots in the summer;

buds and bark
in the winter.

Hm, you know, if those
Hispid hares got hungry,

they'd probably be looking
for the same kind of food.




Uh, Chris?


Hey, it's you!
Ha ha!

Hey Chris, come in!

Somebody need a ride?
Hoo! Cold!

Ha! We're on a roll now!


Only one more Hispid
left to find!


We've seen this before.

Not a good sign.

He's trying to blend in
with the snow.

But why?


A lynx!

I'm sticking with you,

Chris, go, go, go, go!

Save the Hispid!

What?! Just leave you here
with her?

We're as well hidden
as it gets!

Besides, Avalanche knows
what he's doing.

We'll be fine.

Be careful, bro!

You do know what you're doing,
don't you?

Snow Runner to Tortuga HQ.
Come in!

Go, Snow Runner!

I'm coming in
with Hispid number two.


Okay, that was Chris Kratt--

in a basilisk suit!

Looks like
a creature rescue.

Go, Chris, go!
Go, Chris, go!

Hoo hoo! Cold, cold!
Ha ha!

Oh, you've got to admire this
hare hunting specialist,

with that dense winter fur
and those massive paws

that keep her on top of the snow
just like you, Avalanche.

She matches you
feature for feature!

She even spreads her toes
with every step

to make them even bigger,
better snow feet.

Oh, this is not good.

Run, Avalanche, run!

Look out! Paw!

Nice one!
The snow-diving technique.

That bought us
an extra stride or two!

Yes, the home thicket!
Almost there!

Go, go, go,
go, go!




You okay, Chris?

No! I can't stand it

I need winter feet!

Um, well, I kind of
switched gears.

I'm making something even better
for you-- a lynx disc.

I've made lots of cats, so I can
whip that one off in no time--

much faster
than the hare.

I'm almost done,
super close.

You sure?


I'm heading back out!

I hope Martin and Avalanche were
able to avoid that lynx!

She's still
right outside.

Martin, see if you can
get some lynx fur

while you have
the chance.

You guys will need it when
the lynx suit is done.

Lynx suit?


The last Hispid!

Wait! No, stop,
he's not from here!


I got the fur, but she's
going to get the hare.

Well, I got the disc.

It's done!
Coming at you.

Activate Lynx Power!

Hang on, Hispid,
I'm coming for you!

I got to get there first.

Oh man,
he got the warm suit?


Aviva, quick!

We just need something--

to make me look
like a snowshoe hare.

Yes! I think
I found something!

Hey, lynx! Over here!

You should really stick
to snowshoe hares,

not endangered Hispids.




Nice one, dude!
But what are you?

You definitely got the better
suit for this adventure!

Gotcha! But don't worry, buddy,
I'm a friendly lynx.

Chris, I got him!
We're good!



(Fabric ripping)


Gah! Shh!

Snow diving technique.

Let's get
out of here!

That was a nice
snow running rescue.

Oh yeah, and now this lizard's
got to get somewhere warm.

Mission accomplished!

I'm sure glad
we found you guys.

We made some mistakes--
sorry about that--

but we did our best
to fix them.

And now you're
on your way home!

Yeah, thanks partly to your
winter adapted cousins,

the snowshoe hares.

Those snow runners-- the hare
and the lynx-- are awesome.

Speaking of snow runners,
when are we picking up the guys?

On our way back.

They had something
they wanted to do.

It's right around
that time of year, so...

Enjoy the treats!

Here you go!
Carrots anyone?

Present for you.

Bye, Avalanche.

Thanks for the help!

So snow runners-- the lynx and
the snowshoe hare--

have what it takes to run
right on top of the snow.

Their creature power is in
their huge feet

and paws that spread out
their weight on the snow

to keep them
from sinking in,

just like our snowshoes
do for us!

Now these two creatures

have a very close
predator-prey relationship.

For the snowshoe hare,

snow running is a defense
against most predators.

For the lynx, the very same
creature power is an offense

to catch
snowshoe hares.

I'll be
the snowshoe hare.

Well, I'm the lynx!

See you!

Snowshoe hares love to hide
in thickets.

They lie motionless so
the lynx doesn't see them.

The white camouflage
makes it seem like

they're just another clump
of snow in the thicket.

Lynx have other
creature powers, too--

sharp eyes that can detect
the slightest movement,

ears that can hear
the faintest sounds.

That's a lot of
creature power right there.

Oh yeah, he passed right by.

I'm a little loud,

but a lynx can move through
the snow silently.

And sometimes a lynx will just
hunker down and listen,

and look...
and listen...


When the chase is on,
the snowshoe hare zigzags!

And the lynx
stays on its tail!


You got me!

Snow running
is awesome!

And even though we don't have
those snow running powers

of the snowshoe hare
and lynx right now,

snowshoes get us
kind of close.


Now that is
one cool cat.

Keep on
creature adventuring.

We'll see you
on the creature trail.

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