02x20 - The Seven Voyages of Cynthia/My Friend Barney

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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02x20 - The Seven Voyages of Cynthia/My Friend Barney

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Snoring]

[ Gasps]

[ Kids laughing]

[ Laughing]

stu, watch it
with that hose.

oops, sorry bro.

This baby will look
great out on the water.

We're not taking this
on the water-- it'll rust.

[ Giggling]

Boy, I wish
we had a boat.

Good idea.

Let's get one.

Wait a second.

I never

I found one.

Now we need
a captain for it.

But tommy...

Where can we get a captain?

This is all
happening so fast.

Come on!

Oh, cynthia, you look
much better with a permanent.

Now you need a husband.

Wait a minute,
I can't even walk.

Nah, too old.

Yech, too young.

Hmm, he'll do.

♪ Oh, spike...

Okay... Do you, cynthia,
take this dog to be

Your waffle
wedding husband?

And do you, spike....

Hey, come back!

I'm not finished!

All right, if you don't
want to play wedding

Then go away.

And don't come back,
you stinky old dog!

chuckie, a captain!

Um, tommy, isn't that
angelica's doll?

Maybe we shouldn't...

Oh, come on, chuckie.

We only need it
for a little bit.

look at her go,
look at her go!

Yay! Look at her!


Come on, chuckie.

[ Both gasp]

[ Gasps]


She's gone!

[ Screams]

[ Both gasp]

[ Angelica wailing]

Come on, muffin,
calm down.

Calm down?

Calm down?!

Cynthia's gone!

You looked everywhere?

Yes, I did!

She's not
in the beauty parlor.

She's not under it.

She's not anywhere!

[ Wailing]

Look, if you
lost your doll

Daddy'll get you another.

There, that's better.

Where did we get
the old one?

I've seen them at
mondo plaything.

Yeah-- we'll get one later.

Now let's go polish
the chrome.

Get another one?



Get another cynthia?

But cynthia's my best friend.

I can't just get another one.

[ Sniffing]

[ Glass and metal clattering]




My cynthia!

My bestest friend
in the whole world!

We got to tell angelica

About the boat

Tommy, it might make
her pretty mad.

No, we made a mistake
and we got to tell.


If you say so.

hey, angelica?


We got something
to tell you.

What is it?

Uh... It's about cynthia.

Oh, tommy,
do you know

Where she is?

Who took her?

I'll mash him
and smash him

Into a million zillion
blobs of applesauce.

Now, what did you want
to tell me?

Um... Nothing.

[ Burp]

So you didn't
see her at all?

Well, we did see her

But we haven't
for a long time.

We'll help you
look for her.

Yeah, we'll help.

Maybe she's over
by the bushes.

Yeah, maybe she's
over by the bushes.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Start looking.

What are we doing
in this bush?

We know cynthia's
not in here.

I guess we could
tell angelica

What really

I don't know, tommy.

You want to end up
a blob of applesauce?

Well, did you
find her, yet?

She's not here.

She's not anywhere.

She's gone forever.

Drew, I buffed
over there.

Stu, I'll show you
how it's done.

All it takes is
some elbow grease.

Oh, cynthia,
we barely knew ye.

I think this is it.

I think she's gone
off her rocket.

Well, cynthia, at least
I can give you a proper funeral.

Hey, babies, get over here!

It's the least I can do.

Here, tommy,
here, chuckie.

I'm ready to start
the funeral.

You two just stand there
and look sad.

[ Clears throat]

Babies and gentlemen,
we are gathered here today

To say good-bye to out bestest
friend in the world, cynthia.

She's gone now--
who knows where?

Does she have her springtime
cynthia fashion line?

Her matching accessories?

At least we know this:
she's gone to a better place.

[ Barks]

[ Distorted]:
gobble geeble goo,
waffle weeble husband.

[ Whimpering]

Wanna waybe wubby?

Don't dumb back,
you dinky dog!

[ Growls]

[ Barks]

[ Giggles]

Spike, here, spike.

[ Plays chord]

Then on my third birthday,
I got lots of presents

But there was one present
that was extra special.

It was all wrapped up
in some shiny stuff

With ribbon-- yeah, pink ribbon.

[ Crying]

That's when I first saw her--

My cynthia.

I knew right then that
my life would never be the same.

[ Wailing]

Not yet!

I'm not finished!

We did it!
It's our fault.

Did what?

We lost her!

In our boat...

In the river--
we needed a captain...

Tommy said, "let's use
angelica's doll."

We'd only need it
for a little.

The water was fast...

It went too far...

it was neat...

But it went
in the road

And down
a hole...

we lost cynthia!

We're sorry!

[ Bawling]

You rotten little babies!

[ Gasping]

You lost my...


You're alive!


Oh, spike, you wonderful,
beautiful dog.

[ Barks]

[ Sniffing]

Cynthia, where have
you been?

[ Giggling]

hold on,
big fella.

[ Sniffing]

What have you
been rolling in?

Spike, let's get you a bath.

Ew, yeck.

Dog germs.

Oh, cynthia, now I won't be able
to do a thing with your hair.

Stu, you missed a spot.

Drew, I know how to wash my dog.

Just a little
friendly advice.

I got some advice
for you, pal...

Oh, yeah?...

I'm bored.

Me, too.

Hey, I know.

Let's toss
my ball around.


I'm sick of that
dumb old ball.

Dumb old ball?

Let me tell you about this ball.

This isn't any ordinary ball.

This ball...

I guess it is a dumb old ball.

[ Buzzer]

Hello, charles.

Hi, chuckie.

Hi, didi, I'm relabeling
my self-help videos.

Have you got any labels?

Hi, guys.

Want to know
what I been up to?


Well, it's kind
of a secret.

I better not
talk about it.

Oh, okay.

Since you asked,
I'll tell you.

See, I got this new friend.

A new friend?

His name is barney.

He's really neat.

In fact, he's the
neatest kid I ever met.

He's really smart and brave.

We've been doing
lots of neat stuff.

Like what?

We snuck under
my dad's bed

And we crawled into the creepy
space under the porch.

The place with all the bugs?

Wow, weren't you scared?

No, with barney

I'm not afraid
of anything.


Not afraid?

Boy, barney must
be really neat.

What does he

Look like?

Uh... Well, kind of...
Kind of like me.

Does he live
around here?

Maybe he could come over.

I don't think he can.

He lives far away
in this, uh, castle place

And he's not allowed
to cross the street.

Can he come over

With his mommy
and daddy?

They aren't allowed
to cross the street either.

He only comes to my house.


But I only use brown labels

Or my tapes
won't match.

Betty talked me into running

In the "save the grunion"
k tomorrow.

Can you take the kids?

No problem, didi.

They can come over my house.

Did you hear that?

We're going over
to chuckie's.

We'll get to meet barney!

Good luck at the race.

thanks, see
you at : .

Hey, where's barney?

Shh, never mind
that, you guys.

I got something neat
to show you.

Where are we
going, chuckie?

I'm pretty scared.

Is it always
this dark in here?

Only when my dad forgets
to change the light bulb.

What a creepy

Does some
live here?

Nah, just my dad.

Is there where
the monster lives?

Who said anything
about a monster?

This is my dad's closet.

[ Screaming]


That's the biggest
fish I ever sawed

In anybody's closet.

Barney and me found it.

Say, where is barney, anyway?

Well, um... Uh...

It's very sad,
you guys.

Barney... He wouldn't
eat his broccoli

So they sent him
to prism.

[ Gasp]

They can do that, you know.

Oh, there you
kids are.

I've been looking
for you guys.

Hey, my fish.

your mother never
liked this fish

But hey, I guess now
we can hang it back up

In the dining room, huh?

I told you it was
a k, deed.

But you didn't tell me
what a "k" was.

Boy, chuckie
sure is different

Since he met

I wish we
could have met him.

Chuckie said
if barney gets out of prism

They'll go to
the park tomorrow.


I got a idea.

Oh, betty, I've got
a full day here.

Those reports are due...

Not now, honey.

Mommy's on the phone.

It's tommy, betty.

He's holding
his pail

Looking out
the window

Like he wants to go
to the park...

Listen, betty, I got to go.

I'm sorry

But I have so much work
to do today

There's no way
I could possibly...

[ Crying]

[ Sighs] oh, dear.

the back of the closet
was one thing

But the moon?

How do you even get to the moon?

A ladder? Where are we
going to get a ladder?

You mean we
got to go

All the way to my dad's tool
shed and then to the moon?

This time you've gone too far.



Oh, hi, tommy.

Chuckie, who are
you talking to?

You mean right now?

Um... Well, I was
talking to barney.

I don't see
anybody, chuckie.

You don't?


Oh, that's because
barney is invisdible.


That means you can't see him.


Barney, I'd like you
to meet

My friend tommy.

Tommy, this is barney.

Hi, barney.

Barney's kind of
quiet, isn't he?

He's shy.

He only talks to me.


Oh, yeah.

Barney says hello.

oh, there
you are.

We've got a new game, honey

Called "getting these
reports downtown

Before mommy gets in trouble."

See you later.

So barney's invisdible, huh?

Never met a
boy before.

oh, hi, charles.

What brings you here?

I got to thinking.

Maybe I could use
those red labels

For my nature

Oh, good.

Come on in,
I'll get them.

Hey, you brought barney!

Didn't you?

Oh, yeah.

He crossed the street
with me and my dad.

Barney, meet phil and lil.

I believe you
already know tommy.


What, barney?

Oh, barney says hi.

Barney's here--
what do you want to do?

Let's ask barney.

What neat thing

Does barney
want to do?

I'll ask him.

Barney, what do you think
we should do?


He's thinking.

He's thinking.

What, barney?

Uh-huh... Uh-huh...

Hey, that's a great idea.

What did he say?

Guys, you ever wondered
what's under the rug?

[ Kids laughing uproariously]

What did you find?

Barney and me
found this penny.

That's great.

What did you find?


That's the biggest
piece of dust

I ever sawed.

Boy, that
was fun.

Say, barney,
what else do
you want to do?

Chuckie, is barney sure this
is how you play basketballs?

He's sure.

Let's go.

[ Crashing]

Barney says we need
some practice.

Well, what do
we do now?

Let's ask barney.

He'll know
something fun.

I don't know,
you guys.

I think barney's
kind of tired.

Come on.

How can an invisdible
boy be tired?

Ask him.

Um, what should
we do now, barney?

Well, what
does he say?

Barney says he doesn't
have any more ideas.


You're not
asking right.

Barney, think
of something.

Yeah, think of something fun.

Okay, okay,
barney has an idea.

He thinks we should
go on the roof.

The roof?

That's a great idea!

Maybe barney's wrong.

He gets excited sometimes.

Maybe we should...

How do we get
on the roof?

come on,
I'll show you.

Maybe this isn't
a good idea.

Barney says it is.

Wait! What's that, barney?

Yeah... Yeah.

Barney thinks we better
go back downstairs.

Does barney say
we should go back

Or do yousay
we should go back?

What do you mean?

I bet you're scared

So you're just saying
we should go back.

I bet barney's already up there.

Come on, tommy, lil.


Don't go up there

You guys.

Why shouldn't we?

Because it's not a good idea.

But barney says it is.

Barney's wrong.

He's never

He's wrong now.

How can you say that?

You said he always
has good ideas.

Not this time.

How do you know?

Because barney isn't real.

[ All gasp]

He's not real?


He's just made up.

made up?

I'm sorry, you guys.

I probably never should have
told you about barney at all.

Wow, that's
really neat.

It is?


How did you make up
such a great guy?

I just... I made him up.

All that prank
stuff barney did

Like going
in your dad's closet

And under the rug--
that was you?

Yeah, it was me.

Hey, it was me!

Chuckie, can you
bring barney back?

Maybe we can
go to the moon.

No, I don't
think so.

Once you say a guy's made up

It's hard to get him
to come over anymore.

come on, chuckie,
time to go.

Thanks for
the labels.

It's nothing,

Wait here a sec, chuckie.

Didi, I think these labels
are printed off-center.

I'm sorry I told that fib
about you being made-up, barney.

From now on
maybe it would be better

If we didn't tell
other people about you.


Oh, yeah, barney.

You'll always be my friend, too.
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