02x05 - Storytelling

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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02x05 - Storytelling

Post by bunniefuu »

Blankie me, blankie me Finn!

I'll get your blanket dude.

- Where is it?
- Right here.

- Why don't you just get it yourself?
- Because I'm sick!

Poor guy.

Too hot!

Oh man, Jake.

Is there anything I can do
to make you feel better?

Soup me Finny.

Soup flavored cure comin' on through.

Do you feel better, now?


- Once upon a time...
- No! I already heard that story before!

But you're heard
all my stories before!

Make me a new one Finn, a new story.


Got it!

- Once upon a time...
- No!

- What's the matter?
- I don't want a made up story.

I need a real story!

Now you hang on, my friend.
I'll be right back!

Okay world, gimme a story for Jake!

Jake, Jake! Check it out.

This true story
is going to totally cure you.

Oh my gosh, what is it?

First, the leaf fell off a tree.
Oh but, wait, wait, wait.

Spell out!

The snail was on the leaf!

The end.

Oh no.

That story just mad me feel
thousand times worse.

a story's gotta have excitement!



And it has to have a happy ending.

But... I don't know
how to make that stuff happen.

That's okay buddy.

Just... dig me a hole then.

Actually, two holes.

One for my guts, one for my face.

'Cause when I die,

my guts are gonna blow outta my face.

I am not gonna let that happen dude!

Then go get me that story.

And make it has all the things
on this list.

I will be back as fast as I can!

I won't let your guts
blown out your face!


That should be easy.

Hey, how about you two,
are y'all in love?

Are y'all kissin in there?

Maybe I should smoov out
my approach a bit.

Normal guy, forest guy,
just like normal forest guy.


So, yeah, can I...

Can I watch you guys kissing?


I just need to... for my friend.

He's really sick and unless I tell him
about watching you guys kissing...

What a weirdo!
You are one sick man, mister!

Yeah, what this friend's name, huh?

Jake! His name's Jake!

Yeah, right. Sounds pretty fake.

C'mon Boobafina,
let's get outta here.

Wait! I'll do anything!

- Would you eat dirt?
- I would for Jake!

- Okay, now you guys kiss!
- Man, what a freak.

- Let's go.
- What? No! Jake need this. Stop!

Just c'mon.

What? No!

Gah! Wait!

You see? No big deal.

I can't believe you made me do that!

I'm secretly in love with Mr. Goose.

And now he'll never love me!

Because now, I'm soiled.

Oh no, oh no!

I really did wanna kiss Boobafina.
I'm secretly in love with her.

Okay, sweet.

No, no. It had to happen naturally.

Now, she'll never love me.

That wasn't smoov.

But it's all worth it to save Jake.

Whatever it takes!

A good fight.

- You wanna fight me?
- Oh heck yeah!

I've been waiting for this
my whole life!


Oh no you don't!

You never let me do anything!

- You k*lled him!
- Mom! Quit touchin' me!

You k*lled him and now he's dead!

He's probably not dead.

I'm sorry, though,
that you think he's dead!

I don't wanna hurt aminals but...
But Jake!

Okay, okay what's next?


Hey you, guys.

You wanna die?



Have you seen my boys?


I can't do it!

I can't keep messing with folks.

But Jake needs me.

But I can't keep messing with folks.

But Jake's really sick!
But I can't.

But... But... But...

Who threw...

What's happening?
Are you guys gonna eat me?

You'll see.

Hey, wait!

This is really suspenseful!

What is this?

- This is the rite of forest justice!
- Huzzah!

Finn, the human boy,

For your crimes
against the inhabitants of the forest,

you must enter the earth,
and become one with the soil.

Don't I get a trial or something?

- No! Lower the cage!
- Huzzah!

I'm totes gonna die!

And now Jake won't get his story.
And he'll die too!

'Cause I still haven't
a happy ending!

Wait a minute!

I may be busy dying
but y'all need to get busy living!

Y'all are living some unhappy lives!
You, Boobafina.

You love Mr. Goose!
You just need to tell him.

- What?
- She loves you.

Y'all just need to hook it up!

I've been wanting to date you
for years.

- You really love me?
- I do.

And you, Mr. Fox.

You need to face facts, man.
Boobafina's not interested.

It's time to move on.

It's true... it's for the best.

- And hey! Jerky teenage bear.
- What?

Your mom is right!

You shouldn't go around
fighting strangers in the forest.

Mama bear!

Your son's not a baby anymore!

You should stop spanking him
in the face.

He's right.
It's time to let you grow up.

That's the stuff.

- Huzzah!
- And Mrs. Cow.

Take that bag off your udder.

You're a beautiful girl!
You live in the forest.

So why don't you let it hang out?

Yo! Put that bag back on!

- Huzzah!
- Silence!

Finn the human,

for meddling in our lives
and disturbing the order of the forest.

- We thank you.
- What!

Our lives have improved
since you came here.

Does that mean
you're gonna released me?

Your cage is made of sticks, brother.
Just kick it apart.


I'm comin' for ya, Jake!

With a story!

And then, what's happened?

And then,
everyone in the forest was happy.

The end.

- What? What's wrong?
- That's was perfect!

- I feel a million times better.
- Really?

Yeah, yeah.

The romance stopped my fever,
the suspense cured my headache,

and everything else
cured everything else!

I'm not sick! I'm not sick!


Finn, come on!
Dance the health dance with me!

No, I'm good.

You allergic to my health dance?

No, I just feel bad.

Finn, did you catch my sick?

Yeah, I think so.

Well, I know just
how to make you feel better.

Blankie, rubby, and best of all,

A good story.

Once upon a time...

The end.
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