02x12 - Her Parents

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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02x12 - Her Parents

Post by bunniefuu »

You want some more eggs, beemo?

- Yes, please.
- How about you, finny?

- Need a refill?
- I'm pretty full, man,

but let me see if I can...

- Nope. Can't do it.
- I don't know if

- stomachs work like that, dude.
- Sometimes it helps.

Can't argue with that.
Eee, eee! Ahh.

Ahh. Ahh.


Hello. Lady, it's gonna be fine.

Mm-hmm. All right,
I love you, too.

- Bye.
- Lady rainicorn again?

Yeah, man. She's worried
about introducing

me to her parents
at lunch today.

She thinks they're
gonna "freak out."

Um... Maybe give her
parents some treasure?

No way! That's our treasure!

Wait. I've got it, dude!
I'll invite them over early,

"smoove" them over using my
personality, and we'll all be

best friends before lady gets
here so she doesn't have to feel

nervous. It's perfect.

I'll just send them
a quick prism-gram.


- What's it say?
- Hold on.

Still converting the light
waves into brain waves.

Aaaah. They're into it, dude!

Sweet! Let's go
powder our noses!

- Why's lady so nervous, anyway?
- Well, she didn't really

say, but it might have something
to do with the rainicorn/dog

- wars.
- There were wars between

- rainicorns and dogs?
- Horrifying wars.

For thousands of years,
rainicorns battled dogs over

territory in the
crystal dimension.

- But lady and I are cool.
- Dude!

Her parents are probably all
full of dog hatred from the w*r

times! They're gonna
see you're a dog

and forbid lady from ever
hanging out with you again!

Nah. That could never happen.

You didn't think
this through enough.

- It could happen!
- Waaah!

- I'm a moron!
- Don't worry.

I've got a plan that's
gonna solve this biz.

- Homeys help homeys. Always.
- I'm ready to hear your

- plan, homey.

- Ketchup!
- Mustard!

Red and yellow! ♪
Lady's parents ♪

♪ I say hello ♪
♪ I'm the fellow for your

daughter ♪
♪ please forget the wartime

slaughter ♪
♪ home improvement ♪

♪ decorations ♪
♪ help me impress her

relations ♪
♪ sugar bears

and rainbow jelly ♪
♪ spread those colors

on my belly ♪
♪ on the floor

and up the log ♪
♪ please don't notice

I'm a dog ♪ Ha ha! Yeah!

- This plan is perfect.
- You know, I thought

painting ourselves rainbow color
using condiments and stuff from

the fridge so we could pretend
to be rainicorns was a good idea

when you pitched it to me five
minutes ago, but now I'm not so

- sure, man.
- Come on.

- Trust me, homey!
- No, no, no.

New plan. First, we're
gonna clean this

place up, and then...


Aah! Let's hide and
burn the house


- Hello?
- Annyong.

Haseyo. Jake, is that you?

Uh-huh. Are you
going to let us in?

Yeah. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Aah! I can explain!

I can explain! Ohh!

He's so handsome! Oh, Bob!

Our daughter's finally found a
handsome rainicorn to love.

You think I'm a rainicorn?

I think we could spot a member
of our own species, Jake.

We're not blind. Well,
we are a little blind.

Yes, I guess we are
a little blind.

Uh... Well, hey, come on in!

It's awesome to finally
meet you both.

- Your house is very colorful.
- Ha!

The plan is working, homey.
Jake, what is that thing

- that's talking?
- Uh... That's, um...

I'm Jake's rainicorn roommate.

Everyone do the traditional
rainicorn rain dance.

♪ Heyumbawey ♪
♪ hoo hum boo goo ♪

Jake, please ask your goblin
Butler to stop insulting my

- heritage.
- Uh... Yes!

Get out of here, goblin!
Go fetch us some rainicorn

- snacks! But...

Come on, homey. Help me.

Ha! You got it, homey.

Uh, please, c-come upstairs.

My goblin will bring
us snacks in a moment.

Thank you, Jake. I'm glad
the wife and I made the

trip from the crystal dimension.
Yes, we're eager to know more

about the studly young rainicorn
that's dating our daughter.

- Ethel.
- Well, ask me whatever

you like, Ethel, Bob. I
am a little curious about

your goblin. He
looks a little odd.

Well, he's actually a human.

Oh, Bob! Our future
son-in-law must be

filthy rich to afford
a human Butler!

Shh. Thank you, Jake, for being

- interested in our daughter.
- Uh... No problem, Bob.

Oh! Oh! Let's play
some traditional

rainicorn games!
Jake, do you know

- kabaladapawumba-pbht!
- Uh...

S-say it again?


I thought you said


But, aw, man, I love getting
down and dirty with some

klabladapuwama-pbht! Ha!

You all should go first, though.
Mm. Bold move letting your

opponent move first, Jake.
I respect that.

Very well. Kabaladapawumba-pbht!

Oh, Bob! Ha ha!

- Your turn, Jake! I...

Snacks! Get your snacks!

Finn! Dude, I have
to show lady's

parents that I have
rainbow powers!

- I need homey help.
- Hmm.

I got a plan, broham. Just
stretch your horn at me,

- and I'll take care of the rest.
- You're the best, homey.

- Homeys help homeys.
- Ha ha!


Very unusual color palette,

Jake. Yes. Subtle.

- Whoo! Oh, yeah!

Finn? How about
we play some more

traditional rainicorn
games, my boy?

I, uh... Oh, um...

- Let's do it!
- Let the games begin!

I'm sorry!

Yo, my bad! I'll get him!


Hey, man. How's it going?

- It's going crud cow!
- I know, I know.

I'm sorry. But they
really like me.

- Your plan is working perfectly!
- Being poked in the buns

and laughed at was
not in my plan!

- Not in the plan!
- Look, Finn, you know I

got your back "forevah," but
right now, you're the only one

who can help me. Come on, homey.

Homeys help homeys.

Hey, guys! You ready
to get this game going

again? Oh, no.

We're pooped. Yeah,
we're about ready to

break out our picnic
basket and dig in.

Whoa, no. You're my guests.

Let me take care of you.
Homey, help me cook something,

- please.
- Okay.

Thanks, Finn. Okay. Don't
worry about a thing.

Finn'll make a great lunch.
He's a little raw, but he's got

great taste. What?

Wow! So wealthy and so generous!

Oh, I was hoping, but
I was afraid to ask.

Whoa. I can't wait.

- Oh, I can't wait.
- What?

Whoa! Aah!

Jake! I think they
want to eat me!

Of course we do! Jake
said you'd make a great

- lunch.
- Jake, come on!

Oh, man! Oh, man! Oh, man!
Oh, man! Oh, man!

Aaah! Knock it off, Bob!

- Don't you touch him!
- Wait! Come on!

Stop it, guys! Come on, y'all!

I said stop! Raaaaaah!

Now, that's enough!
Nobody's eating Finn!

He's not my Butler,
and he's not food!

Finn is my friend!

I'm sorry I let the lies
get so far out of hand.

I just got so scared
of losing lady.

But if they hate me, so be it.
No more lies.

You're a dog?

Yeah, I just... Oh, look.

I'm sorry about everything.
I was...

Yay! Hey, hey! Hooray!

♪ Today is a happy day ♪
♪ hip, hip, hooray ♪

♪ today is the day ♪
♪ this dude is a super guy ♪

♪ oh, me, oh, my ♪
♪ a super guy ♪

♪ we are the lucky ones ♪
♪ son of a g*n, the lucky ones ♪

♪ the lucky, lucky ones ♪
Uh, uh...


- What did she say?
- She says she was

worried that they'd freak out...
'Cause her parents are bananas

- for dogs!
- J.J. Flip!

- What the zip?
- Yeah. Saved her dad in

- the w*r.
- Wow!

That's flippin' awesome.

- Finn.
- Wha?

Listen, I just want you to
know how sorry we are about

trying to eat you. It's
just we thought we'd

never get another chance. We
thought humans were extinct.

- Oh.
- So this isn't human?

Oh, no. This is soy people.

Oh. Mmm!

I've never tasted real human
before, but they say you can't

even tell the difference.

Ew. Soy?

Finn, you're delicious!

Oh, man!
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