02x20 - Go with Me

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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02x20 - Go with Me

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, man, it's couples-only
movie night tonight.

Who are you bringing?

I don't know. Who
are you bringing?

I'm bringing my
girlfriend, dude.


I'll take this duck.

It's couples night.

You got to bring
somebody you can smooch.

Man, I don't wanna be smooched.

Don't have to smooch.

Just have to bring
somebody you can smooch.

It's like the rules.



Well, I'll take this blanket.

Put the blanket down.

Have a seat.

I want to explain some
"things" to you about couples.

So, you all square?
- Yeah, yeah.

Who you gonna call?

I'm going to call a girl
that I don't have to kiss.

- Hello?
- Hi, Princess.

Would you go to couples
movie night with me?

Sounds romantic, Finn.

No! I-I was just wondering
if you wanted to go with me.

No, sorry, Finn.

I'm busy practicing for
the Whistling Choir

Death Match Championship.

- But...
- Auf wiedersehen.

- She doesn't want to go.
- Yeah, she does.

We just need to
help her to realize

she wants to go to
the movies with you.

I'm calling Marceline.

- What?
- Look, man...

I've been learning a lot
about vampires lately.

I realize now that my fear
was based on ignorance.


Hey, hey, Marceline.

Got a favor to ask, babe.

We want to make Princess
Bubblegum jealous

so she'll go to the
movies with Finn.


Come in. Hello?


Are you gonna help us?

Yeah, I'll help.

It'll be funny.

Okay, so, here's the plan...

You start saying things,

and you start laughing way loud.

And then Bubblegum...

will get jealous of you,

which will awaken her Finn love.

You start us off.


Hmm. Funny.

Funny. Um...


Um... diggy-diggy?

Diggy-diggy! Diggy-diggy!

Greetings, Finn.

Hey, Marceline.

Hello, Bonnibel.

Yeah, yeah.

So, what's so funny, Finn?

I, um, uh...

it's, uh, something.

Well, then keep it
down out there.

I'm trying to whistle practice.

That was great.

Now we begin phase two.

It's so powerful.

Wait here.

Hey, look, Finn... I know
Jake's your friend and all,

but if you really want Bubblegum

to go to the movies with you,

you've got to, like, stop
listening to your dog

and take some advice
from a real girl.

But Jake said phase
two is powerful.


How is Jake gonna
know what girls want

more than a real girl?

- Yeah...
- Okay, great.

So, what we need now
is something... fun.

Girls love fun more
than anything.

Fun, fun, fun.

If you can show Bubblegum
that you're fun,

she'll defs want to go
to the movies with you.

You said "fun" so much.

It sounds all weird now.



So, what do you like
to do for fun, Finn?

Oh! Oh! I like to
wrestle and fight!



Girls don't like that.

No, no, that's perfect.

All you got to do
is get in there

and wrestle Princess Bubblegum

and show her how fun you are.



Whoa. Where you going, man?

Check it out.

What is that stuff?

It's a lute suit.

Girls love it. Trust me.

Finn, what the plum
are you wearing?

You look horrible.

It's a lute suit.

And Finn looks adorable in it.

Well, it's going
to ruin the plan.

What's she talking about, Finn?

Well, I was gonna give
Marceline's idea a try, too.

Her idea?

What's wrong with my idea?

Oh, hey, Finn.

Did you ever find some...

Whoa. What are you wearing?

Oh, this is my...

lute suit.


Oh, this is my...

♪ lute suit ♪


That is hilarious.

Oh, you are k*lling me.



Oh, yeah.


Headlock! Grr!

Aah! Ugh!

Aah! Guards!

That suit was ridiculous.

Ridi... ridiculous? What?

Can you believe this girl, Finn?

Huh? Can you?

I guess the suit did
feel a little silly.

Well, fine.

You can just give it back, then.

I'm sorry.

Good luck getting to that
movie without my help.


Gee, he seems pretty ticked.

Nah, he just needs
some spaghetti.

Oh, okay.

Well, taste this, then...
I got a new plan.


The only thing women love
more than fun is excitement.

She needs to feel her
blood pump, man.

She needs to be
chased by wolves.

Like, metaphorically?

Come on, I'll teach you how
to show a girl a good time.

Hold tight. You ready?

Uh... mm-hmm.

Shh. She's probably asleep.

This was a really good idea.

Now don't blow it this time.



Oh, Finn, thank
goodness you're here!

There's wolves in my room!

Yeah, I know. I put them there.

Pretty exciting, right?

I'm sorry to do this, Finn,

but until you stop
acting like a psycho,

you are forbidden from entering

The Candy Kingdom.


I don't understand, Marceline.

I tried everything.

I guess she just
doesn't like me.


Come on, Finn... a
brainlord like Bonnie?

You'd be bored with
her in a week.

And anyway, I, for one,
think you're pretty great.

I'm sorry it didn't work
out like you wanted.

I'll see you later, I guess.


Of course!

It's been Marceline all along.

Hey, man, I've been
looking for you.

Sorry for acting
like a dweeb before.

Want some leftover spaghetti?

Ah, no, thanks, man. But
I really need your help.

'Bout time!


♪ Diddle lee bown, dowm-dowm ♪

♪ Diddle lee bown, bah bah bah ♪


Will you go to the
movies with me?!

We need to talk.

♪ Good evening, my dear ♪

♪ Your escort is here ♪

Finn, you do not want to
go down that road with me.

With you, I would walk
down any road, milady,

especially if it
leads to the movies.

Oh, yeah?

No one would want to go to
the movie with... this!

What do you think of me now?!

How do you like your popcorn?


You're starting to annoy me.

Well, then let's
do something fun,

like to go the movies!

Get off me.

Finn, I like you, but...


No! Listen to me.

I'm not gonna go to
the movies with you.

I just don't like you that way.

I'm sorry, Finn. I just...

I don't want to date you.

Date me?

Man, I just want to
go to the movies,

but everybody hates me.

Wait... you don't want me
to be your girlfriend?

Huh? No! Movies!

If you weren't looking
for a girlfriend,

then why were you
romancing it up all day?

'cause Jake said
couples nights have

weird kissing requirements

and romance-initiation
rituals and whatever else.

I didn't really say all that.

Of course I'll go
with you, Finn.

- You will?
- Yeah, as friends.

Of course as friends.

But no tongue.

Ye... what?!

Oh, man, I can't believe

I'm finally going
to see this movie.

Oh, mon cher,

I guess this is goodbye.

No, not goodbye.

Let's say...



Couples night sucks!

Marceline, would you
do me the honor

of getting the plop out of here?

There's nothing I'd like more.


Nothing can ever tear us apart.

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