05x51 - Lemonhope Part Two

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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05x51 - Lemonhope Part Two

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the Dog
and Finn the Human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

Psst. Lemonhope.

Hey, that's better.

Who are you?

My name's Phlannel Boxingday.

And I've been watching you

and your hard, hot
life in this desert

from up there in
my cloud trawler.

I thought you might need a hand.


Kid, truth be told, you're
looking a little raw.

You're totally free to
come hang out with me

until you're feeling stronger.

- Hmm.
- It's your choice.

Let's go, dude.

So... read any
good books lately?

Oh, I can't read.

They tried to teach me in
school, but I just faked it.


Uh-oh. Hold that thought, buddy.

Looks like a Greed Lard's
picked up our scent.

Dang it! He's a fast one.

We can't outrun him. But
maybe we can drive him off.

I need you to play that
flute of yours, Lemonhope.

I saw how you wrassled
those scorpions before.

Now play that flute
with all your might.

Keep it up, Lemonhope.
It's working.

He's turning off.

No, wait. He... he's mad.
We've enraged him.

He's calling his pack.

The harp, Lemonhope.
Quick, quick, quick.

We'll lure the beast
into the rocks.

No! Phlannel, stop the ship!

Stop the ship! - What? What for?

Stop the shi-i-i-i-p!

You see, Lemonhope,
it's not peeps.

It's Dosh. - Oh.

Greed Lards eat dosh for food.

And 'cause we k*lled it,
we get to keep it all.

That's my job, Lemonhope.

When I'm not out being free
and having adventures,

I'm k*lling monsters
that eat dosh

and then keeping the dosh.

And it just so happens that I'm
looking for a new apprentice.

What do you think
about partnering up

with old Phlannel Boxingday?

Oh, my gosh, Phlannel! Yes!

It's a dream come true!

A dream come true!

A dream come true!

A dream come true!

♪ Poor little Lemonhope ♪

♪ Throw me a lemon rope ♪

♪ ls there a home for
me and my harp? ♪

♪ A place where my friends ♪

♪ give me hugs ♪


Hey, what's going on back there?

Something don't feel right.

Oh, hey! Lemonhope is here!

Hey, man, how's it go...
Whoa, what the heck?!

Run for it, Lemonhope!

Run! Run! Come on!

Why aren't you running?!


Morning, Lemonhope.

Hey, is there any more white
coal down in the hold?

More black diamonds
equals more love potions.

The old three R's, you
know what I'm saying?


Oh, man, I can't wait
for some lo-o-ve.

It's been so lo... oops!

Oh. Rats. Oh, well.

Hey, don't sweat it, buddy.
It wasn't your fault.

It's not that, Phlannel.
I had a bad dream.

Again? That's the
third time this week.

I'm free now, Phlannel,

to do all whatevs I ever wanted,

but all I think about
is my old life.

What does it mean?

Well, it's true you are free...

Free to help the Lemon
people or leave them be.

But a debt unpaid is
not easily forgotten,

so you are a prisoner still...

in deinem kopf.

Huh. That's what
mistress always said,

and I didn't even listen.

Ah, Lemonhope, you're a
doer, not a listener.

You learn with your hands
and heart, not your head.

So, what will you do, Lemonhope?

I'll... I'll... I'll
go back, and...

I'll help my people-

And maybe I'll feel better.

And how will you do it?

Urn, with my harp and...
my flute!

And help from my
friend Phlannel!

Ah, little Lemonhope.

Of course I'll take
you as far as I can,

but I can't interfere directly
in Lemongrab politics.

All those old pacts and treaties
have me sklonked up tighter

than a synthetic
zanoit sterilizer

bed compressor tube
enlarger on garbage day.

♪ Lemonhope's family held
in Lemongrab's lair ♪

♪ Saving them will save me,
but I am pretty scared ♪


Looking for something?

Well, you found me...
Fat Lemongrab!

Oh, what's that you've got?
Oh, your little harp?!

But what's this?

I've got things in
my ears tonight!

So now I'm invincible!

- Play it, Lemonhope!
- What? Uh, uh, speak up, child.

I didn't say anything.

The harp! Hurry! I'll
take care of the rest!


The harp, Lemonhope! Play it!

Oh, the harp!

Didn't I just explain?

I've got things in my...

My... my... my things!

Let me go!

Let me gooooo!

The harp, Lemonhope! The harp!

Hope! Hope!

Hope! Hope! Hope! Hope!

It's... it's awful!

Faster, Lemonhope!

Faster, Lemonhope!

I can't stands no more!





Wait, wait, l-l-I'm...
I'm... I'm coming!




You know, I was
thinking, Lemonhope,

maybe you'd like to
stay here in Lemongrab

while Lemongrab recovers.

Every kingdom needs a champion,

and you're a true champion
if ever I've seen one.

Plus I already set up a
little room for you.

Is he gonna stay like that?

Like what?

Oh! No, no, no, no, no.

Once his brain's and
body's re-knit,

he should be back to
his lonely old self,

which seems to be his only
stable relationship model.


So will you stay, Lemonhope,

and help your people once more?

Nah, that's okay.

Oh. But I thought...

I mean, you guys
are cool and all,

but I mostly came back here

so I could stop thinking
about y'all all the time.

I'll be back when I'm
tired of being free.

See you in a thousand
years, I guess.


Wow. I really thought
he was gonna stay.

Me, too. I even wrote
a song about it.

- Hey, don't laugh.
- Let me hear it.

No, it's terrible.

Come on.

- No!
- Come on!

Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it!

Okay, okay.

♪ Young Lemonhope ♪

♪ born from candy and glue ♪

♪ Creator of beauty ♪

♪ and ugliness, too ♪

♪ Poor Lemonhope ♪

♪ I found you in the dark ♪

♪ You lived in the bathroom ♪

♪ now live in our hearts ♪

♪ Sweet Lemonhope ♪

♪ freed by hard sacrifice ♪

♪ to live in the kingdom
of Sugar and Spice ♪

♪ Lost Lemonhope ♪

♪ longed for freedom above ♪

♪ compassion or friendship ♪

♪ wisdom or love ♪

♪ Strong Lemonhope ♪

♪ risking freedom and health ♪

♪ came back for his brothers ♪

♪ and for himself ♪

♪ Safe Lemonhope ♪

♪ No more will you roam ♪

♪ Once you were lost ♪

♪ And now you're back home ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ And the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander
through the forest ♪

♪ And do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ To a cliff under a tree ♪

This party is so crazy!
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