06x01 - Wake Up

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x01 - Wake Up

Post by bunniefuu »

(mouse squeaks)
(penguins chirp) (screeches)

♪ Adventure time, come on, grab your
friends, we'll go to very distant lands. ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ the fun will never end.
It's adventure time! ♪

(dance music plays, indistinct conversations)
Denise, we have concluded

you're an interesting and conventionally
hot woman. My siblings and I would like to

request a date with you. Are you available
for a date with Glob on Saturday, Grod on

Friday, Grob on Thursday, or Gob on
Sunday? Please select your dates now.

- Aaaah-oooooh! That's nice.
- Eat it, Lich.

- Eat it, Lich.
- Whooo! (chomping)

What?! No more crackers!

- Prismo! Prismo!
Hey, man, hey! - Hey.

- Bad news... You ran out of
cheese crackers. - What?! No.

- Yeah, man. What are you gonna
do about it? - Jake. (chuckles)

I'm Prismo the wishmaster. We can
have all the cheesy crackers we want.

(laughs) (chomping)
Prismo, you make me happy, Prismo.

- Oh, stop!
- I'm always smiling when

I'm around you. I just
noticed that. I always am.

I'm always smiling when I'm
around you, too. (giggles)

- This feels so good.
- Peppermint butler! Death!

- What's up? - Hey, um, those
guys are doing selfies on the Lich.

- Is that safe? (chuckles)
- Definitely gonna send these to Denise.

Oh, yeah, that's fine.
He's harmless.

Yeah, but why isn't he k*lling everyone
in the room right now... Controlling our

minds, making us rip each other's eyes
out while we buttercup one another?

Well, the Lich's primary function is to cause
mass death, and since he can't do that while

he's trapped in my time room, he's stuck in a
standstill, like a machine without a purpose.

- I'm so scared right now.
- Yikes! - Ah, don't worry.

He ain't gonna hurt nobody. Ha! You got
a cup on your head. Haha! You dingus!

(laughs) - See, he's docile
as a lamb. - Hmm. Well, okay.

- Then I guess I can go for a selfie,
too. - Yeah, man, make your

dreams come true. (both
laugh) Oh! What time is it?

- Hey, yo, clockface! What
time is it? - It's 12:30.

Ah, boo to that. Yo, Prismo, I got to
get back before Finn realizes I'm not

home. He gets worried
if I stay out too long.

- All right. Later, dude.
- Laters!

- Jake, where were you?
- I was, uh, in the... All right, man.

I'm gonna come clean. I've been doing
a lot of partying at Prismo's lately.

- Come on, man! I don't even take lady
up there. - Dude... I found out my

- human dad is still alive. - Whoa!
What? - He's at some place

- called the Citadel. - Whoa!
Are... are you gonna go see him?

I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't.
Maybe there's a good reason he

didn't raise me, like he was probably captured
by thieves and kept a sl*ve for years.

Yeah. Or maybe he was ambushed in
the wild and hid you so you wouldn't

- be captured, too. - Yeah.
Maybe it's better not to rock

- the boat. - But it might also
be good to find out if you got any

genetic risk factors or allergies or
whatever. Plus, you get to see what you'll

look like as an old guy. Could
be cool. (chuckles lightly)

I guess it would be okay to meet
him, just to know what I'll look like.

Cool. Oh! If we hurry,
Prismo might still be partying.

- Come on! Just one more game. - I don't
know, Mang. I was just gonna, like, clean up

- and crash out.
- Aw, yeah! More play-ahs! (groans)

- You guys want to play
some card wars? - No.

- Prismo, we need to get
to the Citadel. - Whoa!

You guys do not want to go
there... Seriously. Check this out.

The Citadel is a nastisized prison.
Only the worst of the worst end

up there. Real stinkfaces.
These guys are the pits...

- The armpits. - Hey, my dad
must be, like, the warden there.

I know you can't grant me and Finn any more
wishes, so we brought Shelby along to wish

- on our behalf. - Hello.
- Ha! Look at that... A little

- guy. - So... I wish for...
A pony for my G.F.!

- Done. - Shelby!
- Sorry, dudes.

My girl's been hounding me for a pony
for months. I'm gonna mad points for this.

(cellphone rings)
Oh, hi! Oh, so you got it?

That's great. You like him? Uh-huh.
You're gonna name him what?

- Speedboat? Yeah, that's
a good one. - Dang, Shelby.

A wish wouldn't have worked anyway.
You can only get to the Citadel

- committing a cosmic crime. - So, what do
we got to do... Rob a cosmic bank or steal

- a space baby? - Hoo! Uh,
I just remembered I got to

go home. Got to groom my
feathers. Goodbye. Goodbye!

Listen, if you guys are serious about this,
all you got to do is find a certain sleeping

- old man and bring him here.
- That's it? - Yep, he's on one of those

floating islands out there. It kind
of looks like an upside-down duck.

- That doesn't seem like much of a crime.
- Yeah, but that's all there is

- to it... For now.
- What? - Check it out.

- I got gifts for you guys.
- Heh! Cool. It's a pen light.

Bazoo! Zoooo! Vroom! Jake, don't
look directly in the... Aaaaah!

(energy buzzing) - Oh! Oh,
sorry. - Pa-choo! Pa-choo!

- Pew! Pew! - Pa-choo!
Pa-choo! - Pew! Pew!

(clears throat) Come on, Finn.
Let's go find this old guy.

Oh, one last thing, dudes.
Whatever you do, don't wake him up.

Okay, you can go now.

Pew! Pew! You ever wonder what happened
to make a place all wrecked up like

- this? - Nope.
Hey, upside-down duck!

No, wait, it's right side up.

- Hey! Get out here, old man!
- Dude, shh! Don't wake him up.

Hey, get out here, old man.

Bazow! Old man.

Beep. Beep. Beep.
(groans) (hissing)

Uh-oh! Finn, a little help.
(hissing continues)

(glass shatters) (groans)

(hissing) Hmm. Kazow!
(glass shatters, energy)

(buzzes) Let's hoof it!

Jake, don't jostle the package.
(all hissing)

Hut! (glass shatters)
All right.

- Oh! (all hissing)
- There's too many of

- them! - Let's see
here. (energy hums)

(steam sizzles) - Oh, hey! You're
back. - Dude's got serious

- night terrors. - What now,
Prismo? - Okay. Wake him up.

- What?! - Yeah. I just
wanted one last look at

- myself. - Wait,
this old man is you?

That's right. Prismo is nothing
but the dream of a wrinkly old man.

Man, I've gotten a lot hairier, but
also balder. Tell me how that makes any

sense. I look like a
big, old hairy raisin.

- So, wait, what happens to you when
we wake him up? - Poof! I'm a goner.

- Thus ends mighty Prismo.
- Prismo. - k*lling a wishmaster is a

cosmic crime. Once I'm dead, the guardian
will show up and take you to the

- Citadel. - I don't think seeing
my dad is worth sacrificing your

- life. - Ah, don't worry!
As soon as my corporeal body

- falls asleep again... in a thousand
years, I'll be back. - You sure about this?

Hold on, let me take one last look
around. Huh, thought I'd own more stuff

- by now. Okay, let's do it.
- Still feels like a bad

- idea, man.
- Psh, what could go wrong?

- Wake up. - But wait!
I've changed my mind!

(gasps) (gasps)
Prismo, don't worry!

- I'll put the old man to sleep and get
you back! - Dude, that means the

- Lich jacked our entry into
the Citadel! - Aw, no, man!

- How you gonna see your dad?! - Hello?
Who are you guys? Could any of you

strangers tell me how to go
home? I'm done with my nap.

- Old man Prismo. (breathing heavily)
- I just woke up from my nap.

Uh... But I'm ready to go back to
bed. I'd like to go home and take a

- nap. - No, old man
Prismo. Don't talk to him!

Are you my son?

(gasps) (growling)
Old man Prismo! No!

Lich, I'm gonna k*ll you!
(screams) (laughs)

(static warbles)
(ice creaking) (laughs)

(laughing stops) Oh, dang!
I think they're going to the

I'm coming, daddyyy!

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

Wait, wait, wait, wait!
(both grunt)

Look, Jake, more guardians.
The Citadel, I presume.

- Likely so. - Hey, do you think
maybe one of them could be my dad?

Nah, I don't think so. We'll
probably know when we see him.

Right. Right.
That makes sense. (humming)

(static warbles) Hey, the Lich, again.
This must be where the prison

cells be at. See?
Good riddance, too.

I hope you rot forever, you awful jerk
flapper. Some people just make the world

a worse place to be, just by being
around, Jake. That's right. Bad apples.

Lock 'em all up, I say, at the bottom of
the ocean, where it's too dark to see.

Look at that weird, old kid down
there. He looks just like you.

- Man, look at his clothes.
- Daddyyy! - Wup!


All locked up in there. Do you
think maybe he's a criminal, too?

Well, it had crossed my mind.

Geez, man! I wish I hadn't
said all that stuff before.

Now my heart feels yellow
and green. (groans loudly)

(sighs) Maybe we shouldn't
even have come here.

- Whaaaaaa?! (blowing rapidly)
- Jake, what did you do?!

- It wasn't me! It came
from up there! - Gah!

He's melting the crystal all up!
Breaking cats out left and right!

- Turning cats grey! (roars)
- Did he trick us, again?

- I think he did. - Hey, kid!
(blows) Hey, do me a favor.

Get me out of here, huh? This fire
smells crazy! (glass shatters)

(groans) Thanks, kid. Now, where'd
you guys park your starskipper?

This place is coming down quick, and
I'm talking quick like zip-zip, like wow.

- Like boom-boom wow. (whimpers)
- Oh, we... we don't have

- a starskipper. - Also,
Finn's your son. - Whaaat?!

- No starskipper. (clears throat)
- I said, "Finn's your son".

- He came a long way to meet you.
- Son? Oh! Hey, good for you, kid.

In other news, I still got to get out
of here, and the ground is melting.

- Huh. It's all pooling in the center.
- Hey, um, I... I wanted

- to ask you something.
I... Well... - Hup!

Hey, wait up! (muffled)
Dad! Wait! (gasps)

(both gasping) Dad, I wanted
to ask you... Whoaaaah!

Aaaah! (all groaning,
gasping) (coughing)

Aah! (energy warbles,
train whistle blows)

- No! - Gree nah gah
bah ga da da brahdada!

- Gra gra gra gra bra! (laughs)
- Finn, I know we

normally come out of these things okay,
but I got a bad feeling about this.

Just promise me... If both my eyes get
fried off, you'll fry yours off, too.

What? No. Listen,
you don't got to worry

about a thing, Jake old pal. We just need to
defeat those five space villains, hijack the

shard they're hijacking, and sail
it home to safety. Easy peasy.

Yeah, Jake, smarten up. Soon as the
last guardian dies, the fighting stops.

See? He's biting the dust
right now. (screams)

(groans) Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh,
uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh...

(weakly) - It's... Okay. It's okay.
- Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh.

- Uh-oh, uh-oh. - You just got to fetch
me a gob of that guardian blood, son.

- It's got that good nooch that keeps
us young in the crystal. - Nooch?

- Come on, now, partner. No
doddling. Your old man needs you.

(tink!) (sighs)
Attaboy, Flynn!

Do it for your old man! Yeah, just
get right in there! Don't be shy!

(grunting) (splash!)

Hey, good job, son. Now rub
some of that sap on my leg there.

Make sure to get it into the
chicken-wing hole. (groans)

- Dad? - Martin.
- Okay, Martin.

- We need to talk. - Yeah,
okay, kid, but hurry it up.

I'm trying to act cool here, but this
thing really stings! (inhales deeply)

- Why did you abandon me in the forest when
I was a little baby? - Oh! I mean (chuckles)

- you know me. I'm a funny guy.
- Wha... Wha...

(exhales deeply) I don't know.
It was a long time ago.

Who knows? Like, maybe
you left me. (sighs)

But, hey, daddy's back! (grunts)
You and me, daddy and baby.

Or should I say, "baby and
daddy"? Now slap that sap.

(groans) Uck.

Whoa! Would you look at
that? Smooth like new. (scoffs)

- Couldn't fix the boot, too, huh? - Dude,
s'mores important junk happening!

Look! (bubbling)
It's time to peel

bananas on this fool... as a
family! How about it, Martin?

- Dad? - I got to run
to the store! (groans)


(groans softly)

(laughs) (groans)
You are alone, child.


There is only darkness for you,
and only death for your people.

These ancients are just the beginning.
I will command a great and

- terrible army. (groaning weakly)
- And we will sail to a billion

worlds. We will sail until every
light has been extinguished.

You are strong, child. But I am
beyond strength. I am the end.

And I have come for you, Finn.
(groans weakly) (gasps)

Gah! (groaning)

You don't like this stuff, huh?

Right in the doorbell. Dad!

- Jake, finish off the Lich! I got to
go catch my dad! - Dude, forget that

- loser! (humming)
- Dad! Wait!

Hey, cool guys. Looking
for a new boss? (tink!)

(chomping) Chew faster.
That guy's really moving.

(rip!) Hyup! Ugh!

- Dad, stop!
- Finn! (groans)

- Martin, I won't let you escape!
- Hey, hey! You're a void caster, right?

We got to put some... Gas in
this buggy. (energy warbles)

Finn, let go! He's not
worth it! (screaming)

(gasps) Oh, gross!
Pedal to the medal.

(energy warbles)

Hey, what about air...

It'll be okay, dude.

(sighs) I mean, at least you
finished off the Lich, right?

Oh, yeah, that's the good
news. I didn't have to.

One sec. Up you go!
Check this out.

Brand-new baby. The Lich is super
cute now, and he smells real neat.

That sap rebooted him
or something. (lips pop)

- I like him a lot. (train
whistle blows) - Over here, fellas!

Next stop... The Candy Kingdom.
Previous stop... This weird place.

Mr. Pig, I think we should
get a d... (doorbell rings)

- Okay, run. Go, go, go!
- Oh! Oh, this changes everything!

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