06x10 - Something Big

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x10 - Something Big

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

Princess, he did it!
Root Beer Guy set up the force field!

- But he sacrificed himself to do it.
- It's an ugly scene, man.

Let me see!

- Rest in peace, Root Beer Guy.
- Give up now, Princess, and I,

Maja the Sky Witch, promise not to
completely donk up your kingdom.

I make no such promise.
Darren must feed.

Oh, glob! Oh, oh, oh!

- Oh, well. What can you do?
- Crunchy, chill. Chill.

Keepers of the clock, masters
of dimension, bear witness!

By my power,
I compel you to converge!

Past and present, be one!

Awaken the terror
of a forgotten age

in this moment that is all
moments in the blink of an eye.

Darren, the ancient sleeper, arise!

I had a dream I was fighting
an army that could birth new

soldiers from their own blood.

I was endless.

that make sense?

Yes. You want to go
conquer the Candy Kingdom?

What's that?

It's a place that
contains the highest

levels of caring and sentimental
affection in all of ooo.

What is caring?
What kind of world is this?

It's a feeling I use in
my magic to give me power.

Like this shirt that was once the prized
possession of Princess Bubblegum.

With the feelings in this shirt,
I was able to summon you.

I don't... walk me through this.

- All right.
- This kingdom of candy...

- Yes?
- I will lay it to waste,

turn their people to salt.


And garnish a million
meals with the salt,

which we will eat for eternity.

That's not my plan exactly,

but you'll be fine.
I promise.

I promise, as well, to deliver
destruction so thorough

that all realities are affected.

Okay. We'll talk about that.

All realities.

Hey! We'll talk about it!

Break this witch out, Darren.

How long will your force
field hold, Gridface Princess?

The sleeper's magic
is older then legend.

I don't know how he disabled both
gumball guardians,

but at least
I know my tech is tight.

The field will hold long
enough for you to think of a weak plan.

- Colonel Candy Corn?
- Hrr, uh, yes, Princess.

Ready the cannons, you got me?
If they get through that barrier,

I don't want to have
to use our ground troops.

Will do, Princess.

And let me just say...

Thank you for
putting this old crease back in the field.

I haven't been the same since
my lovely Linda passed away.

Yeah. Good luck.

Oh, I tried dating
again, you know?

But these young girls think
I'm too serious or something.

Why don't you date
someone your own age?

Peppermint Butler, come on!

Oh, women my age don't hang out.
Where are they hiding?

I need a young girl with an
old soul to heal my heart.

This is taking too long.

Then do the thing!

I call forth the legion of
Cadmus, the Dragon's Teeth!

What am I supposed to... Oh!
Party's starting. Load 'em up, soldiers!

Yeah, just put it in there.
I don't know.

Oh, dang!

- Blah, gah, lah, glah!
- Fire!

- Whoo! Blah!
- Finn and Jake, are you ready... What the?

- Finn? Where the jam is Finn?!
- I don't know.

- Weren't they just here?
- What the jam?!

All right. Finn or no Finn,
PB's got to get in that biz. Hyah!

- Why have you stopped firing?
- We ran out of a*mo, Colonel.

- That's nonsense, soldier.
- Rah! Ah!

This is how you defend your kingdom!
Fire, you wimps! Ya-ha!

- Ah!
- For the kingdom!

- For the king... dom!
- Oh, zang!

- Eat it, tranch!
- Oh!


It's over, Princess. Prepare to be
annihilated across all dimensions.

- Princess! No!
- Wait, Darren! Dial it back.

I need her residual feelings.

What the flip is feelings?

Darren only understands
life and death!

- Wah!
- What the slizz?

- Yeah, boy!
- Hi, Darren.

The Ancient Psychic
Tandem w*r Elephant?!

Eli, were you
asleep forever, too?

All this stuff is different now.
What are we even doing here?

Yes, it's been
a difficult adjustment.

- Blaze his face, Eli!
- Yes, master.

Yo! Leave me out of it!


Yeah, right.

- Finn, his weakness is his brain-seed.
- Okay!

Whoo-hoo! Oh, uh!

- Aah!
- Thank you.


- Well, I guess my kids still have a daddy.
- Bam, you dope!

Party tonight in the Candy Kingdom!

- Hey, where's Finn?
- Hi!

Okay. Y'all bring food and bevs.
Finn, you make the guac, all right?

- I'll the guaaaaaaaac.
- Finn! Finn!

- Yo! What's up, A.P.T. Dubs-y?
- What do I do now?

Dude, I don't know.
Probably not go back in the basement.

You're so big'uns.
You should be free, boy.

Free to do what?
I need psychic commands.

Can you help me dice
tomatoes for this guac?

No. - You see, man,
I feel weird giving you orders.

You should just do your own
thing. Realize your potential.

But this is what I am... A w*r
machine who serves its master.

No, man.
You're more than that. Whoops!

I see into your brain, remember?
You'll do great. Just go for it.

- I believe in you, man. Oh, word. Thanks.
- Maybe Darren was right.

- There's no place for my ancient ways.
- Don't think like that, dude!

Come back and see us whenevs!

I'm doing this for a reason.
What choice is there?

- Hungry! Hungry! Hungry!
- Must feed babies.

Hey! Elephant. I'm more ancient than you.
Someday, I will engulf the solar system.

What was and what will be is meaningless.
Meanwhile, you should wonder...

Are you just a two-headed pile of meat
on a crash course with the cosmic dump?

Or do you contain the soul memory
of a million dead stars?

How do you light a
candle without a match?

Hello? Who's that?
Why can't I see jack?

You bonked your head.
You're in a coma.

- But I can help.
- Um, all right. Are you, like, powerful?

Yes. I can fly and do
lasers from my nose.

Okay. I can run with this.
Take me to the Candy Kingdom

- and sh**t your laser nose at it.
- No. I must decide, in this moment,

what is best. For now,
I am the match and the candle.

- What?
- I will be your friend and keep you alive,

- until you regain consciousness, maybe.
- Ugh, that plan sounds like dirt!

- See through my eyes, Maja.
- Ah! It's bright! Wait!

You're the flippin' elephant!
You laser-nosed me! Somebody help!

Oh, my glob! Somebody!

Well, this wasn't
part of my plan.

Hey, man.
I'm gonna eat you.
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