06x26 - Gold Stars

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x26 - Gold Stars

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪


Hold on, Sweet Pig Trunks!
We're comin'!

There, there, Sweet P.

It was just a dream.

Just a dream.

That's my brave little boy.

Now you better
get dressed.

your first day of school!

Now eat up.


That's fuel you're gonna need later
to soak up all the education.

Yes, dad!

There's your lunch.

And an apple for the teacher.

- Aww...
- Aww...

it's awful nice of y'all

to take Sweet P
to school on his first day.

Our plezh, T.T.

Yeah, first day of
school can be real tough.

We wouldn't want
Sweet P freakin' out

or awakening any latent
evil spirits within himself.

we're gonna miss you, son.

You think
still he's secretly evil,

that he's
still all lichy in there?

Mm, not sure.

I don't know,
Finn. He just seems so...



- Bye! - Bye!
- Bye!

So far, so good.

Fat squirrel in trub!

- Oh, no!
- Wait, Finn!

Let's just see
how this plays out.

- D'awww.
- Mm.

All right.

Welp, see ya later,
Sweet P.

- Bye!
- Bye, Teddy-man.

Hey, baby man!

Did your grandma knit
your clothes?

And she's my mom!

Why you laughin',
baby man?

- You're not even a real kid!
- Huh?

You're nothin' but a big, weird baby man!

Baby man!

Let's see what we got here.

Hello, there! Intimidated
by those bullies, eh?

Uh... Yeah.

What's your name, kid?

Sweet P.

I'm the one true king of OOO.

This is my attorney, Toronto.

Sweet P, there are all
kinds of education, you know.


Yes, sir, all kinds,
such as... dancing.

You could blow off
this podunk school

and get a
proper dance education.

Then you could come back and
really show those mean kids

and make your parents proud!

- Hey, king of OOO!
- Yes, Toronto?

You are a certified
dance instructor, right?

Show the kid
the dance you do.

No, that dance is too tough for an amateur.

Aw, come on. You got to
show the kid. It's awesome!

Yeah, I know it's awesome,
but I really don't think

- the kid is ready.
- Ready?

I don't think he's
tough enough to be ready.

I'm tough enough to be ready!

See? The kid is tough...

And ready.


Ah! I do see it!


You've got a good eye,
and you are a good dog.

Watch this, kid.


- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.

Why, we got us a prodigy here.

You're ready for
advanced classes.

Hey, you mugs! Want to see
some world-class dancing?

Just turn around!

- Ah, leave me alone!
- Leave me alone, too!

I'm turning around.

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Ha! You did great!

You should come back tomorrow,
kid... for more dancin' lessons!

Have a gold star.

Show that
to your parents, kid.

They'll love it! But...

don't tell 'em where you got it,

or you'll ruin
the surprise.

Just think of how proud
they'll be at your big, uh...

end-of-the-year recital!

You understand?

Of course Sweet P understands!

He's a good boy.

A good boy!

So, how was school?

Yes, how'd you do?

A gold star!

I'm gonna put this where
we can see it every day.

- Thumbs up.
- Thumbs up.

- Come on! Thumbs up!
- Come on! Thumbs up!

Thumbs up.

- Thumbs up.
- Thumbs up.

Well, this is our place.
We'd invite you in, but...

- The place is a mess.
- He's right.

We're filthy. Listen, we all need a break.

Go on home, kid, and
we'll see you tomorrow.


Sweet P,
we're going on a date.

You're smart and
educated enough

to stay at home
all by yourself.

The proof is on the fridge.

Mama and papa will be so
surprised if the refrigerator

is all covered with
stars when they get back.

One more star should do it.

I need to find king of OOO and Toronto

to get me that last star.

I don't know, K.O. They've gone rancid.

Horse feathers.

A lick of gold paint
is all it needs.

Just a couple more
garbage stars, eh, Toronto?

Mo' stars means
mo' dosh.

Soon we'll have
enough scratch

to fund my big comeback.

This kid is great at
helping us rob people!

And best of all, he doesn't know a thing.

Because if he did...

- We'd have to take care of him!
- We'd have to take care of him!

What was that?

Sweet P?

- What did you hear?
- What does it matter?

- None of it was good.
- We got to take care of him.


I shouldn't have said
that out loud.

Mom! Dad!

Hey, kid!

Toronto and I talked it

and we decided we're not

going to "take care" of you.

We're gonna burn down your orchard.

- Noooooo!
- Yep.

We're gonna burn it down.


You leave home and
your loving parents

and come dance
with us forever.

- Forever.
- Nooo!

No, no, no, no, no!

Come on, Sweet P!
The people love you!

They do?

Well, mostly they love to laugh
at you.

I mean look at yourself.
You're a...

a... a big weird baby man!

Baby man, baby man...
baby man, baby man,

baby man, baby man, baby man!

- Stop.
- Stop.

- I have learned much from you.
- I have learned much from you.

Thank you, my teachers.

And now for your... education.

Before there was time...

Before there was anything...

There was nothing.

And before there was nothing...

There were monsters.

Here's your gold star.

Mr. King of OOO?

Uh-ba-ba-ba-ba. Huh?



Just a dream.

- Mornin', son.
- Good morning, Sweet P.


Oh! My, my, where did
you get all this bling?

Uh... My teachers.

Wow! How nice of those teachers.


Hey, baby man. Guess who we are.

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