06x30 - The Diary

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x30 - The Diary

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

Don't worry about him.

It's good to be passionate
about your hobbies.

Yo, TV!

Get me a chocolate bar!




Hello, young man!



Delicious chocolate bridge...


Yeech! Huh?

"This diary belongs to B.P.

Private property.

If you're still reading this,
you're a bad person."


statue of limitations.

Dear diary.


I sound like a real cornball.

Oh, well.

Dear diary!

Morn is going to love you.

She's always
ragging about me

spending too much time
with my nose in books.

I wonder what I'm
going to write in you.

What kind of
person will I be

when I get to
your last page?

Will I have
my braces off?

Will I have written a song
that doesn't totally suck?

Will I have
met a cool guy?

I can barely
look at dudes

breaking out into

- hives.
- Just another day

in teenage purgatory.

The School Caf.

Sloppy Joes again.

Boys I did not talk to today...

- Are they trying to k*ll us?
- Brownieguy...

- Stayed in and tried to cut my bangs.
- Ruffles, Bryan,

- Morn says it looks like I got in
- Pennycandy guy...

a fight with a snapping turtle.

Taffi and Mochi are the
coolest girls at school.

When I think about them,
my skin feels sparkly.

They don't
even know I exist.

Why would they?

I'm a nobody.

Less than nobody.

I'm a pimple on the butt of a...

Geez, B.P.

Prone to dramatics much?

The Fire Kingdom
has officially frozen over.

Justin Rockcandy asked
me to the semi-formal!

Oh, my glob.

Just-Justin is taking me
to the Fructose Fair.

Justin... Justin wants to go
on the roller coaster.

Kissing is fun and easy.

If I don't think about the
bacteria in spit teeming, multiplying.

can you keep a secret?

Justin! Justin!

Hive of bees in my head,

- get out!
- Mother, I'm not going

- to tell you again!
- Lies, lies, lies!

Diary, it's my birthday

but I don't feel
like celebrating.

I feel like screaming.

Justin wants to meet
at Lovetree Point.

Says he wants to
give me a present.

I should tell him...

I need to tell him...

I will tell him!

Tell him what?!


Not hungs.

Heading out for a bit.

There you go!

Just needed a lil' push
from the old man.

I gotta get into
the mind of this kid.


Rip! Rip!


My secret is safe at the
bottom of this disgusting moat.

Oh, oh, B.P.!

What have you done?!

I'm sick of the lies!

Sick, sick, sick!

Babe! Um...

I said I'm sorry?

You don't know me!

Nobody knows me!
Leave me alone!

I hate Sloppy Joes!






Hey, Moch'.

Is that the new
"Nosy Nellies" bootleg 7-inch?

- I ordered it from this
- Taffi, Mochi,

- dude in Lumpy Space.
- down here!

Is it insane?

- It's almost too insane.
- Wicked.

Hiya. B.P.!
What's up?


Guilty as charged.

You psyched for your birthday,
birthday girl?

Don't forget
about our little

at Lovetree Point, huh?

I can't wait for
you to see your prezzie.

You're gonna
be there, right?

Please say yes.
Please! Please!

- Please! Please! Please!
- Aaaaaah!

Barn! Barn! Barn!

Lady, you're
really off your game!

I never win at canasta!

You said you wanted the kid
to spend more time outside.

He's outside.

He's loving it!

If it'll make you
feel better, then yes.

But I'm sure he's fine.


Uh, son?

- Morn?
- Uh, close enough.

Get out of my room!

TV, what is that?

Private property.

Gimme the book.


A diary, huh?

And now you've become
dangerously obsessed with it

and have confused your reality
with that of the diary keeper.

You always were a little too
susceptible to fantasy.

Ooh' ripped Pages!

And look how the handwriting
changes right before the rip.

The e's are all crabbed.

That's weird, right?

Super weird, son.

She was obviously
emotionally distraught.

Maybe she was so stressed,
she broke out in hives,

and they covered
her whole body.

So they rushed
her to the hospital.

She was thinking
"Oh, man, I'm so young,"

and how life is so unfair,
and that this was the end.

But it wasn't the end.

She had pulled through...

except her hand had been
replaced with a crab hand!

Which negatively
affected her handwriting.

And, and,

while I recovered,
I refused all visitors.

- Wait. You refused?
- Especially Justin.

How could he love a girl
with a crab hand?

I mean...

that is definitely not normal.

Justin sent me flowers
every day for a week.

Then every other day.

Then they stopped
coming all together.

On my birthday,

I decided I was going to
keep my promise to meet Justin,

crab hand or no crab hand.

But when I got
to Lovetree Point,

Justin was already there...

making outwith my BFFs
Taffi and Mochi!

He did not!

that's one theory, anyway.

Am I unlovable?

Hey, did you say
Lovetree Point?

That's where the kids used to
go smoochin' back in the day.

This diary must
be pretty old.

We should go
check it out.

This place is a dump.

Why do they call
this Lovetree Point?

'Cause of that
tree over there.

Yeah, it's
pretty heavy-handed.

On page 42, it says
Justin hid a present

somewhere around here.

Maybe it's in the tree.

Hey, good thinking.


It's so beautiful.


B.P. would have loved this.

Justin must have been too
devastated to reclaim it.

Maybe he thinks she'll
come back for it one day.

We've got to
find her, Dad!

She never knew how much
she meant to him.

To all of us!

Y'know, son, I bet I know
where this music box is from.

Maybe they can
give us a clue.

Oh, yes, yes,
this is one of mine,

from my
"Dancing Cat" period.

Do you remember
who bought it?

Oh, goodness,
it feels like a lifetime ago.

I must have made hundreds
of boxes since then,

each marrying sound and
motion to tell a unique story,

the Dance of the
Cosmos in miniature.


Well, we gotta go.

A young man bought this!


Was he handsome?

Oh, very.

Who was it meant for?

A girl. Betsy.

Ah! B.P.!

She ran away.

Went wild, cut herself
off from the world,

hid away in a cave,
never to be seen again.


But, Dad, there are probably
hundreds of caves in...

It's the one at the fork in
the road to Butterscotch Lake!

The box said she does weird
stuff to bodies up there.

That's it!

Why do you think
Betsy ran away, Dad?

Hard to say.

Some people can't
face their troubles.

But, TV, hiding
away won't solve anything.


That teachable moment.





Oh, my glob.

We're too late!

She was too good
for this cruel world.

- It's a model.
- Huh?

It's plastic.


Hey, look at this!

A letter.

Maybe we
shouldn't read this.

Yes, we should.

Dear Justin,
I'm not sure you'll ever read this letter.

Maybe I'm writing this
more for myself anyway.

You know when
you're little

and the future feels
really far away?

You don't know
what it looks like.

You just hope you'll have
stuff figured out by then.

You'll know exactly
how to act and feel.

You'll have conquered
all your fears.

And you'll never feel dumb
or uncomfortable.

You don't think about how
you'll actually get there.

The middle parts,
between now and then...

the middle parts suck!

Which is why I split,
I guess...

Okay, so riding out your
teen years in a cave is

pretty dramatic.

do you know how much
reading you get done in a cave?

I even figured out
a cure for my crab hand!

Oh, Justin,
I hope you're not too upset,

and I hope you didn't
spend too much money

on that birthday present.

It wouldn't have worked
out between us anyway.

You're kind of clingy.

Nurse Betsy Poundcake.

Nurse Poundcake!

I've got the injection,

I'm not gonna
make it, man! Gah!

You will live.

Way to take control of the
situation, nurse.

Save it for the Post-Op, Doc.

B.P. is Nurse Poundcake.

She turned out fine.

But what about
the ripped pages?

Oh, I saw them
in the cabin.

It was just a lot of
mean stuff about Justin.

Hey, that guy must
be pretty sad, huh?

Hey, you wanna
go find him?

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