06x37 - Water Park Prank

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x37 - Water Park Prank

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's adventure time ♪

These anti-fog goggles
work a treat.

Yeah, but now they stink
of dog breath.

Guess what, though?
When we get to the water park,

I'm gonna be ready
in super-quick time,

because look... I'm already
wearing my swim trunks!

I knew there was something
different about you today.

Oh, wait.

Did you remember to pack
your usual shorts

and underwear for getting
changed into

after the water park?

Carry on without me.

I'll take a shortcut
through the toadstool fields

and get there before you!

Heh, heh.

I may have stinky dog breath,

but at least I don't have to
concern myself with underwear.

♪ At first I had no underwear ♪

♪ but this time,
I brought underwear ♪

♪ I'm glad I remembered
my underweaaaar! ♪


Because I feel creepy
without it!


Well done for remembering
your underwear, Finn.

It's a long story.

You see, I forgot to bring
shorts and underwear

for after the water park,

but then I went home
and I got some.

Oh, that's where I'm going.

I take swimming lessons
at the water park.

Where's Jake? He's probably
nearly there by now.

Aww, don't cry.

He'll be fine on his own
till we get there.

It's not me. Look!

Princess orangutan,
what's wrong?

Well, I'd been playing
all morning

when I noticed this puddle.

I only wanted to rest
and cool my legs down.

But when I brought them back out
of the water,

they were covered
in daddy-sad-heads!


Can't you just spin your legs
around and send them all flying?

I can't. I'm too sad.

secrete a tear toxin

that makes the host too sad
to get rid of them,

even though all it would take
is a good shake.

Don't worry, princess!

I've got the perfect tool
for the job.

And I'm already
in my swim trunks.

No, wait!
Don't go in the water!


Why am I crying?

I just told you,
it's a tear toxin.

Were you not listening?

I was half-listening.

Did you hear the part

about how they just need
a good shake to get rid of?

Yeah, but I don't want
to shake them.

What if I hurt them?

Maybe they'll just have
to stay on forever.

This is miserable.

I know.
I use visualization techniques

with my swimming students
all the time.

But I already
know how to swim.

I know,
but what if you visualize

the daddy-sad-heads as little
jingling bells or something?

And if you ring them,
it'll cheer everybody up.

I don't see how a jingling bell
would cheer anybody up,

but I'll give it a try.

Jingle, jingle.

Jingle, jingle.

Nope, it didn't work.
Next plan?

let's do this properly.

Shut your eyes and...
Keep that thing away from me!

When you open your eyes,

you're going to be
the court jester

in the court
of king daddy-sad-head,

and he's really sad.

So he needs you to do a dance
in your funny jingle suit

to cheer him up, okay?

Um, okay.

I think it's working!

That's great, Finn.
Keep it up!

Come with me, your majesty. Hup!
Hey, where are you...

How do you like your new
jingling jester chair?


That visualization technique
worked a treat!

Glad I could be
of service.

Finn, as a token
of my gratitude,

please accept this reward.

It's a magic coin that can
turn into any value

of any currency you want.

Oh, cool!

Will it work in the lockers
at the water park?

Well, yeah,
I suppose so, but...

Nice one.
Chuck it over.


Oh, wait.
Jake's been waiting for ages.

What if he gives up on me
and goes home?

Well, I can give you a lift
if you're not afraid of flying.

Here I come, Jake!

Don't give up on me
and go hoooome!

Don't worry about me, guys.
I'm happy to walk.

What's taking Finn so long?

Tell you what, he's got seven...
Six more minutes,

and then I'm just heading
in there without him.

I mean, I can't be expected to
sit here all day waiting for...

Hey, Jake!
Ah, here he comes now.

Sorry I'm late.

I had to go...
Thanks again, Finn.

Bye! No problem.
See you later!

Yeah, I had to rescue
princess orangutan there.

But guess what?
She gave me a reward

that's going to come in
very handy very soon.


Look, I brought us
two gold coins

so we can have
a locker each.

No way! Oww! What the heck?!

Sorry! I was just trying
to stop you putting the coin in

before I showed you
my magical item.

Well, I hope
it's a healing item

after you just crimped my wrist
with a metal door!

No, look.

It's a magic token
that can fit in any slot.


We've saved ourselves
two gold coins on lockers.

Well, not really, 'cause the lockers
give you the coins back, anyway.

Yeah, but this way only one
of us has to carry a key.

Yeah, but if we lock my locker,
then lock my key in your locker,

we would only have
to carry one key,

but we'd still have
a whole locker each.

Yeah, but could we just use
the reward I earned

for being so brave and rescuing
a princess, please?

Okay, fine.

Thanks very much.

Water slide!
Water slide! Water slide!

No running on poolside,

And we ask
that all pool users

take a quick shower
on the way in.

Cheers, guys.

Hey, guess what, dude?

See that big pile
of ginger hair

and dirty bubbles
clogging the drain?


Well, that's your favorite snack
of all time!

No way, bro!

That's your favorite snack
of all time!

Yuck! No way!

Yes, way!

Blech! Yuck!

Ginger hair.
That's gross.

Water slide!
Water slide! Water sliiiide!

Okay, let's have one more
go on the slide,

then I am turning this water
park into a frozen water park.

And if anyone
doesn't like it, tough.

Hey, ice king.
Hey, ice king.

Oh! Uh... ha ha.

I-I didn't recognize you two there
in your swimwear.

Listen, guys, you'll get
no trouble from me today.

I'm just enjoying a relaxing
day off, okay?


Prank, prank, prank!
Idea for prank!

Details for a prank!


I've just lost my nerve.

Excuse me.
Comin' through.

Ha ha, what a wimp.

Good! Now kick, kick, kick,
kick, kick, kick, kick, kick!

Can I borrow one of these?
Thank you!

Can I take one of these?
Thank you.

Right, off you go.

Um, I just need
to work up my courage.

What a pair
of absolute cowards.

Okay, found my courage.

Aqua brakes!

Okay, dude.
You inflate yourself,

but wait till
I'm out of the...

Right. Next.

Okay, you ready?

Here we goooo!

What just happened?

Could I ask you not to climb
back up the slide, sir?

Just ride it all the way
to the bottom. Thanks.

I didn't do anything!

One minute
I was on my way down,

and the next
I'm back up here!

All right, let's try that one
again, shall we?

Here we goooo!

Now, hold on a minute.

It's too dark to see,
but there must be a...

A trampoline or something

stuck in the tunnel
bouncing me back up.

Very funny, sir.
I think I would've noticed

someone bringing a trampoline
into the slide.

Listen, you've got
one more chance

to slide down properly,

There are
other people waiting.

What's the big hold up?

What are you laughing at?

You're something to do
with this!

It's them!
Where's that dog?

He can, like, go stretchy
and turn into things.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Jake's up there sitting
in the viewing gallery.

And he's reading a pamphlet.


Keep your eyes
on that dog.

Here we go.

Oh, come on!

Dog didn't move
a muscle, sir.

- Let's see if it works for me
- Hey!

Here comes Finn!

No running
and no queue jumping!

Nice work with the pamphlet,
by the way.

It was just an extra detail.

I'll go get rid
of the decoy.

Well, that boy didn't seem to
have any trouble sliding down.

Did you miss us?

I don't now how you did it,

but you'd better own up
and stop making a fool of me!

Right! That's it!

I can't have you assaulting
other pool users.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask
you to leave now, sir.

Well, I'm afraid I'm gonna have
to ask you to freeze now, sir!

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Hey, the water's turned my
fingers too pruny to do magic!

Come in.

Yeah, there's an old guy
lost the plot

at the top of the slide.

I'm getting
the duty manager involved.

Fine, get him involved!

But I'm not leaving until you
carry out a full investigation

of this slide and question
that pair as prime suspects!

Sorry, got to fly!

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

No sliding on the stairs!

For goodness sake!

Are you about
ready to go, Jake?

Yeah, just need to fold up
my towel.

And a lifetime ban means we'll
be keeping a picture of you

behind reception
in case you try to come back.

Well, why don't you blow
that picture up poster sized,

frame it on the wall,

and add a touch of class
to this dump!

Ha ha!
That's good one.

Oh, if you like that one,
you'll love this one!

That's your favorite snack
of all time!

That's your favorite snack
of all time!

Get him out of here!

- Thanks Sun!
- Thanks Sun!

Did you guys have fun
at the water park?

Yes and no.
But mostly yes.

Did you teach
any kids to swim?

As a matter of fact...

Are you okay, Finn?

Yeah, sorry.

This orangutan hair
is inside my hood.

I need to flush them out
in that puddle.

No, wait!
That's the same puddle from before!

Look, guys!

My new court-jester
hat arrived!

But it feels
a bit too tight.

Jingle, jingle!
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