06x42 - Hot Diggity Doom

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x42 - Hot Diggity Doom

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's adventure time ♪

Raaah! Come on!

Get ready, toids!


I'm mean as a bus,
and I'm mad as rocks!

Gumball guardians!

There's an enemy at the gates!

I'm an
all-you-can-eat maniac!

Aw, come on!

Ooh, ooh, ooh!


Thank you, little candies.
Thank you.

You warm the wax heart
of this poor king of Ooo!

Now, I hear you asking,

"King of Ooo,
how can you be so wise?"

I'll tell you how.

Did you know
that I am 8,000 years old?

Could be.

It's true.

I'm that wonderful.

Now, Princess Bubblegum...
she says she hasn't gone rogue.

She says she's not
a wild dog thirsty for blood.

She says
she's not a literal baby

as an adult woman.

She says a lot of things.

Princess Bubblegum,
you don't make sense!

This guy's
really working on me.


Yes, dear?
Do you have something to say?


I'm James's mother,
mrs. James.

My son got turned into
a mutant mass

and was exiled
to the badlands

by Princess Bubblegum.

Trehh! Boo.

Who isn't mad
about their mutant children?

What about sweet P, King of Ooo?

You threatened to burn down
his mama's orchard.

I did.
That is true.

Sweet P,
I was like a cornered animal.

"I knew no' what thy doone."

I'm sorry, sweet p.


Psst... Give me a kiss.

Do you hear us,
Princess Bubblegum?

Do you hear us?!

Shhhhhhhhut up.

Princess, I'm sorry to disturb you,

but I feel
that you must campaign.

The candy people
are real dumb.

I'm studying something
that could be real important.

This dumb election.

It's not even...

I mean, it's barely even...

Barely even legal.

"A barely
and yet fully legal election"...

That's what
my campaign manager told me.

Let's hear it for him...

Mr. X!

Weird, right?

And even being legal,
I mean, I made everyone.

I made their homes.

The candy people are mercurial,
but they're not dillweeds.

And this
definitely legal election

is in the jam-covered fingers
of you, the people...

The candies.

So, go.

Vote with your hearts.
Vote with your minds.

Vote for the candidate
who's not a teenage gum-golem.

I mean,
they know that I love them.

And the votes are in.

King of ooo
is our new Princess.

Hey, hey!



You dillweeds!

You're a dillweed,

you're a dillweed's secretary,

and you're probably
some dillweed I've never met!

You're three dillweeds
being dillweeds,

and you're going to dillweed
this place into the ground!

And You...

Princess! Princess!

I don't know
what a dillweed is.

Hey, pb, what's the plan?


Your allegiance
is to the kingdom.

Dudes, I don't know.

I don't know
when I'll be back in charge...

If I'll be back in charge.

I need you both
to stick around here

and make sure
the candy people are safe,

even if it means
working for a wad.

Auf wiedersehen,
meine champions.



♪ There's a new golden
and waxy mornin' ♪

♪ Good times a-comin' ♪

♪ you've got your warning ♪

♪ There's cheap healthcare,
the workcamp's there ♪

♪ the general tone
is laissez-faire ♪

♪ I'm a Princess,
I'm a Princess ♪

♪ I'm a priiiinceeeess ♪

What's up, peps?

It's stuck.

Ho, no, no, no, no!

It's okay, everyone.
It's okay.

Close your eyes
and repeat your safety mantra...

Hoodie hoodie hoodup,
hoodie hoodie hoodup, hoodie...

Princess? Huh?

Oh. Sorry, peps.

I'm just so used to having
my citizens around to protect.

This is gonna
take some getting used to.

Permission to speak freely,


This horrible dump
does not meet

the level of fancy to which
I have become accustomed.


Also, FYI...

My uncle gumbald built
this cabin with his bare hands.

I spent my summers here
when I was younger.

Anyway, it'll probably
take a really long time

for the candy people
to realize

a bad ruler
is worse than a good ruler.

Plenty of time
to spruce this place up.


Starchy thought life would be
better under the King of Ooo,

but now there's
even more stuff to sweep.

Poor old starchy.

Always getting
the sweaty end of the lollipop.

Hey, starchy.
What are you doing... sweeping?

Oh, uh, yes, sir.
Yes, sir.


- Yeah.
- Mm.

Hey, is it me,
or is getting purpler out here?

Oh, yeah.

I think
that's the catalyst comet.

Guess it's getting pretty close
or whatever.

Getting Close?

Should we evacuate or...

What? No, no.
It's cool, I think.

It's just here to, like, shake
things up, you know? It's okay.

We've got sort of a...
A relationship.


Oh, starchy
don't feel good about this.

- Starch?
- Eht.

Starchy's mind
is burdened.

Oh, Mrs. Gumdrop!
He's coming.

The comet... it's gonna snuff
out all life as we know it.

- What?!
- Oh, Good Glob!

Shouldn't we try
and calm them down?

Ehh, not after that whole

"knock my tower over
onto the castle" thing.

A lot of guys got smooshed.

They need to hear it
from someone they really trust.

King of Ooo!
King of Ooo!

- King of Ooo?
- King of Ooo?

King of ooo?

Wait, are you saying
"King of Ooo"?

What are you saying?

I thought it was
"Kinkoff Goo."

Hey. You hear that?


King of Ooo?

King of Ooo?

King of Ooo!

What the...

It's that guy
from before.

He's mucking around
with PB's ship...

Added all kinds of engines
to it.


Hey, what do you think
you're doing?

PB don't let nobody
touch her stuff...

Not even me, and I'm cool...
Least of all you,

you sauce-tasting
brian-sniffer... whoa!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Yeeh! Yeeh! Yeeh!





Hey, I'm back...

What the bing bong
ping pong?!


What the King Kong
sing song?!

Whoaaaa... oof!

Sayonara, suckers!



Comet! Comet! Comet! Comet!

Comet! Comet!



Toronto, I've been Princess
for four hours,

and society has already
totally collapsed.

Plus, now the sky is falling,
I guess.

Is this possibly...
Somehow my fault?


No way!
Okay, look.

Without your calming presence
and selfless leadership,

this situation would have been
a hundred times worse.

History will remember you
as ooo's greatest hero.

As always,
the voice of reason.

Once again, my saintly nature
has compelled me,

unthinking, to assume
the burdens of others.

But a true justice
demands a true accounting.

And truly this is all
Bubblegum's fa-aa-aa-ault!


Good Glob!
What no-o-o-o-o-w?

Looking good, peps.

Man, this feels
kind of good, right?

It's like we're building a whole
new kingdom from scratch,

only without all
my beloved citizens this time.

And their dull,
pleading chicken eyes.

Maybe the King of Ooo

Could hold down the fort
for a little while.

I mean, what's the worst
that could happen?

Anyway, I'm gonna
get some fresh air.


What the...

Why's it so purple outsi...

Season 06 Episode 43
Title: "The COMET"

Sync corrections by srjanapala

What the...

Why's it so purple outsi...


It's too smoky to see.

Oh! Something's peeking.

Someone's jacking
your spaceship!

That is my ship!

But it looks like
it's been modded out.

That much engine power...

It'll break through
the atmosphere

before I can do anything
to stop it.

Finn and Jake!

Yeah! Get that guy!

- Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
- Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

- Aaaaaaaaaaaah!
- Aaaaaaaaaaaah!


My Thorn.

I think
we should go inside.


What are you doing?!

What am I doing?

A fog shrouds my true intent
even from myself.


The catalyst comet.

It all becomes clear.

I am more than Gunther.

Like a mighty chrysalis
pushing out of a damp cocoon,

I emerge!

Jake! You okay?

Yeah, man.
Just don't croak out here.

Hey, man,
look at Gunther.


I am orgalorg!


That's pretty.

Looks good, right?

Hey, where's Glob?

I don't know.
Um, he exploded in space.

Yeah, thought so.

are you still Gunther?

'Cause you seem like
you're not.

I'm orgalorg.

Well, what the heck
are you doing, orgalorg?

It was just
time to come out again.

Glob K.O.-Ing himself,

the arrival
of the catalyst comet,

and a ship to carry me
out of this planet's gravity...

These are doorways
the universe presented to me.

Oh, I know about
open-door philosophy.

What's that? You just
say yes to stuff all the time?

Pretty much.

That seems all right.

It's all yours,

if you're
willing to take it.

Destroy worlds,
crush anyone blocking the door.

Feel their bones crumple
and their goo spill out.

I don't like that
at all.

He made it ugly.

You can't stop me.
I'm orgalorg.

I'm pretty sure
I can take you, bro.

Not after I absorb the power
and knowledge of that comet.

Absorb a triple salchow
to your kneecaps.


- Whoa!
- Whoa!

- Grab my hand!
- Okay.


Hey, stop drifting!

I'm not trying to!

Ooh! Maybe I can use
jet propulsion.

Oh, no, I can't breathe.

Jake, no!

Don't worry, man!
I'm working out a plan!

Freaking bing bong!

Jake's gonna fulfill
his croak dream after all.

And that dirty umbrella
is gonna enslave the universe.

Cram... come on.

This is gonna take forever.

I'm gonna croak out here,

like a fish
in the hands of a child.

Okay, Finn.

Time to make an appeal
to greater forces.

♪ Everything's
falling into place ♪

♪ I'm right where I should be ♪

♪ The tides of life
all led me here ♪

♪ And that's why
I'm not scared ♪

♪ I know the answer will appear, ♪

♪ ple-e-e-ease ♪

Hey, spaceman.

Wha... dad?!

This is so crazy, Finn.

What are you doing
out here?

Floating to my grave!
Hurry up and save me!

Can't, buddy.
This baby does what it wants.

Are you kidding me?!

No, for real.

Get that guy there!

I'm just flying random-style.

It's not random!

I merged my intention
with the universe.

You what?

Oh! Wait.
I have an idea.


Here... grab on this.

No, it's cool.
You got gloves on.

Oh, yeah.

You all right?


Thanks, dad.
Thanks, universe.

Come again?

Oh! We got to save Jake!

He's out there
choking on gas!

Like I said, I got
no control over this beast.

We're on
a journey into mystery,

unless I figure out
what this bozo responds to.

It's kind of fun, right?

See, there's no reason
or purpose or what you said...

Uh, universal intention.

Look around, Finn.

Empty crud.
So empty.

I don't know.
There's some stars and stuff.

You're squeezed so tight,
your bottom's gonna fall out.

Put the phone down.

- "Put the phone down"?
- Yeah...


What's going on, huh?

The light of the comet.


That's pretty neat.

This moth
is so bananas, man.

"Bananas, man."

"Bananas, man."

Uh-oh. What's that?

Almost there.

That dude's gonna absorb
the comet's mystical power

and crush everybody.

Who the heck
raises guys like that?

You think he had
neglectful parents, like you?

Or would he have always been
a no-good orgalorg?

Oh, gob slops!
Not orgalorg!

You... you...
You know him?


What do you think...
I'm a dumb brick?

I don't know orgalorg?

Oh, yeah.

He ate the comet!

I got to stop him.

It's too late, buddy.
It's out of our hands.

Skronk that!

I'm gonna use these hands
to sock him in the chops!

In the chops!

Hey! Dinglord!

In the name of...

The universe,
stop that!


Grass sword.





I didn't open this door.


do you remember?


Yeah, I-I think so.

A long time ago,
I was you, sort of.

And I crashed on earth and
became a butterfly or some biz.

And I guess it was
just some random absurd thing,

just a joke I've been
playing out for centuries.

Who's creating the joke?

Are you?

And if so,
then are you my creator?

Uh, maybe.
I don't know.

Probably not.

Probably not,
but who knows?

I've been around forever

and experienced
so much impossible junk.

I've embodied
all that is good and evil.

And now we're here.

It's unprecedented.

And I give you
a choice...

Come with me
to the end and the beginning

or struggle here awhile
like a beautiful autumn leaf.

What's that bell sound?

Cool, man.

This is your crisis.

As you stand
on the edge of freedom

from love...







Video games...

Ice-cream waffles...










How long
are you gonna list stuff?

It's a long list.

You're telling me
to abandon all this stuff,

but you're not really
making it sound bad.

It's not bad.

I'm just giving you the choice
of a new mode of existence.

I feel like I put a lot of work
into this meat reality.

I'd like
to see it through.

Fair enough.

Hey, how about
I get a new mode?

Are you seriously trying
to bail out again?!

This deal sounds pretty good.


I know that look.

When you fled the scene

like a ding-dong-ditcher
in the night...

Listen, Finn.

No answer I give you
will be satisfying.

it was like 40 years ago.

I'm 16!

I don't have a star
to revolve around to track time.

Well, why do you
always run from everything?

You burn enough Bridges,

the only direction to move
is forward.


Well, there ain't
no changing you, I guess.

Well, I'm glad we finally
understand each other.

Start the engine,
comet boy!

to discorporate.

Goodbye, son!

Bye, dad.

I should have asked
for a lift home.



I thought I had lost...



- You okay, Finn?
- What?!

Jake! Banana man?!


I was just
floating around,

and I drifted
into B-man's flight path.

Pretty random, right?

It-It-It wasn't random.
I did it.

Let's get
the jazz out of here.


There we go. See?

took care of itself.

You think Finn and Jake
are all right?

I'd say
it's about a 50/50 chance.

That's pretty much
everything in life, isn't it?

Yeah. Whoa!

What's that?!

Hey, PB.
We took care of it.

Good job, guys.

Mm, I'm gonna croak
out here.
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