06x07 - Food Chain

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x07 - Food Chain

Post by bunniefuu »

[ mouse squeaks ]

[ penguins wenk ]

[ all cheering ]

[ screeches ]

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the caterpillar
and Finn the flower ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

[ kids laughing, cheering ]


That was awesome!

Let's go over there!

[ laughter, cheering continue ]


Come on! Come on!





[ muffled laughter, cheering ]


Why would I need to know
about caterpillar families?

I don't get it.

Well, they look like
they're having fun.

[ scoffs ]

Real leaves aren't
made out of candy.

They always have
a gross, bitter taste.

[ laughs ]

Terry eats all the caterpillars!

Ah, it's so good!

That's gross, too.

There's no way real
caterpillars are delicious.

You think?

I bet they taste
great if you're a bird.

The caterpillar eats the leaf.

Then the bird eats
the caterpillar.

Then the big bird
eats the little bird.

The big bird then dies, and its
remains decompose into rich,

fertile soil.

And from that soil,
a new plant bursts to life.

And then the caterpillar
eats the plant again.

And so the circle
of life continues.

This is a law of nature
we call the food chain.

Isn't that fascinating?

TERRY: Yo, Princess Bubblegum,
do birds play football?

No, Terry.

They don't.

[ sighs ]
That's weak, ma'am.

You guys, this is lame.

[ all sighing, complaining ]

No way I'm eating a bug's butt.

Those kids are right.

What's the big deez about
the food chain, anyway?

Let's hit the snack bar
and eat something yummy.

[ twinkle! ]

[ Mozart's "The Magic Flute"
playing ]

[ both singing
"The Magic Flute" ]

Hey, this is pretty fun!

Hey, have you noticed
we are birds now?

I'm hungies.

Look over there.

That oasis looks
pretty good to me.

Bon appétit!

[ gulps ]

Oh, dude, you ate those?!

Come on, man.

We're sweet, sweet birds,
and we get to eat worms.

This is a unique experience.

[ gulps ]

[ groans ]

Uh, how did I get so mad chubs?

I only ate one grub.

Dude, you've been
eating grubs for hours.


You're a beast.

[ whistle! ]

[ both screaming ]

Help me, Jake!

My body's too bloated to fly!


[ boing! ]

[ zoom! ]

[ grunting ]


[ twinkle! ]

[ grunts ]

Ugh, there goes my din-din.

Why am I hungry again?


Who are you?

It's me, Finn.

Dang, when did you get so big?

…and old?

[ stomach growls ]

[ sizzle! ]

You feeling okay, bro?

Jake, we are good friends.

So let me just say you
look awesome right now.

Ha, really?


You're looking tasty.

[ muffled ] Hey, why don't
you take a seat in my mouth?


It's okay.
It's okay.

Just give it a try.

It's a new experience, right?

Wow, you have a lot of saliva.

[ chuckles ]

You must have a
broken pipe, old timer.

It's comfy, though.

[ chomps ]


Did you just try and eat me?!


But if I did,
that'd be okay, right?

You are trying to eat me.

I'm just following
the law of nature.

What're you talking about?

I don't know.

I just feel that way.

[ chomps ]

[ groans ]

Aw, Jake, you're missing
out…by not getting eaten

…by me.


Sorry, man.
I'm not into it.

[ thud ]

So alone.

So hungry.

[ weakly ]
The law of nature…

has claimed this bod.

[ groaning weakly ]


What a big turnout.

Top notch!

To decompose stuff!


We are so pumped!


[ sniffs ]

What's that smell?

It looks amazing! Yay!


Party time!

So good!


This bird went bad so well!

You took it too far, man.

I'm a dog, and I eat all
kinds of horrible things.

This is disgusting.

FINN: Come on, think of it
as a conversation starter -- like,

"The other night,
I ate the grossest thing

I've ever tasted."

You know, it's interesting.

[ gulping ]

Whew! I'm full.

[ whooshing ]

- Whoa!
- Aah!



- Aah!
- Aah!

What's going on?!


[ whooshing ]

[ squeaking ]

[ burps ]

♪ To a plant ♪

♪ A day is short ♪

[ vocalizes ]

♪ Help ♪

♪ Hey, birds ♪

♪ You are my hero ♪

[ static ]

[ both laughing ]

[ panting ]

I think we're safe now…

and also caterpillars.

[ breathing heavily ]

We're still in a bind, man.

No food, no water.

I'm hungry.

I'm thirsty.

[ panting ]
Hey, look.

[ breathing heavily ]

It's another caterpillar.

Huh? You okay?

She's beautiful.

She's just a caterpillar, dude.

Looks like she's gonna faint.

[ whimpering ]

You see?

Huh. "Love is blind" --

That must apply to all species.

Oh, I see.

Your name is Erin, and
there's a famine in your town,

so that's why you're out here
searching for an oasis.

Yes, I have to
hurry and find food.

my family won't survive.

[ weakly ]
But i don't know if i can go on.

[ thunk ]

Hold on, Erin.

Food! Water! Shade!

Where are you?!

Over there -- the oasis!

[ muffled ]


You like leaves now?

So good, dude.

[ bonk! ]

[ gasps ]

Your eyes.

Hey, hey, hey.

Move over a bit.
I got a rhythm going, here.

I've never been this happy.

[ chuckles ]

This oasis is pretty romantic, huh?

Sure, I guess.

JAKE: So, how many kids
you want to have?

Uh, d-d-do you
want to get married?


[ bells ringing ]

And will you, Finn,

take this caterpillar
to be your wife,

even if she becomes a flower
or a bird or a bacteria,

to love and to cherish
till death do you part?


[ all cheering ]

You may now kiss the bride.


[ all screaming ]

This way, Erin!

Hey, is that my butt?

Man, it's been a while!


When we're reborn
as caterpillars,

I'll marry you all over again!

That's beautiful, Finn!

But when we're bacteria,
I might see other people!

[ retches ]

Hey, why are you
eating caterpillars?

My eyes are open.

The caterpillar eats the leaf.

Then the bird eats
the caterpillar.

Then the big bird
eats the little bird.

The big bird then dies, and
its remains decompose into rich,

fertile soil.

And from that soil,
a new plant bursts to life.

And then the caterpillar
eats the plant again.

And so the circle of
life continues.

[ jazzy piano playing ]

[ shoes tapping ]

♪ Round and round
as the nature flows ♪

♪ It's like
one big ring ♪

♪ Caterpillars
eat plants ♪

♪ Small birds
eat caterpillars ♪

♪ Big birds
eat small birds ♪

♪ Bacteria eats
the dead big bird ♪

♪ From there,
plants grow ♪

♪ Again,
caterpillar eats the plant ♪

♪ How natural, no waste,
it is an endless chain ♪

♪ What an amazing,
wonderful, and excellent ♪

♪ How harsh, not careless,
it's an endless chain ♪

♪ What an amazing, wonderful,
and excellent food ♪

♪ Food chain ♪

[ song ends ]

Eh, so what? Let's go play.

Yeah, weirdo.

[ all sighing, complaining ]

I wanna play sports.

Come on. Let's go.

[ all laughing, cheering ]

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ And the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander through the forest ♪

♪ And do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ To a cliff under a tree ♪

This party is so crazy!
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