01x01 - Pilot

Complete collection from season one to five. Aired: September 2005 to May 2010.*
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A newlywed with the ability to communicate with the earthbound spirits of the recently deceased overcomes skepticism and doubt to help send their important messages to the living and allow the dead to pass on to the other side.
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01x01 - Pilot

Post by bunniefuu »

Sit next to this man, Melinda. We're going to help him.


It's all right, honey.

You and your grandmother are the only ones here who can see me.

Will you help me?

That's my wife.

We've been together for 26 years and then I had to go.

I had to go so quickly I didn't have time to say goodbye to her, didn't have time to tell her how much I love her.

And she really needs to hear it now.

Will you give her that message for me?

How will she know it's from you?

Tell her I want her to keep on having a glass of champagne every Friday night.

I want her to light the fire like we always did and make our secret toast to the moon and stars like we always did.

And tell her to never feel alone.

And then she'll know.

I don't understand.

I know, honey.

But you will.

Can't we sneak out? They'll never miss us.

We haven't collected all of our gifts yet.


Besides, your Uncle Vinnie might fall into the bandstand again.

Come on, can't miss that.

I think he was dancing with Andrea. That's what I heard.

She kicked him with those boots.

Don't tell me you see something.

No. No.

No. No way. It's nothing.

That's good. That's good.

Because it'd be nice to keep the celebration, you know, among the living.

But the night is young.

Hey. Don't tell me I scared you.

Very funny. I just didn't know if you were gonna make it.

Are you kidding? I finally get to see my only brother settle down.

You guys look pretty delirious to me.

We're happy.

We are. It's just, Jim is struggling with the job a bit.

The only paramedic I know who hates the sight of blood.

Someone died on him last week.

First time. He's just having a hard time dealing with it.

One time, I took a header off a roof in college.

Now, don't ask me what I was doing on the roof.

Broke more damn bones than I knew I had.

He was right there, though. And I was scared to death.

But the way he talked to me...

Yeah, I know.

The thing about Jim is that he can take away your fear.

He makes more of a difference than he knows.

He would so love to hear that from you.

I'm giving it to you.

Save it for when he's really ready to throw in the towel.

You'll know.

Can you see us?

Hey, Andrea.

Boss, no way.

You cannot be here today.

It's just for the afternoon.

Jim's got some big surprise going and he wants me to stay away from it.

And this is the only place you could think of to come?

That's unbelievably sad for you.

"Speak and Understand Latin.

"A Conversation in Latin.

"Latin for Dummies."

Please, not another hobby.

It is not a hobby.

I am trying to improve my mind.

I thought you were teaching yourself how to play the guitar.

I was. Wicked blisters, though.

Hey, you know, no one actually speaks Latin any more.

That is exactly what appeals to me about it.

So, what does Jim have planned?

Oh, I don't know.

He's obsessed with making up for no honeymoon.

As well he should be.

Oh, well, let's see, two weeks in Bermuda or Andrea's salary?

Honeymoons are totally overrated.

What's this?

I don't know. I thought you brought it in.

Well, I've seen it before.

Or something like it.

I shouldn't have had that second bottle, huh?

You know, you only have to do this for the doorway, not the whole street.

Oh, now she tells me.

All right. Here we are. The final turn.

Our first night in our new home.

Better make a note of that.

All right, step one. Remove blindfold.

Oh, thank you.

Step two, close one eye so you only see the part of it that's almost finished.

Damn. Wrong eye.

I love it!

I love it. You must've worked, like, a month of nights.

Don't be too impressed.

The inside still looks like Legoland.

I don't care. It's our home.

Our home.

Oh, bad one?

The usual.

Have anything to do with what you saw while we were dancing?

Hey, I thought you were gonna try and give this a rest.

Yeah, and when you find the remote that turns that off, you let me know.

I'm just worried about you. That's all.

You're looking out for me, huh?

No, I'm looking out for me.

You punch pretty hard during these bad dreams.

Yeah, well, maybe I was faking those bad dreams.

I just think you're banking a lot of pain.

Other people's pain, not mine.

It becomes yours.

Look who's talking, Mr Paramedic.

It's hard to get used to.


Being cared about so much.

I know my business.

I'm taking it. I'm taking your spot.

Help me!

Help me!

In your house?

Yeah. It's never happened before.

Persona non grata.

As we say in Latin. What did Jim say?

You know, I made an executive decisión not to spoil the moment.

Good call. Well, so is there a difference between the ghosts that come right into your house and the ones that you see on the street?

No. They're all earthbound spirits.

Just some of them are stuck longer here than others.

Are there spirits here? Right now?

Only two.


Here in the shop? Where?

Well, there's an older woman sitting next to that guy with the laptop.

Probably his mother.

Well, what do they look like?

Well, if they're having trouble coming through, they can look pretty scary, but once they realise where they are, they start to look like you and me.

Go talk to her.

And the espresso guy, there's an older guy standing right behind him talking to him in Spanish.

He doesn't understand why his son can't hear him.

Okay, you are really freaking me out.

Are you saying that Village Java is haunted?

No, places aren't haunted. People are haunted.

So then why is this guy haunting you?

He's lost.


Hey, what are you doing?

The wind!

It blew the tarp off the thing, so I'm just tying it back on.

Go back to bed. I'll be in, in a minute.

The window just came off in my hands.

I meant for that to happen.

Be careful.

I don't know where I am.

I need you to help me.

They told me you could.

Who told you?

I don't know.

You're not supposed to be in my home.

That's not how this works.

Please. I have to go home.

My wife is pregnant.

She doesn't know where I am.

What do you see around you?

I'm in a valley.

A low valley.

It's dark.

Please help me.

I don't know if I can.

What's your name?

Paul Adams.

I'm a sergeant from Fort Driscoll.

Sorry. I know I said I'd be there at 10:00. I'm on my way.

No, it's okay.

There haven't been any actual customers anyway.

Oh, stop trying to cheer me up.

What? What? Are you okay?


Oh, yeah. Yeah. I almost hit a dog.

I may be just a few more minutes.

I'm sorry about the mess.

We had a meeting last night that unfortunately erupted into fisticuffs.



So, your boy there, Paul Adams, he's from the village?

Yeah, I think so.

I'm trying to get the family some information on him.

He was listed MIA in 1972, and my husband told me that I should come and see you, because if anyone would know, you would.

I'm flattered beyond all recognition.

Okay. So how can I be of service?

I don't really know.

Draft records, enlistment records...

Anything that might trace his whereabouts the year he went missing.

I know that he was stationed at Fort Driscoll.

Let me check on the computer in the back and see what comes up. Give me a minute.

Oh, well, I don't wanna put you out.

Oh, yeah, I'd much rather be sweeping up this debris than helping a beauteous young thing such as yourself.

You can see me, can't you?

Oh, come on! You can too see me.

I'm not blind.

All right. Yes, yes, I can see you, but you know what?

It's really not a good time.

It's a small thing. You have to tell Joe the key to the safe-deposit box is in the pocket of my blue raincoat.

I left it there the last time I had it and there's so many papers and insurance things.

How can I tell him something like that?

I mean, what's he gonna think?

Excuse me.

I am the one who's been hanging around here for who knows how long trying to find some way to let him know.

So who has the bigger problem? You or me?

I came up with the same last name, but only the first initial.

Now, there is an address, but who knows?

It could be a condo or a mall by now.

But it's a good start and I really appreciate it.

Don't mention it.

Anytime you wanna come by for a little more "skintallating" conversation, please do, huh?

You know...

You know what I have a really bad habit of doing?

Sometimes I leave really important things in my coat pockets.

I forget about them.

What the hell are you talking about?

What the hell are you talking about?

Will you just tell him?

Okay, I know how this is gonna sound, but I have a message from your wife.

She wants you to know that the safe-deposit box key is in her blue raincoat.



Sorry to bother you.

Do you know if a family named Adams ever lived here?

Still do. You wanna buy?

Tempting, especially 'cause it's actually built and all.

How long has it been in your family?

And you are?

Oh, Melinda Gordon. I live on the other side of the village.

Michael Adams.

My parents used to live here. When my mother died, I took it over.

Are you Paul Adams' son?


He served in Vietnam.

How do you know that?


I'm collecting information on some local Vietnam vets and I found your father's name at the V.F.W. Post.

I'm sorry. I can't really tell you much.

But your father is listed MIA. Did the army ever give you any...

Nope. They just said that he was MIA, presumed dead, three months before I was born.

There's a marker for him at the cemetery, but nobody ever found him.

I'm so sorry.

Do you know what unit he was in?

Yeah. Fifth Infantry, Red Diamonds.

He had a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart.

He was an expert marksman.

He was funny and reliable.

At least, that's what my mom said.

He had very neat handwriting.

And you said you couldn't tell me much.

My mom used to tell me stories about him every night.

She wanted me to know him.

She wanted me to know he was a hero.

Please tell me if you find out anything about my dad.


It's amazing how much you can miss somebody you never met.

I will.

Well, I don't wanna keep you.

Thanks for talking to me and I'll be in touch.
Oh, my God. You must've been dying to tell him.

Tell him what? That his dead father was dripping mud in my living room last week?

Point taken. Probably not the best move.

Did he look like his father?

Yeah, a little, around the eyes.

Do you think he's single, by any chance?


But the thing is, his wife is, like, nine months pregnant.

It made me realise something.

Paul told me that his wife was pregnant, but what he doesn't realise is that it's his son's wife that's about to have a baby, not his wife.

You know, it really explains a lot.

Right. Although not to me.

Okay. Whenever there's a big change in a family, like a child about to be born, it sends a ripple effect through the spirit worid.

It wakes up a spirit of someone close.

That is why Paul is here.

He just doesn't really understand why yet.

You're gonna have to tell him.

I know. I just have to wait until he finds me again.


Who told you I could help you?


Hey, hey, hey, hey, it's okay. It's just me.

It was just a dream.



You're helping someone, aren't you?

I know I said I would give it a rest, but I can't...

I can't help it. He's a soldier and...

You don't have to explain to me.

Look, I'm just asking you to try to keep it at arm's length.

Remember the magic word.


Follow me.

Paul, you told me you were in a low valley of some kind.

I think you might've actually been in a place called the Lo Valley, L-O, and I just need for you to remember your last day there, remember what happened.

Sometimes I see bits and pieces.

I remember being in a helicopter.

I could see tracers coming up at us from the treetops.

I could feel the chopper slipping and sliding.

I could hear the ping of b*ll*ts off the hull and I Knew we were hit, and we were going down.

I remember seeing a waterfall as we went down.

I remember thinking how beautiful it was and I was glad that the last thing I was gonna see was so pretty.

And then I remember crying

because I was never gonna see my baby.

It can't be.

My wife, she... She's pregnant.

She had a son three months after you were reported missing.

He's 33 now, with a wife and a baby of his own on the way.

I missed it all?

It's like I just woke up and now it's all over.

You have a son who's very proud of you.

He has all of your medals and he knows everything about you.

My wife? Is she all right?

I'm so sorry.

He mentioned that she died a while ago, I think.

What's his name?

My son.


That was my father's name.

That's what I wanted.

I just can't believe it.

I loved my life so much.

I was just getting started.

Can you...

Can you talk to my wife?

Can you let me see her?

I wish I could.

But I can only see spirits who haven't crossed over yet.

Crossed over where?

Into the light.

Does my son know how I died?

Just that you were reported MIA.

Will you...

Will you tell him?

Thanks for seeing me on such short notice.

You asked me to tell you if I got any information about your father.


Your father died in a helicopter crash over a place called Lo Valley.

I don't know much about the place, except it's pretty remote and near a waterfall.

Maybe you can take that information to the Pentagon and see if they can come up with anything.

How do you know this?

You should also know that in his last moments he was thinking of you.

He was heartbroken that he would never see his child.

What? How could you know that?

Your father came to me for help.

I don't understand what you're trying to say. Just tell me...

Look, the thing is, I have a gift.

Your father is dead, but his spirit is still here.

He just hasn't crossed over yet, and he wants you to know where he is and what happened.

I'm so sorry. I'm really not explaining this very well.

I guess I didn't realise how transparent I am.

There's been this giant hole in my life as long as I can remember.

Even now I feel lost.

I never got used to him not being around.

It takes somebody like you to see that and take advantage of it?

Get out of my house.

Look, I think this was your father's and I know that he would want you to have...

But what kind of person would do this? What kind of scam is this?

What's next?

I'll give you $ 100
and you'll send him a message for me?

You come into my house, you dishonour his memory with this con job?

Props and all. Get out!

Get out!

I didn't ask you for anything.

I don't want anything from you.

Just please call the Pentagon and ask.

Must be great having supernatural powers.

Not really.


I hope we have some wine.

Right here.

We forget to pay the light bill?

I have a headache.

And I crossed two wires in the basement and blew the circuits.

That's why you're a paramedic and not an electrician.

What's up?

It ever seem weird to you that we're both kind of in the death business?


You know, I used to think in a funny kind of way, that I could keep them from you, you know, lighten your load.



What happened?

I almost lost another one today.

A 55-year-old guy just collapsed in the street.

You know, he was blue before we even reached him.

I worked on this guy 20 minutes and the only thing I could think that whole time was I am not gonna let him get to you. I swear.

I felt like I was gonna die myself if this guy died.

Did he?

No. I mean, I brought him back.

That's great.

Honey, I cannot stand both of us being this way.

You know? Both of us dealing with who stays, who goes. I gotta do something different.

You know, someday I'm going to make a mistake and the next guy...

He's not gonna come back.

Or at least he's not gonna come back to me.

What are you thinking?

I'm thinking about your brother.

What he said to me.

To you? He died before we even met, you know?

It was the summer after...

He was at our wedding.

He was?

He's been with you all along.

Had to see you settle down. Had to see you happy.

What'd he say?

He talked about falling off the roof and how you held him, how you talked to him...

I couldn't save him. I was too late.

Hey. No one could have saved him.

It was just his time, that's all.

But he wanted me to tell you something and he wanted me to wait until you were really ready to throw in the towel.

He said, "The thing about Jim is, "he knows how to take all your fear away.

"People feel it.

"He makes more of a difference than he knows."

He wouldn't want you to give up.

Look, if there is one thing that I know, it's that what happens to these people in their last moments, it really matters.

And you do great work. No matter what.

We're in the life business.

Death is just a part of it.



My wife made me call the Pentagon, give them the information that you gave me.

They narrowed it down to this place they believe my father was assigned to in a chopper in June of '72.

They're working with the Vietnamese government to send a search team to see if they can find anything.

Where did you get this information?

How did you get this?

I told you the truth.

And I know it's really hard to believe, but I got my information from him.

Is this real?

I mean, can you really talk to my father?

Ask him if he still has the last letter I sent to his mother.

The one where I told her to set up a picture of me facing his crib.

Your father wants to know if you still have the last letter he sent to your mother.

Is he here?

Yeah. Right here with us.

Yes. Tell him yes.

Tell him he grew up real good.

Tell him I'm proud of him.

He said you grew up really well and he's proud of you.

Did he hurt?

Was he in pain?

He doesn't really remember any of it.

He just remembers thinking of you and your mother and he misses her and...

Tell him...

He can hear you. He's right next to me.


She never forgot about you.

She told me stories about you every night, mostly happy ones, sometimes sad ones.

She made you alive to me, but it just made me miss you more.

I mean, did you see me growing up?

Tell him I've been lost.

But now I can.

And I see his wife, and I'll see my grandchild.

I'll always be close by.

I'll always be watching.

He says he was lost, but now he can.

And he'll always be close by. He will always be watching.

We'll find you.

If I have to go there myself and find you, I will.

I'll bring you back. I will.

Tell him he has to go home, home to his wife. She needs him.

It's all that matters now.

When that baby comes into his life, man, don't miss a second of it.

Not one second.

Nothing waits for you.

That's the one thing he's gotta remember.

He wants you to go home to your wife. She needs you.

I don't want to leave.

I mean, there's so much I want to know, so many questions.

He wants you to...

He wants you to know that everything you need is inside of you.

And if you get lost, you just...

You look at that compass, 'cause it got him home.

Tell him I'll walk with him.

He wants to walk with you.

Thank you.


Are you there?

Man, it's cold.

Do you have your keys? You always forget your keys.

I do. I do.

Okay. You promise?

Hey, you sure you don't want me to go with you?

No. Go to work. I'll be fine.

You better miss me.

Do already.

Present arms!



Aim! Fire!

Aim! Fire!

What do you think of your grandson?

It's funny.

I look at him and I feel like I can go now.

Can I?

It feels like it's time.

If you're ready, you should see something.

Or someone.

Is that what that is?

That light?

I don't know.

You're the only one that can see it.

I do see it.

Right over by that tree.

What? What do you see?

My wife.

She's standing right there.

She's telling me to come.

She looks as beautiful as the day I left.

Forward march!

Can you see us?
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