05x02 - The Forgotten Swordsman

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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05x02 - The Forgotten Swordsman

Post by bunniefuu »

[wind whistling, paper rustling]

[tense music]

[low growling]



[intense choral music]



with this,
the Seal of the Ancients,

I command you!

Raise Chris Bradford,

our fallen comrade.

Very well...


[high-pitched whir]


[tone chimes]

[indistinct chanting]



I... live!

[laughing maniacally]

Behold the power of life!

The power to bring back
our leader.

I do not have all I need

to raise your precious
Shredder yet.

Two things remain;

his heart, through which
new life can flow,

and his lost helmet,
the Kuro Kabuto,

which holds his mental energy.

Then it is essential
we recover them.

Bradford, Xever,

find the Kuro Kabuto
and bring it to me.


[heavy guitar chords]

[glass shatters]



[driving percussive music]



[jazzy theme music]




[low growl]


Now we're talking.

I've got an idea!

[groans] Aw, sewer apples!





[keyboard clacking]

How's it going, guys?

Casey Jones is armed and ready!

Check it out. I found this
at Ray's Occult Book Shop.

It's got some weird stuff
on Demodragons.

Which is great, because
my Internet sources

are spotty at best.

Well, we need to be ready soon.

Raph! Chompy's distracting me
from my game!



That's it...
Meeting in the dojo.

One minute, Leo.

Not one minute.

Remember what Splinter said
about being diligent?


A rolling stone
with moss on it...

Needs to play video games?

Tiger Claw's out there
with a dragon,

and all you can think of
is "Super Commando 3"?

Chillax, Leo.

Hot Head isn't going anywhere.

Well, then you have time
to clean up all your comics

and empty pizza boxes.

In fact, clean up now,

or no TV for a week.
A week?

Raph, back me up, bro.

Better listen to him, Mikey.

Leo is the sensei now!

Guys, the motion sensors
picked up a couple of mutants.

They look to be heading toward
Shredder's old lair.

Better check it out.

Raph, Mikey, since you two
have nothing better to do,

go track the signal.

Why do I have to be on
patrol duty?

Just do it, Raph!

Hey, why don't you get off my...


[creaking, thud]

Whoa, Sensei Leo
is kind of strict.



Patrol it is.

C'mon, Mikey.

stealth and recon only.

[exciting music]


"The Forgotten Swordsman"

I should never have been down
that long.

I'm not gonna have some upstart
mercenary undo my work

rebuilding the Foot.

I'm sorry, Karai.

I should have kept
those traitors in line.

They need a strong leader.

They're waiting to see
how this plays out.


[car starts, tires squeal]

"The Forgotten Swordsman"

I don't know, Raph.

Leo seemed really mad.

[both grunt]

I know.

He just misses Master Splinter.

Being sensei's hard on him.
I just wish we knew...

[device beeping]

[dramatic music]

Check it!

What's Fishface doing
at Shredder's old lair?

Whoa, Rahzar.

I thought he was...
Quiet down!

Let's find out
what they're after.

Mm. Nothing.

No sign of the Kabuto.

I cannot believe we've been
demoted to errand boys.

I knew I should have taken
my vacation time.

The Caribbean is warm
this time of year.

As are the ladies...

You never did understand
the honor of the Foot Clan.

The Kuro Kabuto's
no mere helmet.

It's much more powerful
than you realize.

Ay, si, si.
I get it.

Look, I'm just saying,
a lot has changed.

You look good, though.

Did you, erm, put on weight?


but I developed a taste
for sushi.




They're after Shredder's
helmet for some reason.

We gotta find out why.


[brakes screech]

No guards?

Be extra careful.

So this is where
you traitors are hiding!

We serve the Foot Clan.

You are not worthy
to be its master.



[Shini crows]







Heh. Think you can
play tricks with me?

Who is this Akuma?

[light whooshing]

Something familiar about...



Only one man
can fight that well.

[light mysterious music]



my old pupil.



Dude, where did they go?

- Dah!
- [grunts]

Dah! Get off of me,
zombie wolf!

I'm gonna enjoy feasting on
your shell, Michelangelo!


We're onto you
looking for Shredder's helmet.

- [grunts]
- What does Hot Head want

with it anyway?

A little small for him.


[blow lands]


Ah, that is the best part,

Our new friend
is going to help Shredder

just like he did Wolfman...

I-I mean,
Bradford here.

With the Kuro Kabuto,

the Shredder will
walk the Earth again!

[both gasp]

That's messed up!

You want to raise Shredder?

Well, you won't be around
to see it.



I hate when they do that.

[growls] Come on.

We have to find
the Kabuto anyway.

[both sniffing]


Hattori Tatsu!

You stole my Foot Soldiers.


[both grunting, metal clanging]






It's true!

You have become one of them...

A freak!

Bakemono ga!






You should not have
come out of hiding.



They're gone, Master Hattori.

Useless fools!

You have all gotten soft.

We focus on the Kabuto for now,

but do not fail me again.

[both panting]

If Tatsu has the Kabuto,
we need it back.

That's the key to controlling
the Foot Clan.

He is a cunning one, Karai.

We will need help to defeat him.

You're right.

We better go visit
some old friends.

I'm telling you,

we go in all pucks blazing.

And I'm telling you,

Hot Head is too powerful
for that!

All right, enough!

We wait till
Raph and Mikey get back

for our next move.

You always did like
bossing people around.


I wish I could say
this was a social visit.

Someone new is trying
to take over the Foot Clan.

He's after the Kuro Kabuto.

So what?

Let the bad guys squabble

over Shredder's stupid hat.

We might not have a choice.

Guess who else is going after
that Kabuto?

And you're not gonna
believe why.

- What?
- Whoa...

They're going to use the Kabuto

to bring Shredder back
from the dead?

Is that possible?

Totally possible!

Didn't you see "Evil Ninja 4:
Ninja Resurrection"?

Well, we are dealing
with a dragon spirit

from the underworld.

Do you think Tatsu is working
with Tiger Claw?


Tatsu seems to think
he's the new Shredder.

But if we keep him
from getting the Kabuto,

the Foot will side
with its deserved leader.

After all Shredder
put you through,

why not just give up
on the Foot?

It's not that simple, O'Neil.

Tatsu will be coming after
all of us.

We have no choice
but to take him down.

[sniffs] Wait.

I smell someone...

[both grunt]


[tense music]


Hattori Tatsu?

I thought you never left Japan.

Chris Bradford.

The Kuro Kabuto
is in my possession.

You have it?

The Kuro Kabuto is worthy
only of Shredder!

And your loyalty
is the only reason

I shall spare you.

I intend to carry on
Shredder's legacy,

make the Foot great once more.

You could have a place
at my side.

[pained yelp]

You swore an oath
to the Foot, Bradford.

Consider my offer.

It will not last long.


[car starts, tires squeal]

I'm gonna get that tolo!

Hmm, I don't know, Xever.

Maybe Tatsu's deal
is worth considering.

[motor humming, brakes screech]

You guys need
a less conspicuous ride.

You sure this is it?

There are only a few Foot
safe houses where he can be.

Okay, if Tatsu has the Kabuto,

we get in and grab it quickly.

Mikey, you're with me,
Karai, and Shini.

Aw, yeah,
Team Shini-angelo!

This girl gets me, don't you?

You do make me laugh.

Go after the Kabuto.

I'll take care of Tatsu.

No, stealth only.

The rest of you
hang here on lookout.

Rahzar and Fishface
are still out there.

[mysterious music]


At last,

the Kuro Kabuto.

Now I claim my rightful place

as true leader of the Foot Clan.






[both grunt]






Guys, we have company.

[device chimes]


[all grunting]


[hollow clanging]


Foolish gambit!

Tatsu is...


Don't you know I can hear you
coming a mile away?

[grunting, swords clashing]

You couldn't defeat me yourself,

so you employed your freaks
to fight me, yes?

What's he talking about, Karai?

Did my old student
not tell you the story

of poor Hattori Tatsu?



[both grunt]

[shuriken whirring]

I was born blind,

but with an acute sense
of hearing.

They say it gave me
a sixth sense.

[grunting, swords clashing]

Plan Blackout was definitely
not the way to go, dudes.

Shredder recognized this
as a skill

when all others mocked me.

I used that prejudice
in my favor

until I became Shredder's
right hand.


The Blind Swordsman.


When this brat recruited
Foot soldiers of her own,

they attempted to eliminate me.

You did what?

Tatsu, I was arrogant,

but they have nothing
to do with that.

Do not insult me
with your platitudes, girl!

Your friends will share
your fate.

[grunting, blows landing]


[exciting music]



- Ah!
- Hey!

I just washed this baby.


We don't have time for this.


[all grunting]

I expected more from the
students of the great Splinter.


[grunting, swords clashing]

[both gasp]


- Ah!
- Ah!


[water splashes]


Shini, no!


[both grunting]

Korede owarida!



[high-pitched ringing]


Aw, yeah!

The cavalry has arrived.

[exciting music]

[both exclaim]

- Goongala!
- Watch it, Jones.

[electricity crackling]



- [grunts]
- [groaning]


- Casey!
- Yah!

[both grunting]



[both grunting]


It's like fighting Shredder.

But he's still blind.












- [screeches]
- Ah!






[tense music]



Tatsu was using you,

just like the Shredder,

tarnishing the name
of the Foot Clan

for his own glory.

The Foot deserves
a noble destiny...

One with honor.

You truly think
you deserve to wield

the Kuro Kabuto?

Deserve's got nothing
to do with it.

Go back to Japan and rot.



Bradford, join me!

The Kuro Kabuto is worthy
only of...

The Shredder!

[intense choral music]










The Kabuto!

The power to resurrect
Shredder is ours!

Destroy the Turtles.
Leave no one alive!

As you command.




Thanks, April.

I thought we were toast.

We gotta get them to a hospital.

Casey Jones isn't out of it yet.


[eerie tones]

[dramatic music]



[low growl]



Now only his heart remains.

My men are on it.

Remember who your master is,


[sirens wailing distantly]

[somber music]


Shini and Casey
will be all right.

They just need to rest.

Guys, I'm so sorry.

I was ashamed by what I did,
going after Tatsu.

I didn't think it would
come back to hurt us.

Splinter once taught me,

"Underestimating your enemy
is a deadly weakness,

but trusting in your allies
is a great strength."

We're gonna need your help
against Hot Head.


I can't think of anything
more frightening

than Shredder
coming back to life.

We can't let that happen!

We have to stop Tiger Claw
and Kavaxas

once and for all!

[rousing hip-hop music]



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