01x13 - I, Monster

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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01x13 - I, Monster

Post by bunniefuu »

They all thought they could stop me.

The corporate fools who pulled my funding.

The scientific community who shunned me.

Those turtle freaks who thought they got the last of my mutagen.

But they were wrong.

Even with this tiny amount and nothing but these disgusting sewer rats to experiment on, I have nearly recreated my psychic neurochemical.

And when I do, the shortsighted idiots who rejected me will tremble before the power and genius of Dr.

Victor Falco.

No, no! Help me! Please! Help! Help! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Here we go, it's the lean green ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell shock pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time.

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need to be one lean mean green incredible team! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Okay, here's the plan.

Donnie, you're going to strike first.

No, wait.

You want me to come at Splinter? - I'll get pummeled.

- Well, getting pummeled is your specialty.

Trust me.

It's all part of my plan to catch Splinter off-guard.

Uh, Leo, don't take this the wrong way, but against Splinter, your plans always get our butts whipped.

Okay, new thought.

Mikey, you attack.

- He took it the wrong way.

- Enough talk.

Let's do this.

Ah! Sensei, I'm sorry.

I - Oh, man.

Leo's a goner.

- Oh, nodie dodie.

Well done, Leonardo.

But just when you had the advantage, you hesitated, and that made you vulnerable.

Hai, sensei.

Now, that is all for today.

Unless you care for a rematch.

- No, thanks.

- I'm good.

Yeah, I think we're all set here.

- Leo! - Not bad.

Dude, I can't believe you actually tagged sensei.

- That was epic.

- The hand that punched Splinter.

You know, you can never wash this again.

I gotta say, guys, it was all teamwork.

We are definitely getting better.

Think we might be catching up to Splinter? Yeah, maybe soon, we won't need him to train us at all.

Through your eyes, brothers, I finally see the world for what it really is.

This city is infested.

Scrambling around in their pointless lives, spreading disease, forcing us to live in the shadows, like vermin.

No more.

They are the true plague.

Together, we shall rid this city of humanity and reclaim it for ourselves.

And no one, not even those vile turtles, shall stand in our way.

Oh, that's disgusting.

Citizens are fleeing the city in droves, but authorities say that while the rash of rodent activity is unusual, it's no cause to get rat-tled.

For channel six news, I'm Carlos Chiang o holy moley! Get them off me! Get them off Aw, hey, little fella.

Where's your mama? Sorry I asked.

You've done well, brothers, but our fight is not yet won.

Those turtles are still out there, and I fear that even you may not be able to stop them.

But I sense a kindred spirit who can.

A fellow rat, who once knew the bonds of humanity as I did.

A great warrior, who shall serve as both my eyes and protector.

Join me, join me! - Sensei, are you okay? - I am fine.

Are you sure you're all right? You don't seem Hey, that's April's ring tone.

Hey, April.

I mean, hey, April.

I mean Donnie, stop talking.

I need some help.

I'm having a little bit of a pest problem.

Oh, wow, the city is so beautiful in the daytime.

Except for the, you know, billions of rats.

Actually, the entire rat population of New York - is only about 36 million, which - I will smack you out of your shell.

Uh, guys, we may have a problem.

Oh, rats.

Get it? For the 14th time, yes.

We're coming, April! Don't go anywhere! Where could I possibly go? These stupid rats are starting to get on my nerves.

Rats aren't stupid.

Despite their small brain size, they're remarkably Ow! I warned you.

Raph, put down the rat and keep climbing.

Hurry! Whoa! Gotcha! Whoo-hoo! As long as Donnie's here, you have nothing to Oh, boy.

Oh, okay.

I appreciate you guys coming to help, but how is this better than getting eaten by rats? At least it'll be quick.

With rats, they chew and chew and chew and chew and chew Okay, we get it.

Let's move.


Chew on that, rat finks! Oh, come on.

That sounded cool.

Does anyone know what the heck is going on? I'm not sure.

But whatever it is, this attack is extremely well coordinated.

Obviously, there is a higher intelligence at work here.

- Well, that rules out Mikey.

- I'm serious.

Someone or something is controlling every rat in the city.

- Wait a sec.

Every rat? - That means that Splinter could be Why fight it? You know in your heart you belong with the Rat King.

Leave me.

I am not one of your rats to control.

You're right.

You are so much more.

We are so much more.

And together, we will be unstoppable.


You and I are nothing alike.

We've both lost all we held dear.

We've both become outcasts from society.

And we've both come to see the world through the eyes of rats.


I am a man.

I am Hamato Yoshi.

Not anymore.

Is he okay? Donnie, you're the smart one.

What do we do? Maybe we should poke him.

Good idea.

Mikey, poke him.

No way, I'm not poking him.

You poke him.

Okay, we'll put it to a vote.

- Mikey.

- Mikey.

I want a recount.


Easy, easy.

Careful not to squeeze the Okay, let's try it from the other end.

Whoa, he is totally out of it.

Dudes, check out the nose nuggets.

We have evolved beyond humanity.

We have no need for them, but we can help each other.

Join me, and you shall hide below the surface no more.


Michelangelo is awesome.

He is the smartest, handsomest, butt-kicking-est of all my sons.

- Sensei, are you okay? - No, Leonardo.

I am not.

It would appear that your former adversary, Dr.

Falco, has returned.

Falco's behind this? How is that possible? Somehow he has acquired a telepathic connection with every rat in New York.

And he now calls himself "the Rat King.

" Oh, great.

So now we're letting the bad guys name themselves? We gotta take him down.

Yes, Michelangelo, you do.

The Rat King will not rest until he has total control of this city - and my mind.

- Sensei? Everything I knew is gone.

My wife, my daughter, my clan, even my humanity.

You four are all I have left.

Don't you worry, sensei.

We'll stop him.

But we gotta find him first.

When the Rat King attempted to take control of me, I could see into his mind.

You will find his lair in an abandoned utility junction beneath Herald square.

Let's go play exterminator.

Fight him, sensei.

- I will.

Just hurry.

- It's okay, guys.

You go after the Rat King.

I'll stay with sensei.

What's going to happen to Splinter if we can't stop the Rat King? Which, by the way, lamest villain name ever.

Let it go already.

We're going to stop the Rat King, and Splinter's going to be fine.

Right, Leo? Shh, quiet.

Do you guys hear that? - You gotta be kidding.

- Aw, ra - Uh, Leo, any ideas? - Just one.

Move! Ow! Oh, no.

They've got the taste for turtle now.

Come on.

Just keep moving.

Why do you cling so hard to this life of yours? - I am needed here.

- By whom? Even your so-called children have begun to outgrow you.

And soon, you will be all alone.

Come, we are your family now.

No! Master Splinter? Master Splinter, wait! It's me! Come, my brother.

Come to me now.

Bangs were a little long, anyway.

I'm just saying, I can think of a million better names than the Rat King.

There's Ratzilla, the Verminator, Lord Rattington Can it, Mikey.

We're almost there.

The utility chamber should be on the other side of that wall.

Uh, you mean that disgusting, furry, squirming wall? How are we supposed to get past that? Raph, those barrels.

Ventilate 'em.

You got it.

Uh, Leo, you do realize those chemicals are highly combustible.

You don't say.

Let's move.

Ah, my turtle friends, we meet again.

Except last time, Falco, you weren't wearing a sad Halloween costume.

I am the Rat King! Lame.

Sorry, we don't have any treats for you.

But we've got a few tricks.

Way to ruin the moment, Donnie.

Uh, April, now's not really the best time.

Donnie, it's Splinter.

He's gone.

What do you mean, "gone"? Gone where? Here.

What's wrong with him? It's like his brain is completely turned off.

- You mean like Mikey? - You mean like Mikey? Dude, you are so predictable.

- Sensei, snap out of it.

- You waste your words.

This is where I belong, with my brothers.

He is mine now.

Imagine my delight when I realized that controlling your master would not only make me invincible, but would also be the key to your demise.

Splinter, destroy them.

Sensei, don't! Are we really going to do this? Remember, we did beat him once.

Kind of.

Yeah, and we can beat him again.

We can do this, guys.

Do not hesitate.

Take sensei down.

I just had a horrible realization.

He's been going easy on us all these years.

Donnie! Whoa! Nobody hits Mikey but me.

Sensei, please.

- Wait! - Finish him.

Remember who you are, Hamato Yoshi.

Donnie, Raph, now! Please, father.

We need you.

Don't listen to him, brother.

Your place is with me.

My place is with my sons.

- Sensei! - Sensei! And that's the last we'll see of Count Ratula.

Yeah, all right.

It's Rat King.

But I'm naming the next one.

Sensei, are you sure you're okay? I am fine, thanks to you.

You did well, my son.

Well, you did hesitate, and hesitation leads to vulnerability.

We did pretty good, too, huh? Yes.

I am proud of you all.

Who knows, maybe one day we'll be even better martial artist than you.

Remember my son, everything you know I've shown you.

But I have not shown you everything I know.

It's great to have you back, sensei.
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