01x17 - TCRI

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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01x17 - TCRI

Post by bunniefuu »

Stay on them, Leo! The Kraangout's tripping out! It's picking up a signal from the power cell.

Again? Last time that thing led us to a burrito in a microwave.

Left! Left again! They're getting away! - Right! - Look out! Left, right, left, right, left! Yeah! This is more fun than a Shriners' parade! - What are you saying? - Right! We lost them I suppose Kraang has once again been foiled by Turtles and failed to retrieve that which Kraang was to retrieve.

Kraang is wrong.

Kraang has retrieved it.

In Kraang's face! - The power cell.

- The power cell.

The power cell.

That's it.

We're going to see Leatherhead.

L-Leatherhead? He's the one who took the power cell from the Kraang, He's the one who might know where to find it.

He's also the one who like to grab my face and shake me like a rag doll! - Good times - Zip it! Oh, come on, he's a pussycat who likes to grab your face and shake it like a rag doll! Right.

Let's move.

Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Here we go, it's the lean green ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell shock pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time.

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need to be one lean mean green incredible team! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Synch and corrections: gi0v3 Who can hold their breath? We can.

We wouldn't have to if you hadn't kept swimming off to pick up trash.

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's every man's trash.

There he is.

We don't wanna warn him, so don't make any sudden moves.

Aww look how cute.

Who's going to wake him up? - Got it! - Got it! - Got it! Yes, I win! Leatherhead wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey Can we make sudden moves now? He's grabbing me by the face again! Leatherhead, don't! He must be having a nightmare That makes two of us! He's your friend, Mikey! What do we do? Rub his belly.

He likes that.

What do you say? Leatherhead! Come on, dude, it's Michelangelo.

Turn off the crazy eyes, buddy.

Michelangelo? My friends.

Oh, no I got angry again didn't I? Yes, you did it again! Why do you keep grabbing my face?! What is wrong with my face? Would you like to list it alphabetically or in descending order of grossness? I am sorry you are my friends.

The only ones I can truly trust.

That's why I gave you the power cell for safekeeping.

Yeah, u-mh-uhm, it's-it's a funny story Uhm - about that - Funny story.

True story.

But before we tell it, why don't you sit down, and I and my face will take one big step backwards.


Go ahead.

Well, about the power cell, we sort of lost it to the Kraang.

No, Leatherhead, these are your friends.

Really? Obviously you did everything you could to protect it.

Well, to be honest - I wasn't - Yes, that's exactly what happened.

Leatherhead, we need to get it back.

With the power cell, the Kraang can open the portal to Dimension X.

And when it opens They can use it to bring anything from their home here.

Things so horrible, they terrify even me.

We need to keep that portal from opening.

Can you tell us where it is? All I remember is this.

I know I've seen this symbol.

It's so familiar.

- The Olympics.

- No! - I got it: the Olympics.

- Stop guessing.

- Obviously it's a Kraang symbol.

- But from where? - The Olympics! - Quit it! There's something here and I can figure it out if you'll all just go away and let me think! - Oh, the Olympics? - For the hundredth, I It's driving me crazy! I know I've seen this somewhere else but I just can't remember.

You must calm your mind and wait.

You are ninja, Donatello.

The word nin means patience and perseverance.

Deep breath.

Breathe Okay, okay.

I'm calm got it! - Donny, hold on! - Just hurry up! I hate when he's like this! Uh! I figured out where else I've seen this.

Where? T.




? They're behind the Kraang plot? - The invasion? - The Olympics? - What was that? - A new Olympic event.

They've been in plain sight the whole time.

We just never realized it.

I think it's pretty obvious what we have to do.

We're going in and taking down that portal.

- Can I touch that? - Sure if you wanna blow us and the whole lair to pieces.

Nah I'm good.

I managed to download blueprints for T.




Now, the bottom two thirds are just a normal office building.

And, from what I can tell, normal humans work there.

Imagine if they knew who they were working for "The ones who are working for this place must punch the card that is known as the time card in the clock that is known as the clock of time.

" Sorry, where were we? - What about the upper floors? - Well, that's the thing.

The top third is completely blank.

Whatever they built up there, they didn't want anyone to know about it.

Which means that is exactly where you have to go.

Watch it, fool! First we need to figure out how to get past security in the lobby.

Tricky It's not like we can just pack you in a box and send it special delivery Special delivery.

Good luck, guys.

I must ask you to leave.

We are closed right now.

The package that is delivered to us by you will not be delivered by you to us because you will be stopped by us - before you - Love to chat, but I've got to run.

Open with care, Kraang chums.

Kraang, prepare to destroy the thing that is needing to be destroyed by Kraang.

Contain! Contain him! I kinda feel bad leaving Leatherhead down there.

- I think he'll be fine.

- So, how far to the top? Yikes.

- Are you humming the Olympics theme? - It seemed appropriate.

Pipe down, you two.

I gotta wash my eyes.

That's bad.

- All right.

- What? Finally someone set off an alarm and it wasn't me.

Uh, darn it.

I forgot to say "see you next Fall.

" Next elevator shaft fight.


Let's get inside, where it's safe.

I have to stop things like that.

Can we please just ride this thing to the top now? We can't.

There's a retinal scanner.

I'm on it.

That which is known as access is granted to Kraang.

Hey, this is so much easier.


Finally a chance to catch our breath.

Poisoned gas.

Well the good news is we're still alive.

- And what's the bad news? - That.

We are deep in Kraang country.

- We're not in Kansas anymore.

- I thought we were in New York! The portal.

It's beautiful.

Scientifically speaking.

Well, if you love it so much, why don't you marry it? Do you, Donatello, take this portal to be your Knock it off, all of you.

We need to figure out how we're gonna destroy Donnie's bride, over there.

Yeah, not likely.

We're stuck in here, our weapons are way over there.

In a room that's filled with, in case you forgot, poisoned gas.

If it's poisoned, how can they breathe that stuff? I think it's what the air is like in Dimension X.

Well, that's stupid.

Why would you invade a place when you can't even breathe the air? Yeah, what are they gonna do? Mutate the whole planet so they can live here and we can't? I don't know what's scarier, what you just said or that you said it.

Wait, wait.

What'd I say? Mikey's right.

The Kraang are trying to transform the planet many to something that they can live on.

And we can't.

We've to stop them.

How are we supposed to get out of here with these guys watching our every move? We need a distraction.

- Like the portal? - That might do it.

Once that thing opens up, anything can come through there.

Hey, Mikey, you said you can hold your breath? Like a turtle do! Now's your chance.

Booyaka We're good.

Let's go! The portal! Watch-oh, wait! Something's coming through! Welcome to Earth, giant rock man.

Scatter! Wow, an entity made of living rock.

I wish I could study it.

We're studying that when we smash it to a million pieces! Or not Watch out for the lava barf! Ah, sh**t! Booyakasha! Do you have anything that can hurt this thing? The expl*sives might do it, but then we wouldn't be able to take out the portal.

Unless we do both at the same time! Hand them over.

Awesome, Leo! So, how do we get him into the portal? Uhm I kinda hadn't thought that far ahead.

Leatherhead! Leatherhead! Get him by the portal! We did it! Yeah! Allright! Hi three! What the still standing? Hi three canceled.

What are we supposed to do now? I could punch it a few times, but I don't think that's gonna do it.

Uh guys? Well, this day can't get any worse.

And it just did.

Something else might come through! What do we to now? Leatherhead.

Something else is coming through! Not if I can help it.

Farewell, my friends.

Leatherhead, noooo! Leatherhead I can't believe he's gone.

- We've got to get out of here.

- We can't just leave.

With that portal operational, the Kraang are more dangerous than ever.

We have to destroy it.

Uh, maybe later.

We'll be back.

You're okay! Welcome home, my sons.

Was your mission successful? Afraid not, sensei.

Leatherhead's gone.

Yeah but he saved us.

And I found this! Oh, good.

Now you're picking up alien trash.

- Do you realize what this is? - Shiny! It's a Kraang data storage device.

If I can decode it, maybe it can help us find a way to stop them.

This just doesn't make sense.

If the Kraang are trying to terraform the Earth, - what do they need my dad for? - Well, he is a scientist.

Yeah, but he's a psychologist.

He studies rats running through mazes.

- No offense.

- I like a good maze.

My dad wouldn't know anything about what they're trying to do.

But if they didn't need your dad, why were they after him in the first place? I don't think they were.

I used the Kraang processor inside Metalhead to access the storage device.

A lot of the files are damaged but I think I found what they're after.

They're after me?
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