01x26 - Showdown Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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01x26 - Showdown Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on TMNT Kraang! Kraang! Kraang! The invasion that is known as the invasion of the Earth begins now.

In six hours, something called the Technodrome is coming through that portal.

We've got to find a way to shut that portal down.

All right, guys, let's do this.

This isn't the way to T.




Dad, what's going on? - Agh.

- Hey, there, princess.

The turtles are out there, risking their lives.

Don't you think they could use your help? I took your family away and now I can put an end to you.

With the world at stake, the only thing of importance is that you complete your mission.

No matter what you have to sacrifice.

Or who.

That wasn't so hard, was it? Uh, I gotta stop saying stuff like that.

Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Here we go, it's the lean green ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell shock pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time.

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need to be one lean mean green incredible team! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! 1x26 - Showdown, part 2 Hmm? I think I speak for all of us when I say - What the heck is that thing? - It's the end of the world.

Actually, it's just the end of humanity's reign as the planet's dominant life form.

You know, like when the dinosaurs Now? Really? Y-you're going to do this now? Well, excuse me, but it's how I deal with stress! Well, maybe it doesn't have weapons.

Does it look like it has weapons? I think it has weapons.

Oroku saki.

You were once my friend.

I thought of you as my brother.

15 years ago, I was a different man.

I had everything I could want.

A loving wife and a beautiful daughter.

Let's name her Miwa.

Miwa Miwa.

And you, my loyal friend? Jealousy consumed you.

You sought that which was mine.

You took everything that I loved.

- Everything! - And still you hunt me down.

So I fight you now to end this.

Whoa! Donnie! Mikey! What now? Are you guys all right? Been better.

What do we do now? We need to talk to Splinter.

Come on.

Hello? Sensei? - April.

- Spike.

Don't scare me like that, buddy.

Anyone in here? Whoa, dude, chill! Hey! - What the heck is going on? - Guys, check this out.

- So, what is it? - I think it's a mind control device.

- Really? - No, stop it, stop it! Raph.

- Mr.

O'Neil? Are you okay? - I've done something terrible.

Well, it wasn't your fault, Mr.


Just tell us what happened.

It appears the Kraang have formed an alliance with your enemy, Shredder.

That's not all.

I fear the Shredder has handed April over to the Kraang.

Shredder kidnapped April? - Sensei must have gone after her.

- So where is April now? They're taking her to the Technodrome.

The what? Carlos Chang O'Brien-(clicks)-Gambe here.

Pandemonium in the streets as a "techno-terror-dome" hovers over downtown.

Dudes, this is getting freakier by the minute.

We just escaped that freaky sphere and now we gotta break into it? In a matter of hours the world we once knew will be gone.

The Kraang want April to help in their conquest of Earth.

April O'Neil.

Kraang has waited a long time.

Where am I? What's going on? Like all Kraang, I am called Kraang.

But you can call me Kraang.

Kraang has need of this planet for Kraang to live on.

Um, that's great, but we're kind of using it.

So you came all this way for nothing.



Kraang came all this way for you, April O'Neil.

Oh, really? As if I have anything to offer to you Kraangs.

Your mental energy is uniquely attuned to this universe.

Once Kraang gains this ability, Kraang will transform your world into a world for Kraang.

And how are you going to do that, exactly? Why must you persist in this insanity? - You took Tang Shen from me.

- She was never yours.

Run for you ever-lovin' lives because they're abducting us! That's right, men, women, children.

Even pets aren't safe.

Kraang must collect human specimens for Kraang.

- We gotta get in one of those pods.

- But how? There are eight Kraang droids between us and there.

We could create a diversion.

Excuse me, how many did you say there were? Eight.

We could all dress up like robots, sneak in.

Or I could try to override their security codes by Or that might work.

Let's go.

You never had anything but your hatred.

And if you defeat me, you will have nothing! That is where you are wrong.

You took something from me so I took something from you.

Your daughter.


It can't be.

Okay, guys, this is it.

On three.

One, two, three.

Whoa! What the heck's going on? I think the Kraang forgot to pay their gravity bill aah! It appears the Kraang have generated anti-gravitons.

Is there any way for you to generate anti-anti-gravitons? You mean gravitons? - Yes.

- No.

Guys, I'm gonna throw up.

Or down.

Or maybe sideways.

But one thing's for sure.

I'm majorly gonna throw.

We still have a job to do, so let's go.

Yo, zero-g is banging.

The Kraang should turn this into a carnival ride.

Uh, I think they're more interested in using it to destroy the Earth.

It could do both.

- It's April! - Can you say that a little louder? I don't think the entire Technodrome heard you.

Never mind.

They did.


Yes! It's working! That can't be good.

Whoa! Ya! It's over, Hamato.

Soon, you will be no more.

And your own daughter will go through her life cursing your name.

Whoo hoo! Yeah.

April O'Neil, your mind belongs to Kraang.

Soon, your world will be ours.

Let the planetary mutation begin.

Witness the end of your kind.

Not if we can help it.

The turtles? Kraang will not be stopped by pathetic mutants.

- At least we're not stupid aliens.

- Raph, quick.

Ow! You're my hero.

Hey, chuckles.

We gotta get out of here.

Let's go.

No! Miwa? Father.


That rat is Hamato Yoshi.

- Miwa.

- My name is Karai.

Father told me what you did to my mother.

And now I'm going to return the favor.


Why won't you fight? Coward! Leo, I have a question.

- Can it wait? - Not really.

Did we beat that big Kraang thingie? Yes, Mikey, we did.


Then why is it following us? Everybody, there's one last escape pod up ahead.

Get away from my brother! Hurry, Mikey.

There's nowhere for you to run, mutants.

Leo, Leo! All of you will die here! With the world at stake, the only thing of importance is that you complete your mission no matter what you have to sacrifice.

Or who.

No! Leo! No.

Get out of here now! What are you talking about? - Dude, you can't do this.

- Go! I can't hold it back any longer.

- Leo! - We gotta go now! Leonardo! I can't believe it.

We made it.


No! - I can't believe he's gone.

- Leo.

I gave him nothing but a hard time.

If I had it to do over again, I'd definitely be nicer.

- Really? - Really.

Leo? Leo! Leo, you dork.

You scared the heck out of us.

We won! Oh, man, I love you, bros.

Who saved the world? We saved the world! I said "who saved the world?" We saved the world! - I said - Stop asking! We saved the world.

Oof! Sensei, I want to apologize for the way I spoke to you earlier.

No need.

You spoke what was in your heart.

I am just relieved that you made it home safely.

What's wrong, sensei? I learned some things from the Shredder Like what? That's for another time, Leonardo.

Tonight is for celebration.

After all, it is not every day you make the world safe from an alien invasion.

You got that right.

Everybody, who saved the world? Mikey.

We saved the world! Yeah! That's what's up.

Get down.


Go Leo, go Leo, go Leo.


Yeah, get it.
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