01x17 - Demon Child

Complete collection from season one to five. Aired: September 2005 to May 2010.*
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A newlywed with the ability to communicate with the earthbound spirits of the recently deceased overcomes skepticism and doubt to help send their important messages to the living and allow the dead to pass on to the other side.
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01x17 - Demon Child

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Melinda Gordon. I just got married, just moved to a small town, just opened up an antique shop. I might be just like you. Except from the time that I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead. It's all right, honey. Earthbound spirits, my grandmother called them, the ones who have not crossed over because they have unfinished business with the living. And they come to me for help. To tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs.

Everything is for sale except the Buddha and those two paintings.

You know, we don't really have room for all of this in the store, so we thought that maybe we would take some pictures and sell the larger items online.

That sounds fine. Excuse me.

Hello? Oh, hey, Roger. No. Can you hold on one second?

Can I show you the upstairs?

Hello? No, I can't. 3:00 is the latest.

Well, then it'll have to be when I get back.

All right, Roger. Let me know. Thanks.

You know, I hate to even suggest this, but maybe you'd be better off with an established auction house like Sotheby's.

Well, I don't have the time for all that. And actually, I'd rather do it locally.

You know, support Main Street.

Well, we're thrilled. It's just a little more inventory than we're used to.

You'll do fine.

You know, this is an amazing house.

Do you mind me asking why you're leaving?

I just felt like I needed a fresh start and I wanted to be closer to my main office.

Did you wanna see the baby?

Is it okay?

Oh, sure.

I've given up on Jessie napping anytime in the next decade.

Oh, she's so cute.

Yeah. She's a joy. She's been a very easy baby.

Excuse me.

Hey. What's happening?

Yeah. What's up?

No, I'm still in Grandview.

I'm sorry.

Who are you?

I'm Andrea Moreno.

I'm cataloguing Christine's antiques so we can sell them.

Do I look like an antique to you?


Well, you picked the wrong door.

Right. Well, I'll just be going now.

Don't tell Christine you saw the nanny smoking.

Promise I won't.


What are you doing?

The door was open. So...

Nothing in this room is for sale.

Why don't we head over to my office? I have some great '50s furniture.

Cool. I love that stuff.

Can you see us?

We are in completely over our heads right now.

I know. But I am loving it.

I mean, can you imagine if we sell all this stuff, plus the stuff we have online?

Yeah. Sotheby's will be recommending us.

God. Christine is unbelievable.

I love her taste.

Do you find her a little intimidating?

No, I found her to be surprisingly nice.

Hmm. Maybe it's because I've worn her clothes and read all these magazine articles about her, but I find her a little larger than life.

You've read about her?

Do you know if she lost a son?

I don't remember reading anything about that.

'Cause there was a boy's room on the second floor, just no boy.

Well, she's divorced. Maybe he's with the husband.

No, there was a presence there.

No spirit, but his toys came to life.

I'm assuming not in a cute Pixar, Toy Story kind of way.

No. It was menacing.

Wow. What do you think he wants?

I don't know. I'll have to go back and see him later.

Well, my advice, stay away from the nanny

'cause that chick's a little off.

This is so sad. I'm just trying to catch a glimpse of my husband.

You didn't see him this morning?

He left before I woke up.

Why don't you go on over and say hi?

'Cause I don't want to bug him while he's at work.

Besides, he promised that he'd get off early and make me a romantic dinner.

Okay, you just completely lost my sympathy.

Excuse me, miss?

Hi. Can I help you?

Hi. Is Christine here?

No. She's out of town. She'll be back tomorrow night.

Okay. Well, she was supposed to have left some boxes for me in...

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah! Come on in.

I left the baby in the kitchen.

Hi, sweetheart!

Are you having your lunch? Sweet potatoes. My favourite.

She seems so good-natured.

Most of the time, yes.

But she can howl like a banshee when she wants something.

How long have you worked for Christine?

Just a few months. The last nanny quit with no notice.

Do you know why Christine is leaving town?

She told me that she missed the city.

Oh, right. And she can be closer to her office.

Well, there are a lot of bad memories for her in this house.

Painful memories.

Memories about her son?

She told you about Daniel?

Well, I saw the room.

She wouldn't let me go in, so I assumed that something...

I mean, losing a child?

I don't know. I don't know how anybody ever gets over it.

I don't think you do get over it.

I think you just do what, you know, Christine's doing and try to move on.

Yeah. Well, her husband had no trouble moving on.

He took a job in Japan right after their second child was born.

I mean, it was divorce by FedEx, I think.

What happened to the boy?

Shut up!

Are you okay?

There are lot of strange things happen in this house.

Yeah. I'm getting that impressión.

Where are you?


Let the romance begin.

Hey, gorgeous. Come here.


I was just about to start cooking.

Yeah, you seem really motivated.

I'll rally.

You know what? This is ridiculous.

Why don't you let somebody else start taking some of Bobby's shifts?

Well, the truth is, I volunteered.


I'm just trying to sock away some real money for now.

For what?

The future.

All right. I'm fully awake. I'm completely alert.

Hey! Do you want me to make dinner?

I lied. I must be dreaming.

You know what? I'm starting to like cooking.

If you weren't always hogging the kitchen, maybe I would get some practise.

What do you want to drink? Beer.

Beer is good.

Do you remember that customer I told you about?

The fashion designer?

Her kid died and I saw him today.



No, I was just... I was trying to memorise, the placement of all the furniture in the room.

I'm awake.

Yeah. I'm really very awake.

Let the machine get it.


Who's watching the baby?

Hey. Hey. You all right? Dinner? No?

I'm sorry.

Can I help?

I don't know. I love you.

I love you, too.

Damn it! Get off the phone, Georgina.

It's all right, it's just... You know it's not great.

You all right?


What about the baby?

Oh, the baby's fine. It's the mother. God. She treats me like I'm her wife.

Yeah. She's got me doing the grocery shopping, picking up her dry cleaning.

If she asked me to get her a Cuban cigar and a foot massage, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised.

No. Listen, the baby's fine. The place is beautiful.

Mom! She promised me!

Hang on. The baby's crying. Listen, I'm gonna have to call you back.

It's okay. It's all right.

Hey. Hey. Hey. There you are. Hey.

It's all right. That was weird, huh?

That was weird, but everything's fine now, huh?

You need a diaper?

What's bothering you, kiddo?

It's all right.

Who's there?

Who is it?

Who's there?

What... What do you...

What do you want? Leave us alone! Get away.

What do you want?

Leave me alone! Leave me...



911. What's your emergency?

Yes, this is an emergency. There's been an accident.


I don't want to leave her at the hospital alone.

She's a little banged up but she's stable now.

Not exactly the romantic evening we had in mind, huh?

I'm sorry.

No. Don't be.

I'm glad you called me over here.

The baby's okay?

Yeah. She stopped crying.

I gave her a crossword puzzle. It seemed to do something.

Well, just one more woman that finds you irresistible.

So, do you have any contact information on Christine?

Yeah. Her number was in the Kitchen, and I left a message on her cell phone and her assistant's.

Thank you. You know what, Jim? I got to go.

Are you sure that nothing weird has happened?

No angry spirit or anything?

Hey, hey. Stop worrying, okay? Everything's fine.

What's wrong?


She woke up. I just got slimed.

You're a saint. I'll call you back.

Talk to you then. Hey. Look what you did.



This way.

Clear the way, please.

Dr Calabro, please report to surgery.

Dr Calabro, please report to surgery.



There's something in that house.


It was the boy. He did this to me.

Okay, Georgina, you need to rest.

He's a demon child.

Watch the baby. She's in danger.

I will, okay?



Oh, thank God! What happened? How's the baby?

Oh, don't worry. The baby is fine.

Georgina had an accident. She fell down the stairs.

Where's Jessie?

She's with my husband.

What, your husband?

He's a paramedic. She's safe with him.

Okay, Melinda, I don't understand. How did you get involved?

Well, I went back to your house earlier to get my purse, because I'd left it behind, and, I saw that Georgina had fallen.

Is she okay?

Yeah, she's gonna be fine. It was just a freak accident.

This is such a nightmare.

Okay, I'm getting the next flight back.

Well, I'm on my way back to your house now, and I will stay there until you get home.

Melinda, are you comfortable watching a baby?

Hey, I bought a car off the baby-sitting money I made in high school.

I guess that means yes.

We'll take good care of her, okay? Just get home as soon as you can.

Okay. Thank you so much, Melinda. Thank you for everything.

Looking for something?

I know you're here. Where is she?

What'd you do with the baby?

You shouldn't have fallen asleep.

Jim? Jim?

Hello? Where are you?


God, you had me worried.


Is everything okay?

Yeah. Yeah, everything's good.

I think spirit boy's messing with my head, but otherwise, things are fine.

You're amazing to do this.

It's like practise.

Yes, you've been sleeping?

Yeah, she was out till just a few minutes ago.

You know, you're wasting your time, Daniel.

Is he watching us?

He was here. Now he's gone, for now.

Do you think he's dangerous?

If you can't see him, he might be.

As long as I can keep an eye on him and not let Jessie out of my sight, we should be okay.

Christine will be on the first flight back in the morning.

So, what do we do? We take turns watching the baby, right?

I'll watch the baby, see if I can talk to Daniel.

You get some sleep. You look exhausted.

All right. Good night.

Hi! Hi!

Don't cry. Let's get you a bottle.

You can trust me, you know.

I won't hurt you.


Itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout Down came the rain and washed the spider out Up came the sun and dried up all the rain The Itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again

That's a beautiful sight.

Why aren't you sleeping?

Well, I got to go to work soon.

Here. Let me try.

Hey, there.

How you doing, girl?


I'm impressed.

Okay. There you are.

Snug as a bug in a rug.


Something my mom taught me.

Makes you think, doesn't it?

Sure. How can it not?

You'd make a great mom, you know that?

Whoa. We're not ready. It's just not time yet.

I know. I know we said we'd wait. I do. I just...

Sometimes I wonder what we're waiting for.

A finished house, for one thing.

We have so much to do. Work, save money.

I'm taking every shift I can.

You're really planning on this.

I'm just thinking ahead.

Well, it's just not the right time.


Well, you can't put a clock on it.

Your heart tells you when you're ready, not your bank account.

I'm just not there yet.

Well, I better go to work.

I'll call you.


Please don't hurt her.

No, you don't hurt her.

I just wanna help you. Why are you still here?

I live here. This is my home.

But you don't live here any more. I mean, don't you get it?

Your mother's leaving because of you. You've driven her out.

She was hardly ever here anyway.

Work always came first for my mom and dad.


Treated me like I was invisible.

3:00 is the latest.

She always left me with the nanny.

Lots of moms work hard.

You just don't get it!

Stop it! You're scaring your sister.

Just leave me alone!


Baby. It's okay.

I know that it's hard to walk away from your mother and sister, but there's a better place for you.

I'm not going.

You're just hurting yourself and everyone around you.

Is that what you really want?

I'm not leaving until I find her.



Who is she?

My nanny before.

Is she special to you?


She watched me die.

Melinda! I'm up here.

Oh, thank God. I was so worried.

That's okay. She's fine.

She slept almost all the way through the night.

How's Georgina?

Okay. Nothing's broken. It's a miracle. Just some bruises.

I guess that'll be a lawsuit.

I'm sorry. You must think I'm hard or something.

No. I know that you have a lot of stress.

It's just that work is really important to me.

I want her to have everything that she needs, especially now that her father's gone.

It's what I wanted for my son, too.

Georgina told me that you lost your son. I'm so sorry.

My husband and I, we were so devastated.

Just lost, you Know. We couldn't figure out a plan.

We didn't Know what to do.

I thought if we had another child, it would give us a second chance.

And it didn't.

Ted just couldn't get back on track.

I'm so sorry.

Look, is there anything I can... I mean, can I pay you for your time or...

No. No, I'm just really glad that it all worked out.

There must be something I can do.

Maybe one thing.

You had a nanny before. Suzanne.

Do you know how I might reach her?

Who told you about Suzanne?

Georgina mentioned her.

Because I have a friend who's looking for a nanny.

Well, tell your friend to Keep looking.

She doesn't want Suzanne.

You think Suzanne might be responsible for Daniel's death?

I don't know, but either way, I have to find out.

Because Daniel may be looking for revenge.

Man, he sounds like a little terror.

Yeah, he's very troubled.

You know, I wish you'd called me last night.

You know, I would've been glad to come and help.

Jim was there. Otherwise, I definitely would have.

I get it. You were living out your dirty baby-sitter fantasy.

Hardly. He saw me with the baby and he started talking about having one of our own.

Oh, that's exciting!

No, not really.

Oh, come on, Melinda.

Every time you see a baby, you're practically drooling.

You know, that does not mean that I want to start a family tomorrow.

Fine. Procreate at your own pace. See if I care.

I'm sorry. I just hope that he doesn't start putting pressure on me about this.

Hey, you know what? I totally get it.

It's a huge responsibility. You shouldn't rush into it. He'll understand.

Oh! I found something!

What is it?

A newspaper report on Daniel's death.

Does it say how he died?

No. The police say that it was accidental. But it does give me Suzanne's last name.

Mr Richards?


Is Suzanne here?

Who's asking?

Sorry. I'm Melinda Gordon.

I'm a friend of Christine Greene.

Oh, no. Please don't bring this whole thing up again.

Do you have any idea how my wife's life was destroyed by what happened to that boy?

I may be able to help her.


Can you just tell me where I could find her?

Jeez. You see me.

You gotta help me.

Come on, lady. The jig is up. You looked me right in the eye.

Not now, okay?

Yes, please.

I need to get a message to my wife.

She's been living here for years.

Do you have any idea how long I've been hanging around this place?

It's depressing.

The sheer monotony, not to mention the smell.

Bleach and ammonia. I can't take it any more.

Right. The kid gets your attention.

What am I, wood?

You know what? I need you to help me find Suzanne Richards.

Oh, now you need my help.

She's a caregiver, in her 20s.

Are you gonna help me talk to my wife or not?

If you help me find Suzanne, I will owe you one, okay? I promise.

I can't believe this.


She works up on the second floor.

Now she was just up there changing the beds.


Hi. Who are you?

I'm Melinda Gordon.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I think so. I...

I just don't know what happened.

I'm sorry. Who are you?

You're Suzanne, right?


I'm a friend of the Greene family.

And I want to talk to you about Daniel.

I'm sorry. I don't know what you want, but I don't talk about Daniel.

Oh, well, he talks about you.

Daniel's dead.

Daniel's here.

Who the hell are you?

Just a person who's trying to help you.

Look, I know that this is hard to believe, but Daniel's here.

His spirit, anyway.

And he told me that he won't cross over until he sees you.

I'm calling security.

Please don't.

Just give me five minutes.

You may be in danger.

She's wearing the bracelet I made her.

This is the one she made me.

He says that you're wearing the bracelet he made you, and he's wearing the one that you made him.

I don't understand.

Ask her if she remembers what happened that day.

He wants to know if you remember what happened the day he died.

Do I remember? What kind of question is that?

I'll always remember.

He wants you to tell me.

I only know what happened after.

After what?

After he went upstairs to see Christine.

It was Saturday, my day off, but Christine had asked me to do some household chores for her.

I heard Daniel. He was upset.

He was running down the stairs.



Daniel! Stop! What are you doing?


By the time I got there, it was too late.

I saw him dying.

He died right in front of me, looking at me.

He said his last words to me.

And then Christine was right there behind me.

Why didn't you stop him? Why didn't you stop him?

I didn't...

Help! Somebody please help us!

It was all over in less than a minute.

But I can't get the image of that car out of my head, of his face, of Christine's face.

Sometimes I wake up thinking I should have stopped him somehow.

There must have been a way.

Maybe if I would have been quicker.

My mother thought that Suzanne could have done something to stop me, but she's wrong.

She couldn't have done anything.

I never meant for her to get blamed.

She was the only person who took care of me, only person that really cared, you know.

Who Knew what I liked, what made me laugh, what I was scared of.

She'd sit with me for hours and play with the trains.

What? What's happening?

One second.

She helped me pick out all the jobs and names for those people in that town.

They all had crazy relationships in that town, Bakersville.

He's talking about Bakersville.

He's really here.

Bakersville, that was a real Peyton Place, that town.

Tell her she couldn't have stopped me.

It wasn't her job.

Not that day.

He wants you to know that everything that happened wasn't your fault.

There's nothing you could do.

Daniel, I miss you so much.

Tell her I miss her, too.

He misses you, too.

He's crying.

I'm not crying!

Why is she here with all these old people?

He wants to know why you're not working with kids any more.

I haven't really been able to be around kids.

It's better this way.

What does he want?

I want her to go talk to my mom.

He wants you to go and talk to Christine.

No. I...

I can't. I...

No. I couldn't face her.

I need her to tell my mother what I said right before I died.

I didn't know if you'd see me.

Melinda said there was a good reason.

There is.

I just need you to have an open mind and listen.

Suzanne has something that she needs to tell you.

Christine, the day Daniel died, when I heard the crash, I ran to the car.

I got there. Daniel was conscious.

He looked up at me, and he told me something that I was never gonna tell you.

He said...

I wish you were my mother.

He said that to you?

That's a terrible thing to tell me even if it's true.

I know. I'm sorry. I...

This is something that I was never gonna tell you.

Well, then why now?

Because Daniel wanted you to hear it.

What are you talking about?

Christine, the weird things that happen in this house, the sounds, the accident with Georgina, it's all Daniel.

He's still here.

Are you completely out of your mind?

It's true.

I didn't believe it either, but it's true.

And moving out of this house is not gonna solve anything.

Daniel will follow you.

So you're telling me that my son is haunting me?


And he's here right now.

Oh, my God. This is too much.

This is too much.

Ask her if she remembers the promise.

He wants to know if you remember the promise you made.

Well, if he's really here, ask him to tell you.

Well, it was the day after she got back from a two-week business trip.

Honey, I have to work.

All the time?

It's not all the time.

I know it seems that way.

Yes, it is all the time.

Even when you're home, you're on the phone, the computer, doing something.

We live a good life.

What do you think pays for that?

That doesn't come for free, sweetie. You know that.

Yes. But what good is this good life?

What good is it if I never see you?

Okay. How about on Saturday we go to the baseball game?

Just you and me.

And then after that, we'll go to Gino's and we'll get some pizza.

How does that sound?

I guess.

Okay. It's a date, all right?


She broke that promise like all others.

Yes, it is the same clothing. I'm looking at it right now.

I'm going!

You cannot sell the same clothing on the website that they're selling at Bloomingdale's.

That's a breach of my contract with them.

Honey, this is a really important phone call.

Mom, we're missing the first inning.

Five minutes. Give me five minutes.

What? No. You're gonna have to take if off the website.

That's the only solution.

I'll go.

I'm sorry...


I'm going! I'm going by myself!

He's telling you this? Right now?


Because he wants you to know why he was so angry, why he is so angry.

Daniel, I did it all for you.

I grew up with nothing.

I wasn't gonna let that happen to you.

I grew up with nothing, too.

I just had a lot of stuff.

I just wanted her.

He said that everything you gave him never mattered.

He just wanted to spend time with you.

That's all he needed.

He loved you, Christine. He was always talking about you.

He was always thinking about what would make you happy, what would make you proud of him.

I was proud of him.

I just wished she would have shown it to me sometimes.

He just wishes that you would have shown him how you felt.

I thought he knew.

Tell her she has to be different with Jessie.

She can't have it happen again.

He wants you to be different with Jessie.

She really needs you.


Tell her that that's why I scared the other nannies away.

That's why he gave the other nannies such a hard time.

Tell him I'm sorry.

He knows.

Tell her I'll be okay now, that I want her to be happy.

Am I supposed to be over there?

The light?


Tell Suzanne she shouldn't be afraid to work with kids again.

Someone does need her.

I love you.



I'll get the baby.


I got it.

Hi, I'm home! Where are you?

Whoa! Hey!

Hi. Are you home for the night?

Bobby is back at work tomorrow. So I do not have to be in till noon.

Hallelujah! I get my husband back.

No, no! No!

I'm cooking for you tonight, and you are not helping me in any way.

I'm backing away from the grocery bags.

You know, this was supposed to be a surprise, so shoo!


I said shoo.

All right. Just getting a beer.

Stop it.

You know, we never finished our conversation.

What conversation?

The baby conversation.

I thought we finished that conversation, at least for now.

What's wrong, Mel?

Nothing's wrong.

We always talk about having babies. It always makes you laugh.

I know you wanna wait. That's okay, but there's something else.

It's like you're scared by it.

Maybe I am.


Well, because I always thought the gift skipped a generation.

Now I'm not so sure.

You're afraid our baby might be able to...


Yes. I don't know. It's just...

It's hard to be different.

You know, it's a struggle, especially when you're a kid.

The ridicule, humiliation, loneliness.

Are you lonely?

Not any more, but look at what it did to the relationship between me and my mother.

I mean, she could hardly speak to me, sometimes barely even look at me.

What if I'm like that with our kids?

That's never gonna happen.

I know you.

And our kids, they'll know who they are, and they'll know it's okay.

And whatever they can do or can't do, they'll be loved.

How will you feel?

Me? I'll be happy to have a whole brood of baby ghostbusters.

Now I know you're a liar.

No. If they all turn out like you, I don't see the downside.

Bring it on.

When are you leaving?
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