01x22 - The One

Complete collection from season one to five. Aired: September 2005 to May 2010.*
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A newlywed with the ability to communicate with the earthbound spirits of the recently deceased overcomes skepticism and doubt to help send their important messages to the living and allow the dead to pass on to the other side.
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01x22 - The One

Post by bunniefuu »

You ok?

Don't worry about me, Jim. I'm good.

Woman: Kristen!


Where are you going?



Look, you have to listen to me.

It's not good for you to stay here.

We don't believe you.

We can't be dead.

Will you look around?

You have to understand what happened here.

I don't know what anything is anymore.

Do you see a light?

What if I do?

Then you have to get your passengers together and go into that light.

It's where you belong.

Not yet.

Not until we figure out what happened.

You ok?

I don't know.

I just want to find someone.

Just one person alive.

There's still time.

How's the new guy doing?

He's hanging in there.

A little green around the gills.

Is it me?

Maybe there's something wrong with me that I can do this without flinching.

Hey, there is nothing wrong with you.

You just know how to keep going.

That's what they need here.

Well, I better do that, huh?


Thanks, hon.

Check in with me later.

I love you.

Love you.

Woman: Kristen!




Where are we?

Can you help us? Can you see us?

Where are we? What happened?

Where are you going?

Have you seen kristen?

She's only 10.

I don't know kristen.

She's my daughter.

We have to be getting home.

My husband's waiting.

What's your name?

My name's lisa.

Have you seen her?

I'll look. I promise.

You don't look like the others.

Do you remember it being very cold?

Who are they?

Man: The flight, which originated in johannesburg, south africa, stopped reporting its position somewhere over the atlantic.

Several attempts were made to contact this flight which carried 248
passengers and crew.

They all failed.

As the plane approached the east coast, jet fighters were scrambled.

They reported all the cabin windows were frosted over.

The plane then went into a steep descent and went down...

[tv shuts off]



I still haven't heard from my brother.

He was in cape town, but, um... he said he might spend a couple of days in johannesburg.

When was he coming back?

He was supposed to be back last night.

Yeah, I really don't get the feeling that he was on that flight.

I mean, what are the chances?

I can't lose my brother, melinda.

I can't sleep.

I keep... just sitting on the couch and staring.


Yeah, andrea, I know that you're worried, but you might have to face something.

Excuse me. Melinda gordon?

That's me.

My name's matt mallinson.

I'm the investigator in charge with the national transportation safety board.

How can I help you?

Well, our records show that several calls were placed from this store to the f.a.a.

And local airports yesterday just before the crash.

L... I made some of those calls too.

Did you make some of those calls, miss gordon?

Warning about a plane in danger?


Well, the thing of it is, those calls were placed nearly a half hour before the media was notified, and we'd like to know where you got your information.

Uh... well, it was, um, it was a feeling really.



"There's a plane in the air.

"The pilot is dead. Maybe the crew.

No one is flying it."

That's pretty specific intuition, don't you think?

Look, I know this is probably bad timing, but I really need to know if my brother was on that plane, and maybe you have a passenger manifest.

His name is mitchell marino.

Yeah, has a passengers list been released yet?

No, not publicly.

The families are still being notified.

We'd like to know how you knew these things, miss gordon.

Was the pilot dead?

[Phone rings]

Yeah, it's mallinson.

Yeah, I can be there in about 10.

We're gonna have to schedule a formal interview, and you can... you can expect a call.

[Bell jingles]

Melinda: They have transcripts of the calls.

How did he leave it?

I'm supposed to go in for a formal statement, whatever that means.

Honey, this is the government.

They're not gonna be open-minded about this.

It's only gonna get worse if I tell them the truth.

Melinda, trust me.

Your truth is not gonna be their truth.

Jim, there's a woman looking for a little girl.

A 10-year-old.

I don't know what she looks like.

We haven't found any kids yet.

God, this is overwhelming.

I've never seen anything like this.

And just the scale.

I mean, all these lives... gone.

They all get through it.

We'll get through it.

I should go.

And you know, I get it now.


What you said before about rushing through life.

About not taking time for each other.

When this is over, that stops.

Yes, it does.


They're mine.

Miss gordon?

Volunteers are not authorized to go past the tape.

It won't happen again. I'm sorry. Can I go now?


Miss gordon, at what point did you become aware that there was an aircraft in distress?

It was more of a feeling I had.

Pilot: The valves. Mm-hmm.

Find the outflow valves.

You have to tell him.

Yeah, all I can say is it has something to do with valves.

Valves? Outflow valves.

Yeah, the outflow valves.

If you find them, you'll understand more.

And where did you get this information?

I'd rather not say.

I can't leave my ship.

You want to tell me what the hell's going on?

What you're doing with my wife?

Asking your wife a few questions, mr. Clancy.

That's funny, I don't remember telling you my name.

You didn't.

You can't hold her here like this.

No, you're right, I can't, but law enforcement can.

But they won't for now.

Miss gordon.

Don't cross that yellow tape again.

[No audible dialogue]

I saw them take my body away.

Yes. I'm sorry.

I'm just not ready.

I don't have anyone.

No husband, no kids.

I wanted to stay single so that I could travel, see everything there is to see.

Did you?

Not enough.

And now that's it?

I don't get another chance?

Not here, anyway.

I don't know why I'm dead.

I don't know what happened.

You have to cross over into the light.

You have to tell the passengers.

We're not crossing over.

He said we didn't have to.

He made promises.


The one with the hat. He came out of the woods.

What did he say?

He said to stay away from the light.

That there were things that we could do here for him.

He said we could stay forever if we wanted.

I'm staying, and so is everyone else.

I just need 15 minutes up there.

I won't disturb anything.

I need some answers, miss gordon.

How did you know about this flight, and who told you about the valves?

The pilot.

The pilot's dead. I know.

But last night he was standing in front of you, and he was trying to tell you to check the valves.

Told me instead.

Are you claiming to be a psychic?

No. Psychics see the future.

Well, what do you see?

The dead.

Are you registered?



I was registered at pottery barn when I got married.

That's about it.

Well... do you think you're gonna get any more information?

Is this a joke?

When I joke, I smile.


If you let me back on the crash site.

You got 15 minutes.

Thank you.

Reggie. I know you.

Hey, come on, lady. Miss, please.

Why are you here?

To wait for the others from the plane.

For what?

He wants us all together.

Who does?


They're mine.



They're making a mistake.

He told them they could be with their families.

Talk to them.

He told me I could see my little girl.

No, he's lying.

I've looked everywhere for her.

Is she dead?

I don't know.

I haven't seen a spirit of any children.

Am I dead?


But I didn't... I didn't feel anything.

Is that all it takes?

You can just die and not even feel it? Not even know it?

Sometimes. But there's a reason.

Well, what?

We can't know that here.

Well, it's not fair.

I know.

Maybe then it's good that I can't find her.

Maybe it means she's all right.

Where were you sitting on the plane?

We weren't on the plane.

What should we do when we get home?

I don't know. Play games.

Hang out with dad? Yeah.


What is that?


What about my husband?

He can't lose both of us.

He needs us.

I keep trying to let him know that I'm looking for her.

He can't hear you.

But he can hear you.

They can all hear you.

I know.

Where have you been?

Um, I went to mitch's apartment.

He wasn't there.

No one would talk to me about him.

Do you remember that fortune teller at the carnival?

She... she said something bad was gonna happen around mitch.

She said that he might get sick or something, but... what if this is what she meant?

I think it's too early to tell.

I've been trying to work up the courage to go in there, look at the passenger list.

Andrea... there's something I have to tell you.

You saw mitch?

Andrea... don't!

No. No.

But I'm not... no way.

It's not him.

Good evening.

My name is matthew mallinson.

I'm with the national transportation safety board.

I'll be giving you updates throughout the night.

While the search continues, I have to report that no survivors have been found as of yet.

[Audience sobbing]

Now, it is still technically a search and rescue operation, but I have to report that sometime in the next few hours it will become a search and recover operation, and i'll be giving you another update at that time.

Thank you.

And please let any of us know if you need anything.

Thank you.


I'm not involved in this.

Not in any official way.

I'm just someone who lives here.

Works here.

I just wanted to tell you all how sorry I am.

How sorry we all are here in grandview.

I also wanted to tell you, to make you understand if I can, that your loved ones, they feel you.

They know that you're here.

I've been to the crash site, and I felt their spirits there.

And I can feel them right now in this room.

I feel their sadness.

I feel their confusion.

But the biggest thing that I feel is their love.

For you.

And if there is anything that they would want you to know, it's that they know how much you love them.

That is so important for you to know.

It's the only thing that matters.

Do you need to see the manifest?

My wife's not on the manifest.

She wasn't on an airplane.

She was... they're mine.


You can't do this.

You can't trick those souls into staying here.

Since you feel so strongly about it, I will release all your precious souls and let you send them into the light, and in return... i'll take you.

Who the hell is this guy?

I've been noticing him for the last few months.

There's two of them. One who laughs and this one.

They're dead? Spirits, yeah.

Why didn't you tell me about this?

Tell you what?

I don't know who they are.

I just know they're bad news.

That's the understatement of the year.

This one guy wants you dead, right?

He wants my soul in return for theirs.

Why would my one soul be worth hundreds?

It's obvious.

He wants to stop you crossing people over.


And I've been having these dreams and seeing these signs, and they all say the same thing: "You're the one."

What if this is what that means?

No. No, it doesn't.

Well, what if I'm supposed to save these souls?

What if none of this is random and that's why I'm here?

Maybe this is what it's all been leading up to.

No, this is nuts! Listen to yourself.

It was 250 people, jim.

Do I really have the right to ignore that?

How about the thousands of people you can help the rest of your life?

Do you have the right to ignore them?

No. That's what this guy is afraid of.

That's what he wants to stop.

What about that?

We lost so much the last few days.

I know.

Too much. Too many.

But I'm not losing you.

Not now. Not ever.

Did you tell andrea?

I just can't.
[Car door opens, shuts]

It's the government guy.

This is the air outflow valve.

They found it about two hours ago.

Mean my job if anybody knew I brought this to you.

Then why did you?

Oh, you know why.

Ask him to turn it for me.

He wants you to turn it for him.

All right.

How's that?

[Pilot sighs]

It was my fault.

He thinks it's his fault.


I must have missed it.

I've done thousands of preflight checks, never a problem.

I did a check of the whole oxygen system, and a closed valve should have been obvious.

We were over the ocean at 35, 000 feet, and then all hell broke loose.

We lost cabin pressure.

When that happens, you have to get oxygen flowing immediately.

But with the valve closed, there was nothing flowing.

By the time I stood up, I started getting disoriented.

The whole crew was getting confused.

Please open the door!

I knew I had to check the outflow valve, but with no oxygen, I just went to sleep.

When I woke up, everyone around me was out cold.

With no air flow, everyone just went to sleep, and then they froze to death.

At that point, it was just a ghost flight.

It was my fault.

And that's all he knows.

And he's telling you that right now?

Does it make any sense?

Yeah, it does. It's called hypoxia.

At that altitude when the cabin loses pressure, you've only got about 20 seconds before your brain starts to shut down.

You get confused, and you can't function.

Do you want to ask him anything?

Wha... uh, no, no.

That's all for now. Thank you.

Pilot: I can't believe this.

Could I have just one more chance to do it again?

To check those valves by hand.

I wish you could.

I just can't believe it's all over.

My wife is sick.

I only took this run for the insurance, for the hours.

There are so many people who don't know that I love them.

They may know more than you think.

Right now you have to tell your passengers what happened.

Oh, I can't.

Why? It was my mistake.

It cost them their lives.

None of that matters right now.

We may not all know why we die, but everybody deserves to know how they died.

And you have to tell them so they can cross over.

Girl: Mommy.


That's enough, guys.

Sorry. Never mind.


Whoa, we got one. We got one!

She's in here.


We got somebody.

Come on.

I'm right here, honey. It's all right.

Hey, you're gonna be ok. it's ok, honey.

You got to go around the other side.

Move the body.

All right. Please.

We're gonna take the girl out this side.

Go, go, go, go!

Will, give me a board.

Yeah, man. Ok.

It's a little tight at first.

Easy. Easy.


All right.

All right.

Get her feet.

Will, you got the board?

Yeah, it's coming. Ok.

It's all right.

Yeah, you got 'em?

1, 2, 3.


Move her up. Move her up. No.

Man: Easy does it.

Please, you have to tell my husband.

There are things he needs to know.

What things?

They said she's stable.

Hardly a mark on her.

Woman, on p. A: Mrs. O'brien, telephone please.

They found my wife's body covering hers.

I saw you at the family center.

It helped what you said.

I'm glad, charlie.

You know things we don't.

I know your wife has a message for you.

And for kristen too.

I don't understand.

I've seen her.

At the crash site, she was looking for kristen.

She was there when they found her body, and she's with her right now.

What are you saying?

You have to listen to me, charlie.

She has some journals.

They're in the bedroom closet on the top shelf way in the back.

There's a lot of them.

She started writing them when she was kristen's age.

Everything that happened to her, everything she felt.

The last entry was the day before she and kristen left for their trip.

She wants you to give them to kristen one every year until she grows up.

And she wants you both to cry.

To let it out, and not hold anything back from each other.

You have to be kristen's rock now.

What if I can't?

She knows that you're afraid, but she believes that this is the way it's supposed to be.

She's counting on you.

She said good-bye to kristen.

She's gonna cross over now.

Tell her I can feel her.

She knows.

I better go.

Please, I want you to meet my daughter.

Hey, sweetie.

You feeling better?


This is melinda gordon.

Her husband found you.

And mom too? Yeah.

Your mom too.

I know my mom's gonna be all right.

How do you know that?

The same way I know you.


I saw you in my dream.

What was your dream?

I saw light.

Really bright.

And then this really nice man came to me.

I heard his voice in my head.

He said he was a guardian spirit and his job was to take care of children like me.

He had to send me back.

He said that it wasn't my time yet but I had to give a message to someone.


He showed me you.

Did he say anything else?

He told me to tell you that someone bad was here.

He said... he said that he has to be stopped by you.

He said that... you were the one.

Pilot: It was my fault!

Everything I've just told you happened because I forgot something very important in the preflight check.

I can tell you that you all just went to sleep.

There was no pain, no panic, no fear.

Melinda: I know that this is really hard for all of you.

You need peace now, and the best thing for you to do is just to go into the light.


I beg to differ.

You can all stay right here.

Yes, you can, but you shouldn't.

There's nothing here for you anymore.

That's a lie!

Your families are here.

Your friends.

Your homes.

No one knows what's on the other side.

Why take that chance?

You are all meant to move on.

That's why you died.

You died because the plane crashed.

The right thing to do is to cross over.

The right thing.

How many of you have done "the right thing?"


Your wife is dying, isn't she.

You didn't take this job because you needed the hours.

You took this job because you hated to see her sick, to see her suffer.

Because you just needed to get away.

Don't feel so bad.

I've done terrible things too.

Things you can't even imagine.

Just look around you.

What if the only things waiting for you on the other side of that light are judgment and punishment?

What's waiting there is peace and forgiveness.

Really? Have you been?

No, but I know it's true.

Wait a minute.


Wait a minute!

I've devoted my life to this.

My grandmother devoted her life to this.

I've crossed over hundreds of souls.

And, no, maybe, maybe I don't know what's behind the light, but I have seen the faces of the people that I've crossed over.

I've seen their eyes and their smiles.

I've seen them weep for joy.

I felt their peace.

You just have to have a little faith.

It's that simple.

You're not alone.

And all of this was meant to be, and the only thing that I know for sure is that there is love there.

Love like you have never known here, and you can't just turn away from that.

Do you see it?

Why can I see that?

I don't know.

Maybe there are so many souls that we're all meant to see it.

The people that you love are waiting for you over there, and they won't let anything bad happen to you.

Just please look and see it.





Hey, baby.


You all right?

I'm a little better.

I'm just... I'm so relieved that you didn't see mitch crossing over.

You know, maybe, maybe he's just stranded somewhere.

Andrea, there's... something that you have to know.

Something that I've been trying to find a way to tell you.

You did see mitch.

He's here.




I'm so sorry, mitch.


I was supposed to be on that plane, melinda.

I took a later flight, but we got diverted to boston.

So you got my message?

Not till this morning.

I rented a car and drove until I got here.

How'd it happen?

She was driving to your apartment in the city.

She tried so hard to reach you.

I guess her car got caught in the path of the plane.


Do you think she suffered?


No, I don't think so.

The whole drive here I kept reaching for the phone to call her.

I can't believe she's not up there.

Tell me this isn't true.

I'm so sorry.

I tried to tell you, but I didn't want to let you go.

I kept thinking it was a dream and I was gonna wake up.

This can't be happening.

I'm falling in love with a poet.

It's my brother's birthday.

She wanted you to have this for your birthday.

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