05x06 - Always Plan Ahead

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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05x06 - Always Plan Ahead

Post by bunniefuu »

(dramatic music)

- [Man] Robert Young,

and Jane Wyatt,

with Elinor Donahue, Billy Gray and Lauren Chapin,

in Father Knows Best.

(playful music)

- Mother, as long as you're ironing,

would you press this blouse for me?

- Well, I can't tonight, but tomorrow-

- Oh, but I have to have it tomorrow,

it's the only thing I have to wear.

I'd do it myself but I have to go to the

library to study forthat exam next Saturday.

- Hey, is little old papa home yet?

I need some typing done.

- He's still outseeing a client,

but don't wait for him to do it.

Saturday, you don'thave exams on Saturday?

- This is that special one I have to take

if I expect to go onto teaching,

a do or die one, so, will you?

- Well, alright, but why do you always

leave these things to the last minute.

If you'd just think ahead- - There's Ralph,

you're right, mother, but it's too

late to do anything elsenow, so be the dear,

sweet mother youare and help me.

I won't be late, bye!

(audience laughing)

- Boy, what an operator she is.

- You're just as bad, coming in here with that typing.

When is it due, tomorrow, I suppose?

- Yeah, but it'sall written out,

all dad's gotta do is copy it.

Well besides, I've got science to do tonight.

- Then go do it, don't waste time, go,

do your own work! - I do,

I like to leave a little for dad,

it gives him a feeling of importance.

- Well, let's just worryabout your importance.

Now, hurry, go, get to work!

(audience laughing)

- Oh, hi mom.- Hello, Angel.

How did your rehearsal go?

- Oh, pretty good, we'regetting our dance down

good but we're in trouble with our costumes.

- Oh, I thought Mrs. Phelps was making those for you?

- Well, she was but shehad relatives last week,

and well, I guess you'll have to help me finish it.

- Finish it, it isn't even started?

- Well, here's the pattern, that's sort of a start.

- Alright, how soon do you need this?

- Tomorrow. - Tomorrow?

Why, that's impossible,I can't do it.

- But I have to have it!

- Oh, dear, if you'd just let me

know these things ahead of time.

Well, let's see the pattern, as soon as I finish this

blouse I'll start it, but you have to help.

- Well, I should be learning that stuff

for the Girl Scout meeting on Saturday,

after all, I'm being installed as Senior Patrol Leader.

- Haven't you learned that yet, you've had two weeks?

I tell you, I'm gettingso fed up with this

last minute stuff I feel like I'm going to explode.

- Aw, gee, mommy, don't do that.

At least not til afteryou get my costume made.

(audience laughing)

(playful music)

- Well, who's this, Bertha the sewing machine girl?

- Well, that's who I feel like.

- Don't you realize it's :?

Does the hem stitcher'sunion allow this?

- Kathy does, I got so mad at her,

expecting me to make a costume tonight

for a school program tomorrow.

- Tomorrow, oh what doesshe expect, miracles?

- And this coming on top of Betty tossing

me a last minute pressing job, and Bud-

- Oh, why do they keep doing this,

why don't they plan ahead?

They show absolutely no resourcefulness.

- I talk and talk to them about this...

- Well, talk just goes in one hole in

their head and outanother, what they need

is an old fashioned- - Dad, dad?

- Well, how come you're not asleep?

- Well, I had towait up for you,

hey, how come you're so late?

Dad, have you got a minute to talk?

- Watch out, he wants some typing done.

(audience laughing)

- Oh, I'll be glad to talk to you son,

but if you expect me to do some last

minute job for you like typing,

you can forget it right now, understand?

(audience laughing)

- How many more hours?

- Hmm, oh, uh, just one more sentence.

I wouldn't have agreed to do this but he

needed the time to studyfor his science test.

- Of course he had plenty of time to do

this himself earlier in the week.

- Oh, sure he did, byGeorge, this is the end!

I'm gonna put a stop to this nonsense.

- And how do you propose to do that?

- I don't know, I mayhave to print it on the

head of a croquetmallet and pound it in.

(audience laughing)

Maybe a way to stop it would be to, my gosh,

his light's still on, poor kid's still studying.

- Awe, now tell him he must get some sleep.

- Look, old man, it's getting pretty late

so you better lay aside your book and-

is that the way you study?

(audience laughing)

- No, I already finished that, dad,

I was just reading aboutthis terrific state fair

they're having over at Winchester, boy, I wish we could go.

- Oh, you do, huh? - Yeah, look at the

great things they got, a foot parachute drop,

and Oscar the ElectronicBrain, ask him any

kind of question and he'll give you an answer.

- I can read it myself,and it I ever catch

you again lollying around at midnight reading

about state fairs whileI'm slaving for you,

I'm going to, to drop kick you all the way to Winchester.

(audience laughing)

By George, that does it.

- [Margaret] Well, what happened?

- I don't know exactly what I'm going to do

but I'm going to teach that boy, in fact,

all three of those lastminute Louies a lesson

they'll never forget, Oscar the Electronic Brain...

(audience laughing)

- No, Kip, I can't go skating with you this Saturday,

didn't I tell you, Igot an appointment with

the City Editor down atthe newspaper office.

Yeah, he's gonna give me a chance to write

a feature article for the newspaper, maybe.

- Who'll type them for you, not me!

- No, are you kidding, I wouldn't miss

out on this for anything, I've been

waiting for this opportunity for years.

You know the trouble with you, you haven't got any ambition.

- [Jim] Honey, I thinkI found a cure for this

last minute-itus, at least one that'll work on Bud.

- Well, I wish I could believe that.

- Well, listen, last night Bud said he was

dying to go to thestate far at Winchester,

so I'm gonna spring alast minute deal on him

and invite him to go tomorrow.

- But I thought you had to work tomorrow?

- Well, I do, I couldn't possibly go.

But the point is Bud can't either, so we can't go.

This is the last weekendof the fair, too.

Oh, the groaning you'll hear!

Hey, why didn't you letme know ahead of time...

(audience laughing)

- Feels like a dirty trick, andthat's exactly what we need!

- This calls for ruthless measures,

it's just too bad it won't work with

Betty and Kathy, too. - Well, wait, it will,

Betty can't go, she has that special teacher's exam.

- That's right. - And Kathy and I

have a Girl Scout meeting, oh,

she can't possibly missthat because they're

installing her for Senior Patrol Leader.

- Perfect, all the kids together,

we're gonna have a meeting!

(audience laughing)

And the purpose of this meeting is to

announce a big surpriseI have planned,

right after dinner, I want you all to go up

and pack your duds because early tomorrow morning,

we're gonna take off for two unforgettable

days at the state fair!

(children cheering)

- Oh, my gosh, I can't go. - You can't?

Oh, that's a shame.

(audience laughing)

- Oh, dear, I can't go either, I have that exam.

- And my Girl Scout meeting, I forgot all about that.

- You mean none of you can go?

(audience laughing)

- Oh, that is a shame, sounds like such a wonderful trip.

- Oh wait, maybe we can go next week.

- This is the last week of it.

- Awe, gee, I really do feel bad now.

- Dad, why didn't you let us know ahead of time?

- Yeah, so we could arrange things,

why did you wait 'til the last minute to tell us?

- Well, I...

I guess I just goofed.

- You sure did. - Oh, now I wouldn't

be too hard on your father, you have to

admit his heart was in the right place.

Things just didn't work out.

- Well, they could have.

- Yeah, darnit...

But I guess it's too late to do anything about it now.

I hope you have a good dinner tonight,

to help us drown our sorrows.

- [Margaret] I don'tknow how good it'll be,

I forgot to plan anything ahead.

(audience laughing)

- Why did you wait til the last minute?

Dad, why didn't you letus know ahead of time?

Why didn't you plan ahead?

That worked better thanI thought it would.

(audience laughing)

Well, I'll say, I doubt it we'll ever

have much more trouble with that problem.

- Oh, I hope not, I don't know if

I could've stood it for much longer.

- It's amazing howmuch more effective one

good object lesson isthan two dozen lectures.

- Hold it, don't sit down, you have to help with dinner.

Don't forget, this is one of those last minute affairs.

(audience laughing)

- I see there's one more lesson I'm

going to have to teach to this family,

a father's work is never done.

(audience laughing)

Okay, come and get it, where are the others?

- Oh, they're coming, Betty's on the phone.

Oh, daddy, guess what-

- Hey Dad, I talked to Mr. Lloyd,

he's the City Editor, and I suggested

that I show him what I can do by getting a feature

interview with Oscar the Electronic Brain at the fair.

- What? - Yeah, and he thought it

was a great idea, said to go right

ahead with it, so I can go tomorrow!

- Just a minute...

- Well, what about the others, Betty can't possibly go.

- Oh yes, Betty can.

(audience laughing)

I just talked to Professor Harton and he said I

could take the exam tonight instead of tomorrow.

- Oh, but that's ridiculous, they can't change the whole

schedule around just because you wanna go to the fair.

- He said it didn't matter,

he's gonna be in his office another couple

of hours so he said come out right away.

Bud, will you drive me out, please?

- Yeah, let's go. - Hold it!

What about Kathy, she can't...

Or I suppose you got out of your Scout meeting, too?

- No, I couldn'tget out of that.

- There, you see, now we can't go off and

leave poor little Kathyhere all by herself.

- Oh, you won't be leaving me,

I can go because our meeting's been postponed.

- Postponed?- Yeah, I called

Mrs. Madison, she's our leader,

and explained things, she said that we'd

have to postpone it anyway as long as her

assistant would be out of town.

- Who is her assistant?


(audience laughing)

- Is it okay if we takeMrs. Madison's daughter,

Gogie, with us?- To the fair?

- I thought inviting Gogie would cinch it

with Mrs. Madison, and it did.

- Come on, boy, I gotta rush, save some

dinner for me and wish me luck.

(audience laughing)

- Wait, Kathy, your dinner.

- Oh, I'm too excited to eat,

I'm going upstairs and start packing.

(audience laughing)

- Well, evidently we'regoing to the fair.

- But I can't go, how did they get

so resourceful all of a sudden?

You know, it's getting to a point where you

can't trust thoselittle monsters at all.

No, look honey, even if I could go,

which I can't, it woulddefeat the whole plan.

The idea was to point out, in painful terms,

the folly of leaving things until the last minute.

- Betty just phoned, she's through with her exam,

I'm gonna go pick her up, hey mom,

could you touch these up please,

I wanna wear them to the fair tomorrow.

- Oh, Bud!- Hold it, Bud!

- You better get acrossthe idea we're not

going before we get any deeper in this.

- Well, what can I tell them?

If I reveal I made up this trip,

they'll peg me for a big, fat fraud.

What I need is an out, a good legitimate

reason for calling the whole thing off.

(doorbell ringing)

Now what?

- Hello, Mr. Anderson, I'm Gogie.

(audience laughing)

- You're who?- Gogie Madison,

I'm gonna go to thefair with you tomorrow.

- Oh, yeah...

- Kathy called and said it would be

better if I stayed all night so you

wouldn't have to pick me up in the morning,

we could get an earlierstart, which I think

is a very feasible plan, don't you?

(audience laughing)

- Yeah, very feasible.

- My mother insisted I bring this silly umbrella,

but I don't think it'll rain, do you?

- No, but that's an idea I might work on.

(audience laughing)

- Here's some moneyfor my meals and hotel,

oh, and here, you'dbetter keep my spending

money 'til we get to the fair, I'd probably lose it.

Hi, Kathy!- Oh, hi, Gogie!

I thought I heard your voice, bring your things upstairs.

- Okay, it was awful nice of you to invite me.

I think the trip will beloads of fun, don't you?

- Oh yes, loads.

(dramatic music)

- Rain, hmm.

(playful music)

- Who was it?

- That was Gogie Madison, she's here already,

all set for the trip, in fact, here's her travel money.

- Oh, no. - Isn't there

a weather report on about now?

- [Margaret] Well, what do you want a weather report for?

- [Radio Man] Withwesternly winds in North

and North east- - Well, I'll admit

this is the coward's way out but I'm hoping

for a whopping big rainstorm tomorrow.

- [Radio Man] And for Springfield vicinity,

variable cloudinesswith possible scattered

showers tonight-- Hey!

- [Radio Man] But clearing by morning.

Planning a weekend outing, it looks as though

you'll have fine, sunny weather.

- A great help you are,fine, sunny weather.

- Well, just tell them you have to work.

They know that comes first.

- All finished, father, and I did much

better on it than laying awake all night

worrying about taking it tomorrow.

- Come on, Gertrude, nogabbing, we gotta pack!

- Warm some dinner for me, mother?

- Wait a minute, you two.

I wanna talk to you. - About what?

- About the trip, and the plain facts are we...

We're not going.- Not going?

- After I went to all that exam trouble?

- Why aren't we going?

- Because we have no hotelreservations, no place to stay.

- Father, you mean you didn't make

any arrangements for a hotel?

- My gosh, Dad, didn't you do any

planning for this trip at all?

- I couldn't make any reservations

until I was sure you could all go,

then when you told me you couldn't go-

- But then we told you we could go.

- Then it was too late,this being the last week

of the fair, those hotels were booked solid days ago.

- Well, naturally, didn't you think about that?

- A four year old child would realize you can't expect

to get reservations if you wait 'til the last minute.

- I know that.

- You've got to plan ahead, Dad.

- Alright, and I'm glad you finally realize that,

and I hope you never forget it, besides,

I have to work tomorrow.

- Have to work, on Saturday?

- Ah, dad, when did you think that one up?

- I didn't think it up, I knew it several days ago.

(audience laughing)

- You knew this several days ago

and still you invited us to go?

- Well, I, things, didn't...

Work out the way I planned, sorry.

(audience laughing)

- I guess you heard that.

Boy, I certainly trapped myself.

- At least they know we're not going.

- Yeah.- And they said

they learned the lesson,they have it down pat.

- Yes, but at the expense of my standing

as a halfway intelligentfather, and the worst

of it is I still have my hardest task ahead of me.

- [Margaret] Kathy?

- How am I gonna tellher, especially when she

has a little friend upthere all primed to go.

- Well, maybe you betterlet me handle this one.

- No, I got us into this mess, it's my job to get us out.

- Well, alright, but stop blaming yourself.

After all, you were just trying to put across a point,

and in spite ofcertain modern notions,

parents still have the right to

teach their children a few lessons.

- Yeah, you're right, I'll do it.


- Shall I take both my blue capris, and my-

(knocking at the door)

- Come in, oh, hi, daddy.

- My goodness, you're ready for bed already?

- Sure, we're gonna have to get up

awfully early to go, aren't we?

- Well, I wanna talk toyou about that, Kathy.

- I don't care howearly we have to get up,

I'm just happy we're going!

- Yes, Gogie still doesn't believe we're going.

She was just showing me how her father

plans a trip and then he, Gogie, do that for daddy.

- Oh, no. - Oh, please,

Gogie, it's funny, you sit here, daddy,

you'll just love this, go on, Gogie.

- Well, alright, where's my cigar?

- Kathy?- Shh!

(playful music)

(audience laughing)

- By George, kid's got a great idea,

gonna spend the whole summer in

a houseboat, yes sir, by George.

Oh, wonderful, daddy, when will we go?


Sure, I'll build the houseboat myself.

Store a little chow onboard, sitting all day with

a fishin' pole in paradise, yes sir!

When will we go, daddy?


When, August, no August too hot,

July is good, too many tourists.

September, no that's school.

Well, I'll work it out.

Two weeks later,daddy, have you started

to build the houseboat yet?

Eh, houseboat, where'd you everget a weird idea like that?

Oh, where these kids get their ideas, sure, by George!

(audience laughing)

Well, that's it.


- Isnt' she good, isn't that funny?

- Yes, very funny.

- Now you can see why I'm glad we're really going.

- Well, that's one thing about my daddy,

when he says we're goin', we go.

(audience laughing)

- Kathy, before you go to bed...

(audience laughing)

Check with your mother,she wants to tell you

something about the trip.

- Okay.

- He's so nice.

- Well, how'd they take it?

- Shh, I haven't told them yet.

Little Gogie slipped a noose around my neck.

Boy, if I didn't know better, I'd swear

the whole thing was acarefully planned trap.

My gosh, you don't suppose it was?

(little girls laughing)

(mysterious music)

- How could dad make the mistake of asking

us on this trip whenhe knew he had to work?

- He just said he had to work to cover up

for goofing on the hotel reservations.

You know, this isn't like him at all.

- It sure isn't, something's wrong.

- You know, I think he'sbeen working too hard.

He needs this trip more than we do and I wish he could go.

- Yeah, and me with him.

- Let's see now, ourmain problem's a hotel.

Oh, that's hopeless.

- Well, we can't sleep in the park.

- Thanks, Bud.

Wait, Jenny Olsen, my school friend,

the one who lives in Winchester,

she's not in school this semester

and she keeps writing me,

begging me to come and visit her.

I think I'll take her up on it!

- Well, what about the rest of us?

- Well, they have thisgreat big old farm house

and her brothers are all in the army-

I'd like to make a call to Winchester,

the William Olsen's residence, please.

- Maybe I could tell Kathy I just got a

wire from the home office so I have

to stay here and, no, that's not true,

I wouldn't want her making up stories like that.

- Dear, if you can't go, you can't go.

That's the only thing to tell her.

- Yes, I know, but it makes me out to be such a heel.

- No it doesn't!- Yes, it does.

What I need is a good, face saving, legitimate out.

If only that darn weather man had cooperated,

but no, fine, sunnyweather for the weekend.


- [Betty] Father? - [Jim] Come in.

- Good news, father, it's all settled.

- What's all settled?

- The trip, Jenny Olsen, oh mother,

you remember Jenny, well, she's invited us

all to stay at her place in Winchester.

- What?- Oh...

Well, not our whole family?

- And Gogie? - Sure!

Jenny and her folks just rattle

around alone in that big farm house,

they're tickled to death we're coming.

(audience laughing)

Now, it's all settled, father,

so stop worrying and enjoy yourself.

- [Bud] Hey, we better start packing

for real this time, come on, sis.

- Okay, we better leave early because

they're expecting us before noon.

- [Jim] But listen!

(door slamming)

(audience laughing)

Oh, what a spotthey've shoved me into.

Here they are showingall the resourcefulness

and fine qualities I wanted them to show

and I still have to tell them we can't go.

And if I tell them the truth,

that I just tricked them, then I'm a cheap fraud.

And if I don't, then I'mjust a stupid old man

who planned a trip he can't go on.

- Well, I'll say this, only a genius

could get in a spot like that.

Why, no ordinaryman could- wait.


(thunder clapping)

(audience laughing)

- What do you know!

- You're saved, dear! - Yeah!

- Daddy, mommy, it's raining, it's raining!

- Yes, we know, awe, it's too bad.

- Mom, dad, did you hear the thunder?

Our whole trip is ruined.

- And after all the trouble we went to.

- This is the worst day of my whole life.

(thunder clapping)

- Well, now, I know howdisappointed you are,

but after all, we can'tcontrol the weather.

We'll just have to make the best of it, won't we, dear?

- Well, just a minute, what kind of kids are you

that you let a little rain scare you off?

Well, I'll bet this'll all be over by the time we get there.

My prediction is these are scattered showers,

clearing by mid-morning.

(audience laughing)

- Are you sure, Dad?

- Well, of course I am,I wouldn't let you down.

I say we'll have fine, sunny weather for the weekend.

- Really?

(thunder clapping)

(audience laughing)

- Sure, get to bed so we can get

a real early start in the morning.

Hurry now, scoot!

- [Kathy] If daddy says we go, we go!

- Goodnight, children.

Well, what happened to you?

(audience laughing)

- I stood there, seeingtheir disappointment,

and there wasn't anything else I could do.

I suddenly loved every fiendish bone in their bodies.

- Well, what about your work?

- Oh, that won't go away, it'll still

be here waiting for me on Monday.

But, why do I do this work?

So we can live and enjoy life a little.

If we didn't take the time to enjoy it,

then what would be the use of the work?

- You're a good man, Hubert,

not always smart, but good.

(thunder clapping)

- Dad?

I heard the weather report on my radio.

- Yeah? - And he said almost

exactly the same thing you did, clearing by mid-morning.

Hey, you oughtta takeup weather forecasting,

dad, you're not bad, goodnight!

(audience laughing)

(audience clapping)

(mid-tempo band music)
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