01x06 - Still Cheering

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Still Standing". Aired: September 30, 2002 - March 8, 2006.*
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Bill and Judy Miller are a blue-collar Chicago couple trying to raise three children responsibly without sacrificing their youthfulness.
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01x06 - Still Cheering

Post by bunniefuu »

oh another exciting mapathon wish

someone to do the math on how many years

that took off my life you should be

proud you son just won you won well yeah

why'd you leap up and Cheer I was just

so happy it was over how do you honey

yeah good job son so what happens now

you go to the locker room and ice your

brain this is a beautiful trophy yeah

what is that it's the symbol for pie you

know pie is right yeah it's a delicious

dessert sometimes served olimar know

what a la mode is Brian you're hungry

aren't you bill and I could eat I'm

gonna be right back on I'm gonna go talk

to one of the judges I lost points on a

conclusion that I think I can defend all

right Judy be honest which of these

eggheads is Brian's real father of taste

bow tie I made him uses inhalers three

times that night let's get out of here

before people start to talk to us maybe

for once we should mingle with the other

parents they're no different than us hey

my tee shirts on backwards I'm second

thought maybe we should get going hey

mr. Miller coach Hollinger hey my dad

was your football coach when I was a

little kid boy they say old age creeps

up on you but it just hit you wanna hit

like a break remember you little teddy

Hollinger you were so cute I taught you

the F word maybe coats about it hey

listen uh what are you know like Brian

go out for the football team what the f

are you talking about baum in gym class

he's got quite a leg he could be a good

place kicker really the football team I

don't think Brian's a dead woman please

a smart man is talking so you want Brian

on the team I'm not saying he'd be first

string but we could use them on the

squad now you're talking about Brian and

Miller this kid right the one getting

beat up by a sister yeah let's tell him

to think it over

okay bill don't go crazy we don't even

know if Ryan wants to do it Judy I can't

hear you over the chorus of angels

singing in my hand stay calm great news

the judge gave me credit turns out my

polynomials were inverted well they're

about to drop son cuz you're playing




about time you guys got home it took me

forever to get Yuna to go to sleep I

know we've been circling the block

waiting for bedroom light to go out I'm

gonna go email my biology study group

into them and I want hey don't forget to

tell him about football I told you dad I

have to think about I know oh and hey I

love you son I know dad you told me six

times tonight get out of here you're

crazy kid before i make it seven haha

what the hell I love you I'm sorry honey

Lauren loves you too O'Brien your

brother's going out for the football

team cool after he gets flattened he can

be our new doormat he is not going to be

flattened we're not even sure he's

playing football what are you talking

about we could get hurt I never got hurt

when I play yeah well look at you you

got bigger bones in a sick candy coating

the kid needs exercise he's always

cooped up in his room study and it's

like we're raising veal no it's not a

people reveal you would have breaded and

fried it by now

I have some of the best years of my life

playing high school football I learned

things there that I still use today

things like sportsmanship teamwork

learning to respect your fellow player

did you get one of the guys drunk and

shave his head so three of us did it

that's teamwork all right this is a

chance for one of our kids to be an

athlete Lorin played soccer for four

years yeah yeah Tina rides a tricycle

real fast we're talking about football

my son on the field of glory just don't

want you to become when those crazy

fathers who push their kids into things

hey it's a father's duty to toughen up

his son when I was a kid my dad made me

fight a dog just for a bet I asked your

father about that he squares to never

happen oh yeah jasken how he got that

ping pong table Brian make his own

decision fine where are you going I'm

gonna make sure he gets all the facts

you know the pros and cons so we can

make an informed decision pros and cons

you promise scouts honor you are never

Scout scouts are losers and football

players rule

he's sports I know dad you love me do

son how come you never told me the coach

asks you to be on the team I figure

between mathletes junior achievement and

debate club it really didn't have the

time for football you know it's only

around the debate team yes I did no you

didn't yes I think oh you're good how I

I may not know about debate or

understand most of what you say but I do

care about you thanks dad some song song

song let me tell you a little story

about a secret land an enchanted place

where the golden boys where magical

jackets that land is high school and

that jacket is a varsity football jacket

if you wear that magical jacket it'll

open doors for you what kind of doors

well let's just say some of those doors

hook in front summoned back okay I'm

with you now but shouldn't girls like me

for who I am brains and a sense of humor

dad you heard the coach I'd only be

third training football I'm the star the

math team and that's great son but you

know how it's your masa farms there's

always those really hot girls cheering

you on dad there are new cheerleader Oh

finally doing the kind of math you can

actually use in life girl give it a shot

all right that's my boy okay come on hit

me hit me I'm the kicker dad take me

sorry I'm just a little excited now

you're sure this is your decision and

you made it all by yourself you'd be

willing to casually work that into a

conversation with your mother yeah I

guess good cuz I'm here to support you

and anything you do this is about what

you want son

I can't make us come to brians stupid

football game never tickets to a stupid

mass tournament I think it has brought

us to carry you sis oh you're also here

in case I dropped my keys under the

bleachers ah looks like Brian's been

talking to the coach for a long time

yeah he's showing them how to set a

digital watch yeah check out number 43

he is so cute 43 2481 they're all the

things you remember their number but

they never remember yours next thing you

know it's prom night you get dumped your

mascaras running and everybody's

laughing at you enjoy high school honey

excuse me this section is reserved for

football parents well then we fit right

in that's our boy down there number

three oh well nice to meet you I'm Frank

behringer the quarterbacks father my son

lets your son copy off and i need to buy

you a beer after game really sure plus

my wife made some pork sandwiches here

help yourself thank you don't need to

thank me you're part of the club now

your kids a football player they'll

butch up you're starting to cry



that's quite an off-track throws like

you can call us that's because he's 20

they'll price go down the field in the

cage exit point is number 12 let it have

it all and holding them all is number

three Ryan Miller looks like it's not

just about Bill anymore I'm trying to

give him some support we stood where the

place back tonight ooh play Saturday Oh

hold me off Michael moms get the pony

keg and playing poker okay you sound

like funnel Legolas ooh every time you

who i'm not going somewhere and I'm

sorry I didn't bite you but it's just

for the football moms it's not like you

invite me to everything you go to yes

I'd you really that's all you do hey hey

hey Carl I am late Carl help me pick up

some supplies on the way home Linda

Linda Linda man you're a sight for sore

eyes Oh your eyes are sore from the last

woman who pepper-sprayed you you know

tomorrow bill and I are going to lay

some sweet linoleum

their combined you might just catch me

with my shirt off you're so hot you're a

little creepy this is fine line see you

tomorrow don't worry you going thought I

scrap Brian and throw a football around

before dinner you might want to hold off

on that right why is he studying for an

exam he's studying with the cheerleader

what I said he's studying with the

cheerleader I heard you I just wanted to

hear it again you know I'm shocked you

are so sexist that was our daughter up

there with a boy you want me to check on

her wouldn't you Phil all I'm saying is

there shouldn't be a double standard for

Brian I want everything equal in this

house because I care about all my

children equally daddy it's just like

spider in my room good for you you have

a pet okay let's see if you got this see

oh you see hey I

what you guys do it cheering why well I

remember how you said you'd be

supportive of anything I wanted to do

well I want to quit football and become

a cheerleader oh really well that's

cheerleader huh Judy


hell are you okay you were right I never

should have gone up there I walked in on

Brian and that cheerleader you know what

they were doing cheering bill you

cheered the first time you made out with

me to how they were cheering rah-rah

jumping around brian wants to quit

football and become a cheerleader Wow

didn't see that one coming oh yeah

Kristen we offer for all and now he

wants to be a cheerleader well look on

the bright side you made my day change

their minds all the time we need to

support them cheerleading really

significant ok I'll see you a trap

remember it's hip step it's just a shame

smsing should may sh**t me sh**t a good

I know what you're gonna say but I tried

football and I didn't like it guys won't

picked on me I got news for you Brian

that might not stop when you start

carrying pom-poms don't the girls use

pom-poms the boys use remedy rags that

you're lending is everything you want

from me I'd be on a team getting

exercise making new friends and you said

it was my choice right right his choice

to be a cheerleader hoping on the squad

tryouts are in two days and if I make it

they're gonna use meeting again just

weekend great that great good for you

okay thanks mom so you're really okay

with this bed yeah whatever you want is

okay with me I'm sure you'd make a good

cheerleader you've always been very ND

thanks dad do the crazy oh and if I make

it guess what I still get a jacket it's

actually more of a sweat events but

there's a megaphone on I love you dad I

love you too

so where's that hot sister-in-law yours

what hot sister-in-law I have is one

that's shrill and needy so is she seeing

anybody yeah I think so don't worry

eventually he'll see her and it'll be

over rebound sweet i'm going to kitchen

and grab the tape sure hey Bill is it

your birthday no why there's a bunch of

cheerleaders in your backyard oh yeah

well I remember scare away the squirrels

okay I'll explain your son doing

cartwheels across the law well that's

really very simple God hates me Ryan

quit the football team now he wants to

be a cheerleader dude that's messed up

do you think it does a pretty good

cartwheel know as a girl sorry so messed

up hair goes Ryan that's gotta hurt hey

girls are open him up sweet hey it's my

ankle honey what happened hurt my ankle

into the trip and you're just twisting

it Judy could he get some ice I'm fine

sashayed where I should have swiveled

put a little scotch on it linking whole

thing is such a stupid idea I'm so glad

to hear you say that don't worry Brian

sometimes you have to try something like

cheerleading to realize just how stupid

it is I make having practice in our

backyard it's just too small sister so

did I all right whatever day look what

we need to do is let him cool down for a

while and when the time is right one of

us will go toss them now

forgot your eyes you know sometimes when

you hurt your ankle you release a

hormone thing that makes you hear things

wrong and I take college-level science

know sometimes when you take

college-level science you release a

hormone yeah you know what should have

been honest Brian I never really liked

the idea you being a cheerleader I

wanted you to play football I tried to

like football because I knew you loved

it I hated it I wasn't good at it the

only good thing was that it made you

happy but I'm not happy about mathletes

or debate club I just wanted us to have

something common me too when I guess

that's not gonna happen you know what we

have in common we both want to have

something in common is that funny

technically it's ironic son this is why

you need it football Ryan penis you

really want to be a cheerleader yes but

not exactly for the reasons I said maybe

we should get your mother no no no no no

in the football team score a touchdown

and all the guys Pat each others butts

Judy I mean is you're a cheerleader you

get to do that with all the girls and

you get to be right there when they're

jumping up and down and its really I

don't know how to explain it that you

don't have to explain it something to

tell me all this in the first place I

didn't think you'd understand oh this I

understand I don't even know if I'm good

enough to be a cheerleader son we're

gonna get you on that squad didn't have

anything um

okay let's try it again people in the

front let me hear you grunt that's not a

crime that's a groan now come on front

with me huh batter that's why was here

let's see the routine again people in

the front let me hear your g*n okay okay

that's not gonna get your butt slapped

by a cheerleader you kind of work it son

don't be afraid to let yourself go what

what got some pretty good news where'd

you learn all this son I'm about to tell

you something that can never be repeated

When I was your age for a very misguided

week I caught a little virus called

disco fever long story short the hustle

may be gone but the feet never forget

and you gave me crap just try to keep up

okay five six seven eight people in the

front let me hear you grunt the people

in the back Jose Veras I give people

people on the move


sure that things working oh yeah this is

gonna k*ll them here okay here's the

deal you get the tape when he's really

mean to you when I get it went wrong but

don't want with me sue swarek's I hear

people clap your hands people on the

ground move it all around a miller I

don't just your boy out there he's not

playing today did you get injured yes he

did get interest I am so sorry well you

shouldn't be it was his decision and I'm

proud of him right honey it could be

worse you could be on the map theme is

debating yep just pop uh-huh latin club

no in your bag hey that cute cheerleader

just met brian on the block




I would have

away cause you max me

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