01x08 - Still Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Still Standing". Aired: September 30, 2002 - March 8, 2006.*
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Bill and Judy Miller are a blue-collar Chicago couple trying to raise three children responsibly without sacrificing their youthfulness.
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01x08 - Still Family

Post by bunniefuu »

what's for dinner Sunday's lasagna ah

Sunday's lasagna I knew you'd come

crawling back one more day of lettuce

cries to make it this long ago in the

house you know Linda more men like

leftovers you might be able to find a

day so happens I sustaining a wonderful

guy for a couple of weeks now his name

is Doug he has two sons don't want to

get attached are you staying for dinner

tonight no nor making dinner for them

for the boys something healthy I find it

keeps their energy up you should really

try it with your kids yeah except I

don't want to keep their energy up

that's why I stuff them with cheese so

they're logi by eight minute mrs.

Hudson's here to take me to dance no mom

buy honey what about your dinner while

we're stepping for something on the way

back Oh sweetie fast food is so bad for

you you want me to bring you something

yeah you know what I like well kids will

always run out the door if you let them

that's what Doug says that's why we have

family night family night down the weeks

that I can I have a kids we have one

night together with no TV no friends

just our family you know mother to

mother you might want to put in the

effort nice that your new boyfriend has

kids but until your burping a baby and

he poops down your cleavage you're just

playing how sweet group that's Mike Ryan

dinnertime family time where are you

going I'm taking a preface s80 chess

online Ryan it's important camp dinner

with your mother and father are you guys

sick or something oh I just want to find

some precious time with my son I got am

I sick

honey this is half filled with peanut

butter did you eat it do you want dinner

you want to lay down do you must say no

I think your family just said it for me

we could have family night anytime we

want to we just so happen to be busy

tonight yeah well you know Doug says

we're only as busy if you want to be Oh

Judy says Duncan kiss our ass hey thanks

where you going much in this big TV

special duty commercials from Europe

down and have dinner with your wife but

I'm learning about different cultures

and what they look like naked down bill

what about to show how they sell butter

in France hey so how was your day fine

did you have a lot of customer service

nope look at instead of having a nice

conversation with your wife you'd rather

watch naked French people wallowing




no thanks ear lasagna and the time

magazine in the bathroom I now know

everything about the Middle East okay

what do you need to know cuz I'm gonna

forget it all in like 30 seconds when

you do nothing together as a family what

are you talking about we watch TV

together all night even there oh my god

I hate all those cookies by myself we

don't even eat dinner together and time

is flying by us Brian's already talking

about his SATs before you know what the

kids will be all moved out and then the

whole house becomes clothing optional

hell Judy we do lots of things together

as a family well we all went to your

aunt's funeral there is number one a

bummer that was we are having a family

night no TV no computer no outside

plants and you are gonna back me up no

TV don't we love each other enough to go

few hours without television depends

what's on well we are doing that okay

all right good night good night Phil you

don't want to have family not don't want

to have family night I'm still awake

bill no you're not


hey kids daddy's home hey honey both

look so sad honey Juanita has to rub my

seat told us about this stupid family

night idea hey this is something your

mother wants and it's important to be

keep her happy cuz if she leaves i don't

know where any of the money is so just

suck it up you'll excuse me I need to

spend some time with another family that

cost me a lot of money Chicago Bears

family night is tonight what no no not

tonight i got fifty bucks on this game

hey turn up that TV it's family night

thank you bill to your father's just as

excited about this as I am Billy only

muted it oh it's complicated remote I'm

gonna go get Tina and I'll set up the

board game this could be so much fun

okay no plan with the 10 we love it we

get through it fast and you can do what

you want and I can watch football dad

aren't you boss why don't you just go in

there and tell mom that you don't want

to do this I'm just kidding look at my

friend okay here we go i probably would

start with this game I know that was

confusing it takes forever you have to

fight is missing oh so we'll make do

somebody could be the watch battery

somebody could be the lighter somebody

could be the plastic

all fish is stupid stupid no

I'm on Lauren you sure you don't want a

quick game of Go Fish oh yeah sure let's

play go fish it is see this isn't this

nice or playing a game in the family

yeah it is hit you know let me help you

with your hand all right Tina has two

sixes when I got one here tues and jack

Oh juicy jack all right Cena wins well I

was fun i love you guys am I asking for

that much all I want is for us to be a

family the place together like this

family on the bottle that boy looks like

a do we the girl looks snorting the

mom's kind of hot hey that is our family

okay so we're not board game people but

I was thinking about it today and I

remember what my family used to love to

do make me wait in the porch till you

were ready oh we have ball put them

together I wouldn't know I was on the

porch so today while I'm at the store I

got us some puzzles a 500 piece wouldn't

start with and a 2000 piece or for when

we get good at it we're gonna get good

at it I have an idea let's play hide and

go seek I'll go hide at the mall ok I've

had it with this attitude i'm asking for

one night bill will you please back me

everything honey now look I know I've

made my share of jokes about this your

mother and I are together on this a

hundred percent I'm gonna have family

night once a week from now on I can see

your reflection in the window

oh you can look they'll forget it I

guess I'm the only one who cares about

this family spending time together oh no

no we want to do a puzzle the big one

the two thousand Peter and the corner hi

just working on the puzzle great white

kittens in the snow kind of sick bastard

comes up with this down are you been

went to the bar for the bears game had a

couple guys hit on me who won cute

blonde guy Judy sorry about tonight I

was acting like an idiot oh no I'm the

idiot we're not a family night kind of

family we're just a bunch of people who

live in the same house it's not Jimmy

fact to make it up to you we're gonna

get family and I'd another shot and I'm

gonna plan it you're not a planner yes I

am oh yeah remember when you plan

Brian's birthday party Oh birthday party

exactly like honey trust me i'm totally

on board with family night this time

tomorrow prepare to be wowed oh yeah

what are you gonna do I don't know but

I'll planet planet planetarium we're

gonna go to the planetarium not a bad

idea wait we're not just gonna lay in

the backyard while you play Pink Floyd

are we built well my anniversary

surprise no way


all right everyone get a move on we'll

leave it for the planetarium in 10

minutes what was that for for family

night well maybe after the night is

staring of the planets you and I can

come you're not gonna do a Uranus joke

are you I was gonna say have sex but

yours is funnier so you get the poster

board stairs to round up the kids Judy

you think they'll ever sent a probe to

Uranus Burton great for what can you

write to the bowling alley remember oh

no League tryouts are tonight I forgot

all about it promise to take my family

to the planetarium I'll be bored while

you're looking at a bunch of fish Anna

therrien program all right plan whatever

oh I know that's one less person I gotta

beat to get the last spot on the team

damn it I've been trying to get on that

team for months well you get in the car

I think mummy is calling just sign me up

i'll be there what you're kidding me

well that's terrible planetariums closed

pipe broke oh well there goes family

night see y'all next week hey your

office we are going somewhere ok anybody

have any ideas whew music sake bowling

nobody said bully sure I heard bowling

hey no whining next one family made good

idea bill that's what I was thinking is

hard well you still can Tina close your

eyes real tight and rub them with your

fists all right I think it's gonna be

like fun fun this is gonna be the best

family night ever I'm just gonna go get

me a ball don't hear plenty ballpark

here I know but last time I was here I

hit a really good one under the

cigarette machine I'll be right back all

right I'm here my up you're up or is

right behind me bring it up 3r just

where I like hi hey we're the Jensen Oh

worth of miller I'm sure that's Tommy

Cindy Austin and my husband big Tom

they're watching every family the place

next to us usually gets a pretty good

shellacking family the plays next south

usually gets food spilled on ok snacks

Oh kids daddies

who's your daddy huh both daddy's got

strikes should be interesting oh you're

just here for a family night we're not

really here to compete oh no but just

for the record we're ahead Jack you're a

freaking lunatic I'm looking pretty good

for the team just picked up so I guess

you better just oh the strange great

idea thanks buddy forehead do you go

ahead losing team goes first we're not

even playing you not very well I'll

become who you can I just Bowl oh what

oh they ran out of snacks that's the

bowling alley you're right that's crazy

i'll go check again

thank you consume a strike now daddy

here's where my frie can't come over

with your mind burrows are especially

your mind don't rush me Miller this is

my process you're in such a hurry you

why don't you go ahead thanks for

letting me go out of children so my boys

house food you're still cooking it I'll

grab it after this straight daddy's

minister oh let me help you with that

honey all right I say now let go the

ball that ball finally gets down there's

gonna knock over some pins when it does

daddy's gonna be real tau D hope I'm

sorry but your little girl cheated well

doesn't count frost over the foul okay

then I guess we lose this game we

haven't been playing you believe this

filth filth he's gone again what the

hell does he keep away maybe he's

fighting crime yes pardon me who are you

and why are you balling on my lane oh

I'm with the bowling alley yeah this

one's all fixed Jim didn't give you any

more problems

he caught here in five seconds I thought

he's out the man I've got tryouts for

tonight Judy I'm sorry didn't feel like

him I thought tonight was about being

together but clearly it was just about

you look I know what I did was stupid

and you're really mad and you have every

right to be but on a side note I full

six strikes in a row so if God's not mad

at me how can you be partner villars

your turn back off lady we're having a

family discussion um family excuse me oh

no come on kids put on your shoes we're

going this whole family night thing has

been a waste of time looks like the

Millers forfeit and the Jensens win

again the hell are these people yeah I

think they're playing against correction

we were playing again do your family

forfeit oh really well I say the Millers

don't forfeit I say the Millers forget

their difference isn't bowl with pride

against the Jensens now who's with me

it's a bunch of crickets there buddy

burn job well no but we burned you

because will actually burn you okay lady

you want to play let's play oh you're in

trouble now we may not be go fish people

and we may not be puzzle people but

you're about to find out that we are

bitter penny p yeah what's the deal

you're up and laugh or no I'm busy with

my family you don't ball right now

you're never gonna make the team I

already have a team thank you Bill all

right big Tom let's go I got a hundred

bucks that says the Millers wipe the

floor with you

64 and that's all I got give me your

address and we will drop by and give you

the rest we're good I can't believe we

lost to those idiots why can't you

believe it we stomp hey we might have

lost and we might have missed a spare to

Lauren the point is we've done together

as a family and that's memory below is

it and more importantly we shorted them

34 bucks in others now come on let's be

good sports as a matter of fact I'm just

go over there and congratulate Stefan

really yes I am while I'm doing it you

guys go out into the parking lot finding

geeky minivan plastered with honor roll

stickers and write Miller's rule and

ketchup and mustard best mommy in the

world who have a great family night you

know what the best part of family night

is we ditched the kids and get to make

out on the couch they do kind of get in

the way maybe she can't see us well I

broke up with me oh honey yeah you know

what he says now he says it's not me

it's him if it makes you feel any better

it really is you I me I don't want my

Cherie up let's do a puzzle like we used

to do with mom and dad can we drink

there's wine in the fridge thanks guys

hey yeah you know you're the only family

I need gonna be a really fun night will

do puzzles and watch movies it'll be

like your own little slumber party

we can Oh kitties in the snow I love

this one hey batter is how you fo n da

ground can kind of long stories I think

you like it we're listening honey you're

coming out of our party Lions guys are

we playing hide and seek


I wouldn't have it any other way


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