02x01 - Christmas Every Day!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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02x01 - Christmas Every Day!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ And no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

Fat twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

Wands and wings!

Floaty crowny things.


♪ Fairly oddparents

♪ Grinnin' on a pea pod

♪ Love my hot rod

Obtuse, rubber goose,

Green moose, guava juice,

Giant snake, birthday cake,

Large fries, chocolate shake!

♪ Oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

♪ It flips your lid when you are a kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents

Yeah, right.

[Bell rings]

♪ On the first day of christmas, my true love gave to me ♪

♪ A partridge in a pear tree

Newscaster: yes, with the partridge and pear tree shortage over,

It's christmastime again!

Good evening, dimmsdale.

It's christmas, and I'm chet ubetcha.

Yes, christmas...

Better than easter,

More loving than valentine's day,

And nowhere near as useless as arbor day.

Even the bitterest of enemies have put their differences aside

As everyone anxiously prepares for the arrival of santy claus.

I'm chet ubetcha, saying, I ho-ho-hope you have a merry christmas!


What's wrong, timmy?

Merry christmas, cosmo?

I bet he never had to spend christmas eve with vicky.

Hey, frosty the snow twerp!

Got some more fruitcakes for you to wrap.

Come on, sport. Cheer up.

I can't, wanda. Every christmas eve,

I'm stuck doing whatever vicky tells me to do.

I know. Remember last christmas,

When she sold you and your friends as ice sculptures?

Ooh-hoo-hoo! I'll take the chester and a.j. Ice sculptures.

Timmy will love these!

So cold!

I'm free!

So cold.

Man. Every christmas eve,

My parents are out shopping,

And I'm stuck here with vicky.

But it's worth it, because tomorrow's christmas--

The greatest day ever!


That's the last one.

Who are all these gifts for?


I just like making you work.

Merry christmas, timmy!

We're ho-ho-home!


Oh, I'm in the spirit!

[Sweaters playing we wish you a merry christmas]

Merry christmas, mr. And mrs. Turner.

Is it time for my christmas bonus?

Yep. This year, you get to leave early.

Mrs. Turner: bye, vicky.

Wow! A vicky snowman!

Vicky's gone!

Which means it's time to decorate the house.

All right! Tomorrow's christmas!

You don't have to work or shop or do anything

That would make you bring vicky back here, right?

No. All we have to do tomorrow is be with you,timmy.

And drink eggnog.

I mean, be with you, noggy.

Come on...

Come on...

It's christmas! It's christmas!

Merry christmas!

Egg...nog... Eggnog.

Merry christmas!


I mean, miney christmas, timmy.

Come on, come on! Let's go see what santa brought!


Whoa! It's amazing!

And I don't have to share any of this!

I love being an only child!



I love the smell of christmas in the morning.

Dive, dive, dive!

♪ Christmas day is here once more ♪

♪ Gifts and love and joy galore ♪

♪ A special day that wipes the floor ♪

♪ With the other

♪ I wish every day could be christmas ♪

♪ 'Cause santa brings gifts every year ♪

♪ He's reading my list, he's feeding the deer ♪

♪ He's hauling my gifts from the north pole to here ♪

♪ I wish every day could be christmas ♪

♪ 'Cause every other holiday reeks ♪

♪ New year's eve's for mom and dad ♪

♪ The easter bunny's eggs smell really bad ♪

♪ Valentine's day always makes me sad ♪

♪ 'Cause timmy just can't get a girlfriend ♪what?!

♪ We wish every day could be christmas ♪

♪ 'Cause nice fairies get their rewards ♪

♪ I got pudding, I got slacks ♪

♪ I got all my back hair waxed ♪

♪ Santa grants wishes while we relax ♪

♪ And timmy still can't get a girlfriend ♪stop that!

♪ There's just no other day like christmas ♪

♪ My family stays here, it's real cool ♪

♪ Just me, mom, and dad, I'm so very glad ♪

♪ There's no vicky, no vicky, no school ♪

And no vicky! Right!

♪ I wish every day could be christmas ♪

♪ Then I'd get the best gift of all ♪

♪ My parents stay home to say... ♪

♪ We love you, noggy


♪ Wouldn't christmas each day ♪

♪ Be the coolest of all

♪ I wish it were christmas

♪ How I wish it were christmas ♪

♪ I wish it were christmas

♪ Each day


Well, he said, "I wish."

I know.

I just wish he didn't.

[Rooster crows]

It's christmas!


Egg...nog... Eggnog.

Merry christmas... Again!

But, honey, you have to go to school,

And we have to go to work.

No, you don't.


♪ On the second day of christmas ♪

♪ My true love gave to me ♪

♪ Turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree ♪


The calendar's never lied to me yet.

See? Santa came again!

It's christmas... Again!


Cosmo, wanda, you did it!

It's christmas again!

Well, that was one big wish you made, sport.

But there's something we really should tell you.

I've never been happier!

So...what were you going to say?


Dive, dive, dive!

Mrs. Turner: we hope you enjoyed

Your second day of christmas, timmy.

These have been the best christmases ever!

Wouldn't it be great if we could be together like this all the time?

It sure would, timmy, but your mother and I have to work.

Eggnog doesn't buy itself, you know.

No, you don't!

If it kept being christmas,

I just don't know what we'd do.

We'd probably panic!

Well, good night.

It's christmas!

Again? Again?

It's christmas!

Again? Again?


Hey...this is a toy puddle.

Where's my toy ocean?

Well, you know, timmy,

I'm sure santa's doing the best he can.

He's never had to make toys for this many christmases before.

Well, honey, if we're going to have a fourth day of christmas,

I have to get more eggnog... And I'm good with that.

Oh, thanks, lockjaw.

All right! Nog!

♪ It's the th day of christmas ♪

♪ And my true love gave to me ♪


Uh, yeah. Ok.pants.

Wow! Christmases and counting.

I know! This is the best!


Ubetcha: this is the worst!

It's ho-ho-horrible!

As christmas enters its third week,

The world screams, "christmas is entering its third week!"

Because it's still christmas, the banks are still closed.

We want money!

To buy eggnog!

Ubetcha: stores are closed.

We want food!

And eggnog...

To buy!

Ubetcha: and the schools remain closed.

I'm good with this.

Ubetcha: everywhere, adults are doing all that they can

To prevent yet another visit from santa.

And the military forces across the globe

Remain on high alert.

[Sleigh bells jingling]

Deploy the decoy chimney!

Release the cookies and milk!

Everybody, pretend to be asleep!

I hope I get a football.

Mmm! Cookies!

What is the matter with you people?!

I'm just doing my job!

As the world falls apart at the seams,

People everywhere are asking,

"Who is responsible for this,

And how can we tear them limb from limb?"

Uh...are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Yeah. He's cute when he's angry.

That may be true, but I think the world

Has had enough christmas for one year.

I wish it wasn't christmas anymore.

Uh, we can't do that, timmy.

We don't have enough power.

What do you mean?

What's going on? Who are you guys?

I'm the easter bunny.

These are the other holidays,

And you are in a lot of trouble, kid.

I'm in trouble? What did I do?

Your stupid christmas-every-day wish

Means the rest of us holidays

Don't get to deliver joy to the kids of the world ever again.

Who are you brightly colored freaks?

I'm the easter bunny. That's baby new year.


It's gonna be a big year.

Cupid, from valentine's day.

Sometimes... Love hurts!

And please give it up for the comedy stylings of the april fool.

Pull my finger. I perish!

[Rim shot]

And that's halloweenie dog.


That's not the spirit of halloween!

All right, he's mydog.

I just hate to travel without him.

Yes, I do! Yes, I do!

What do you second-rate not-christmas holidays want with our timmy?

You'd better unwish that wish, or he's gonna get an egg

Where the sun don't shine.

You mean, the closet?

But there's nothing we can do!

We don't have enough magic left.


Oh, timmy,

There's something you didn't know when you made your wish.

Giving gifts to everyone in the world takes a lot of magic,

So every christmas eve, all us fairies in fairy world get together

And transfer most of our magic

To the one man on earth that needs it the most--

Santa claus!

Well, I don't care. It's "ho ho ho,"

Not "ho ho hoo."

Fix the sign.

Computer: you've got magic.


Ho...holy mackerel!

I'm jolly again!

When christmas is over, the magic comes back to us.

But now, because it's christmas every day, it won't.

We're practically powerless.

Because of this kid,

It's alwaysgonna be christmas.

Which means we don't get to share our holidays with the kids.

What's up with that?

I just wanted more toys

And to spend more time with my mom and dad.

And now everybody's so sick of christmas,

They even want to get rid of santa.

He's right! As long as santa's around,

This could happen again.

Right. All we need to do is banish santa

To the imaginary day of february ,

And get rid of him for good!

But to do that, we'll need a little magic...


And you two are a littlemagic.

I'll be here all week.

I'll be here all week.

Ok... Let's get hoppin'.

Santa's in trouble, and it's all my fault!

I've got to get to the north pole.

[Jack-in-the-box playing]

Oh, this is hopeless!

There's nothing here that will help me get to the north pole.

Mr. Turner: darn it! I've looked under this high-speed snowmobile,

Portable power generator, all this survival gear,

A detailed map from our house to the north pole

So simple that even a -year-old child could read,

And I can't find the eggnog anywhere!

This trip could be potentially dangerous,

Even life-threatening.


But in case I don't die, I'd better have a backup plan.

"Santa's in trouble, and I'm off to the north pole to help.

"If you see me, wish me luck,

"And...and help me!

"Don't just stand there and stare!

"Help me! Help me!

"Merry christmas again.

Timmy turner."

Timmy's log. Stardate: christmas.

Feels like I've been gone for weeks,

And at this speed, I'll be there in no time.

[Engine dying]

I'm out of gas!

Welcome to butte, the guest capital of montana.

Got your message on the internet, timmy turner.

I think it's mighty fine what you're doing for santa.

Merry christmas...

Or, as we say in montana,

You're standin' in cow manure!


Timmy's log. Stardate: christmas.

No food. So hungry.

Must eat logbook.


Are you the one they call timmy turner?

Uh, oui?

We got your message on the internet,

Even here in northern quebec.

We wish you luck in your mission.

Merci!you can keep the snails.

I made it all the way across the ocean to greenland,

And nothing bad happened.

Well, that's inconvenient.

Greenland-- it's not green, and there's no land.

What's up with that?

Just one country away

From getting rid of santa for good!

Yeah! And then we'll be able to create our own superholiday--

Hallneweasterweenentime day.

Hallneweasterweenentime day?

I didn't think you'd remember!

Hey! Who the heck is that?

Hi! Am I too late to get santa?

Who are you?i'm a holiday... Like you.

I'm, uh... Birthday boy?

Hop in!

I do the hoppin' around here.

All: no more toys for girls and boys!

No more toys for girls and boys!

Santa: these toys stink!

I'm running out of creative ideas!

Kris, you're working yourself to death.

I don't care, honey.

As long as it's christmas and I've got the magic,

I have to give the children what they've wished for.

Psst! Cosmo! Wanda!


No. Timmy has a pink hat.

That's birthday boy!

Listen. I've got to get to santa before they do,

But I'm gonna need help.

But we don't have any magic.

But you do have those.

Hey! These tires were flattened

With fairy godparent crowns.

Who could've done that? And where's your diaper?

This diaper may be stinky, but it sure is fast!

I'm traveling at the speed of smell!


Santa! We've got to get you out of here!

Who are you, and why do you smell like a dirty diaper?

I'm timmy turner. I'm the dope who wished

It would be christmas every day.

Well, son, wanting peace and joy

In the world each and every day

Is a wonderful sentiment.

And you're getting coal for the rest of your life!

You've got coal.

Fine! I don't care if I never get

Another decent present again!

You're both in a lot of danger, and...

Oh, no! They're here!

What are you lesser holidays doing here?

We want to stop christmas, and we're here for the magic.

Get him. Darn it-- mistletoe.

All: I like you as a friend. You're a good person.

You've jingled your last bell, bub.

Get him!

Wanda: hey! They're using us like sponges

To absorb the magic from santa.

Santa: I find...no joy...

In this!


He's weakening! What's up with that?

Not so jolly now, huh, kringle?

New year, hit me.

Oh, no!

Ha ha ha ha!

When this grade aa egg explodes,

It will blow you to february ,

Which does not exist.

Then christmas will never come again.

No! Leave him alone! It's not his fault!

I'll never let you hurt santa!

How are you gonna stop us, huh?

You're just one little kid.

Girl: no, he ain't!

He's just the kid who got here first.


Wow! It's every web-enabled kid in the world!

Kids: yeah!

[Kids shouting]

We can't fight kids! Can we?

No. We wanted santa gone...

So we could bring our own holiday-specific joy to children.

So they'd love us, too.

That's what's up with that.

But we dolove you guys.

All: really?

What's up with that? Hey!

Just, you know, not as much.

I mean, santa brings us toys,

And christmas brings our families together.

Birthday boy's got a point.

All I do is leave eggs that go bad if you don't find them.

And all I do is get kids to play horrible pranks on one another.

Yeah, but I make kids fall in love with each other.

Kids: eww!

Point taken.

We're sorry, santa. We were both stupid and jealous.

Kids: yay, santa!

Can you ever forgive us, santa?

I don't have time to forgive you.

Tomorrow's christmas again, and as long as it's still christmas,

I have to give the kids what they wished for.

That's it! That's how we fix this!

Do you know why it will be christmas again tomorrow?

Because we keep telling santa we want some toy or doll or some stupid thing,

And christmas day,

Santa grants our wishes, whatever they may be.

But if every kid in the world wished for it to be the day after christmas,

That's what santa would have to bring to us--

December !

Quick! Everyone write santa a letter!

Tell him you wish it were the day after christmas!

♪ I wished every day would be christmas ♪

♪ Jeepers, how foolish I was ♪

♪ It isn't a gift, it isn't a toy ♪

♪ It's the family and friends that I really enjoy ♪

♪ I wish that tomorrow weren't christmas ♪

♪ But I wish that the feeling would stay ♪

♪ 'Cause christmas can always be there in your heart ♪

♪ And never be locked in just one single day ♪

♪ It's great that tomorrow ain't christmas ♪

♪ In dimmsdale and london and rome ♪

♪ If I had just one wish

♪ I think it'd be this... ♪

♪ I really just want to go home now ♪

I really just wish I were home.

Mom! Dad! Wake up!

It's not christmas anymore!

It's not? It's not?

Yes, the endless christmas is finally over!

People across the globe are slowly returning

To their everyday lives.

And the bitterest of enemies

Gladly return to being the bitterest of enemies.

It's a miracle!it's a miracle!


What's that awful smell?

Hey, an egg fell out of timmy's noggin.



Wanda: and furthermore,

Under no circumstances

Is any fairy allowed to grant

An i-wish-it-was- christmas-every-day wish ever again.

Wow! They added a new rule.

You've really got to mess up big time to make that happen.

We're proud of you, timmy.

Thanks, guys.

Now all we have to do is make amends to santa

For making him work so hard.

How do we do that?

How many houses do we have to hit?

All of them!

Both: merry christmas, noggy!

Merry christmas to all,

And to all...

One per year!
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